08-31-2015, 12:14 PM
A Shocking Reveal
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in His word I do hope.
Psalm 130:5
Recommended Reading
John 10:1-30 [ ]
In the chaos of everyday decisions and demands, it's easy to forget God is guiding us. The story of Esther reminds us that although we may not see the fruition and impact of His plans immediately, He is working on our behalf. Esther was an orphan, raised by her uncle, and became queen to a foreign king. When an evil plan to annihilate the Jews was announced, she had a choice: to believe that God had orchestrated her ascension to the throne to save the Jews or to hide her identity for the sake of self-preservation.
Listen to Today's Radio Message [ ]
Although we may never experience such a shocking a revelation, we are faced with the same choice. Will we trust God or trust ourselves? Jesus frequently referred to Himself as a shepherd, and a good shepherd does not leave his sheep to fend for themselves. A good shepherd protects and leads his sheep. Will you trust Him today?
God is completely sovereign. God is infinite in wisdom. God is perfect in love. God in His love always wills what is best for us. In His wisdom He always knows what is best, and in His sovereignty He has the power to bring it about.
Jerry Bridges
Ezekiel 23–24 [ ]
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in His word I do hope.
Psalm 130:5
Recommended Reading
John 10:1-30 [ ]
In the chaos of everyday decisions and demands, it's easy to forget God is guiding us. The story of Esther reminds us that although we may not see the fruition and impact of His plans immediately, He is working on our behalf. Esther was an orphan, raised by her uncle, and became queen to a foreign king. When an evil plan to annihilate the Jews was announced, she had a choice: to believe that God had orchestrated her ascension to the throne to save the Jews or to hide her identity for the sake of self-preservation.
Listen to Today's Radio Message [ ]
Although we may never experience such a shocking a revelation, we are faced with the same choice. Will we trust God or trust ourselves? Jesus frequently referred to Himself as a shepherd, and a good shepherd does not leave his sheep to fend for themselves. A good shepherd protects and leads his sheep. Will you trust Him today?
God is completely sovereign. God is infinite in wisdom. God is perfect in love. God in His love always wills what is best for us. In His wisdom He always knows what is best, and in His sovereignty He has the power to bring it about.
Jerry Bridges
Ezekiel 23–24 [ ]