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06-01-2015, 08:57 AM
June 1

In every detail

Whatever you’re doing, put your passion, love, full attention and awareness into it. Give all you have to even the smallest of acts.

The richness of life is created in the living of it. Fulfillment comes not from getting, taking, having or keeping, but from being and becoming.

In every detail of your life there is the opportunity for greatness. The more of yourself you put into all you do, the more successful you will be.

Always remember that this moment, this day is not a practice or preparation. Now is when real life happens.

Give your energy, your attention, your thoughts and your love to what you are doing right now. Put yourself fully into what you do, and whatever you do will be of much value.

There is no task too small or too large to ignore. Make life rich by living every moment, by thinking every thought, and by performing every act with all the greatness that is in you.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#oxuv74FCAx7ygpKj.99

06-02-2015, 08:40 AM
June 2

Admit that you are you

Nothing is going to solve all your problems for you. However, you are completely capable of addressing each and every one of those problems yourself.

The energy to do so will come from a compelling purpose. Somewhere within you is that purpose, and what you must do is forge a solid connection to it.

In the things that you love, the things you dislike, the things that excite you and the things that frustrate you, are hints of that purpose. The quickest connection to your driving purpose is to admit that you are you.

Admit that you are you, with your quirks, your passions, your doubts, your values, and all the other truths about you. Admit that you are you, and admit all that you treasure about life.

Don’t struggle to fit into someone else’s pre-defined mold. Chart your own course, be your own person, and harvest the real value in your own purpose.

In your own beautiful uniqueness you will find the inspiration and energy to move positively forward. Admit you are you, and manifest your own special greatness.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#dbUxvSYmqkcuH5pI.99

06-03-2015, 09:19 AM
June 3

Live well today

Live well today, for you deserve it. Give time and energy to all you love, simply because you love it all.

You have put enormous effort into getting where you are. So enjoy where you are.

Find delight in the possibilities. Bring the very best ones to life.

Live well today, whatever you find yourself doing. With an attitude of sincere gratitude, any task, any situation will be a source of richness.

Live well today by being good and compassionate to yourself and to others. Enjoy the great sense of satisfaction that comes from being a positive presence.

This is the day you are now blessed with, so live it well. Remember how good life can be by putting that goodness into every moment.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#o0v2oVK1PmFPQWr3.99

06-04-2015, 08:18 AM
June 4

Get better

Don’t just get by. Get better.

Don’t stop when you’ve merely done enough. Keep going and take full advantage of the powerful momentum you have created.

You have what it takes to exceed your highest expectations. So expect the very best, and then do even more.

When you’ve made a little progress, keep it up. When you’re on the right track, keep moving.

Instead of rushing to get the job finished, look for all the ways you can extend and expand your efforts. Feel the satisfaction of making a difference, and let it inspire you to make an even bigger difference.

Enjoy all that you can achieve. And then build on those achievements to enjoy even more.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#wIRjgJ48iAWdK8Bz.99

06-05-2015, 10:03 AM
June 5


Take on more than you can handle, then do what is necessary to handle it. Promise more than you can deliver, then find a way to deliver more than you have promised.

Playing it safe is dangerous to your future. Get the juices of your ambition flowing, and get some great stuff done.

Stop waiting around, hoping you’ll come across something that makes you more passionate about life. Start putting lots of effort, with plenty of determination and commitment, into what you’re doing, and you’ll be overflowing with passion and with success.

Stand up and look, with awe and amazement, at the opportunity that’s right in front of you. Then claim the opportunity and jump into it with everything you have.

Think up strategies instead of excuses, then implement those strategies with persistent action. Be willing to get it wrong for as long as it takes to get it right.

Do what you know you can do, and then do a whole lot more. There’s plenty of richness to be lived, so get going and make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#1vK5G51eYb3qKK6e.99

06-06-2015, 09:37 AM
June 6

Let life be good

Life is good, if you will let it be. Life is good, when you focus on its most positive aspects.

Let life be good by letting go of the need to satisfy your ego. Let life be good by letting go of the need to impress others with how impressive you are.

Let life be good, just because it is, just because you have the opportunity to live it. Let life be good by focusing more on the solid, enduring substance and less on the fleeting, superficial things.

Let life be good by seeing the best in others, those with whom you disagree as well as those with whom you agree. Let life be good by finding the positive aspects of every situation, and by acting to create a positive outcome.

Let life be good by allowing yourself to be curious, filled with a sense of wonder and awe. Let life be good by giving of yourself, experiencing how great it feels to make a difference.

Let this day, this moment, this life be good by living with gratitude for it all. Let life be good, and you make it even better for everyone.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#l4VcsEbt9flSKoRA.99

06-06-2015, 09:37 AM
June 7

Relax and get busy

It might seem like a contradiction to be active and involved while at the same time being relaxed and joyful. But there’s really no contradiction at all.

Activity and effort add great richness to life. And there’s no reason why you must be stressed and uptight about making that effort.

It’s idleness, not positive effort, that can bring so much despair to life. Avoid that despair by doing something valuable and meaningful every chance you get.

It’s great to be peaceful, relaxed, and enjoying life. And you can be all those things while putting forth disciplined, persistent, effective effort.

Don’t assume that you must wallow in idleness just to relax. Make the choice to relax and to enjoy yourself even in the busiest of times.

Life is an adventure, so live that adventure actively and enthusiastically. At the same time, relax and enjoy the process of adding real richness to your life and your world.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/140607.html#r14R2vl81kE7FK9I.99

06-08-2015, 09:15 AM
June 8

Use the power

You have the power to make your life better. Use it.

You have the power to transform difficult situations into valuable achievements. You have the power to successfully work through whatever challenges lie in front of you.

If you are stuck in an unsatisfying rut, you have the power to get unstuck. When circumstances change, you have the power to adapt and to prosper.

It doesn’t matter that you’ve abused or neglected your power in the past. What matters is that you can use your power now.

You have the power to choose your thoughts and to choose your actions. You have the power to focus your time, your energy and your life in a positive, rich and meaningful direction.

You have the power to fill your world with the best things you can imagine. Imagine those beautiful things, without limit, and use your power to make them so.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#GHDthDjOrB7mcrOw.99

06-09-2015, 09:25 AM
June 9

Now be thankful

Be thankful for the discomfort. It pushes you to move yourself forward.

Be thankful for the dissatisfaction. It reminds you, it compels you, to make more positive choices.

Be thankful for the frustration. It helps you discover more effective ways of taking action.

Whatever the world throws in your path, be thankful for the opportunity to experience it. Be thankful, and in a state of sincere gratitude discover the treasure that has just been laid at your feet.

There is never any good reason to feel sorry for yourself, and never any good result to come of it. Always is a way to be thankful, and always great value in doing so.

Now, be thankful. Touch the beauty, grasp the richness, live the wonder suddenly available in this moment to you.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#sI2Isc8Eyj8LI0P6.99

06-10-2015, 07:18 AM
June 10

Whatever you allow

The most miserable people are those who think only of themselves. Let go of self-centered concerns, and let the happiness that is your birthright flow forth.

The most desperate people are those who obsess over their needs. Step back, see that much of what you may think you need, you don’t, and free yourself to fulfill your highest values.

Whatever you chase, eludes you. Whatever you allow, gathers around you in great measure.

Allow your love to settle upon all those who surround you. Allow your generous nature to express itself in all you do, in what you say, and in the way you relate.

Allow your dreams, interests, passions, preferences and priorities to make themselves known, sincerely, honestly, lovingly. Allow and encourage the best in others, and discover how it brings out the best in you.

Allow this moment, this day, this life you share to be as beautiful as you know it can be. Allow true richness, and watch as it spreads throughout your world.

— Ralph Marston

06-11-2015, 07:56 AM
June 11

Empty pursuits

There are plenty of things you can do to keep busy, to keep yourself feeling like you are doing something. Yet what you’re really after is not just the feeling of doing something, but the experience of doing something that matters.

Busy work is enticing because it doesn’t ask much of you and doesn’t force you to make any real decisions. Yet the desire to be busy will not be fully satisfied by busy work.

What you have is a desire to do something significant, that makes a difference. It is a desire to express your purpose through your efforts.

If you’re spending a lot of time doing busy work that’s mostly empty, you have an opportunity. You can decide to let go of some of that busy work, and suddenly you have time to do some truly magnificent and meaningful things.

When it seems there’s no time for doing what will make a real difference in the world, the problem is not a lack of time. The problem is filling too much of that time with empty pursuits.

Instead of merely appearing busy, fill your moments with purposeful actions. And know how great it feels to be making meaningful progress.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#Vd0Hg3sRFdeOLIeL.99

06-12-2015, 08:16 AM
June 12

Temporary situation

Failure is temporary. And so is success.

When you’ve failed, it’s good to keep in mind that you can go on to succeed. When you have had some success, it’s important not to become complacent.

The way things are today is not the way they will always be. Tomorrow will be different, and now you can have an impact on what that difference will be.

No matter how enjoyable or discouraging, exciting or troublesome this moment may be, it is a temporary situation. You will definitely move beyond it and the only question is, in what direction?

So focus your thoughts not on the pleasures or disappointments that have brought you here, but on how you will make good use of this moment. Envision a more positive and fulfilling world, and start taking steps to make it so.

Each day is a temporary situation, and yet you can use each day to move toward lasting richness. Grab the value of right now, and push it purposefully into your own bright future.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#ogbpx3upypBz4QXs.99

06-13-2015, 08:31 AM
June 13

You decide

You can decide how you feel about the world. You can decide how you feel about each day.

You can decide what your attitude will be. In your ability to decide there is great power.

You can decide how much to let things get to you. You can decide what to do and what not to do.

You are not a victim of what happens to you. You are the result of the way you interpret and deal with what happens.

You are the result of your choices. You are not stuck in any particular pattern or situation, unless you choose to be.

You are free to make of this moment, and every moment, what you will. Decide right now to make it outstanding.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#gP7yfxqtDgrsmJ8X.99

06-13-2015, 08:32 AM
June 14

Immersed in the wonder

At this very moment you are immersed in the wonder that is life. Feel the power, feel the possibilities, and live this day worthy of the greatness to which you are connected.

In even the smallest, most ordinary things there is amazing beauty and immense potential for joy. If you are bored or uninspired, you’re simply not paying attention.

Take a moment to take a deep breath, to take it all in, and to marvel at your exceedingly good fortune. Remind yourself that you are rich beyond all conceivable measure.

If you happen to feel burdened by some particular situation or limitation, take a step back and reconsider. Whatever may be troubling you is small compared to the nearly limitless options you have for doing something about it.

Though there are many problems, there are always many more positive possibilities. To transform those possibilities into positive reality, it’s up to you to take purposeful, focused action.

In this moment, feel the immensity of life’s wonder. And find delight in making positive use of it.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/140614.html#fW6wGXr7cYBKv2bs.99

06-15-2015, 09:46 AM
June 15

Energy to move forward

Your burdens feel heavy because they are. They weigh you down and hold you back, but there is a better alternative.

You can choose to transform the weight of those burdens into positive energy. And you can draw upon that positive energy to move yourself forward.

The burdens you carry are creatures of the past that have survived to push against you in the present. Take a deep, fresh breath of the air that is right now, and fill yourself with resolve to take good, useful energy from those burdens.

Think of what you’ve done in the past to put yourself in the presence of your burdens. Now think of how you can use your energy and your actions to move yourself toward freedom.

You have worked your way to this point, and you can now work your way far beyond it. Imagine what is possible, choose from it whatever you desire, and begin right away to take the actions that will get you there.

Stop seeing your burdens as holding you back and start seeing them for what they can be. Take energy and inspiration from them, and choose to live life on your own positive, fulfilling terms.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#pc3Mujz2FM8rVE9Q.99

06-16-2015, 07:34 AM
June 16


When you are making progress, continue. When you are in the zone and being effective, make use of your momentum.

Continue, and you will transform a minor success into a major achievement. Continue, and build more value on top of the value you’ve created.

It is tempting to stop when you’ve done enough. Yet you know you can do much more than that, and somewhere, deep down inside, you’ll be disappointed in yourself if you pass up the opportunity.

Feel how great it feels to make a difference in your world. Then, harness that great feeling to make an even bigger difference.

In every achievement is the opportunity for more achievement, yet that opportunity quickly fades. So grab the opportunity while it’s still fresh and powerful, and use it.

Do the work, give your best, and then continue. You’re on a roll and there’s no sense in stopping.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#BzpjGx8PSkgfgbd1.99

06-17-2015, 08:48 AM
June 17

Following your advice

If you knew someone in your own situation, what advice would you give that person? What course of action, what priorities, what strategies would you suggest?

Think about that, and then think about this. Are you, right now, following your own advice?

It’s easy to know what to do when you’re not the person who has to do it. When you actually have to implement the advice, things get complicated and uncomfortable.

Yet good advice is good advice. And you are well positioned to give yourself good advice.

Yes, it will involve some real work to do what you know must be done. Fortunately, as difficult as it may be, you can absolutely do that work and follow the advice you yourself would offer.

So go ahead, be brutally honest and give yourself the advice you need to hear. Then take it to heart, put it into action, and make the progress you know you can make.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#40J5bMFKpvWcbkXC.99

06-18-2015, 09:52 AM
June 18

Never too much trouble

Life is best enjoyed not by sitting on the sidelines and watching, but by jumping in and taking part. Whatever you must do, it is never too much trouble.

When there is a way you can make a difference, then by all means make it. If there is something you have to offer, then offer it, with gratitude and enthusiasm.

Don’t just sit there desperately maintaining the fantasy that you’re better than everybody else. Humble yourself to being a sincere servant of life’s best possibilities and see how great it all can really be.

Stop looking for ways to avoid effort and instead start developing strategies to make each effort more effective. Feel your true greatness through the meaningful work you do.

Step back and realize again how fortunate you are to be here today, right where you are. Then step in and put that good fortune to work in new and exciting ways.

Joy awaits, so go get it and share it through your efforts as widely as you can imagine. Life awaits, so live it fully and see for yourself that it’s never too much trouble.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#4QkmMtGucxtxeDUW.99

06-19-2015, 08:32 AM
June 19

The value of what you give

What is really valuable is not anything you get. What brings the greatest value to your life is what you give.

The investment of your time, effort, attention and caring, makes life rich. That richness comes not from the results you get, but from the degree to which you give.

Having the opportunity to give your love is far more valuable than having love directed toward you. If all the world loved you and you had nowhere to direct your own love, life would be unbearably empty.

So love, without expecting love to be returned. Give, not because of what you will get but because the giving itself is so fulfilling.

Take the fulfillment to an even higher level by encouraging and enabling others to give as well. Allow yourself to be loved, as a way for you to deepen your love for others, giving them the opportunity to love.

Live richly by giving the unique richness already inside you. Give of yourself, sincerely, continuously, and experience life from its most fulfilling perspective.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#IuGJSU2lCSkG5cKf.99

06-20-2015, 07:51 AM
June 20

Getting there

Take care not to focus too much on plotting out a way to get there. Direct the bulk of your attention, time and energy to actually getting there.

It’s good to have a workable process. Remember, though, that the goal is to get results and not to merely perfect the process.

When the objective is clear and meaningful, and the passion is there, you will manage to work your way to the results you seek. Although many of the steps you take will be from your plan, some of the most important steps will come from your desire to move forward.

You cannot possibly know everything that will happen along the way. Yet you can always know that with a strong enough desire, you will find a way no matter what.

Don’t let your planning take away from your doing. Enjoy the confidence of knowing that even if your plans don’t work out, you can still reach the goal.

Keep your eye on the prize, your heart in the effort, and your passion burning steadily. There is a way to get it done, and you will find it and make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#tv8Sy6Ki1SmDXwpx.99

06-20-2015, 07:52 AM
June 21

Live with humility

Humility is surprisingly empowering. Sincerely putting others first is an excellent way to get yourself ahead.

When you decline to grab the credit for the good things you do, others will be much more willing to work with you. When you’re not afraid to admit you don’t know it all, others will be happy to help you learn.

Boasting will never earn you any positive impressions. It mainly makes you look foolish and insecure.

Choose instead to regularly look at life from other peoples’ perspectives. Do what is best not for you alone, but what is best for everyone involved.

It is nearly impossible to achieve real success by being centered only on yourself. The best thing you can do for you is to consider what’s best for everyone else.

Always remember that true greatness does not have to be announced. Live with humility, with compassion and positive purpose, and live with that true greatness.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/140621.html#utH9AxCi0g8Tvjsy.99

06-22-2015, 09:01 AM
June 22

Hope into action

It takes more than hope to make things happen. Still, hope is a good and powerful thing.

Being hopeful will not magically bring whatever you hope for. Yet it is infinitely better than being hopeless.

If you let it, hope will inspire you to action. When you persist in the hope and persist in the doing, you’ll find that your hope was well founded and helpful.

Hope is not something that must depend on outside conditions, so you can choose hope no matter what is going on. You can always choose hope because you can always choose what to do with it.

Let your hope give you a little bit of comfort and reassurance. But more than that, let it challenge you and inspire you to do the difficult work that brings what you hope into reality.

Hope for the best, then transform that hope into a vision with a solid, practical path for moving forward. Put your hope into action, and create a reality above and beyond the best you could hope for.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#thr8Lb8PlHBmFPIv.99

06-23-2015, 07:49 AM
June 23

Follow through and get it done

Whatever you are working on is important enough to deserve your focus and your continued effort. If you’ve chosen to begin the effort, keep going until it is finished.

Once you’ve decided to get it done, don’t allow yourself to doubt yourself. Just go ahead, maintain your focus and keep up the work until you’re finished.

Your initial instinct was to get started, so trust that instinct. Honor your choice by following through with it.

Yes, it could get tedious or frustrating, and you’ll probably be tempted to jump to something else. But if all you ever do is jump to the next thing before the first is finished, you’ll never get anything accomplished.

It’s easy to come up with a perfectly reasonable excuse to quit. Yet a small accomplishment is far superior to the most well-reasoned excuse.

Follow through, keep going, and get it done. Your future self will thank you over and over again.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#W03S9h5pKqGtCjIs.99

06-24-2015, 07:29 AM
June 24

Open yourself

Open yourself to life’s great possibilities. Let go of doubt, hesitation, fear and mistrust, and let new richness unfold through you.

Be willing to do good and valuable things that you’ll never get credit for. Each time you do, you invite more achievement into your world.

Begin each day with gratitude for all that is. And by the end of the day, you will have discovered all kinds of new things for which to be thankful.

Give yourself permission to not get it perfect, to look a little foolish, to laugh, to cry and to admit you don’t know. Give yourself a constant push to act on your intentions, to actually do what you’ve decided to do, and know you must.

Be thankful that you don’t know it all, and always eager to learn more. Be generous with your time, your efforts, your ideas, your genuine praise and encouragement.

You are immersed in an endless sea of possibilities. Be open, sincere, thankful and willing, and craft those possibilities into a rich and fulfilling life.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#r6Y375WlTQEbp3j7.99

06-25-2015, 07:59 AM
June 25

Allowing ability to blossom

Progress is made by those who have the courage to be wrong and the persistence to find how to get it right. Great achievements are crafted into existence by those who, when they begin, are not sure exactly how they’ll do it.

Don’t wait until you know how to do everything before you have the confidence to do anything. Find confidence in the authenticity of your desire and the goodness of your purpose.

You don’t have to already be an expert to gain expertise. You just have to get busy.

If you should stumble a lot at first, get back up each time and apply what you’ve just learned. Even when you stumble going forward, you’re still moving ahead.

Don’t wait for confidence to somehow come to you. Get out there and create it for yourself.

You are worthy, and able to reach the goals that truly mean something for you. Get yourself going, and enjoy the experience of allowing your ability to blossom.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#z2qYYfQFJGXXfJY8.99

06-26-2015, 07:27 AM
June 26

Joy in every effort

Want to actually make this a great day instead of just wishing for one? Then destroy all remnants of the misconception that effort is something to be avoided.

The truth is, effort can create the utmost enjoyment. Firmly imprint this truth in your awareness as you push yourself joyfully from one task to the next.

The main thing that makes good, productive effort distasteful is your attitude toward it. Improve your attitude about your efforts and you can radically improve the quality of your life.

You have the power to see every effort as a joy, so step right up and activate that power. Pack this day to the brim with useful activity, and delight in the unique pleasure of filling your world with richness.

Seize the opportunity that exists in whatever must be done. Marvel at your good fortune in being well positioned to make a difference.

Flood your world with brilliant achievements by eagerly taking on challenges and transforming them into value. See for yourself that the more effort you make, and the more joyfully you make it, the better life becomes.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#rOax4fOX4LETfBUy.99

06-27-2015, 08:47 AM
June 27

Imagine exactly

The first thing you must do is see your destination. Though it sounds ridiculously obvious, the world is filled with people who are striving to get somewhere they haven’t even fully imagined.

It’s not enough to desire something different, or to want to get away from where you are. You must be specific about what you do want, and where you do seek to be.

Start the day by imagining in great detail what you will achieve. By the end of the day, you’re very likely to have it done.

Don’t waste time complaining or arguing about what is. Don’t drain all your energy worrying about the problems, challenges and pitfalls.

Instead, imagine what can be. Imagine in precise and meaningful detail, and then make it so.

You are, right now, blessed with the near-miraculous power to do great things. Imagine exactly what those things might be, and put that power to work.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#XDXWxeESAoG4KglW.99

06-27-2015, 08:49 AM
June 28

Spectacular world

This is a spectacular world. Make the commitment, right here and now, to be a more active participant in it.

Enjoy the wonder and beauty, but do more than just enjoy. Utilize your life, your time, your skills to make a whole lot more wondrous things and experiences in this world.

You have a crazy unique song to sing and an absolutely enthralling story to tell. Tell that story and sing that song in ways that will enrich the lives around you.

Sincere thankfulness will get you everywhere. Passionately demonstrate your gratitude for this spectacular world by making it even more so.

Dive into the experience of each day with the goal of making it more fulfilling than any previous day you’ve known. As each new moment arrives, find something new and purposeful and valuable to do with it.

Remind yourself often that you’re gloriously alive in a spectacular world. Find real joy and richness in living up to that promise, again and again.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/140628.html#p1xulLYWAIwd8T3v.99

06-29-2015, 08:49 AM
June 29

Enough to get started

Whether you have a lot to work with or you don’t have very much, there’s one thing you do have. You have enough to get started, so go ahead and take the first step.

Whether you know everything there is to know or you know almost nothing, you certainly know enough to get started. Once you’re in motion, you will surely learn a whole lot more.

Whatever must be done will not be done by waiting for the perfect conditions. The fact is, you can take the first step, and the step after that, no matter what the conditions may be.

The resources, relationships, ideas, knowledge and expertise you seek are all connected to you in some way. To activate the connection you must activate yourself, and get to work.

Get to work, and suddenly you find ways to transform what you need into what you have. Get to work, and with every effort new pathways open up to you.

Achievement is calling, and there’s no good reason to wait another moment. You already have enough to get started, so do.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#CllJsjLDXOjkTR5m.99

06-30-2015, 07:23 AM
June 30

Step beyond the limitations

Don’t take refuge in seeing yourself as a victim. Take pride in getting yourself to do good and valuable things.

Everybody has problems and limitations and extenuating circumstances. Yet progress is always possible no matter what.

Sure, there is unfairness and there is injustice in the world. Work to right those wrongs but don’t fall into the trap of using them as excuses.

When you choose to move forward, there are all kinds of things that could go wrong. But that is no reason to hide from life or to remain stuck where you are.

You don’t have to be defined by your disappointments, injuries or limitations. Choose instead to define yourself by your highest visions, your dreams, goals and ambitions.

You are a unique, creative bundle of positive possibilities, so live your life that way. There is so very much good you can do, so let go of the excuses, step beyond the limitations, and make more of the goodness happen today.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#QF1Quu1qmkMml0gG.99