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06-09-2015, 11:10 AM
The Mind of Christ

1 Corinthians 2:12-16 (http://www.intouch.org/read/magazine/daily-devotions#)

The best life you could possibly live is the one your Creator has designed for you. He has given believers everything they need to become more like Him and to achieve all He has planned for them. Since the way we think is vitally important in this process, the Lord has given us the mind of Christ. Now we have the capacity to think as He does and to see situations from His perspective.

This marvelous ability to align our thoughts with His is a gift that we receive from God at the moment of salvation. However, the practice of it is our responsibility. We all come to Christ with minds that are already “pre-programmed” to one degree or another. For example, a child who grows up hearing demeaning comments will probably incorporate them into his concept of who he is and what he can accomplish. Also, this world’s system is constantly attempting to fit us into its mold, and Satan tries to inject his lies into our thinking.

If we are to experience the abundant life the Lord wants us to have, old thoughts that do not agree with God’s Word must be replaced with truth. Then we need to screen the ideas that bombard us each day. As we cooperate with God in this ongoing process, our lives will be transformed.

Compare your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs with biblical teachings. If they don’t match, reject wrong patterns of thinking, and fill your mind with corresponding truths from Scripture instead. Since the Lord has empowered believers to think right, let’s cultivate the mind of Christ within us.
