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06-09-2015, 11:14 AM
The Beautiful Truth

The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy and loving- kindness. Psalm 103:8

The promise that God is not mad at us is the most freeing truth we will ever find. God knows that we will sin, but He provided the forgiveness of our sins in Jesus. The beautiful truth is that when we no longer focus on our sin, we find that we do it less and less. As we focus on God’s goodness, we become more and more like Jesus.

God, through Christ, has totally taken care of the problem of sin—that’s something to be thankful for! God urges us not to sin, but He knew we would due to the weakness of our flesh, so He took care of the problem by sending His Son as the sacrifice for our sins.

Jesus paid for everything that we have done and ever will do wrong, and He opened up a new way for us to live and serve God. Not in fear or guilt, but in freedom, love, and intimacy. Receive God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness today and be thankful for it!

Prayer of Thanks Father, I am so grateful that You are not mad at me. I am thankful that You still love me even when I sin. And thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus, making it possible for me to be in relationship with You today.

From the book The Power of Being Thankful by Joyce Meyer.