09-01-2015, 09:57 AM
I am immersed in God’s comforting love.
In times of sadness or sorrow, I may turn to familiar sources of comfort: favorite foods, loving friends, or a gift for myself. While these offer temporary release from pain, for long-lasting comfort, I turn to God.
I settle in to the comforting love of God and quietly release my concerns. In the Silence, I return to the Truth—God’s desire for my life is always the highest and best.
I close my eyes, breathe deeply and slowly, and feel the presence of Spirit. My heart is filled with the warmth of God’s love. Any concerns I may have dissipate, and my faith is restored. I am immersed in the comfort of Spirit. I rest secure in the knowledge that I am valued, guided, and protected.
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever.—John 14:16
Daily Word
I am immersed in God’s comforting love.
In times of sadness or sorrow, I may turn to familiar sources of comfort: favorite foods, loving friends, or a gift for myself. While these offer temporary release from pain, for long-lasting comfort, I turn to God.
I settle in to the comforting love of God and quietly release my concerns. In the Silence, I return to the Truth—God’s desire for my life is always the highest and best.
I close my eyes, breathe deeply and slowly, and feel the presence of Spirit. My heart is filled with the warmth of God’s love. Any concerns I may have dissipate, and my faith is restored. I am immersed in the comfort of Spirit. I rest secure in the knowledge that I am valued, guided, and protected.
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever.—John 14:16
Daily Word