View Full Version : The Twelve Steps -Step 9

09-01-2013, 11:56 AM
"He who hesitates is not only lost, but miles from the next exit." Anonymous

Interestingly enough, when the steps were first put together, they numbered only six: complete deflation; dependence and guidance from a Higher Power; moral inventory; confession; restitution; continued work with other alcoholics.

These were devised in the days when Alcoholics Anonymous was in its infancy and meetings were attended by only a few people in New York and Akron. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous had not yet been written, so their message of recovery was being carried only by word of mouth.

How fortunate we Anonymous groups are today that, when the book was finally written, the steps after much forethought were expanded to twelve. They now proved to be comprehensive enough to be applied to a wide variety of ills, disorders, compulsions and addictions. Countless people in other kinds of self-help programs have been able to avail themselves of a gold mine of assistance by following this formula.

As you can see, early on, the need for restitution was a prime factor in the AA recovery program. we have also found this to be true in the recovery process of every addictive disorder we have encountered. The catharsis in facing those to whom we have done harm is so powerful a healing factor, that we doubt very much if those who do not practice it can achieve total recovery.

I cherish the wisdom of the steps as they are written.

From:Step by Step