06-03-2015, 11:42 AM
It just doesn’t make sense to be cruel to someone because they are different. If that were meant to be, then everyone would be unkind to us. We are different than everyone else in the world. We have some similarities but we have more differences. It’s easy to forgive someone who has done us wrong when we like them. But what about those who are different and we don’t particularly like their ways? We should forgive them and show them kindness as well. That’s what Jesus would do. And so should we.
Matthew 5:47 “If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that.” (NLT)
Dear Lord, we know You created each of us in Your likeness but also created us all different. Help us to embrace our differences and be kind to one another. In our kindness, Lord, remind us to forgive and forget what others have done and remember to show love. Thank You for our differences and show us how our differences can help create a team that works for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Forgiveness is easy to those who we like and want to be with. It becomes harder to forgive when others are different than we are.
We should turn from our resentful hearts toward those who are different and show love and kindness instead.
We should remember we need the differences of others to do God’s work and forgive them when things go wrong.
There are differences in everyone in life; however, no matter how they treat us we are to love and forgive them.
If we really have faith in God, we will treat all people as He calls us to treat them.
James 2:1 “My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others?” (NLT)
Focus: God created us all the same, yet different. And He wants us to live peacefully together and learn to forgive one another. 72
It just doesn’t make sense to be cruel to someone because they are different. If that were meant to be, then everyone would be unkind to us. We are different than everyone else in the world. We have some similarities but we have more differences. It’s easy to forgive someone who has done us wrong when we like them. But what about those who are different and we don’t particularly like their ways? We should forgive them and show them kindness as well. That’s what Jesus would do. And so should we.
Matthew 5:47 “If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that.” (NLT)
Dear Lord, we know You created each of us in Your likeness but also created us all different. Help us to embrace our differences and be kind to one another. In our kindness, Lord, remind us to forgive and forget what others have done and remember to show love. Thank You for our differences and show us how our differences can help create a team that works for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Forgiveness is easy to those who we like and want to be with. It becomes harder to forgive when others are different than we are.
We should turn from our resentful hearts toward those who are different and show love and kindness instead.
We should remember we need the differences of others to do God’s work and forgive them when things go wrong.
There are differences in everyone in life; however, no matter how they treat us we are to love and forgive them.
If we really have faith in God, we will treat all people as He calls us to treat them.
James 2:1 “My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others?” (NLT)
Focus: God created us all the same, yet different. And He wants us to live peacefully together and learn to forgive one another. 72