View Full Version : I celebrate the free Spirit I am

05-20-2015, 11:21 AM
I celebrate the free Spirit I am.

Sometimes I may forget to give thanks for one of my greatest gifts—freedom. I am free to believe what I wish and worship where I want. I am free to travel and free to express myself. Most important, I am free to choose my thoughts and responses.

In the Silence, I let go of fear, worry, and pain. I release any limiting opinions or views of myself and claim my divine potential. My heart expands with gratitude as I connect with the part of me that knows no limits—my Spirit self.

I affirm: I am free to choose my thoughts and responses and align my dreams with the highest good. I rejoice in the presence of unbounded Spirit in me and claim my infinite potential.
So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.—John 8:36

Daily Word