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05-01-2015, 08:54 AM
May 1

Use of time

Your time is one of the most precious things you have, and no hour, no moment, no day can ever be replaced. Keep that in mind when choosing how to spend your time.

The way you use your time, now, in the next hour, in the next few days, determines the way your life unfolds. It is a great opportunity that keeps on presenting itself to you.

Over and over again, you have the chance to make wise and productive use of your time. You have the chance to exchange the fleeting moments for lasting value.

Every now and then, step back and look at what you’re doing. Remind yourself to make the most of the great opportunity you have in each moment.

Tomorrow can be markedly improved as a result of the way you use your time today. By using your time wisely, you can transform the richness of this moment into a richness that continues in your life for years to come.

You have just as much time today as the most accomplished person alive. Now is your time to make it count.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#HqRxy3daoPLPdVoe.99

05-02-2015, 09:52 AM
May 2

Get it out of the way

At the beginning of each day, think of something you must do, that you really don’t want to do. Then, with a positive and powerful sense of control over your own life, go ahead and get that undesirable job done.

Do the difficult, disagreeable things first. You will make all the other things a whole lot more enjoyable.

Instead of procrastinating, and avoiding, and having something unpleasant constantly hanging over you, get it out of the way. Free yourself to live the rest of your day with the enjoyment and satisfaction of having it done.

Do the hard stuff first, and it will strengthen you, give you confidence and a very real sense of being firmly in control. Do the challenging jobs first, and enjoy the value that comes from working through the challenges.

Rather than dreading what you must do, get it done, and get it out of the way. Put your time and energy into making progress and not into making excuses.

Each day, you have the opportunity to do yourself a big favor. Get the difficult stuff done early, and enjoy all the great rewards you earn by doing so.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#xRgJqEYVceCxt0Ds.99

05-02-2015, 10:25 AM
May 3

Rise to the challenges

Just because the job is challenging doesn’t give you an excuse to be less than your best. In fact, what it gives you is the opportunity to rise to the challenge.

Great success is not achieved by just doing the easy stuff. Great success is the result of being willing to, and even enthusiastic about working through the challenges.

Each challenge you encounter can either be a reason to quit or a pathway to achievement. Through your attitude and your actions, you decide which it will be.

Difficult, complicated, challenging work is not a curse, but rather is a valuable blessing. It is your chance to learn, to grow, to become stronger and more capable, and to achieve.

In every challenge is a way for you to make a meaningful positive difference in the world. Welcome the challenges, and you welcome the potential for new richness into your life.

You are much more powerful and effective than you’ve ever experienced. The way to know that without a doubt, is to rise to the challenges.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/140503.html#RSqOYgvY0HPYR6ys.99

05-04-2015, 10:01 AM
May 4

Consistent, persistent effort

If you’re disappointed by the results of your first attempt, that’s no reason to quit. On the contrary, that’s a reason to learn from what you’ve done and make a second attempt.

If you’ve made that second attempt, and a third and fourth and fifth, and still don’t have it right, keep going. Though you may not immediately see it, you’re making progress.

If nothing else, you’re learning what doesn’t work. And, you’re reinforcing the powerful habit of persistence.

What you consistently and persistently do, you soon will do very well. Keep plugging away, and as you do, your effectiveness increases.

The achievement you seek comes from consistent, persistent effort. Keep going, keep learning, keep making improvements, one effort at a time.

Let go of the fantasy of being instantly successful, and choose instead to be reliably successful. With consistent, persistent effort you will find a workable path to whatever achievement you choose to create.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#OABJrd1HHvHiE1XH.99

05-05-2015, 08:06 AM
May 5

Savor the task, savor the moment

In every situation, savor the moment. Whatever you must do, savor the task.

Don’t rush ahead in your mind to whatever is next. Give all of yourself to whatever is here and now.

Resist the urge to make a judgment as to whether it is good or bad, helpful or a waste of time. Just savor it, and fully experience it.

After all, you’re there, you’re in the moment you’re in, you’re doing whatever you’re doing, so do it with all you have. Fighting against it will not serve any positive purpose.

Yes, there are some situations, some people, some activities that it is good to get away from as quickly as possible. Yet while you are there, while you are with them, enjoy, appreciate and savor the moment.

Develop within yourself an unshakable positive presence. Savor the task, savor the moment, savor the experience, whatever it may be, and feel the immense power of your own acceptance.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#fzyfDr6oCBeC5rvU.99

05-06-2015, 11:02 AM
May 6

Think you can

The world is changed by people who think they can. What do you think you can do?

Just thinking you can succeed does not make you successful. Yet if you don’t think you can, you won’t.

Decide that you can do it. Then set about to prove yourself right.

Many may doubt you, but you never have to focus on those doubts. Focus instead on your own confidence.

Think you can, and then act on that thought. You will make progress, and that is good.

Think you can, and push yourself to find a way. Think you can, and do what you think you can.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#gCauAo7cUb0vkeqf.99

05-07-2015, 10:51 AM
May 7

Life works when you do

Life works when you do. You cannot merely coast through life, so don’t waste your precious time trying.

Even if you were to have all the riches and luxuries you could imagine, real life demands real effort. Be ever willing to make an effort, to make a contribution, to make a difference.

You could choose to resent whatever you must do, and keep yourself miserable. Or you could be thankful for each opportunity to make an effort, and constantly renew your enthusiasm for living.

Effective effort is its own reward. And it creates many other rewards in the process.

There are those who foolishly avoid effort, avoid responsibility and avoid discipline. By avoiding the temporary discomfort of effort, they create the permanent pains of regret and dismay.

Today is an opportunity to do meaningful work, to make a difference for yourself and your world. Do the work, make the effort, and create the true richness that you deserve.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#ZWixFv1J9WpcuMST.99

05-08-2015, 10:34 AM
May 8

Be okay with that

There are people who do not understand you. Be okay with that, and then work in a positive way to encourage more understanding.

There are things that will happen to set you back. Be okay with that, and be ready to quickly recover from the disappointments.

Life is not always fair. Be okay with that, find the beauty anyway, and do all you can to offer genuine compassion to those who suffer from unfairness.

This day may not turn out exactly the way you planned. Be okay with that, and make use of it to create new value anyway.

You may not like what has already happened, but there’s nothing you can do to change the past. Your best strategy is to let it be what it has been, to be okay with it, and to move toward the future you wish to create.

Invest your time and energy in new positive efforts where they will make a difference, not in bitterness about whatever has come before. Be okay with the way things are, and be in a position to make them much better.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#htbhmiWRiTcEs0sW.99

05-09-2015, 08:07 AM
May 9

Satisfaction or regret

What can you begin to do right now that will have you looking back on this day with satisfaction instead of regret? What can you do today so at the end of the day you will feel you’ve done your best?

Satisfaction and regret do not just materialize out of thin air. They are the direct results of what you choose to do with your time.

Decide how you would prefer to feel at the end of the day, and live the day accordingly. If you wish to be satisfied with what you’ve done, now is the time to act in that direction.

You can create a day that you know has been well lived. No matter what things outside your influence may happen or fail to happen, you can experience the satisfaction of doing your best with it all.

It’s not that difficult to create a day you can be happy and proud and satisfied to have lived. It’s a matter of intention, and it’s based on what you do right now.

Imagine looking back on this day, and imagine exactly what you would like to look back on. Now is your chance to make it so.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#pQVjH1qEWykUTPdA.99

05-09-2015, 08:08 AM
May 10

Keep things in balance

You cannot escape the necessity of balance in your life. Anything taken to an extreme will soon cease to have the desired positive effect.

If you relax all the time, relaxation will become nothing but a tedious burden. If you work all the time, with no break for fun and relaxation, your work loses much of its effectiveness.

Be ambitious, be diligent, and work with commitment, but don’t make that work the only thing you do. Have fun, enjoy life, and take it easy, but don’t make leisure your full-time pursuit.

Make it your goal to make sure there is balance in your life. If you don’t, eventually balance will be forced upon you in ways that won’t be to your liking.

It’s only natural to seek more and more of a good thing, yet that can be counterproductive, whatever the good thing may be. Instead, consider adding more good things, new and different good things, to balance your life.

Balance in your life can make every part of it richer and more satisfying. Keep things in balance, and make the very most of it all.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/140510.html#wKiLZEQJSbGMyUuE.99

05-11-2015, 09:00 AM
May 11

Make progress today

You can make a whole lot of progress today. So let yourself do it.

You can be free of your doubts, your worries, and the limiting assumptions that have held you back. Decide to make progress, and act on your decision.

You can handle the challenges and find a way to address each problem. See yourself doing it, and then do what you see.

You can discard the excuses and put an end to your hesitation. Remind yourself of the great value in what you can do, and get busy doing it.

Instead of slipping backwards, instead of just getting by, you can make progress today. Do yourself and everyone else a great big favor, and do what you know you can do.

The time, the energy and the resources are here now for you to use. Choose to use them now, and make some great new progress today.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#VKIIcbarCx9uGgke.99

05-12-2015, 10:18 AM
May 12

The world you see

The world you see is mightily affected by the person you are. The quickest and most effective way to live in a better world is to be a better you.

Your opinion of life exerts a strong influence on your experience of life. Change your opinion of life, and you immediately see a corresponding change in the way life unfolds.

Just because you think something is true doesn’t make it true. Yet from your own point of view, it might as well.

Your decisions and preferences depend heavily on your perspective. And those decisions and preferences play a major role in the way your life progresses.

What you think about life determines the way you live it. And you get to decide what you think.

See a world filled with goodness, with positive possibilities, with joy, love and fulfillment. See that world, and live to make it so.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#VFjlszwVHx2IQUiv.99

05-13-2015, 07:36 AM
May 13

Learn from action

You don’t have to sit around waiting for a moment of brilliance. Instead, spend your moments taking action, and allow the brilliance to eventually rise to the top.

Don’t spend a lot of time and effort agonizing over what strategy to use. Make enough attempts, and the best strategy will eventually become evident.

Often, to find out what works you have to do what doesn’t. Learn and prepare the best you can, then jump in and do.

Experience will teach you what nothing else can. Start accumulating that experience as soon as possible.

Instead of wondering about the best approach, find out. The sooner you start taking action, the sooner you’ll zero in on the most effective set of actions.

Get quickly beyond speculating about what works best in theory and find what actually does work in practice. Learn from action, and learn what really counts.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#MFdWH3HRlcqfie2H.99

05-14-2015, 09:31 AM
May 14

Genuine thoughtfulness

You are worthy, deserving, intelligent, skillful and have unique value to offer. Even so, the world does not revolve around you.

There are a lot of other people in this world. The more considerate you are of those people, even the ones who don’t seem to deserve it, the better off you yourself will be.

You are worthy of the very best life has to offer. And one of the most empowering thoughts to keep in mind is that life does not owe anything to you.

Your life is filled with great possibilities. It is by acting with gratitude, humility and genuine thoughtfulness that you will fulfill the best of those possibilities.

At times, other people will anger you, frustrate you, lie to you and disappoint you. Love them anyway, for ultimately that is in your best interest.

It is easy to be understanding of those who agree with you, and immensely powerful to be understanding of those who don’t. Live with understanding and genuine thoughtfulness, no matter what, and enjoy the rewards that come from making a real and positive difference.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#ZpilADOogBDcdhm0.99

05-15-2015, 08:35 AM
May 15

Now is golden

Now is golden, with great value available to be created. Direct your focus and your energy into what you can do with now.

Right now there are possibilities and resources you can tap into. Now, there is the opportunity to make things happen and to make a difference.

Don’t compromise the value of now by using it to obsess over past events that cannot be changed. Don’t give up the chance to be effective right now by worrying about what might happen in the future.

This is the time you can use to take action. This is the time you can use to move your world in a positive direction.

This moment right now is worth whatever you wish to put into it. Yet if you fail to make use of now while it is here, it quickly becomes worthless and irretrievable to you.

Now is golden, so grab its value by taking positive, effective action. Now is yours, so live it well.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#U7UA2gWFITq54PDk.99

05-16-2015, 09:56 AM
May 16

Diversity of opinions

Someone who criticizes you is probably doing so as a way to explore his own weaknesses. Someone who praises you is likely praising something in herself that she recognizes in you.

Just because another person disagrees with you, doesn’t mean that person hates you. It means you are fortunate to live in a world where a diversity of opinions can coexist.

Pay attention to the opinions of others, but don’t let them consume you or knock you off track. Choose your actions not to impress or to please, but to create the value you’ve chosen to create, and to express the perspective you wish to express.

You can learn much from what others say about you. But you’ll go crazy if you try to take every suggestion and answer every objection.

Be understanding and considerate while also being your own person. Be aware and involved in the outer world while also being driven by your own unique, internal dreams and values.

Be thankful, not offended, that other people in this world are not exactly like you. And allow your own perspective to be made richer by all the different people you encounter.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#h6R1Fd9tTEht1rQ7.99

05-16-2015, 09:57 AM
May 17

Your own beautiful vision

No one is going to hand you a map that precisely directs you to the exact life you desire. Much of the joy of fulfillment comes from finding your own way there.

Others can be of great help to you. Yet you must take full responsibility for making the journey.

You have what it takes to fashion and lead a life of unique fulfillment. Look deep within yourself, honestly, sincerely, and you will see.

Don’t get trapped and frustrated by trying to live someone else’s dream. Have the courage and the commitment to let your life express who you truly are.

It is perfectly okay to love life in your own unique way. In fact, it is your responsibility to do so.

Let go of the worries, fears, false expectations and distractions. Allow yourself to see your own beautiful vision, and follow it joyfully forward.

— Ralph Marston

05-18-2015, 09:15 AM
May 18

Reacquainted with life

Do something you’re not good at, and you’ll get better. Instead of excusing yourself because you don’t know how, challenge yourself to learn and to do.

Go someplace you’ve never been, and your eyes will be opened to new possibilities. Seeing life from a new place can make your overall perspective more valuable.

Get to know people you’ve never known before. They will give you ideas you’ve never considered before.

If you feel stuck, or bored, tired, dismayed or depleted, the answer is not to withdraw from life. Those feelings are urging you to re-introduce yourself to life.

You are capable of creating great new things and forging new connections, capable of learning, of going, of seeing, of taking action. And you won’t be fully satisfied unless you’re putting all you have into doing so.

Take a deep breath and feel the fresh possibilities of this day. Now, go forth, get reacquainted with the wonders of life, and make the most of all you have.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#poVpKO1k5JHD9Rju.99

05-19-2015, 08:50 AM
May 19

Possibilities abound

Sunlight drops its golden paint on the quiet surface of a mountain stream, and a new day is born. What a shame it would be to let this day pass without putting fresh goodness into it.

From rocky ledges to cool valleys, in the countryside and in cities across the globe, possibilities abound. Life is here to be lived, and now is the time to do it.

Like water swiftly flowing, the opportunities of this day will soon be nothing more than memories. Now is your one and only chance to make them positive, satisfying memories by making full use of the opportunities.

Now is your chance to make new value where none existed before. Now, when you are inspired to let go of the excuses and to cast off any thought of procrastination, is when you can act.

Though the challenges are great and the circumstances less than perfect, today’s possibilities beg you to seize them. To the extent you do, your life and your world will benefit.

This is your day to do what you can, and you can indeed do much, if you will. Say yes to life, to the possibilities that abound, and get going.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#FQWLBES0LtdVAwJF.99

05-20-2015, 09:33 AM
May 20

You are ready

If you’ve been waiting until you’re ready, the wait is over. You are ready.

You are ready, so go ahead and get started. You know enough, you have enough, you’re inspired and purposeful and creative enough to take the first step, now.

Though you have many questions, and maybe even some doubts, you are ready. Go ahead, grab the opportunity of this moment, and make your life come to life.

Achievement is never the result of figuring everything out in advance. Achievement comes when you start where you are and keep going.

Make more than mere plans, have more than just intentions, experience more than empty wishes. You are ready to follow where your passions lead and make life more amazing than it already is.

You are ready to take action. Now is the time and this is the place.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#Bk4r0UoJ8PX4j6B3.99

05-21-2015, 08:52 AM
May 21

Lifting life up

If the bad stuff is getting to you too much, create more good stuff. Nothing can bring you down when you’re busy lifting life up.

Don’t fight the negativity, because that will just draw you in deeper. Instead, overwhelm negativity with positive substance.

Constantly complaining makes you more invested in whatever you are complaining about. Resist the temptation to complain, and find a positive response.

Let the negativity be, then let it go. Free yourself from its grip and with that freedom, move forward.

You don’t have to be naive to be positive. Though the negative things are still there, you can choose to focus all of your energy on creating new goodness.

No matter how difficult things are, there is always something good you can do. Lift up life, and put more of the power of positive living in your world.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#GbVEVzIT30lVEC8l.99

05-22-2015, 09:59 AM
May 22

Increase the abundance

If you wish to make an impression on people, don’t tell them how good you are. Show them how good they are.

If you wish to increase your wealth, don’t focus on the question of how to make money. Put your time and energy into creating and delivering unique value.

If you wish to learn more about something, teach it to someone else. If you wish to be loved, appreciated and respected, then offer your love, appreciation and respect.

The way to get whatever you wish is not to greedily grab for it. The way to get what you wish to have is to attract it by the way you live.

You cannot receive anything of real value without giving real value. Sincerely give of yourself, and you cannot help but receive meaningful value as you do.

Life’s abundance has no limit, and is always increasing. Be someone who furthers that increase, and experience the best of the abundance you are helping to create.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#ZOtxIjlfrzY04BW5.99

05-23-2015, 09:33 AM
May 23

You deserve achievement

If you have an objective but take no action, the objective is nothing more than an empty wish. If you take action but have no objective, your action is just a waste of time and energy.

Combine a clear, meaningful objective with effective, persistent action. That’s what makes the magic of achievement happen.

It is a reliable formula, and a simple formula, but not an easy one. The value of achievement is built by working through difficult challenges.

It is not easy, and yet you can do it. It is not easy, and yet it is well worth your time and commitment.

In your imagination right now is a certain thing, or condition, or experience you wish to create. Give that objective a name, fill in all the details of how it will look, then do the work to make it happen.

You deserve, and are fully capable of the unique satisfaction that comes from achievement. Visualize it now, and go get what you deserve.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#vyUgLW8lmfer4X7i.99

05-23-2015, 09:34 AM
May 24

Fulfill your wishes

Looking back on today, what will you wish you had done? Now is your opportunity to fulfill those future wishes.

The most painful regrets are for things not done, for opportunities missed, and for actions not taken. Now is your chance to avoid those regrets by taking action, when you can.

Now is a day to fill with life and love and effort and achievement. Now is the time you’ve been waiting for and working toward your whole life.

You’ll never look back and wish that you had spent more time worrying, or that you should have been more angry or resentful. So keep worry, resentment and anger out of your life today.

Instead, think of what you can do with this day that will cause you to look back on it with gratitude. Remind yourself, over and over again, that this is your chance to actually do those things.

Right here and now, make your future wishes come true. And when you arrive at tomorrow, instead of empty, regretful wishes you’ll have the real satisfaction of a truly fulfilling life.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/140524.html#LWmY0WzI1jxBfE37.99

05-25-2015, 09:47 AM
May 25

Get yourself feeling great

There are countless things you can do to change the way you feel. So there is never any reason to feel less than your best.

If you are feeling unmotivated, it’s because you have chosen that feeling. When you are feeling joyful, it’s because you have chosen to.

Yes, the world around you shakes and shudders into and out of various conditions. Yet the way you feel about whatever happens, and your place in it, is ultimately up to you.

Feel confident and successful, and you’ll find yourself acting just like a confident, successful person would act. Decide to feel creative, and you’ll soon be expressing your creativity.

If you don’t feel like doing whatever you must do, change the way you feel. And get the task done.

Think an empowering thought, listen to uplifting music, go to an inspiring place, or do whatever it takes to get yourself feeling great about life. Then enjoy the process of transforming that feeling into reality.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#9xeYte7qKbWPfI5h.99

05-26-2015, 10:06 AM
May 26

Life is amazing

Stop for a moment and consider how wondrous life is. Remind yourself that despite all the pains and challenges, problems and frustrations, life is amazing.

Life is amazing, and the possibilities for expressing its beauty and magnificence are endless. You could come up with dozens of new ways to experience life each day, and never run out.

Make it your business to do that. You have life, which itself is amazing, and you have this day, so take it upon yourself to put something new and valuable into it.

You don’t have to make headlines to have a rich and fascinating life. There are plenty of opportunities in each seemingly ordinary day to add extraordinary substance to your world.

It all starts with reminding yourself what a wondrous and amazing thing your life is. Feel the possibilities that come with every breath, and live with a constant sense of real gratitude.

Life is amazing, and you have it right now to live in your own unique way. Feel the magnitude of opportunity that is yours, and make the very most of it.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#0cUUFlM2vKlVhzEy.99

05-27-2015, 08:40 AM
May 27

Whatever changes may come

You cannot stop life from changing, and you wouldn’t really want to. Life by its very definition is a process of change.

Though you cannot stop life from changing, you can choose to successfully deal with the changes. In fact, you can learn, adapt and adjust in ways that change your own life for the better.

Every time the world changes, new positive opportunities are born. And somewhere, in some way, the world is changing in every moment.

Instead of wishing that things had stayed the same, find the new possibilities that have been created. Choose to see that what can be gained is more valuable than what has been lost.

Security is not found by denying or hiding from the changes. Lasting security comes from being able to thrive and prosper, with your integrity intact, no matter what changes may come.

Whatever the change of the day or the moment may be, there is a positive response. Challenge yourself to find that response, and to make every change a change for the better.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#RHzMMgu5uB3VVbIb.99

05-28-2015, 09:24 AM
May 28

Stories you tell yourself

What stories are you telling yourself about yourself? Are they stories of curiosity, courage, action and achievement, or stories of victimization and self pity?

Many things about you are true because you tell yourself they are true. Many aspects of the way you live and act, think and view the world can change by simply changing the stories you tell yourself about yourself.

You deserve a life that is full and rich. Envision the story of that life, and start repeating it to yourself.

The way you respond to life is a function of the way you see yourself responding to life. The way you move through each day is deeply affected by the way you imagine yourself doing so.

Think of the stories you’re telling yourself about your work, your relationships, your priorities, your challenges and your day. Look for opportunities to make those stories more positive and empowering.

You can tell yourself whatever stories you choose. Choose to tell yourself stories that point you toward the best life you can experience.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#wtpM05V3DQUIKS5u.99

05-29-2015, 07:13 AM
May 29


Today, you can be unencumbered by your own shortcomings. Because you can choose to live your life beyond those shortcomings.

You can decide right now not to continue the self-destructive habits. You can free yourself to think the thoughts and take the actions that will raise you above your past disappointments.

The world will present plenty of challenges to you today. But you don’t have to add to those challenges with your own attitude and behavior.

In fact, you can put yourself in a position to welcome the challenges. You can welcome the challenges, knowing you have what it takes to transform them into life-enriching achievements.

You’ve always had control over the way you think and the way you act. Now, exercise that control to the fullest and most positive degree.

This is your moment, this is your day, energized by the power of your intention. Feel the lightness, feel the possibilities, feel the excitement of being free to soar, and do it.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#hVvTclsysvdHrvQr.99

05-30-2015, 08:33 AM
May 30

Think and then act

Think your actions through, but don’t think them away. Carefully consider what you do, but don’t let consideration take the place of action.

It is powerful to think about what you’re doing. For that power to be meaningful, you must actually do.

You’re too good, too worthy to merely imagine and fantasize about living a great life. Give substance to your dreams by giving real, sustained action to your thoughts.

You’re too capable and resourceful to allow your time to be wasted on fruitless speculation. Put your skills to work by putting your intentions into action.

Think and then act. Strategize and then implement that strategy.

Action without thought is reckless, and thought with no action is wasted. Merge the power of thought with the power of action, and do the great things you were born to do.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#A57Zx9tYr5IVQW0L.99

05-30-2015, 08:34 AM
May 31

Exercise your possibilities

It’s great to have plenty of positive possibilities and desirable options, yet they are not enough. For those possibilities to have value, you must exercise them.

You cannot live and prosper just on possibilities. A great life comes from putting forth the effort to do great things with whatever possibilities you have.

You cannot get by just on your skills, your knowledge, your connections and your ambition. You must put those things to work in a meaningful way.

By all means, gather and embrace the best possibilities every chance you get. And by all means, act on them.

Take those great possibilities, add your own time and effort, and transform it all into rich, valuable life experience. Instead of just sitting endlessly on a beautiful beach thinking to yourself how great it is, jump in and go for a swim.

There is so very much you have going for you, so make good use of it. Treasure the great possibilities, and get busy transforming them into a truly great life.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/140531.html#YPRg2DTMYF3q2ovJ.99