06-19-2015, 11:09 AM
The Lost Boys Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! 1 John 3:1a Recommended Reading Luke 15:11-32 [ ] God's generosity toward us is highlighted in the parable of the Prodigal Son, which is really about two lost sons. One of them physically runs away from home and wastes his father's inheritance. The other son, although physically present, remains emotionally distant. He does not understand or accept his father's love. Instead, he is focused on earning the father's approval. Listen to Today's Radio Message [ ] Although it's easy to lose sight of God, He is waiting for us to return. God is not a reluctant Father; He created us and, like the father in the parable, stands ready to welcome us back into relationship. Just as a loving earthly father provides for, protects, and invests in his children, God does all this and more. He sustains our bodies and souls. He hears our prayers and delights in being intimately involved in our day-to-day lives. When we begin to grasp who He is and the relationship He longs to have with us, we find the peace, confidence, security, and meaning we are searching for. Our heavenly Father understands our disappointment, suffering, pain, fear, and doubt. He is always there to encourage our hearts and help us understand that He's sufficient for all of our needs. When I accepted this as an absolute truth in my life, I found that my worrying stopped. Charles Stanley Read-Thru-the-Bible Psalms 78-80 [ ]