View Full Version : Be open to God's presence

06-17-2015, 12:21 PM
2 Corinthians 6:1-13 (http://www.luthersem.edu/godpause/default.aspx#verses)

When I hear Paul's witness to the Corinthians: "See, now is the acceptable time; see, now is the day of salvation!" I can just hear Job responding, "Where was that word when I needed it?!"

Last summer my wife and I hiked the Pacific Crest Trail through Oregon. We were out on the trail for 38 days. Amazingly enough our cell phone provider offers 4G even in the middle of nowhere! So, we were able to keep a blog—and friends left us messages of encouragement. I remember climbing steep grades, checking the phone and thinking, "Gee, it sure would be nice to have somebody tell us how awesome we are right now!"

Because of God's grace for you in Christ, now is the day of your awesomeness. That's the gospel for today. With the winds, and the waves, and the reeling, and the staggering, sometimes comes the acceptable time when God moves among us with power. You don't have to understand it; just let it be. Just be open to God's presence.

Lord of sea and sky, may the heavens open this day and the waves die away. Now is the acceptable time. Let me be what you want me to be. I am ready. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Dave Brauer-Rieke