View Full Version : Guidance

04-26-2015, 12:28 PM
God guides me to my highest good.

Sometimes I may face challenges that I don’t know how to meet. I may feel hopeless, worried, or lost. In a fog of anxiety, I may hesitate or freeze, afraid of moving in the wrong direction.

My mind first turns to past experiences for answers. Then I realize I am ready for fresh ideas. I take a deep breath and remember to turn to God for guidance. Divine Mind knows my truth and is the source of wisdom, always there for me when I seek a solution.

I still my mind and enter the Silence. Relaxed and connected to Spirit, I am open to limitless possibilities. New ideas arise and I receive clear direction. God guides me to my highest good—the right and perfect outcome.
I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.—Psalm 32:8

Daily Word