View Full Version : The Lord is with You

06-29-2015, 10:40 AM
Today’s Scripture
“...O favored one [endued with grace]! The Lord is with you!...”
(Luke 1:28, AMP)

The Lord is with You

You are favored today because the Lord is with you! God promises that He is no respecter of persons. If you are a believer in Jesus today, He is with you, and you are endued with His grace. That means you have God’s supernatural empowerment to do whatever you need to do today. You have God’s power at work, you have God’s power at home, you have God’s power in your relationships—you are empowered to accomplish everything you need to today.

Remember, you and God are a majority. Receive His grace and favor by thanking and praising Him. Declare that you are empowered by Him to walk in victory today and every day because He is with you!
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for Your grace and favor in my life. Thank You for choosing me and for being faithful. I receive Your promises right now. Give me a revelation of Your power at work in me in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Joel Osteen