View Full Version : There is nothing said or done that cannot be forgiven

07-11-2015, 10:43 AM
Listen to this carefully. There's nothing done or said that can't be forgiven. Mark 3:28 — The Message)

Did you get that? There is nothing said or done that cannot be forgiven. So why do so many of us go through life feeling like we’re not forgiven? Maybe we have not confessed our sins. Remember if we confess our sins He, God the Father, is just and faithful to forgive our sins. Maybe we have not forgiven ourselves. Yes, we must also forgive ourselves. I cannot tell you how many people I have encountered who have asked for forgiveness from God yet not asked and granted forgiveness from themselves for themselves. As a result they continue to walk around carring all this guilt and shame about their sin when there is no need to. What we need to do is move beyond our feelings of guilt and move into embracing the truth of God’s word. First, there is nothing done or said that cannot be forgiven. Nothing means nothing, so there is no point in making a list of questions about this sin or that sin. Nothing is nothing. Second, we are told if we confess our sins God is just and faithful and will forgive our sins. Confess your sin and then let it go. Third, we are to love ourselves. Is it showing love to ourselves if we refuse to forgive ourselves? Fourth, we are told that when we confess our sins that God separates them as far as the east is from the west and drops them into the sea of forgetfulness and remembers them no more. It is as if it never took place.

So confess it, forget it and move on. Any remembrance that may come is an attack from the enemy trying to discourage you and hold you down, keep you from living the life for which God created you to live, and to make you ineffective in the fight for the hearts and minds of those who need God. So dismiss those thoughts and move on.

You are loved and bought with a high price because you are so loved and valued. Embrace the truth of God’s word, there's nothing done or said that can't be forgiven and move on.

Live intentionally, purposely, free and with passion,

Pete Reinbold