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09-01-2013, 08:29 AM
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Free yourself
The more you avoid doing what needs to be done, the more burdensome you make each moment. Those things you’ve put off until later can build up and drag you down with regret, worry and negativity.
Putting something off until later is certainly no way to free yourself from it. Instead, such procrastination and avoidance actually extends and expands whatever it is you desire to avoid.
One of the most liberating things you can do is to free yourself from the gnawing burden of a task you’ve been avoiding. And the way to achieve such freedom is simply by going ahead and doing what needs to be done.
Rather than continuing to worry about it, rather than putting your energy into making excuses and rationalizations, just go ahead and do whatever you’ve been putting off. The sooner you get it done, the better off you’ll be.
Just think how great you’re going to feel when it’s done. Imagine how great it will be to free your energy, your mind and your spirit from the burden of procrastination that has been hounding you.
Don’t worry for another minute about something you’ve been putting off. Go ahead, make the effort, and enjoy the immense freedom and satisfaction of already having it done.
— Ralph Marston
09-02-2013, 08:38 AM
Monday, September 2, 2013
Choose goodness
It’s just as realistic to envision success as it is to worry about failure. The difference is in the choice you make.
It’s just as possible for you to make the effort as it is for you to make up an excuse. The choice is up to you.
You always have the power to make a difference. Choose to use that power in positive, purposeful and life-enriching ways.
Time is always flowing to you, and energy is always flowing from you. Continually make the choice to transform all that time and all that energy into useful, meaningful value.
Instead of wasting your resources on worry, resentment and anxiety, direct them toward goodness and achievement. This amazing, miraculous life is yours, so live each moment in the service of your highest values.
Every day, the choice is yours to make. Choose goodness, success and fulfillment.
— Ralph Marston
09-03-2013, 08:20 AM
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Each step along the way
Achievement takes time. Expect to achieve, and work to achieve, but don’t fool yourself into thinking that it will be quick or easy.
What is built in an instant can be knocked down just as quickly. Real, lasting value is created by committed, sustained effort.
There are riches that patience and persistence will bring you, that you cannot experience any other way. Use each moment to move forward a little bit more, day after day, year after year, and truly magnificent things are possible.
The value of any undertaking is not just in the reward at the end. The real value is in the undertaking itself, and in the long, sustained experience of making a positive difference day after day.
Treasure each challenge you encounter, for that challenge gives you a pathway for moving forward. Appreciate, value, and put to higher and higher use the strengths and skills you develop as you move successfully through every challenge.
Get in the habit of enjoying each step along the way. And you’ll enable yourself to take some truly amazing journeys.
— Ralph Marston
09-04-2013, 08:36 AM
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Your time is limited, with only so many available hours in each day. Yet that can be a very good thing if you choose to see it as such.
It is precisely because your time is limited that you can motivate yourself to make the highest and best use of every moment. Instead of wishing in vain for more time, you can find countless ways to get more value from the time you have.
Anything of value becomes more precious and more highly appreciated when it is in short supply. And the more you appreciate it, the more value you’re able to create from it.
That’s why it is entirely realistic to start from where you are, with whatever you have, and successfully get to wherever you wish to go. Though your time and resources are limited, there is no limit to your resourcefulness.
So go ahead, dream big dreams, and envision your life exactly as you would most like it to be. No matter how much or how little you start with, you can certainly find a way to reach the most ambitious goal, as long as it is truly important to you.
For you have something even better than time, better than money, and better than any valuable resource you can imagine. You have life, and the resourcefulness to make good and meaningful use of it all.
— Ralph Marston
09-05-2013, 08:38 AM
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Present possibilities
Your past shortcomings have nothing to do with your present and future possibilities. This is a new day, and you can choose a new direction.
It doesn’t matter if you have disappointed yourself in the past. Now you have the opportunity to get it right.
You don’t have to base your expectations on what has already happened. Today you can expect the best and then work to make it happen.
There’s no use feeling angry or resentful or disappointed about the past. Make the choice to feel positively purposeful and enthusiastic about what you can do now.
Any negative momentum in your life will continue only if you let it. Don’t let it.
The most important part of your life is the part that begins right now. And you can make that part as beautiful and fulfilling as you now choose.
— Ralph Marston
09-06-2013, 07:36 AM
Friday, September 6, 2013
Be there fully
Wherever you are, be there fully. Give your care, attention and love to life as you live it.
You are where you are, doing what you’re doing. Instead of wishing for it to be otherwise, go ahead and make it great.
Embrace the moment, and use it to explore and express your own unique beauty. Embrace the moment, and you open yourself to its best possibilities.
Rather than making judgments about where you are, make progress with what you have. Sincerely seek opportunities to create new value, and you’ll find plenty of good and worthy things to do.
Remind yourself how truly fortunate you are to be experiencing life right here and right now. Know that the more you appreciate it the better it will be.
You are in this time and in this place, filled with great possibilities. So give yourself fully to living it with richness and purpose.
— Ralph Marston
09-07-2013, 09:27 AM
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Live those dreams
This is your life, so don’t compromise your dreams. Live those dreams.
There is no need to be dismayed or delayed by those who claim that your dreams are impossible. Decide for yourself what is possible, and then do everything in your power to make it happen.
Whatever you sincerely desire, you have the ability to bring to life. Your dreams are yours precisely because you’re the person who can make them real.
Be careful not to get caught up in doubts and excuses. Instead, get caught up in your authentic passion for living life the way you envision.
It is never easy to live with a strong sense of purpose. Yet the alternative, a life with no purpose, is even more undesirable.
Feel those dreams, touch those dreams, and live those dreams. They are far too important to ignore.
— Ralph Marston
09-08-2013, 08:39 AM
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Empowered now
You are just a moment away from the highest level of enthusiasm and effectiveness you’ve ever known. You are just a moment away from the most empowering positive attitude you’ve ever experienced.
You can choose your perspective, you can choose your outlook, and you can choose your attitude. The moment you make the choice, whatever you choose is yours.
It doesn’t matter what you’ve experienced or how you’ve felt for the last hour, or month, or year. In the next moment you can be feeling precisely the way you choose to feel.
What perspective would best serve you right now? What attitude would enable you to create the most value out of your current situation?
You are just a moment away from being the most highly motivated person you know. Choose now to be that person.
Your greatest success begins right now. Choose the positive, empowering perspective that will bring it to life.
— Ralph Marston
09-09-2013, 08:41 AM
Monday, September 9, 2013
When life seems difficult
When life seems difficult, it’s because you are comparing the way things are to how good you know they can be. That’s actually a good thing, because it connects you with your positive expectations.
Each time you encounter what feels like difficulty, remind yourself to also notice your positive expectations and possibilities. Let that feeling of difficulty lead to a feeling of empowerment.
You know, without a doubt, that things can be better. And knowing that, you are just one step away from beginning to make things better.
Yes, you could choose to become dismayed about the difficulties. Yet a much more powerful choice is to become excited about the positive possibilities.
The challenges and difficulties can give you something very valuable. They can give you specific ways to make a positive difference.
When life seems difficult, respond with gratitude and enthusiasm. Then get busy transforming those difficulties into positive, meaningful value.
— Ralph Marston
09-10-2013, 08:18 AM
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Live that way
Be the kind of person you would truly enjoy being with. Do the kinds of things you’d love to see in others.
The way to experience good and valuable things in this world is to first cultivate those good and valuable things within yourself. What you encounter in life depends on the way you are.
Genuinely friendly and helpful people meet a lot of other friendly, helpful people. Loving, caring, creative and generous people encounter many other loving, caring, creative and generous people.
When you’re the one to start the ball rolling, you can roll it in any direction you choose. Live your highest values, consistently and without compromise, and by your very example you’ll spread those good values far and wide.
Don’t waste your time complaining about someone else’s questionable behavior. Make the choice to overwhelm that negative behavior with your own sincerely positive behavior.
How would you live if you were sure that life would follow your lead? Live that way, and you will in fact be making life that way too.
— Ralph Marston
09-11-2013, 08:03 AM
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Habit of achievement
Old, destructive habits can feel very comfortable, at least for the moment. Over time, however, those negative habits can waste an enormous part of your life, or worse.
The good news is that you can build positive, empowering habits that will soon feel just as comfortable and familiar as the old negative ones. It takes effort and commitment, and a little discomfort, yet it is well worth all that.
Instead of habits that waste your time and burden your life, you can choose habits that push you steadily forward. Instead of slowly creating heartache and disappointment, you can be steadfastly creating success and achievement.
Time can be your enemy or your friend, depending on what you do with each little moment. Make the choice, and put forth the effort, to make each moment count for something positive and meaningful.
Choose a habit that brings you down and replace it with one that lifts you up. Make it your goal to make achievement your default mode.
Some of the most powerful things you do are the things you do by habit. So choose to direct all that power in a positive, life-enriching direction.
— Ralph Marston
09-12-2013, 08:42 AM
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Into action now
It only takes a minute to begin making a positive difference. So get up, get going and do it.
Don’t worry about how long it will take or whether you have enough time. Go ahead, get started and you can take it from there.
Merely wishing and wondering won’t get anything done. Stop wishing and start doing.
Even the most elaborate, credible excuse has very little value. Let go of the excuses, and let yourself take real, effective action.
Feel for yourself how good it is to make a difference. Enjoy the true richness that comes from giving life and commitment to your purpose.
Stop looking for ways to put it off and start discovering how well you can get it done. This is a great time and a great place to get into action now.
— Ralph Marston
09-13-2013, 08:24 AM
Friday, September 13, 2013
Dealing with the problems
The more you learn from your problems, the more effective you become at dealing with them. The more you learn from a problem, the less likely it is to trouble you again.
When a difficult problem comes along it can be easy to feel sorry for yourself. Yet pity, whether from yourself or others, is not what will help the situation.
What will help is a positive, informed response. What will help is effective action.
At first, go ahead and feel bad about the problem. Then make the choice to transform that intensely bad feeling into powerful positive energy.
Problems can get your attention and motivate you, so let them. Problems can teach you, so learn everything you can.
Choose to be positively motivated, to learn, and to respond with action. Be fully determined to move forward, and you will.
— Ralph Marston
09-14-2013, 07:21 AM
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Connected to purpose
You won’t get very far if you don’t know where you’re going. To have success, to have an impact, you must have a clear purpose.
You know you long to make a difference. So decide precisely what the difference will be.
Have a purpose, and make sure it is an authentic one. You absolutely will find a way to do what you truly care about doing.
Before you make the effort, make sure you know why. The more it means to you, the more effective you will be.
There is a reason why you want what you want. Discover, acknowledge and embrace that reason, that purpose.
Live this day, this month, this year, this life strongly connected to purpose. And you’ll connect yourself to all the elements of a life well lived.
— Ralph Marston
09-15-2013, 07:28 AM
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Positive start
Start each day the way you wish to live it. Take positive control of your thoughts, your actions, your feelings and your attitude before some random occurrence ends up imposing its perspective on you.
Be open to the surprises while also being decisive and focused about what you intend to do. Get a few nice accomplishments under your belt early on, and set an effective, empowering pace for the whole day.
Right away, find some new thing for which to be thankful. Your sincere gratitude will shine its light on the best of the day’s possibilities.
When you feel a worry coming, move quickly to transform it into creative action. If it seems that you’re beginning to be overwhelmed, focus intently on whatever is most important to you.
While the day is young, decide on some new way that you can make a meaningful difference for others. Then start taking the steps that will make it happen.
Give yourself some real power and effectiveness by beginning each day in a joyfully decisive and lovingly purposeful way. And life grows richer with each passing hour.
— Ralph Marston
09-16-2013, 08:01 AM
Monday, September 16, 2013
Living it
What if your difficulty is not as difficult as you imagine? What if it is in fact a blessing?
Instead of assuming the worst, give the power of your imagination to envisioning the best. The future has not happened, so right now you can make it anything you choose.
Imagine that there is life on the other side of your problem, and that it is more beautiful than life is now. Then imagine yourself working your way there.
Imagine that you are stronger, more capable, courageous, purposeful and filled with peace. Imagine what confidence feels like, and suddenly you have it.
Imagine your dreams in rich enough detail that you actually begin to live them. Imagine with so much faith that you make an unwavering commitment to bring what you imagine to life.
What you most vividly imagine, and assume without question, and expect with no doubt, you will in fact experience. Imagine the very best, and get busy living it.
— Ralph Marston
09-17-2013, 07:28 AM
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Give joy to life
The way to reliably experience joy is not to seek it. The way to reliably experience joy is to give it.
You have little control over whether or not joy comes to you. Yet you have complete control over the joy that comes from you.
Don’t try to guess in advance what situations may or may not bring joy your way. Instead, live with the assumption that joy is possible at any time, in any situation.
Don’t depend on success to bring you joy. Live with joy in every moment, and delight in the amazing, overwhelming success it brings into your life.
Whatever you do, you’ll do it better with a joyful heart. The reason joy feels so good is because it is so good and right for you.
Instantly make the world a better place by putting a genuine smile on your face. Give joy to life and get real richness in return.
— Ralph Marston
09-18-2013, 08:50 AM
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Free of painful regrets
Your biggest regrets are for opportunities missed. Today is an opportunity, so make sure you don’t miss it.
The way to avoid regret is to take action. Go beyond merely hoping, planning, or wishing, and do it.
Yes, your actions may sometimes bring disappointing results. Even so, you will be much better off knowing you made the attempt.
Instead of always wondering whether or not you could have, find out for sure that you can. Act, learn, adjust and act again, and eventually you will get the results you desire.
Regret for opportunities missed is a pain that is almost impossible to escape. So make the choice today not to create that pain in the first place.
Make full use of the opportunity that is right in front of you right now. And make yourself a life free of painful regrets.
— Ralph Marston
09-19-2013, 08:43 AM
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Allow the mystery
It is okay not to know. In fact, it is much better to admit you don’t know than to pretend you do.
Accept that you don’t know what will happen. Then embrace all that does happen as it unfolds.
Ignorance is an opportunity to learn, to experience, to see what is truly there rather than what you merely think is there. When you stop denying your ignorance you start allowing your enlightenment.
Authentic genius arises from sincere humility. Let go of the fantasy that you have all the answers and you’ll begin to actually find some.
In knowledge and wisdom there are many possibilities. In mystery there are infinitely more.
Allow the mystery, with confidence. And discover a whole new beautiful world.
— Ralph Marston
09-20-2013, 08:39 AM
Friday, September 20, 2013
Positive momentum
Even if you’re not sure exactly what you’ll do next, go ahead and do what you can do first. The way to establish positive momentum is to get started, and to proceed with determination and commitment.
When you’re in motion, momentum is a powerful positive force that can keep you moving forward. But if you’re doing nothing, the momentum of idleness will work against you and hold you back.
So by all means, using whatever it takes, get yourself going. Even a little bit of effort and forward progress can begin to change momentum in your favor.
Set a small goal and do the work to reach that goal. Then move immediately on to bigger things.
The process of achievement feels good, even though it may be difficult and challenging. Get yourself enjoying and looking forward to that good feeling of making a difference, and put the momentum of achievement on your side.
There is something good and meaningful you can achieve right now, once you choose to make it happen. Get going, get busy making a difference, and get the power of positive momentum pushing you forward.
— Ralph Marston
09-21-2013, 07:41 AM
Saturday, September 21, 2013
A truly great day
What makes the day great is not what it brings you. What makes the day great is what you choose to do with it.
What makes the moment memorable is not the situation. What makes the moment memorable is the way you handle the situation.
You can make any day a great day. And that most certainly includes this one.
Think back to the truly great days you have experienced. You’ll see that those were the days when you were living most authentically, and giving the best of yourself to life.
You can choose to do the same thing today and every day. There’s no need to wait for some special circumstance or condition.
Life is yours, right here and now, and you can make it great. Be yourself, give of yourself, and make for yourself a truly great day.
— Ralph Marston
09-22-2013, 07:14 AM
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Flowing abundance
If you expect to receive value without providing value in return, you will be painfully disappointed. Value, by its very nature, cannot flow only in one direction for very long at all.
If you focus only on what you want to acquire, you will experience continuing frustration. Focus instead on all the good and valuable things you have that you can give, and your eyes will be opened to the greatest possibilities.
Abundance is a dynamic thing that’s always in motion. Like an electric current, if abundance ceases to move, it ceases to be.
To experience value flowing into your life, then get value flowing out from you. Remind yourself often that it’s really as simple as that.
Circumstances will always work against you if you attempt to stop the flow of abundance by seeking to siphon it off just for yourself. Choose instead to support the flow, by giving the same portion of value that you wish to receive, and the abundance in your life will grow strong and vibrant.
There are opportunities in every moment to create real, unique and substantial value. Make the most of those opportunities, and watch the abundance flow.
— Ralph Marston
09-23-2013, 09:18 AM
Monday, September 23, 2013
Start moving
There’s a way forward. To find it, start moving.
To make some progress, you must make some effort. Get going, make the effort, persist at it, and the progress you seek will come.
If you’re concerned about making mistakes, your concerns are very well founded. But holding yourself back because you fear you’ll make a mistake is the biggest mistake of all.
The positive possibilities are out there. The way to discover them, and to make the most of them, is to get yourself out there too.
A positive change requires positive action. This is the moment you have, and this is the time to take that action.
Though it may feel very comfortable where you are, it can also feel great to get yourself in motion. Get moving, and get more of life’s best treasures coming your way.
— Ralph Marston
09-24-2013, 07:02 AM
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Do good
The way to feel good is to do good. The way to feel successful is to take the actions that bring about success.
You cannot truly feel what you do not truly live. Be honest and authentic with yourself, with others, and with life, because anything less is just cheating yourself.
Spend this day being a unique and enthusiastic expression of life’s goodness. See how much of a positive difference you can make, and experience what a genuine, positive feeling you get from doing so.
Seek to add richness to the lives of others and be delighted at how much richness it brings into your own life. Do something good and useful just because it is the right thing to do, and discover how right it feels.
Let go of the tiresome fight to gain advantage, and direct your energy toward appreciating and creating goodness. Move beyond the need to prove yourself and focus instead on improving all of life.
Give more and more of your own unique goodness to those around you, to the world, and to life. And feel the outstanding richness as it grows increasingly abundant for you.
— Ralph Marston
09-25-2013, 08:20 AM
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
In stride
Don’t be too hard on yourself. But don’t be too easy on yourself either.
Push yourself steadily and persistently toward meaningful success and achievement. But don’t beat yourself up when you happen to fall short.
Remember that most things are rarely as good as they seem or as bad as they seem. Take the ups and the downs in stride, without letting them throw you off track.
Act with confidence, but not with arrogance. Live with humility, but not with despair.
Live each day with the very best of expectations. And find positive value in even the most undesirable outcomes.
Keep your focus always on what’s genuinely important. Take a deep, calm breath, and know that by choosing to find real goodness, meaning and fulfillment, you will.
— Ralph Marston
09-26-2013, 08:34 AM
Thursday, September 26, 2013
What you can do with now
Even when the day gets off to a bad start you can still give it a good ending. Just because you have been unproductive doesn’t mean you have to stay that way.
Look back at the opportunities you’ve missed just long enough to give yourself a little inspiration. Then look ahead to the opportunities that you now can fulfill.
What’s important now is what you can do with now. This is the first moment of a more effective, more productive, more purposeful you.
The delays, setbacks and disappointments are over. It is now time to leave the excuses behind as you move persistently ahead.
Sit still for a moment and absorb the amazing energy of opportunity that is now yours. Then stand up and get busy making meaningful use of all that opportunity.
What you can do with now is whatever you choose. Choose the best, and find real joy in lifting your whole world higher.
— Ralph Marston
09-27-2013, 08:12 AM
Friday, September 27, 2013
Look ahead
You know that in the past you’ve compromised your highest values and fallen short of your best possibilities. Forgive yourself, learn from it all, and move forward.
Let go of any regrets and allow new, positive, creative thoughts to take their place. Though you may have done some foolish things, you now have the opportunity to do much better.
In fact, you have the opportunity to far surpass even the best things you’ve ever imagined. Look firmly and enthusiastically ahead, and see the great possibilities.
Feel the beautiful, authentic dreams that live inside of you. Open yourself to the powerful and amazing possibilities that are all around you.
Any previous shortcomings are no longer the issue. You are now beyond all that, and able to live each moment in a positive and purposeful way.
Whatever treasure you seek is already within reach, ready today for you to fulfill, to experience and to enjoy. Look ahead, then get busy bringing those treasures to life and living your dreams.
— Ralph Marston
09-28-2013, 09:08 AM
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Great power
You have great power, yet much of that power can easily be wasted on trivial, meaningless things. Imagine what would happen if you devoted more of your power to the truly important, meaningful things.
In the moments that fill each day, in your thoughts, words and actions, there is great power. When that power is purposeful and well focused, you can do amazing things with it.
Every little action you take changes the world in some way. Over the course of a day, a month or a lifetime, you end up taking a whole lot of actions.
Momentous achievements come from countless small acts all taken in the service of a specific purpose. That’s the power of purpose, and you most certainly have it whenever you choose to use it.
Don’t let the great power of your life be drained by what doesn’t matter. Make the choice to make intentional and meaningful use of that power.
In the life you live there is great, effective, world-changing power. Find your very own unique and beautiful way to put it to use.
— Ralph Marston
09-29-2013, 07:58 AM
Sunday, September 29, 2013
This is the day
If you’ve been waiting to start really living your life, today is the day to begin. As of this moment, your wait is over.
Sure, it would be nice if you could wait just a little bit longer, to get in better shape, to get a little more organized, or to save up some more money. The fact is, though, that things are never going to be perfect, so why not just go ahead and jump right now into the fullness of life?
You know all those things you’ve been telling yourself that someday you’ll get around to doing? That idealized someday is never really going to come, yet the good news is that today is just fine and is here for you right now.
Today is what you have to work with. Today is when you can actually give life to your dreams.
Today you can put those things you’ve been meaning to do into real, effective, fulfilling action. Today you will experience how good it is to go beyond merely planning, dreaming and intending, and to bring those beautiful plans to life.
Though it may seem very ordinary, this is the day you’ve been waiting to live. Breathe in the sweet air of limitless possibility, and make life as rich as you know it can be.
— Ralph Marston
09-30-2013, 08:44 AM
Monday, September 30, 2013
Set the direction
What you think of yourself has a major impact on what you do with your life. Think more positively about yourself and your world, and every area of your life will reflect it.
All day long, every day, your mind is active, with one thought after another. Instead of making those thoughts judgmental or despairing, choose to make them thankful, loving and accepting.
It’s really very easy to aim your thoughts in a positive direction. Just remind yourself to do it, and it’s done.
Think more highly of yourself, and you’ll soon find yourself living up to your improved self image. Expect the best in every situation and you’ll uncover new value wherever you look.
Just one simple, positive thought can turn your life in a more productive, effective and fulfilling direction. Imagine what a continuous flow of positive thoughts can do for your day.
What you think sets the direction for where you’ll go. Make the commitment to think the best, and enjoy reaping the rewards of a more positive, purposeful you.
— Ralph Marston
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