View Full Version : Every encounter is a chance to learn

09-02-2015, 10:54 AM
I am grateful for the lessons in my life.

As children head back to school, I reflect on how much I am still learning. I look for lessons in my actions, reactions, and feelings. I turn within on challenging days. I listen to my inner wisdom and learn how I may handle a situation better next time. I give thanks for everything I learn—from finding a shortcut saving me time to discerning when to make my next big move.

Every encounter is a chance to learn. I see with eyes of curiosity, wondering what insight I may gain from each interaction. I release judgment and replace it with acceptance and gratitude. When I find patterns I want to change or reinforce, I open myself to Spirit’s guidance. God shows me the next right action. Lifelong learning leaves me fulfilled and at peace.
A scoffer seeks wisdom in vain, but knowledge is easy for one who understands.—Proverbs 14:6

Daily Word