06-08-2015, 11:05 AM
Blessed is the man who does not sit in the seat of mockers
Blessed is the man who does not sit in the seat of mockers. Psalm 1:1
Different translations use different words for mockers such as, scoffers, scornful, pestilence, scorners, etc. We have an idea who a mocker is however, it doesn't hurt to start with the dictionary; does it?
Who is a mocker?
Webster's online dictionary defines a mocker as, a person who causes repeated emotional pain, distress, or annoyance to another.
Another gives this detailed explanation for the term 'mock':
* To treat with ridicule or contempt; deride.
* To mimic, as in sport or derision. See Synonyms at ridicule.
* To imitate; counterfeit.
* To frustrate the hopes of; disappoint.
Now, the scary part is, some of us might be mockers according to these definitions. Let us search our hearts this morning thoroughly. If we analyze deeper we can't deny some trace of mockery in the hidden corners of our heart, whether intentional or not.
Have we treated others with ridicule or contempt? Have we mimicked others? Have we imitated or counterfeited someone? Do we frustrate the hopes of someone? Do we cause repeated emotional pain, distress or annoyance to another - may be our parents, our spouse, how about God?
Clearly we need to repent of it this morning. Shall we bow our heads and pray this simple prayer?
Our Father in heaven!
Thank you for the conviction the Holy Spirit has revealed to us this morning, that we need to repent of our mocking. We are very sorry for having mocked others, Lord. We are sorry for causing repeated emotional pain, disappointment, distress and annoyance to our spouses, parents, siblings, children, neighbors, friends and coworkers, Lord. We are sorry for our hurting,mocking words, Lord. We did not realize it was sin Lord.
But today we have been exposed at this coffee table Lord. We are convicted of our sin Lord. Please forgive us Lord. Please wash us once again Lord. Please help us stay away from mocking any more Lord. With your help we can do it Lord, only with your help Lord. Thank you Lord, for dying on the cross to forgive our sins Lord. Thank you Lord for proclaiming us as forgiven this very minute Lord. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Savior. Thank you for your forgiveness Lord.
Bless us Lord. Use each one of us joined here, for your glory Lord. We love you and praise you and glorify your name Lord. Your name be magnified Lord. We thank you and praise you from the very bottom of our hearts Lord.
In our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's most precious name we pray, amen.
Coffee with Jesus
Blessed is the man who does not sit in the seat of mockers. Psalm 1:1
Different translations use different words for mockers such as, scoffers, scornful, pestilence, scorners, etc. We have an idea who a mocker is however, it doesn't hurt to start with the dictionary; does it?
Who is a mocker?
Webster's online dictionary defines a mocker as, a person who causes repeated emotional pain, distress, or annoyance to another.
Another gives this detailed explanation for the term 'mock':
* To treat with ridicule or contempt; deride.
* To mimic, as in sport or derision. See Synonyms at ridicule.
* To imitate; counterfeit.
* To frustrate the hopes of; disappoint.
Now, the scary part is, some of us might be mockers according to these definitions. Let us search our hearts this morning thoroughly. If we analyze deeper we can't deny some trace of mockery in the hidden corners of our heart, whether intentional or not.
Have we treated others with ridicule or contempt? Have we mimicked others? Have we imitated or counterfeited someone? Do we frustrate the hopes of someone? Do we cause repeated emotional pain, distress or annoyance to another - may be our parents, our spouse, how about God?
Clearly we need to repent of it this morning. Shall we bow our heads and pray this simple prayer?
Our Father in heaven!
Thank you for the conviction the Holy Spirit has revealed to us this morning, that we need to repent of our mocking. We are very sorry for having mocked others, Lord. We are sorry for causing repeated emotional pain, disappointment, distress and annoyance to our spouses, parents, siblings, children, neighbors, friends and coworkers, Lord. We are sorry for our hurting,mocking words, Lord. We did not realize it was sin Lord.
But today we have been exposed at this coffee table Lord. We are convicted of our sin Lord. Please forgive us Lord. Please wash us once again Lord. Please help us stay away from mocking any more Lord. With your help we can do it Lord, only with your help Lord. Thank you Lord, for dying on the cross to forgive our sins Lord. Thank you Lord for proclaiming us as forgiven this very minute Lord. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Savior. Thank you for your forgiveness Lord.
Bless us Lord. Use each one of us joined here, for your glory Lord. We love you and praise you and glorify your name Lord. Your name be magnified Lord. We thank you and praise you from the very bottom of our hearts Lord.
In our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's most precious name we pray, amen.
Coffee with Jesus