View Full Version : Follow Me

08-21-2015, 10:12 AM
And you will feel secure, because there is hope; you will look around and take your rest in security.

--Job 11:18

I want you to think about Jesus’ words, “Follow Me” for a moment. They were written in Matthew 9:9 as an imperative…a command.

Jesus didn’t ask Matthew to follow Him if he felt like it. No. Jesus said, “Follow Me. Start today…and follow me for the rest of your life. Don’t ever stop following Me.”

But I want you to notice too that the words Follow Me actually mean “to walk along side the road with me.” Jesus, the great God of the universe, told Matthew…a social outcast…to walk with Him!

And you know what? Jesus says the same thing to you today! The great God of the universe is saying to you, “Follow Me.” Not “Walk way behind Me,” but “Walk with Me.” God wants to be your friend!

“But Pastor,” you say, “there are things in my past…things that God could never forgive me for. It’s too late for me.”

I’m here to tell you today that Jesus Christ is passing your way. And He’s calling your name and saying, “Follow Me”! This is a great deal! You can leave your sin and your past and walk into a brand new life and a brand new future with the Lord.

Take Jesus up on His offer to follow Him today! Your life will never be the same.

Follow Jesus Christ today and walk into a new life of joy, hope and peace.

Jack Graham