05-29-2015, 07:31 AM
Eternal Spring
God’s love flows like an eternal spring.
In the Bible story of the Samaritan woman, she asked Jesus to give her the water that would quench her thirst forever. Like her, I may have gone to the well of worldly comfort, filling a bucket again and again as I tried to satisfy myself. Over time, I learned this only left me wanting more. Today I fill myself with the love of God—my wellspring of joy—for lasting satisfaction.
At times, I may relapse into seeking fulfillment from outer circumstances or possessions. I know then to turn within. I nurture myself through prayer, meditation, or talking with a loving friend. I shift my attention to my desire to know God.
Spirit in me flows like an eternal spring. My thirst is quenched and I am free.
Give me this water, so that I may never be thirsty.—John 4:15
Daily Word
God’s love flows like an eternal spring.
In the Bible story of the Samaritan woman, she asked Jesus to give her the water that would quench her thirst forever. Like her, I may have gone to the well of worldly comfort, filling a bucket again and again as I tried to satisfy myself. Over time, I learned this only left me wanting more. Today I fill myself with the love of God—my wellspring of joy—for lasting satisfaction.
At times, I may relapse into seeking fulfillment from outer circumstances or possessions. I know then to turn within. I nurture myself through prayer, meditation, or talking with a loving friend. I shift my attention to my desire to know God.
Spirit in me flows like an eternal spring. My thirst is quenched and I am free.
Give me this water, so that I may never be thirsty.—John 4:15
Daily Word