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08-01-2015, 08:58 AM
August 1
You know what to do
You are the world’s leading expert on you. So give yourself some good, appropriate advice, and follow that advice.
It’s great to be inspired by others, but you don’t have to have some guru telling you what to do. You know what’s best for you, and you’re perfectly capable of doing it.
Sure, it’s easy to seek the advice of others and then to complain when that advice doesn’t work. A much better strategy is to take full responsibility for your own decisions, and then to do whatever is necessary to do what you’ve decided to do.
You know what rings true and what doesn’t. You know what you’ve been through, and where you would like to go.
So make full use of all those things you know about yourself. Make full use of the passions and preferences, skills and wisdom that make you who you are.
Seek some good, solid advice from the expert, and then put that advice into practice. You know who you are, and what you must do, so jump up and get going.
— Ralph Marston
08-02-2015, 08:07 AM
August 2
Good impression
People remember what you do much more vividly than they remember what you say. If you seek credibility, seek to establish that credibility with your actions and not just your words.
Relationships are not built on mere pronouncements. Valuable relationships grow from shared experiences, reliability, consistency and truthfulness.
The way to be believed next time, is to do what you say you’ll do this time. The way to gain trust is to earn it by being always trustworthy in matters large and small.
The key to making a good impression is to live with authenticity, honesty, genuine compassion and generosity. People form their impressions not on how you appear, but on how well you treat them.
To make a good impression, be valuable, be useful and be original. Be truly interested and willing to make a difference.
The way to consistently look good is to be good, and honest and helpful. Love life and all who live it, put that love into action, and you’ll always make a great impression.
— Ralph Marston
08-03-2015, 09:47 AM
August 3
Commitment matters
Put your mind to it. And while you’re at it, put your fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes, mouth and heart into it.
If there’s something you wish to make happen, put your whole self into making it happen. And it is very likely to occur.
Yes, it will take a good bit or work and yes, there will be ups and downs, setbacks and disappointments. That’s precisely why you must commit the whole of yourself to the endeavor.
No, you can’t achieve the impossible, yet there are a whole lot of wonderful, possible things you absolutely can achieve. And all sorts of things that were once considered impossible have a way of becoming possible with enough effort and dedication.
Put your mind to it, and everything else. Put your passion, imagination, creativity, love and sweat into it.
Commitment matters, and you can feel its power course through every part of your being. Commitment matters, and with it you can change your world.
— Ralph Marston
08-04-2015, 07:35 AM
August 4
Extraordinary opportunity
Life is begging you to make it even better than it already is. In everything that happens are ideas, opportunities, possibilities and great value to be created.
What must you do to make the most of all that? Be open to it all, and an active participant in each moment.
Watch, listen and learn, but don’t just sit there and watch. Immediately act on what you discover, on the ideas and opportunities that appear in front of you.
Pay just a little more attention, with love and thankfulness for life as you see it. Then do something about the possibilities bursting forth into your awareness.
Treasure the beauty that has been, and the beauty that is. Put it all together in new ways as you give life to the beauty that is to be.
In every ordinary moment is extraordinary opportunity. Embrace it, give your energy to it, and create new richness as you journey through.
— Ralph Marston
08-05-2015, 08:41 AM
August 5
What purpose does it serve?
Before you spend your time on anything, before you devote your energy, ask yourself this. What positive purpose will it serve?
Your life is too precious to waste on negativity, on complaining and worrying, on resentment, on anger. Occasionally, those things can spur you to positive action, but most of the time they merely squander your time.
Be intentional about your thoughts, feelings and actions. Select the things that push the world forward, that lift your life, that bring fulfillment and joy.
Jump into those actions that you have a good, positive reason to do. Live your life in a way that resonates with your deepest values.
Stop yourself from reacting out of habit in ways that don’t do anyone any good. Look ahead to the consequences, and enable yourself to choose the best ones.
Every day is brimming with opportunities to live and act in the service of what’s important. Choose in each moment to serve a positive purpose, and transform those opportunities into a rich and rewarding life.
— Ralph Marston
08-06-2015, 08:16 AM
August 6
Perspectives of others
If you fail to consider the perspectives of others, you’re cheating yourself. True understanding brings great value to everyone involved.
You cannot know everything about how it feels to be someone else. However, you can make a great deal of progress in that direction.
Always remember that each other person you encounter has a whole different life history than you. Instead of making assumptions, ask questions and offer respectful explanations.
Good communication will often make the difference between success and failure. Good communication requires understanding and empathy.
You have a valuable perspective, but it’s certainly not the only one. Life’s richness comes from its diversity, and you can add real richness to your own life by acknowledging and embracing that diversity.
Seek to relate with people on their terms. The relationships you forge will be rewarding indeed.
— Ralph Marston
08-07-2015, 08:33 AM
August 7
Treasure whatever you have
It doesn’t matter whether you start with a lot or with a little. What matters is how diligently and purposefully you use it.
Whatever you have to work with is plenty with which to start. It is plenty, that is, when you choose to make full use of it.
Wishing that you could have it easier, won’t make it easier. Feeling resentful about whatever anyone else has to work with, won’t make your work any more effective.
The more fruitful choice is to be thankful for whatever you have. Your gratitude will shine a light on its true value, and open your mind to new ways for moving forward.
If you start with a lot of advantages and take them for granted, you’ll waste most of them. If you start with next to nothing, and yet truly treasure whatever you have, you can take yourself anywhere with it.
Life is dynamic, and responds very well to what you choose to do with it. So no matter what you have to work with, put all of yourself into the effort, and reap the rewards that your gratitude and diligence will surely bring.
— Ralph Marston
08-08-2015, 07:29 AM
August 8
Peacefully determined
Trying harder and harder won’t make you any more effective. Step back, take a breath, remember who you are, and allow good things to come through your efforts.
Pushing and shoving, even if it’s against your own fecklessness, is not the way to make progress. Let go of the worry and anxiety, and let yourself be your best.
The world continues to spin, the sun will rise again, and new possibilities are being born in every moment. Accept the unique value of where you are, and allow yourself to do something wonderful with it.
Raise your expectations, and don’t lose faith if those expectations are not met immediately. Choose to be inspired by the challenges, and you’ll position yourself to successfully work through them.
Instead of being frustrated or dismayed out of habit, be peacefully determined by intentional choice. Life is offering you opportunity in every turn of events, so graciously accept it and move forward with it.
Let go of the desperation, of the need to try so hard. And live with the confidence of knowing that you’re allowing your life to unfold in accordance with your authentic purpose.
— Ralph Marston
08-08-2015, 07:30 AM
August 9
Your precious life
Spend your time as if it is precious, because it is. Spend your time as if it can bring great value to your world, because it can.
Live this moment as if you will never be able to live it again, because you won’t. Seek to get as much as possible from the time you have right now, and you will.
The more you value and appreciate each moment, the more value each moment will bring you. The way to be truly thankful for the life you have and for everything in it, is to constantly make good and meaningful use of it all.
If you had a magnificent, sparkling diamond that was worth fifty million dollars, you’d likely be extremely careful with it. Your life on this day is much more precious than a mere diamond, so remind yourself to take great care and make the most of every moment.
Before you waste it on anger, resentment, spite or envy, think of how precious and irreplaceable your time is. Remind yourself that you have many better choices.
Your life is truly precious. And you can make it even more so by living each day with that in mind.
— Ralph Marston
08-10-2015, 07:29 AM
August 10
Let fear show you
Don’t let your fear stop you. Let it show you what you must do.
When you are taking on new challenges, the ones that stretch your abilities, you will feel fear. That’s good, and of great value.
Fear is certainly not anything to be avoided. It is something from which you can learn, something through which you can grow stronger.
Let your fear show you what is most important to you. Let your fear show you how you can build your courage.
Real progress is made by doing what is uncomfortable to you. Real progress is made by doing what you fear.
Accept, acknowledge, respect and appreciate your fears, and find new fulfillment in working through them. The dreams and aspirations that push you through your fears are the ones very much worth following.
— Ralph Marston
08-11-2015, 08:30 AM
August 11
Jump-start your enthusiasm
The way to get enthusiastic about doing anything is to get involved in doing it. You can’t just expect to magically become enthusiastic before you ever lift a finger.
It’s nearly impossible to talk yourself into doing what you must do, but don’t want to do. So stop talking, stop trying to convince yourself, and just start doing.
Spend the first fifteen minutes complaining about it and feeling sorry for yourself if you want. But while you’re complaining, be busy doing.
Once you’ve begun the effort, you’ll discover it’s not nearly as bad as you thought it would be. After you’re a few hours into it, you may even find yourself feeling a little bit of passion and enthusiasm.
You cannot create real enthusiasm just by thinking about it or wishing for it. You create enthusiasm by investing yourself in the effort.
So if there’s some necessary task you’ve been avoiding because it’s just not your thing, do it anyway. Jump-start your enthusiasm with a little effort, and feel the power as that enthusiasm continues to carry you through.
— Ralph Marston
08-12-2015, 08:02 AM
August 12
How great you have it
Remind yourself today how great you have it. Count your blessings, and take a few moments to dwell on their value.
Of course you have problems, challenges, limitations and all that. You also have opportunities, possibilities, resources, relationships, and life itself.
Shift your focus away from getting what you want, and point it toward appreciating what you have. Though you certainly don’t want to become complacent, allow yourself to enjoy a bit of satisfaction and gratitude.
Appreciate the goodness that surrounds you. Consider what good and valuable use you can now make of it.
Remind yourself how great you have it. Then see all the ways to act on your good fortune.
Even in the most difficult of times, it pays to remind yourself how great you have it. From just a little bit of goodness, when you truly appreciate it, you can build a whole lot more.
— Ralph Marston
08-13-2015, 08:31 AM
August 13
Things won’t get any better if you give up. You won’t get any better if you give up.
The successful way forward is to persist. Persist, and you can turn around the most difficult situation.
Persist, and you learn. Persist, and you become more skilled, better connected and vastly more effective.
Persist, and you will master the difficult, complicated tasks that now frustrate you. Persist, and you gain not only skill but also understanding.
Persistence is not always easy, yet it is always available to you. Persistence is not always pleasant or comfortable, yet it always makes you stronger.
Persist, and you will find the way to get where you most want to go. Persist, and nothing is out of your reach.
— Ralph Marston
08-14-2015, 07:49 AM
August 14
Keep negativity at bay
There is plenty of negativity in the world. Don’t add to it.
Just because unfortunate things are going on, is no reason to be pessimistic. In fact, it is a good reason to redouble your efforts in supporting, promoting and expanding new goodness in life.
You can be entirely realistic without having to buy in to the latest fashionable negativity. The future is yours to create, and you can choose to create a good and fulfilling one.
The only way a negative trend will lead to a negative outcome is if you let it continue. Fortunately, there are a whole lot of things you can do to create much more positive results.
The way to keep the negativity at bay is to keep your dreams and highest visions in front of you. Live in the service of what you know is right with life, and you won’t constantly be pulled down by whatever goes wrong.
Live at your highest level of effectiveness by living with a positive perspective. It’s always the smartest choice.
— Ralph Marston
08-15-2015, 07:55 AM
August 15
Bring good thoughts to life
If you think you’re feeling better, guess what? You’re feeling better.
Your mind is powerful. Just imagine how you can put that power to positive use in your life.
When you think of what makes you happy, it makes you happy. Think of how good it feels to love, to laugh, to give kindness and encouragement, and discover yourself doing more of those things.
Thinking, by itself, does not make it so. Fortunately, that’s where you come in.
Your thinking leads you to make it so. Your thinking reminds you how great life can be, and encourages you to fulfill those rich possibilities.
So go ahead and think beautiful, empowering, enjoyable and fulfilling thoughts. Then delight in the experience of bringing those good thoughts to life.
— Ralph Marston
08-15-2015, 08:14 AM
August 16
Challenge yourself
You know you can always make improvements, so challenge yourself to do it. Challenge yourself to make today more productive, more enjoyable and more fulfilling than any day yet.
Instead of just letting life throw random challenges at you, go ahead and provide yourself with truly meaningful challenges. As long as you’re going to be working through challenges, they might as well be the challenges that bring new value to your life.
Instead of running or hiding from the problems, challenge yourself to work through them. Instead of settling for less than the life you envision, challenge yourself to reach for your dreams.
Put some real, good, satisfying substance in your life. Challenge yourself to live the richness of your best possibilities.
Challenge yourself to get started early, to hit the ground running, and to be highly effective in your efforts. Challenge yourself to ignore the distractions and meaningless superficial noise, and to focus on real, fulfilling purpose.
Today is a magnificent opportunity to live, and to live richly. Challenge yourself to do whatever is necessary to make the very most of it.
— Ralph Marston
08-17-2015, 09:02 AM
August 17
Joy to be lived
Every day, every moment, everywhere, joy is there to be lived. In the small details and in the grand stretches of magnificence, joy is always present and available.
Life is deeper than you’ve ever experienced it, more profound than you’ll ever know. And what a wonderful thing it is, that its mystery never runs out.
The world is filled with hearts that want to resonate with your heart. Endless expanses of beauty are longing to stir your soul with awe.
Color, darkness, warmth, music and silence add to the cornucopia of experience you are privileged to know. Today, avail yourself of the treasure and spread if far and wide.
Morning dew glistens as you stroll through this garden of abundance. Fresh possibilities invite you to love all you have and add to it.
And as moonlight bathes you in peaceful glow, a new day is already beginning to arrive. Welcome it, welcome life, welcome the possibilities, and as you marvel at your good fortune, enjoy the privilege of earning it with the way you live your life.
— Ralph Marston
08-18-2015, 08:36 AM
August 18
Live the miracle
What if you could step back and see the full value that challenge has added to your life? You would seek it out endlessly.
Imagine that you could see the entirety of the connection between gratitude and life’s abundance. You would be eternally thankful for every little morsel of substance in your life.
Consider what it would feel like to know the full, positive impact of just one small, kind act. You would seize upon each opportunity to offer kindness, compassion and encouragement.
Think of all the good, decent, life-affirming acts people engage in every day. Though they are quiet, modest, and little noticed, there are billions upon billions of them, and their positive influence is incalculable.
Invest a few moments to consider all the goodness that surrounds you, and all the possibilities available to you. Remember that what you focus upon, is what you act upon.
To the east, a golden glow fills the sky and another miraculous day of life has begun. See the miracle, feel it, and live its richness in every experience.
— Ralph Marston
08-19-2015, 08:29 AM
August 19
This particular spot
There are worlds to be imagined. Let them captivate you.
There are discoveries to be made. Allow your curiosity to push you constantly into them.
Life is being newly born in every moment. Enjoy the experience of its freshness again and again.
Today is a gift you’ve never been given before. Explore, investigate, laugh, learn, love, build, renew, and live to the fullest the unique experience it offers.
You’ve never before been in this particular spot in space and time. Grab its wonder and dive into its possibilities.
You’ve traveled a long way to get here now. This is your chance to make the moment worth all the effort, and more.
— Ralph Marston
08-20-2015, 08:12 AM
August 20
Don’t ignore the obvious
Sometimes what you’re searching for does not really need to be searched for. It’s right in front of you.
Sometimes the best answer is the most obvious one. Often, when something seems too simple and obvious and unsophisticated, that’s because it is exactly the right approach.
It’s important to think carefully about whatever you do. Yet it’s just as important not to over think it to the point that you fail to take action.
A complex approach might seem shrewd. Yet a direct approach may be much more effective.
Your dreams deserve your best efforts, and it could just be that the most obvious effort is the best effort. The reason common sense is so common is because it has been proven, again and again, to work.
Look in all the out-of-the-way spots, look for the hidden meanings, but also look at what’s right in front of you. Just because it’s obvious doesn’t make it worthless.
— Ralph Marston
08-21-2015, 08:17 AM
August 21
Eventually, it will
You don’t have to get the desired result from every single effort. Even if just a small percentage of your efforts pay off, you can achieve spectacular success.
There’s no need to get dejected when you take an action and it fails to produce results. Just do it again, and again, until it does bring a positive, valuable outcome.
Often, the way to succeed is to fail enough times. The way to get it right is to get it wrong enough times.
Those who enjoy the most success are also those who have endured a lot of disappointing results. Even when you fall short of the goal, you’re closer to that goal than you were before.
Certainly there’s no reason to purposely seek out disappointing results. But there’s also no reason to let them get you down.
So go ahead, make the effort, even if you’re not sure whether it will produce results. Because eventually, it will.
— Ralph Marston
08-22-2015, 06:25 AM
August 22
What a beautiful thing
It is wonderful when you discover you don’t have to prove you’re right. It is exhilarating to know there’s no need to worry.
The deep, resounding peace that comes when you truly forgive, can make the world a whole different place. The joy of giving, when you have no other agenda, is incomparable.
Life can surely get difficult, complicated and wearisome. And yet, it can just as surely get better, much better.
In an instant you can realize you don’t have to strive. The goodness you seek is there, and has always been.
What a beautiful thing it is that you can offer encouragement and by so doing, be encouraged. You can offer a helping hand, and end up greatly helping yourself.
The world is filled today with more good possibilities than ever. How nice it always is to enjoy the experience of bringing them to life.
— Ralph Marston
08-22-2015, 06:25 AM
August 23
A giving heart
When you live with a giving heart you don’t have to participate in the world’s negativity. You can give your own goodness to any situation.
You can wake up each morning absolutely certain that it’s going to be a great day. You can know without a doubt that there will always be new opportunities to experience the joy of your generosity.
When you live with a giving heart you never have to be disappointed. There is always something you can do to experience true fulfillment.
When your concerns cease to be all about you, the possibilities for joy become infinite. Seek to truly give of yourself, and previous limitations fall quickly away.
With a giving heart your words and actions take on the power of truth and authenticity. With each new situation comes a new way to make a positive difference.
Let yourself live with a giving heart. See the world in a whole new light, and experience life and joy at the highest levels.
— Ralph Marston
08-24-2015, 08:42 AM
August 24
For the first time
See the world for the first time today, fresh and new and full of hope. Marvel at the power of your own living spirit, as if you’ve never encountered it before.
Open yourself to the miracle that is your own existence in this moment. Let the truth that springs from every reality sink warmly into your soul.
Wake from the slumber of your past and feel the crisp breeze of awareness, as it heightens your senses and stirs your curiosity. Drink in the wonder of now as it flows through every step you take.
Delight in uncovering new ways to love what you’ve always loved. Realize that it is all good, and that you can make it more so.
Time is your friend and is coming to you now. This is your chance to show each moment your appreciation by filling it with your own special beauty.
Life is all in this moment, and really is as new and fresh and inspiring as you think it is. See the world for the first time today, and give all the joy you’ve been so eager to give.
— Ralph Marston
08-25-2015, 08:27 AM
August 25
Feeling better
If you’re not feeling so good, you don’t have to feel bad about feeling bad. You have it in you to feel better.
It’s not your fault when unfortunate things have happened. It is your option, however, to see the positive possibilities going forward.
Your life is a lot of work and it’s completely understandable when some of what you work on doesn’t work out. Take it as an opportunity to reconnect with your dreams, and to feel better.
There are all kinds of things to be concerned about, and you are wise to be wary. Yet you’ve made it through a whole lot of challenges before, and grown stronger, so now you can allow the fears to softly subside.
There are many things that affect your feelings. The overriding factor is the way you choose to see life in this moment.
So give yourself a decided advantage, and choose to see more of the positive side. Feel better, because you can, and because it empowers you to live the life you desire.
— Ralph Marston
08-26-2015, 07:35 AM
August 26
Come back home
Come back to the place in your heart that feels like home. Come back to the state of being where you can be who you most love to be.
It is wonderful to see novel beauty, to live through new experiences, getting to know people you’ve never met before. Every so often, though, come back home.
Come back home where you can feel safe as you process it all. Come back home to your treasured values, your familiar surroundings, where you can make some sense out of what you’ve experienced and learned.
Give yourself space to celebrate, to appreciate, to enjoy what’s always been most important to you. Wherever you happen to be, whomever you may be with, you can give yourself the gift of spending some quality time at home.
Come back home, stay for a while, and strengthen your resolve to support and enable what you treasure most. Come back home, and remind yourself why you’re doing it all in the first place.
It’s exciting and empowering to travel far and wide. And it’s also good, on occasion, to come back home.
— Ralph Marston
08-27-2015, 09:36 AM
August 27
So much good you can do
Stop worrying about how difficult it will be. Start discovering how well you can handle it.
Don’t hesitate for another moment, because your hesitation works against you. Get up, get going, and get it done.
Rest for a while when you are weary. But don’t rest for so long that you lose all your momentum.
What will energize you is taking action. What will ease your weariness is doing something useful to make positive, meaningful progress.
There are plenty of excuses, and none of them will do you any good. Leave them all behind and feel the exhilaration as you take control of your own destiny.
Starting right now, there is so much good you can do. Get up, get moving in the direction of your dreams, and enjoy all the greatness you are meant to create.
— Ralph Marston
08-28-2015, 07:59 AM
August 28
Push life in a positive direction
When the bad stuff gets worse, you can get better. When hope is nowhere to be found, you can create a whole lot of it.
You don’t have to deny reality in order to be positive. You just have to be willing to change reality, and you can.
You can think, you can act, you can learn, you can adjust, you can dream, you can do, you can persist and you can help. There are a thousand ways for you to make a significant positive difference in the next month, and even more ways after that.
There’s more to greatness than just looking good as you sail through life. True greatness is built in times of adversity by refusing to accept the finality of that adversity and by working to turn life around.
The world could use a little true greatness from you right now. Use your intelligence, your love and your energy today to push life in a positive direction.
Push life in a positive direction, and keep pushing. This great experience of life is ready for you to make it even greater.
— Ralph Marston
08-29-2015, 08:43 AM
August 29
Give yourself a goal
A solid, tangible goal for this day will push you to achieve more than the goal itself. A goal will empower you in ways that go far beyond whatever you initially intend to do.
Even if your goal seems self-serving, in following that goal you create value that goes beyond yourself. Even if the goal seems frivolous, there are serious and consequential things it will accomplish.
Following a positive purpose, whatever it may be, engages the best of your skills. Taking on a challenge, any challenge, makes you stronger, more confident and more capable.
Pick a specific goal for this day and point yourself decisively in its direction. Choose a goal that means something to you, and make it happen.
The hours of this day will pass quickly, so decide right now what you’re going to do with that precious time. Through your efforts, you can grab the moments as they come, and exchange their fleeting value for something useful that endures.
Give yourself a goal for this day, and give yourself a chance to discover how much good you can do for your world. Give yourself a goal, and give life the best you have.
— Ralph Marston
08-29-2015, 08:45 AM
August 30
Just be
Relax your mind and calm your thoughts. Let go of the frustrations, anxieties, and judgments, and just be.
Just be, and feel the miracle of your own existence. Just be, and feel the spark of joy that’s deep within you.
Focus on that joy and allow it to grow ever more present in your awareness. Feel that joy and see it flowing out from you into all of life.
Let go of the need to struggle, and simply let yourself be. Let go of the urge to make things this way or that, and enjoy the beauty of the way things are.
There is certainly much you can do to make a positive difference in life. And you’ll do it far more effectively when you live and act with a peaceful spirit.
For this precious moment, just be, and feel the power of your own authentic purpose. Just be, and gain new energy with which to live and express that purpose.
— Ralph Marston
08-31-2015, 09:40 AM
August 31
Authentic enjoyment
Take a good, deep breath of fresh air and feel the possibilities as they surround you. Gaze lovingly and gratefully at the wonder and abundance that fills the universe.
Let it all in, and let yourself enjoy it all, really enjoy. Fill your awareness with an appreciation for all that is, and fill your heart with a desire to make new goodness from it all, and enjoy.
Enjoy the beauty, the challenges, the certainties and the mysteries. Enjoy the people, the ideas, the dilemmas, the places, the problems and the opportunities.
Authentic enjoyment gives you a reason to move forward, and the energy to do so. Enjoy life in this moment, and your enjoyment compels you to create even more ways to enjoy.
Enjoy, not to impress or persuade or to further some hidden agenda. Enjoy for the sheer richness of the experience.
Enjoy this day, this situation, this life and all it encompasses. Enjoy, and bring all of life more fully to life.
— Ralph Marston
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