View Full Version : Topic of the Week, Words beginning with "V"

06-14-2015, 09:16 PM
V is for Validate. Validate yourself. Your God loves you, love yourself. Don't look outside of yourself for validation, go within.


06-17-2015, 09:15 PM
V is for Vow. We can vow never to pick up again, we can cross our heart and hope and pray, but if we don't follow thought with action, I have found it doesn't work. I can make a vow to myself but it doesn't have much power. I have found that if I go to my Higher Power and ask for help, I can keep that vow. I can't expect Him/Her to do it for me, and yet my Higher Power will give me the good orderly direction I need each day to keep that vow.


06-20-2015, 06:05 AM
V is for Vain. Vanity blocked the entry of spiritual things for many years. I don't want all the goodness in my life to be in vain, because I am too blind to see it and too vain to give thanks for all the blessing received from the true Source.


06-25-2015, 07:07 PM
V is for Vestal. Have pure, clean thoughts and let go of the old ways of thinking.

We have a thinking disease. We need to let go of those old ways of being, and become made new and reborn of the spirit.


07-11-2015, 04:03 AM
V is for Void. When we let go of our drug of choice, no matter what it is, it leaves a big void in our life. I had to fill up with spiritual things instead of substituting with other addictive substances. When I quit smoking, I went to NA and got key tags, worked my program and didn't use food. Instead of gaining 30 lbs. I lost 3 lbs.


08-18-2015, 02:11 PM
V is for Vision. The Native American's go on a Vision Quest. When I was a year sober, I realized I didn't know who God was to me. He had been an old tape, someone who others told me about. I went on a Spiritual Vision Quest at a year sober.

Have a vision, plan but don't plan the outcome. Your God may have a very different view of what it is you need and where He would have you be.

According to Jamie Sams:

A Vision Quest speaks of a time of new direction or strengthening of the present path based on personal truth Some times to find this truth it is necessary to Enter the Silence and remove personal confusion.

Remember in seeking you are asking for answers; be willing to accept and recognize the truth when it comes to you. Recognition and acceptance always precede inner-knowing.
