View Full Version : Stay On The Path

08-21-2015, 10:01 AM
John 6:56-69
In Minnesota we have two seasons: winter and road construction. During road construction season, detours become a way of life. These detours take drivers off their normal familiar routes and it's easy to get lost or frustrated. If you've ever tried making up your own detour to save time, it's likely that you've ended up in a completely different place than you intended to go.

It may be jarring to read that many people heard Jesus preaching and decided to turn back and no longer follow him. However, the twelve disciples, led by Simon Peter, respond "Lord, to whom can we go?" Following Jesus doesn't guarantee our journey will be easy and the roads will be smooth. Through the love of Christ, however, getting to our destination is not something we do on our own. We confidently proclaim that Jesus has the words of eternal lifeā€”this is the way to go.

Loving God, lead us to follow your path and embolden us to help others see your way. Encourage us in times of frustration, anger or doubts to stay on the path. Amen.

John Klawiter

08-21-2015, 02:10 PM
I didn't know there was more than one state that the orange cone was their state tree.

That's what it is here.