View Full Version : Chipping Away at Defects of Character
04-24-2015, 06:39 PM
Chipping away at my defects of character was introduced to me ten years ago. I had my own set of poker chips with defects written on them front and back, sent to me by Mistyeve. I gave mine to a sponsee, and what I try to do, is just be honest as to what defect I need to work on in today. As I said to my sponsor one day, "I need to talk about Step 6. My defects of character were glaringly apparent today."
This list of character defects is what I have on my set of poker chips. The idea Father John Doe (First Alcoholic Priest in AA) had
was to draw a chip every day and work and be aware ot that particular character defect just for that day. I try not to offend
my chip of the day and over a period of time these defects have improved gradually. It works if ya work it!!! Good Luck!!!---Mistyeve
Taken from Al-Anon's Blueprint to Progress - Fourth Step Inventory
Aware of others/Self-centered
Helpful to others/Self-indulgent
Open-minded, gracious/Smug, stubborn
Trustworthy/Prone to gossip
Discreet/Lacking discretion
Stable/Panicky, violent
Willing to admit faults/Self-righteous
Confident, having faith/Fearful, apprehensive
Living for today/Living in the past, worrying about the future
Using talents and abilities/Disinterested in self
Willing to continue to seek emotional and spiritual balance/Smug, complacent
I hope to post daily a defect of character that I need to work on in today.
04-24-2015, 06:48 PM
Just for today, I will let go and let God. I can't make conditions and keep strings attached, I have to let go of the control and walk in faith and trust in my God. wQ5NM-Io8uJ_CTl1o-UpQ
04-25-2015, 08:22 PM
Just for today, I will continue to pray to let go of a resentment that keeps nagging at me. It hasn't grown, but it hasn't gotten gotten too much smaller either. :(
04-26-2015, 04:36 PM
Just for today, continued prayers to let go of my resentment, I couldn't sleep when I wanted to last night.
04-27-2015, 10:06 PM
Just for today, I pray for my discipline in my life. I pray to be more open to what is good for me, than the goodies I want in my life.
04-29-2015, 12:48 AM
Just for today, I will stay in today. I will replace fear with faith. Yesterday has gone. I can't change it, I can learn from it. My fears of yesterday, allow me to walk in faith today, and trust my God to lead me one day at a time into a better tomorrow.
04-29-2015, 06:42 PM
Just for today, I will trust more and worry less. I will let go and let God.
04-30-2015, 09:37 PM
Just for today, I will be a team player. I am so grateful for this group it has been a big part of my recovery for many years. When I can't be here, something is missing and I have a void in my life. I can't get out to meeting very often. Very few are wheel chair accessible. You are my home group.
05-01-2015, 06:17 PM
Just for today, I will nurture myself and get my needs met. I will practice self care. I can't give away what I don't have.
05-02-2015, 07:15 PM
Just for today, I pray for acceptance and ask for help with lowering the expectations I place on myself.
05-04-2015, 11:13 PM
Just for today, I continue to pray and work on my lack of acceptance and what is in the moment. Because of it, I have been stuck and ended up rescheduling my doctor's appointment today.
05-05-2015, 05:15 PM
Just for today, I will be open to receive. I will give myself permission to take risks and allow myself to become vulnerable.
05-06-2015, 01:19 PM
Just for today, I will be open minded to other people's ideas and concepts. I will be pray for clarity, awareness, and an open mind. I pray for the removal of all blocks to be removed from me and anything that is detrimental to my mental, emotional, and spiritual growth be taken from me that I may grow in Spiritual awareness and enter into new Spiritual experiences.
05-07-2015, 07:32 PM
Just for today, I will loving and caring. Being indifferent and critical of another can be a form of abuse, to yourself and to others.
05-08-2015, 09:13 PM
Just for today, I will humbly ask for help. The weather has made my day unmanageable, and have had difficulty thinking through my pain, concentrating, sleeping, and have done the do things, but the pain hasn't gone away. I don't want to take a pill. I have taken what has been prescribed for today, used cold packs, my bean bath, and come on line to post to help detach from the pain. I have applied the Voltaren twice, so I just have to let go and let God. I am going off the computer when I do the prayer for the today and do a meditation and massage and leave the results up to my God.
05-10-2015, 09:31 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks. An attitude of gratitude will take me through any day, be it good or not not so good.
05-11-2015, 11:48 AM
Just for today, I will be honest with myself. I will remember to look in the mirror.
05-12-2015, 03:23 PM
Just for today, I will be open to help and learning new ways of dealing with the issues in my life. I will not play the victim and the martyr, I will accept that I am deserving of recovery and will reach out and ask for help.
05-14-2015, 05:26 AM
Just for today I will share with others. I will not isolate my spirit and allow my feelings to fester within me. I am only as sick as my secrets. I will let others know that they are not alone.
05-15-2015, 10:04 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks to my God. I can see Him at work in my life. He has brought people back into my life and put new ones in. My life is enrich by His Love and Care and there are not enough hours in a day to give thanks for all that He does for me.
05-16-2015, 12:07 PM
Just for today, going to practice patience and tolerance. Going to bed and count sheep!
05-17-2015, 11:48 AM
Just for today, will live God-Centered instead of Self-Centered. I will try not to stay in the old rebellious self and insist on everything being my way. I will live in today, a turn each day over to my God and ask for His Good Orderly Direction each day. I won't stay stuck in old patterns and behaviours and be open to change and look and at the goodness for the whole, rather than my own self-centered wants and needs.
Just for today, I choose to carry the message of recovery to the alcoholic/addict who still suffers. Some days, that addict is me and I have to be open to listen and learn.
05-18-2015, 09:07 PM
Just for today, I pray for generosity of spirit. May I always be willing to give, to isolate blocks me from God. Greed is hoarding and wanting all for ourselves and not willing to share with others. It does not have to be money, time is an expensive commodity. What feeds one will feed two. Fear of doing without, not having faith that God will provide.
05-20-2015, 02:36 AM
Just for today, I will remember this is a program of practice, practice, practice. Each day is a new beginning.
05-21-2015, 11:14 AM
Just for today, I will reach out and ask for help. I just came to the realization that I may have a broken toe. As I said to my doctor today, "I no longer have to play the martyr or the victim, I can get help, I can ask for what I need. I don't always have to be in pain."
05-21-2015, 11:14 AM
Just for today, I will let go of all self-centered thoughts and behaviours. This morning I woke up again in a lot of pain. I found some anger and resentment and some oh woe is me, not again. Then this voice crept in and said, "You aren't the only one feeling this way, others are feeling this way." I got out my Sacred Path Cards by Jamie Sams and one of the cards that came up the South Shield (Innocence Inner Child). This card is two fold for me, healing old hurts of my own and issues concerning my son. I know my son has been hurting, just starting back to work, and so stopped and said a prayer for him and asked for his healing and ask for help for him and that he get what he needed in today. I picked up the phone rang his cell, didn't leave a message, but he has call display, and when he calls me back, I am going to offer him my foot bath, it is too heavy for me to lift on my own. What we need for ourselves we offer up to others and pray that we can all share God's Goodness.
05-22-2015, 06:22 PM
Just for today, I will not only be grateful, I will show it.
05-23-2015, 10:43 PM
Try not to act out in my disease in today, by hitting out and not take on the feelings that I have to defend myself. I would go on the defensive, right or wrong because I felt I was spiritually led to do what I did, but then I realized my God could fight for Himself, and He didn't need me to stand up for Him.
Always the caretaker of the under dog, and if you hurt a friend, you hurt me too. That was a biggy for me, many battles I fought which were none of my business.
Many battles I fought, which I should have left to my God and not added my 2 cents. When I do my meditation, especially if I am looking for inner knowing, and you get a card, you don't like it, shuffle the deck, ask again and you get cards that say, "You already asked this" or "I get the same card again," or "I get a card that says, "What is your motive and intent." Instead of wording things and wanting things my way, I try to go where I am lead. My cards have affirmed that many times over. Many times I have posted something, and the posted a reading and the thought or idea is an affirmation or a duplicate of what I have already said."
So I try to stay relaxed in today, go and do where I am lead, although there are days when I dig in my heels and I say, "Won't!" I know in the long run, I need to stay within the perimeters of my God's Care.
From 2013
This sounds like accepting versus self justification. I always seemed to feel the need to justify why I did something and just couldn't seem to accept that I had a right to just do and be.
I took things personally and I felt it was a slight against me and I felt like I had to explain myself. I just couldn't let it go and be, I had to get all defensive, get my back up and either mouth off or go off in a snit. Glad I don't have to go there any more, doesn't mean I don't, but don't remember the last time I did. I am grateful for a HP who I can take my defects of character to and ask for help to have them removed. 93YWOCCgp2z58yWdG005g
05-24-2015, 05:31 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience. My computer is playing games and giving me a hard time.
05-28-2015, 12:34 AM
I can certainly identify. I had a difficult time posting on the site today. I had hoped to go to my Al-Anon meeting, and had many plans for today, but I had to be willing to let go and do what I needed to do for my health. I wanted to be stubborn and not come home and just fight the pain and ignore it, but it wouldn't go away.
I didn't have the right inhaler with me. I had to take a time out and sit on a bench and do a little prayer and meditation. I was going to go to the hairdressers, but tomorrow is another day.
My sister called me yesterday and I called her back but couldn't talked to her. Along with that stubborn willingness, I need acceptance. I forgot it was her birthday until I was talking to her. I am glad that I listened to the voice that told me to return her call instead of being stubborn and letting her call again because she never left a message. Not sure if that would be stubborn or just being in a snit, no matter what you call it, not a very nice place to be, feeling bad or not.
I turned my day over and asked for help. Again, praying for the willingness to be willing. Willing to be other than to where I was at, which was not a very good place. I got stressed just taking my blood pressure. I went back down after dinner to take it again and stressed myself more. When I came home, I recognized the fear and had to turn it over, and the pain lessened and I was able to finish posting. I will to will God`s Will for me in today.
05-30-2015, 12:33 AM
Greed, taking and not willing to give back. They say if we aren't willing to give our sobriety away, we lose it. Generosity, the willingness to give to others. I found that by giving, I got back many times over. Not always from the same source, but my life was enriched as a result of being of service to others.
We all have different gifts. They are all special in their own way. They are made more special when shared with others. I firmly believe that I would not be sober in today, if I had not got involved in service early in recovery, first in my group, later in the fellowship, and then out of the rooms and into the community.
Just for today, I have an honest desire to stop drinking. My primary purpose is to carry the message of recovery. I am responsible when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help. I am only half a handshake.
05-30-2015, 10:16 PM
Self-forgetting is good. As I said to a friend on the phone tonight, I can't let my pain rule my life. I have to do the do things, and if I don't, then I have to pay the consequences. I am given freedom of choice. If I hurt for two day, there is generally a good reason for it. I probably did something that was best left undone. If I don't have the acceptance, I stay stuck, no matter what it is. That applies to all areas of my life.
My sister use to get dramatic and place her palm outward on her forehead and say, "Oh woe is me!" We can be so hard done by sometimes, but I have found that when I feel this way, my God sends me someone who is much worse off than me.
05-31-2015, 07:59 PM
Just for today, I will remember to stay in the moment. It is not a 2-4 hour a day program, it is 24 hours.
06-25-2015, 07:51 PM
Anger is danger for sure. I sometimes don't realize it is there because I can still shut down, which is a good indicator that there is something I am angry or resentful about.
It is good to express it in a healthy way. A good indicator was always my mouth. When I listen to what my mouth is saying, it is often a real give-a-way to the fact that I am angry. It is like I should type in CAPS.
I am angry that I can't get rid of the swelling, not only in my feet and ankles, but in my whole body. I made cranberry tea, took cranberry pills (juice has too much sugar), drink water and am on a fluid pill. It is the swelling and pain in my feet that has kept me off the computer. They go up like balloons if I sit too long.
My control has to come from my Higher Power.
08-10-2015, 06:24 PM
So many times I forget that this is a disease of perception, and when I do, I find myself to be very judgmental. Not just of myself, but of others too.
I have often had to pray for inner truth and understanding and clarity of a situation, knowing that often I can see things as I would like them to be, rather than living in reality.
Many times, I have gone to read something and had blurred vision, not being able to see the words clearly on the page in front of me.
Many times, I go to speak something and my voice is crackly and I have a frog in my throat, and or start coughing.
Many times, I have started sneezing and get stuffed up when I am in denial about my own knowingness and don't want to 'smell' or seek out the truth.
This is knowingness on a metaphysical basis and has stood me in good stead over the last few years to become honest with myself.
think this is another thing that is right and wrong. I need to make good judgement for myself. I need to know what is good for me. What I don't have a right to do is pass my judgement onto others.
A certain amount of judgment is need for self-care, setting boundaries, self-worth and self-respect. I need to do onto others as I would do onto myself.
I use to beat myself up for being judgmental and making judgments of any kind. It stems from a false sense of pride, insecurity, and lack of trust in myself.
08-10-2015, 06:28 PM
Ironically, I didn't want to post this. Was here earlier and came back to find a topic and this one glared at me.
I have been very lax in getting my laundry and dishes done and always seem to be washing only to dirty more. Tonight I made banana muffins after I came home from my group, which made more dishes still.
Living in the day, in the moment I don't think is procrastinating. Being in the moment and ignoring and putting off what is in front of you most certainly is. I always say, "If I don't see it, it doesn't happen!" All too often, I seem to have a blind eye.
As a rule I am always early, I see being late as being disrespectful. Lately, I seem to be late for everything! :(
09-19-2015, 07:11 PM
Cancer is a terrible disease that eats away the body, mind, and spirit, just like our disease of alcoholism. Fortunately for us, we have daily reprieve through the use of the 12 Steps and the fellowship of AA and other programs.
I often have to pray for the willingness to be willing, when I find myself caught up in my own stubborn ways. I always have to remember Thy Will, not mine be done. So often, I find that God and I are not always on the same page.
09-19-2015, 07:13 PM
Grief isn't a short process that you can do and get it over with. It has many stages.
Self pity can be very isolating in and of itself. I remember hearing this phrase "Get off the cross, we need the wood" and thinking, "How sacrilegious!"
We need to acknowledge our feelings and allow ourselves to feel in order to be able to let go. It isn't just the death of a loved one, it also happens when there is change in our life and we don't recognize the symptoms because we don't recognize them as something that you THINK you should be grieving over. i.e. A change in job, a new home, a friend moves away, a favourite TV show cancelled, and the list goes on and on. Life on life's terms, many times I found things that I had to drink over and so many times, I drank to someone else's life without thought of my own, or because it was all about me, me, me, what about me.
I found the phrase, "What would Jesus do?" helpful in coming to a decision. It is always better to get out of self and help someone else.
09-23-2015, 12:16 PM
Remember recovery is a process and it is one day at a time. It is good to do Steps 4-9 on big issues in our life. I also do them when something from my past comes up and confronts me in today. I don't feel a Step 10 is big enough to encompass all, as it often involves others as well as myself, even if it happened, in my case 60-70 years ago.
As I like to say, "If I remember to take my God with me, how can things go wrong?" I found Step 5 to be very freeing.
Sometimes when things come up, it means the blanket of denial has been removed and I can finally get true self-honesty. In so many cases with me, I had buried things so deep, that it took them a while to surface. As I have shared before, when I quit smoking at 7 years sober, I found a lot of underlying emotions that I had never dealt with. They were the same emotions in the beginning 4th & 5th Steps, but a lot of abandonment, sadness, resentments, rejections, and blessing that I didn't see as such at the time, because when I blank out feelings, I blocked out the good as well as the not so good. I can't connect with my Higher Power when I have those barriers up.
10-07-2015, 09:42 AM
Just for today I will work on being relaxed and letting things heal on my body. This should also allow me to quit thinking about my pain and look for others in pain to comfort.
10-18-2015, 05:33 PM
Just for today, I will continue to pray for the willingness to be willing to participate in my life.
"There are no victims, only volunteers - you always have a choice."
- - unknown
Well I know that I am victorious over my disease. I am not always victorious over my defects of character because I am powerless without my Higher Power. Those I try to leave up to my Higher Power to change, to give me awareness, and knowing as to what I need to do find the acceptance, the right attitude, and action to bring it about.
Not a victim very often, although there are times that I feel as though I am being victimized. That was the story of my life and have no desire to go back there.
11-07-2015, 07:48 PM
Just for today, I will be grateful for God's wonderful gift of creation. I went out into the sunshine, even though it was a bit windy and a little chilly at 52 deg. F. Any day the sun shines is a good day!
11-09-2015, 08:24 PM
Just for today, I will be accepting of what is in the moment. Acceptance is the key to sobriety. I can be sober, but to find true sobriety, is a wondrous gift.
My spiritual adviser said that sobriety means "Soundness of Mind." Not always easy to come by, and to find it, I need to get out of my own way and allow my God to work in my life. This is a 24 hour a day program, not a 2-4 hour a day program. TzKquDk8sOJQ1g_GLXA
11-11-2015, 08:25 PM
Just for today, I will sit in the silence and listen for the wisdom, vision and guidance my God has for me in today. I will still the internal chatter and get out of the way, so I can act in God's Way, not mine.
11-15-2015, 09:52 PM
You will grieve your friend for a long time, take a while to grieve her loss. Something that worked for me, was to find someone who had a few years less than I have, and I found that she really helped. Most of my sponsors had more. For many years, I have had a Native American woman as a co-sponsor. The one in my life today has 18 years in AA. My last AA sponsor had a year more in AA than I have but not close to her as she has an issue about relationship, has an eating disorder, and has gone to GA but continues to do scratch tickets. That is not the kind of sobriety I want for myself. I know I have stinking thinking when it comes to eating, the Food for Thought readings have helped me. I don't purge and/or not eat, unless I am sick. Lately, I put food on my plate and I have trouble eating it all. As they say, it isn't how much you use, it is about what it does to you when you pick up. Some people told me they spilled more than I drank, but that doesn't mean I am not an alcoholic. As I like to say, "Some is good, more is better," that is the way this addict has thought for years.
11-15-2015, 10:13 PM
Have had to change doctors twice in recovery. The almighty pill isn't always the answer. How do I feel? Is it mind altering? Am I living in reality and seeing things they way they are or the way I want them to be.
11-16-2015, 07:45 PM
Just for today, I will acknowledge my feeling. I will listen to what my body is telling me. So often my emotional pain makes itself known physically.
My God's Love can see me through the day no matter what. Just for today, I choose not to use.
11-17-2015, 10:24 PM
Just for today, I will acknowledge my feelings instead of trying to stuff or ignore them. I will work through them instead of going around, under or over them. The best way to deal with my was to write them out, either on paper or like I do, post here on the site.
Truthfully, I am really scared. Don't like how my head feels. It is hard to describe it, I have a lot of pressure, feel disconnected, pain in my head and having problems
11-20-2015, 10:15 PM
Just for today, I will accept what is, knowing it is subject to change. As they say, "This too shall pass." This means the good as well as the not so good.
11-22-2015, 08:48 PM
Just for today, I will ask for the inner knowing. My meditation today told me to "Listen." When I ask, it will be given to me, so I need to be careful of what I am asking for. I can't hear if I am busy with internal chatter and looking outside of myself for the answers. I need to go with and listen for that still small voice. XzkhdV.jpg XzkhdV.jpg
11-23-2015, 08:10 AM
Just for today, I will trust the process. I am a work in progress. There are a lot of things God and I are still working on.
11-26-2015, 01:20 AM
Just for today, I will be grateful. I am grateful that I was still up when my friend called me tonight. It made me sad to hear her and know that she was calling high as a kite. She did call and talk about meetings, not sure her motive is right, but this is the second time she has asked, so told her that we can go to the weekly morning meetings starting Monday. They are at her end of the City, but I can take an express bus to meet her. She has a commitment tomorrow and I have one on Friday. Hopefully she will decide to be sober by Monday.
11-27-2015, 01:42 AM
Just for today, I will remember to pray. When I went through a treatment house, 11 women started and only 3 finished the program. The three of us hung around together and all three of us got our one year. The other two relapsed, and it was a difficult time for me. One came back into the program, my friend who called the other day. Today I saw the other girl, who chooses still to use. I spoke to her and gave her a hug. Afterward, I wondered if I should have taken her for lunch, but figured she wasn't really interested in that, she was headed in the direction of the liquor store. I certainly didn't give her money, she had just gotten her Welfare Cheque. When I got home I called my other friend to say I had seen her, we had just commented last week about wondering if she was alive. It is good that she is alive and every time I see her, I hope it will give her incentive to get clean again. All I can do is pray for her.
Prayers for those near and far.
11-27-2015, 10:14 PM
Just for today, I will have faith in my God and know that He will supply my needs. He has showed me this many times over in recovery, He did it prior to recovery, but I was too ungrateful to notice. I should have been dead many times over, and yet I made it to the doors of recovery at 49 years of age. Here I am, 24 years, plus 3 months, still benefiting from His Care and my faith has grown beyond anything I could have imagined before. In recovery, I had to overcome countless fears, many of them false and old tapes from my past.
Just for today, I will believe and trust that my God believes in me.
Prefer, stand with God not under God. I believe in Step Two, they have a list of who He is. Master Physician, Creator, Father, etc. He is my Friend and I don't stand in fear of Him as I did as a child and young adult, when I misunderstood Him. He wasn't out to get me. He wanted me to get Him.
11-29-2015, 10:47 AM
Just for today, I will listen for the sound of His Voice. I will be open minded and be open to new teaching and message that will help me stay clean and sober and walk in the way He would have me go. exEgqH6lZor8NGTmWFWXA
12-02-2015, 06:29 PM
Just for today, I will ask for forgiveness. It came up in my meditation, so best I heed the call. It is more often than not, forgiving myself. I can be my hardest task master. I have to remember to not keep shoulding all over the place.
I am a child of God. I know that His Love and Care is Forgiving. hNGjsNyGzP76B39H54J
12-05-2015, 05:49 PM
Just for today, I will be grateful for the small things. A ray of sunshine can warm the heart and put a smile on my face. I like to say a prayer and ask for it's healing rays and give thanks. As one of my books said, "Give thanks, it is already on it's way." When you ask, you will receive. I have to be willing to be open to receive. If I am sitting with my arms across my chest in utter defiance, How can I receive my God's Blessings?
12-06-2015, 12:05 PM
Just for today, I will put my life in the care of my Guardian Angel. I believe we all have one. I am also very grateful for the Earth Angels that my God has put in my path.
12-08-2015, 12:04 AM
Just for today, I will not procrastinate. I will ask for the willingness to be willing what I need to do for my health and well being. I always remember it is a 5 syllable words for the word sloth. Sloth leaves such an ugly picture in my mind and yet it is something that I often succumb to.
12-08-2015, 10:31 AM
Just for today, I will take action. I will follow thought with action. I will also remember that, just because I have a thought, it doesn't mean I have to act on it. I believe that is what it means when we say the Serenity Prayer, "....the wisdom to know the difference."
12-10-2015, 06:42 PM
Just for today, I will forgive myself. If I can't forgive myself, how can I forgive others. A counsellor asked me when I was 6 years sober, "Why haven't you forgiven yourself?" I replied, "I never thought to ask." I didn't think I was worthy. The old church tapes and tapes from my parents said I was a walking sin. Every step I took through my life I feared that God was going to strike me down, and if something bad happened, I deserved it.
I had to build a new relationship with my God, so I could walk in faith instead of fear. One Sunday, I went to church, took communion and said, "God that is my amend to you. I never went back to church. I have thought for the last year of going back, but like meetings, I just don't get out and about. Like today, my nights and days get turned around. I went to bed about 7 a.m. and woke up at 10 a.m., I made the decision to go back to bed because my feet were so badly swollen. I woke up at 4:50 p.m. having slept the day away. That is a lot of sleep for a person who never slept much. I am not sure if it was the new medication or just the healing I asked for in a meditation before I went to bed, after talking to my friend Sharon at 9 p.m. until 11 p.m. ;) I gave thanks for the sleep and the healing, because I didn't wake up with a head ache, and my feet aren't as so badly swollen. There was a part of me that felt guilty for sleeping the day away, and even though they say, "Your body must have needed it," I feel like it was a bad thing to do to sleep the day away even though it is raining. So now having expressed myself, now I can let it go. I missed lunch and my noon meds, so had two of the blueberry muffins when I woke up and now I have to figure out what is for dinner.
12-11-2015, 09:37 PM
Just for today, I will be accepting of what is. I will surrender to the moment, knowing that I will be empowered to do what I need to do in today. Accepting doesn't mean I have to like it, but without acceptance, I can't move forward, grow or change.
In the moment, I accept the fact that I am hungry and I need to go and eat. It is not a spiritual or emotional void, it is a physical need that is necessary for my health and well being.
12-12-2015, 10:33 PM
Just for today, I will remember H.A.L.T. - Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired. It was important for me to remember that I had to apply this to not only my physical life, but my emotional, mental, and spiritual too.
12-13-2015, 12:50 PM
Just for today, I will my a conscious effort to connect with the God of my understanding. I will do a meditation and listen to what He has to say to me in today. Maybe I can get out of doing laundry. Sorry, only kidding.
When I told a friend that God dried the dishes in my house, she replied, "Aren't you over relying on God." I said, "Oh No! He makes the air we breathe, and the air dries my dishes." I can never live through a day without relying on Him.
It is important to pray. It is more important to listen for the answers.
12-14-2015, 02:03 AM
Just for today, I will live in the moment and be accepting. I will lower my expectations, of myself and others. I will get out of my own way and allow things to happen as they should be, and not try to make things happen and play god with my life. I accept that my God knows what is best for me.
12-14-2015, 09:06 PM
Just for today, I will look for the blessings and give thanks. Today was mild, but it was windy and foggy, and it rained for most of the day. It was a dampness that went to the bones, so glad I didn't have to be out long in it. I got a bus right away that took me to the library and didn't have long to wait for a bus home. It is those little things that help a day go by and hours disappear and before you know it, the day is over. I used to make the time disappear. The days were so long, and I wanted time and life to go away. Now there are not enough hours in a day, now that is a real gift.
12-15-2015, 07:36 AM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance and wait to hear from my son. He could hardly walk and actually fell because of pains in his spine. I offered to go with him, but he said "No!" He had to take a taxi, because he could hardly walk downstairs. I wanted him to take an ambulance, but he said, "No, they cost too much."
I will practice prayer and be tolerant with myself if I feel a little anxious.
12-16-2015, 09:38 AM
Just for today, I will be grateful. My son is feeling better and we are both going to the chiropractor today. I have been hurting too much to make my butterscotch oatmeal cookies, but still have them on my mind. I will be grateful when the threat of rain passes today, and hopefully be more productive tomorrow.
12-17-2015, 03:50 PM
Just for today, I will apply the program to all areas of my life. I no longer want to drink and drug, but I have to work on my emotional and spiritual sobriety daily. I will connect with the God of my understanding and ask for his Good Orderly Direction for today and follow it to the best of my ability.
12-18-2015, 11:15 PM
Just for today, I will be accepting of what is. Today was not a good day. I can accept that and not beat myself up over it. I am hurting today, so I am not going to defy what is going on, and get off my computer.
12-19-2015, 06:39 PM
Just for today, I will use my manners and watch my words. A little courtesy and a smile go a long way.
12-20-2015, 03:09 AM
Just for today, I will practice the principles in all of my affairs. The 12 Steps are applicable to all areas of my life.
The Steps of Recovery
1. I Can't
2. He Can
3. I'll Let Him
4. Clean House
5. Trust God
6. Surrender
7. Attitude Change
8. Prepare To End Isolation
9. Amending Actions
10. Basis for a Daily Living
11. Peace of Mind
12. Joy of Living Through Action
Tradition One - Unity
Tradition Two - Right Relation to HP
Tradition Three - Willingness
Tradition Four - Live & Let Live
Tradition Five - First Things First
Tradition Six - Keep It Simple
Tradition Seven - Self-Support
Tradition Eight - Altruism
Tradition Nine - Service, Responsiveness & Responsibility
Tradition Ten - Harmony
Tradition Eleven - Personal Humility
Tradition Twelve - Tolerance
12-20-2015, 03:09 AM
Just for today, I will practice the principles in all of my affairs. The 12 Steps are applicable to all areas of my life.
The Steps of Recovery
1. I Can't
2. He Can
3. I'll Let Him
4. Clean House
5. Trust God
6. Surrender
7. Attitude Change
8. Prepare To End Isolation
9. Amending Actions
10. Basis for a Daily Living
11. Peace of Mind
12. Joy of Living Through Action
Tradition One - Unity
Tradition Two - Right Relation to HP
Tradition Three - Willingness
Tradition Four - Live & Let Live
Tradition Five - First Things First
Tradition Six - Keep It Simple
Tradition Seven - Self-Support
Tradition Eight - Altruism
Tradition Nine - Service, Responsiveness & Responsibility
Tradition Ten - Harmony
Tradition Eleven - Personal Humility
Tradition Twelve - Tolerance
12-20-2015, 03:36 PM
Just for today, I will be calm. I will go within and find peace. I know I am never alone. The God of my understanding is always with me. We are part of the whole, and I like the fact that no matter where I go, I will find an AA meeting and a Fellowship of alcoholics and addicts who understand me and have been where I have been.
12-21-2015, 09:53 AM
Just for today, I will pray for the willingness to be willing to do what I need to do for my health and well being. Feeling like I have a cold coming on and don't want to be sick for Christmas. Don't want to pass it on to my family. Woke up yesterday with a sore throat, a runny nose, a head ache, and the body is hurting enough that I just want my bed. I was told to do the do things, nurture yourself and be open to receive the healing energies you need.
12-22-2015, 06:41 PM
Just for today, I pray to make healthy decision. I will turn things over and listen for the answers, instead of assuming I know best. I will ask for Good Orderly Direction and follow them to the best of my ability, so I don't make an a$$ out of me or you.
12-23-2015, 11:56 AM
Just for today, I will not worry. I will let go and let God and trust in His Process.
"When we became alcoholics, crushed by a self-imposed crisis we could not postpone or evade, we had to fearlessly face the proposition that either God is everything or else He is nothing.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, We Agnostics, pg. 53
When I surrender, I am empowered to do what I need to do today for my sobriety.
12-24-2015, 06:59 PM
Just for today, I am willing to accept that I can't do what I want to do. I am also willing to accept that it is best for my sister if I stay home, not just because of MY cold, but because of HER heart condition. If I am meant to be, it will happen, so I will walk in faith and trust what will be, will be.
12-25-2015, 12:27 PM
Just for today, I will pray for good health. I will try to the best of my ability to make healthy choices. I will look at the whole picture, not at what is good just for me, but for the whole of my family.
12-27-2015, 04:22 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks. Not only for the gifts, but the fellowship with my family, not to forget the food (chicken, stuffing, gravy, potatoes, carrots, squash, corn, lemon and pumpkin pies, and zucchini bread pudding) that was delicious. My family doesn't like turkey, but that is okay, because I had me some the day before.
12-27-2015, 04:22 PM
Just for today, I will stay in the moment and deal with things as they appear in my life. I live so much in the day, but it is much easier to get through a day when I live it moment by moment, dealing with life on life's terms.
Live and let live, means for ME to live my life and allow others to live theirs, even though their spiritual concepts are different than mine.
This helps me with my chronic pain and fatigue, which can mess up my day if I don't accept it. Things don't unfold as I would always like them, but I do have to accept them for what they are and be willing to dealing with things instead of shoulding all over the place. Sometimes things are my God's Will, but more often than not, it is my actions which causes me to be out of whack, like not laying my book down and going to bed when it is finished. I can justify a lot of things, but as the slogan says, "It always begins with me."
12-29-2015, 05:14 AM
Just for today, I will pray for patience and tolerance. I want to get downtown, but with the weather like it is, the best I can do is go to the mall downstairs.
I don't really need to buy anything, I just want to get out of my four walls. My friend Barb and I are trying to patiently wait for a day that is good for both of us to go out to eat, either Chinese Food or Swish Chalet.
As they say, "Patience is a virtue, have it if you can." Another one of those things that my God and I are working on.
01-01-2016, 12:38 AM
Just for today, I will be grateful. Grateful for family and friends. Grateful for my sobriety. Grateful that I haven't had the extreme pain for the last few months and have general good health. Grateful for this site, which has been a big part of my recovery.
01-01-2016, 12:02 PM
Just for today, I will celebrate the first day of a new year. I didn't think I would live to reach 50. Didn't find recovery until I was 49. Here I am at 73, still clean and sober. I am going to celebrate by watching the Rose Bowl Parade. LqEj8fDxddH-v9oKMNdKw
01-02-2016, 08:22 PM
Just for today, I will accept my disease of addiction and alcoholism (dis-ease), my disability, and my defects of character. I will turn them all over to the God of my understanding and ask for help in today. I love the Serenity Prayer, it is good to stop and say it, listen to the words, and trust the process.
Acceptance is the key, when I am defiant then I block myself from my God's Care and Good Orderly Direction and Divine Orderly Good.
01-04-2016, 11:57 PM
Just for today, I will ask for clarification and the inner knowing I need in today. The Native American Medicine Wheel, begins in the east and my experience has been that it is shown by the colour yellow. The sun is rising, a new beginning (each day), and stands for clarity and illumination. I learned this in the Recovery House I went to in 1991. An Elder was brought in to show us the meaning of the medicine wheel and it had a big impact on my life. _wu0ryB5mpv1b9vJ80L7g
01-05-2016, 02:26 AM E.jpg
In Jamie Sams' book Animal Medicine, the Owl is depicted as Deception, which is really an opposite of clarity and knowing. The Owl is often depicted as Wisdom.
I think of it as our inner knowing being aware that we are often deceiving ourselves, and as it says in the Serenity Prayer, and the wisdom to know the difference.
01-05-2016, 04:52 PM
Just for today, I will surrender all that I have and ask for what I need so I can help and give to others.
I am reminded of a hymn we use to sing in church, "I surrender all." dkGHth-m3e5VV1eiXeGqA
01-06-2016, 04:38 AM
Just for today, I will remember that it is through my God's Grace that I am clean and sober in today. My name, JoAnne, means "God's Gracious Gift." He gifted me this program and I try to pass that gift on to others. Just for today, I will remember that I have to pass it on in order to keep it. I share because I care. vUy0qAp6htNQJcNJwUT
01-06-2016, 04:20 PM
Just for today, I will show love and caring to others, especial the "A" in my life. I will give that same love and care to myself. How can I have compassion for someone, if I can't find it for myself?
01-06-2016, 04:20 PM
Just for today, I will show love and caring to others, especial the "A" in my life. I will give that same love and care to myself. How can I have compassion for someone, if I can't find it for myself?
01-07-2016, 02:35 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. My water is off and all of a sudden, my son was willing to come and clean my apartment, so who knows when I will get another offer. ;)
Walked downtown and to the library and my hip gave out. I thought the exercise would be good to stretch it out, but having problems with the pain. I tend to push myself, but have to stop and think, am I really suppose to be doing this? I8tXcGy5S0Buv4XQcmT
01-08-2016, 01:05 PM
Just for today, I will be connect with my God and ask for His good orderly direction. I seem to be torn at the moment as to what to do first, if to do it at all. I am going to have some lunch and take it from there.
01-09-2016, 08:41 AM
Just for today, I will be unafraid, my thoughts will be on my recovery and do what is good for my health and well being. I will have faith my Higher Power will show me the way.
01-10-2016, 05:31 AM
Just for today, I will set goals and leave the outcome to my God. Some days we seem to be on a different page, so I need to align myself to His Will.
01-12-2016, 12:25 AM
Just for today, I will forgive myself. Even though I know it is not good for me, I am sitting here having a piece of white cake with butter icing that my son brought me after he went to the food bank. I can forgive him, because he know I like cake and he went to the food bank because he is out of work. He has a choice of what is there, and he knows that I like cake as much as he does. It was a big slab, so he brought it to me to share. The same could be said about the potato chips he brought, if I get to eat them before he decides to eat my share. rtS_oDDeguJ_jvc3xa0iQ
01-15-2016, 12:05 PM
Just for today, I will accept what is in today. I am glad the sun is shining at the moment, even though it is going to rain later. I had to learn to accept the fact that my body tells me that rain and snow, tell me 3 days in advance that it is on the way.
Acceptance is the key. Things happen, so it is how I deal with things that matter.
01-16-2016, 08:27 AM
Just for today, I will put my sister into her God's Care. I did a meditation earlier and asked that she be given what she needs according to her God's Will.
Just for today, I will remember that I am powerless, and with my God all things are possible. When I have done a healing prayer session, I say to the person, "This is a contract between your God and mind, and it is up to them as to what you receive, I am but a channel and pray for your healing and that your needs be met.
01-17-2016, 12:55 PM
When I went to see my sister, she told her daughter and son-in-law that after her operation, she knows where she is going. She said, "I will be going home or to heaven, and she was ready to go to either place. If it is my time to go, it is my time to go." I said, "Yes, and you have a lot of prayer with you when you go into the operation and after you come out."
Called my sister last night to say "Good Night" to her. She found out that she is not having surgery today, but will be in the hospital until such a time it happens, which can be Monday or Tuesday. The waiting is difficult. She is my baby sister and four years younger than me.
01-17-2016, 01:04 PM
Just for today, I will try not to worry and walk in faith.
01-18-2016, 11:42 PM
Just for today, I will make a point of looking at the little things, and say thank you. Don't overlook the small things along the way on your journey, because you are looking for the big thing to get your attention.
01-19-2016, 04:05 PM
Just for today, I will come from a place of love. I will be loving, caring, forgiving, and patient. Loving myself, so I can give true love to others, instead of loving and using others to find love for ourselves.
01-19-2016, 04:18 PM
Many people think that this is a moral disease, I think it is a thinking disease. It wasn't the true me speaking and acting out in my disease, although I was responsible for them, because I made the decision to use.
I lost my morals, principles, and my life skills as a result of using, although on the whole I thought I was a functioning alcoholic/addict. Quite often those functions were not healthy choices, and I went from a good little Christian girl to a person with a mouth like a long-shore man and looking for love in all the wrong places.
The moral of my story is don't use people, places and things to make me feel better, but go within and connect to my Higher Power and live by the Divine Orderly Good to show me a new way of living. The biggest gift the program me was the ability to find myself. I had lost me, I was very fragmented and totally unemployable and I got to a place where I started to think, stop the world I want to get off, after being a very extroverted and outgoing social person.
01-21-2016, 07:44 AM
Just for today, I will put things in my God's Care. Not just my life, but that of others. My sister is being operated on at noon, and all I can do is pray for her. She is not sure the doctor can repair her heart, but she said today, "If it is my time to go, it is my time to go."
01-22-2016, 05:24 PM
Just for today, I will let go of resentments. I will pray and ask for it to be removed. Whether it is real or justified, anger is still a danger to me.
I asked my brother-in-law to keep me updated and he never called me. I had to call at 9 a.m. to find that she was a long time in surgery and still in ICU. I don't know why I should be surprised, I was more hurt, but it has happened many times before. 5KC_304DsplpaK8Zr8olw
01-23-2016, 01:52 PM
Just for today, I will let go of resentments. I will pray for the person(s) who aren't doing what I think they should be doing. When I see someone being what I see as abusive, I tend to try to protect the person being abused. I lived it too many years and didn't know I had the right to leave. I was too insecure to step out on my own.
01-24-2016, 02:41 PM
Just for today, I will continue to pray for healing and help for myself and ask for the same for others, that they get what they need according to the Higher Good of all.
01-25-2016, 07:54 PM
Just for today, I will ask for the willingness to be willing, to do what I need to do for my health and well being. When I get a mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual block, I will pray and ask for what I need to take down the barriers.
As the skunk says, "If your ego is not your amigo, you know it stinks!" The skunk means respect. Respect the skin your in.
01-27-2016, 04:05 PM
Just for today, I will look at the whole picture and what is good for all.
01-27-2016, 04:09 PM
Just for today, I will not take on other peoples stuff. I will acknowledge what is mind and let go of the rest.
HOW it works, Honest, Open Mindedness and Willingness, a slogan that I need to apply to all areas of my life.
01-28-2016, 10:27 PM
Just for today, I will trust the process. I am a work in progress. Some days are just a little better than others. As a long-timer said many years ago, "I don't have bad days, I just have bad moments in a day."
01-29-2016, 05:25 PM
One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch and/or barrel!
I firmly believe that we are products of our environment. If you hang around a bad apple, you can become a bad apple yourself. The say a positive and a negative becomes a negative. The law of science, which has proved true in my own life. We lived next door to three brothers who swore up a storm. They made up new swear words or they said words that made them sound like swear words. When I came into recovery, this little Christian girl who went to church and Sunday School, had a mouth like a long shore man. That is why my sponsor and spiritual adviser for NA said to clean up my body, mind and spirit and that means clean up your mouth.
01-29-2016, 05:26 PM
Just for today, I will practice the principles in all my affairs. I will be honest with me and honest with you.
01-30-2016, 09:58 PM
Just for today, I will not impatient with myself. As they say, "The body must have needed the rest." When I woke up I was hurting, but once I got up and moved around, ate dinner, and woke up, I find myself painless and able to sit at my computer and post. I lost some hours today, but this is a one day at a time program, some times moment by moment. It is what I put into those moments that count and I shouldn't be impatient and allow myself to go with the flow of the day. Be patient with myself and not try to make things happen. Things will unfold as they should, not always as I would have them.
The frog means cleansing away the old to make room for the new.
02-01-2016, 06:06 PM
Just for today, I will go with the flow and allow the day to unfold as it should, not as I would have it be. We had lots of rain yesterday and I bathed my body with A535 extra-strength. It is my hope to get out for some exercise. More will be revealed. nojeUtiBJMm8p0gH_DxwQ
02-01-2016, 06:20 PM
Just for today, I will show my gratitude. The sun is shining, I was able to walk downtown and I didn't have to wait long for my bus to come home. I grateful that I found some sales. I got an extra-large box of Cornflakes for $3.49. Perogies were 2 for $5. in Denninger's the real deal, potato with onion, and potato with cheese. It is so great when things all come together. A good reason to say, "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You."
02-01-2016, 06:20 PM
Just for today, I will show my gratitude. The sun is shining, I was able to walk downtown and I didn't have to wait long for my bus to come home. I grateful that I found some sales. I got an extra-large box of Cornflakes for $3.49. Perogies were 2 for $5. in Denninger's the real deal, potato with onion, and potato with cheese. It is so great when things all come together. A good reason to say, "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You."
02-02-2016, 06:07 AM
Just for today, I will not be contrary, I will be willing to do my God's Will for me in today. Today is my friend Theresa's birthday and I am hoping to meet up with her and treat her for brunch, I sent her an e-mail and she phoned me just now, and we are meeting about 10:30 a.m.
It is also ground hog day.
02-03-2016, 06:57 PM
Just for today, I will take the day as it comes.
Managed to go to the meeting after meeting with my friend. I gave her a little gray elephant with pink ears and accessories because she has saved them for years.
Today I gave my chiropractor's appointment to me son because it rained all last night and today and re-booked for next Wednesday. Will wait and see what happens then.
I have only been awake about 3 hours and feel like going back to my bed. I slept yesterday early last night and a few nights lately, and have ended up awake all night and sleeping most of the day away. That is not healthy living and how I want to live in today. I will turn it all over to my Higher Power and put it all into His Hands, as to how He would have it be.
02-04-2016, 01:56 PM
Just for today, I will accept what is best for my Higher Good. I will ask for help and be willing to listen for the answers. I will be open to God's Will for my life.
02-05-2016, 09:27 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks for what was, even if it doesn't measure up to my expectations. It may not be the way I planned my day, but I have found out that my God and I are often not on the same page. When that happens, it generally means that I was impatient and turned the page too early, because I skimmed over things and didn't stop to learn the lesson or experience the day to the fullest.
02-06-2016, 04:05 AM
Just for today, I find my center and balance myself, not with what is around me. I will let go of what is not mine, and accept the goodness into my life.
02-08-2016, 11:02 AM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. I have to go out to the library to return books. I also need the exercise. I haven't had much patience with myself since I goofed up on Saturday.
02-10-2016, 09:35 PM
Just for today, I will try not to have the last word and think I know it all. I will try to get out of Self and not sit on my own private little pity party, just because I am hurting. I am not the only one. I know it helps to get out of Self and help someone else, no matter how little I can do, it is enough.
02-11-2016, 06:56 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks for the Good Orderly Direction I received in today. I said the Serenity Prayer before I left and to endorse that my God was with me, He put people in my path today. As we got off Darts Transportation, a long time friend was waiting to get picked up. My body is sending me a message that it is almost time to close up shop.
02-12-2016, 09:17 AM
My body talks to me all the time. Some days, if I want to do something or get something done, I have to tune it out. It is surprising what you hear when you listen. Sometimes my head has a problem figuring out and needs a translator. As my co-sponsor (a Native American woman) use to say to me, "Are you still trying to intellectualizing, Stop It!
02-12-2016, 09:20 AM
Just for today, I will give my God praise and acknowledge all He does for me in today. It is more than a thank you, it is often asking for forgiveness and trying to do better with what He gives me.
Not only a friendship with others, but with myself and with my God.
02-13-2016, 05:11 AM
Just for today, I will accept what is. The 5 As of change. Awareness, Admittance, Acceptance, Attitude and Action. Without that acceptance, I can't tak action. Without acceptance, even though I am aware and admit to a problem, I end up with a major attitude that needs adjustment.
02-15-2016, 02:38 AM
Just for today, I will share because I care. I will give and share, not because I have to, although they say I need to do so in order to maintain my sobriety, but because if I come from a loving place, I can see the good in all and I learn to identify, not compare. V4n-kbmOaqVqV5K-CDR
02-15-2016, 02:47 AM
Just for today, I will acknowledge the gift of others. We all have different gifts and blessings, we don't all have the same capabilities. We each have a God given talent to use for His Honour and Glory. What a boring place this would be if we didn't have a variety of gifts to bring to Him to thank Him for His Grace and the Blessing He bestows on us each day. Not sure that is saying what I want to portray, but hope you get the meaning. Each of us carries our own special message and contribute to life in our own special way and we shouldn't feel less than because we don't feel we measure up. There is no yard stick to measure, God isn't counting, only we do in our narrow outlook and judgmental way.
02-16-2016, 07:49 PM
Just for today, I will accept the fact that I am a little behind in my day. I will try to make healthy choices. I am not too mobile, so will have to be accepting of my limitations. Even with my limitations, I know that I can't project that into my day, because my Higher Power is all Powerful and through Him, all things are possible.
02-17-2016, 05:14 PM
Just for today, I will remember that it is a one day at a time program. One days feelings, actions, experiences, memories, trials and tribulations. I have freedom of choice, it is up to me as to how I choose to live my day. It is good to remember that a day can start any time, and I can stop and start my day anew.
02-18-2016, 07:45 PM
Just for today, I will practice the principles of my program in all of my affairs. I must remember that the principles of the program are applicable to my home life, in the community, at work, and out of the rooms of recovery.
02-19-2016, 08:33 PM
Just for today, I will live in the moment. I will accept what is and not put high expectations on myself, especially when my body protests too much.
One of my favourite pictures. Not sure if it is telling me not to pig out or not, but my oven is hot and it is time to go make some chocolate chip cookies.
02-20-2016, 08:31 PM
Just for today, I will make good use of my time. I will do what is in my best interest and for my Higher Good. I will look after me so that I have something to give away to others. As they say, "If you don't give it away, you lose it."
02-21-2016, 03:18 AM
Just for today, I will focus on my recovery. What do I need to do for my sobriety. My sponsor said that sobriety meant soundness of mind. For me, that means working on my emotional well being. In order to obtain that, I need to focus on my spiritual sobriety, so that I don't get the thoughts of picking up. Stinking thinking can lead to picking up. It doesn't have to be my drug of choice, it can be something else, which in turn will take me back to active addiction. The substance is but a symptom of my dis-ease.
02-22-2016, 05:46 PM
Just for today, I will ask for my God`s Will for me and the power to carry that out. I will to will His Will, not mine be done.
02-23-2016, 11:51 AM
Just for today, I will let go of my resentment. I want to go out and about because the sun is shining, but my left hip and right knee, keep giving out on me. I really want to go to the noon meeting, but don't think my leg will let me stand on it, let alone walk. I did a healing meditation last night, so I guess it is back to the drawing board and have a little more faith.
02-24-2016, 03:13 PM
Just for today, I will work through my issues, be it mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical. They can make themselves known in many ways, often the emotional will let you know through the physical, etc. If you feel like you don't have a leg to stand on, perhaps you are feeling insecure. If you have an ear ache, perhaps there is something you need to heed and listen to. If you have a sore throat, perhaps you are suppressing words that need to be expressed.
02-25-2016, 10:20 AM
Just for today, I will live in the moment. Today is February 25, 2016. I am not going to look a head and project that Christmas is 10 months away from today.
I know that when I stay in today, thing will unfold and the Good Orderly Direction will be there when I need it.
02-26-2016, 07:34 PM
Just for today, I will prioritize and put first things first. The most important is my sobriety. I was talking to a friend in the mall today and had a mini-meeting. He affirmed and we agreed that we need emotional sobriety, and that we had a thinking problem not a drugging problem. A drug is a drug, no matter what form it takes. It is the thinking behind the picking up that caused most of the problems. Problems we stay stuck in. And as my first spiritual adviser and NA sponsor said, "Challenges, we can overcome."
02-27-2016, 02:08 AM
Just for today, I will listen to my body. I am hoping it will say, I am up to doing laundry! My pain has eased and now I hope it will allow me to sleep and wake up rested to get some much needed work done.
02-28-2016, 04:12 AM
Just for today, I will "Live and let live." I got a call from my son last night to say he would be here at 6 p.m. and I haven't heard from him since. No need for him to call, just another one of those weekends he is doing his thing and I have to let go, live my life and allow him to live his. I don't want him around when he is using, so it is best that he stay away. It is his choice and I can't let his choices ruin my day by taking on his stuff.
Earlier today, I had chest pains. Not sure if it was anxiety or not, but had to do a prayer and meditation session and ask for help.
My left him gave out about 8 p.m. so the treatment helped, but needs more work, it wasn't fixed by one or two treatments. I go Monday and Tuesday for the ultra sound on it and my ankles. I need to stay in the moment. Do what I need to do for myself and live my own life, what ever that brings.
Monkey teaches the balance of dark and light, he brings awareness the darker side of oneself, aids in seeing both sides of all communication methods. Are you showing your creativity at this time? Is it time to examine an ancient wisdom you just encountered? Monkey ignites the inspiration and imagination from the deep recesses of the self and mind and teaches how to move within/without, above and below.
03-01-2016, 07:32 PM
Just for today, I will be happy. I have a choice, no matter what the day may bring. I need to think happy, happy, happy! Zv64DbPmla6Iq2xbrGyxw
03-03-2016, 12:35 AM
Just for today, I am glad I got here before the day runs out and it is time to start my day again. I am grateful that February is gone, it has never been a month that has been kind to me for some reason. Maybe I expect it to be bad and I need to change my attitude. It is always subject to change any way, no matter what month it is.
03-04-2016, 09:31 AM
Just for today I will embrace all my impurfecshuns... As in the 7th step prayer I will accept the good and bad in me. I know there is bad in the best of me and good in the worst of me. I am a work in progress and if I find myself in the depths of despair "this too shall pass" or on the highest peak of awareness "this too shall pass." The old addage is true for me "if you don't know sorrow, how can you know joy?" Enjoying the journey, one day at a time....:)
03-04-2016, 09:15 PM
Just for today, I will do what I need for my health and well being. That means I have to step back and pause, and go get something to eat. I still haven't had dinner, and I need to feed by body, mind and spirit. I did my meditation and came here to the site, so now I need to make my grilled cheese.
03-05-2016, 04:50 PM
Just for today, I will apply the slogan H.A.L.T. to my life. I will listen to my body and not try to rationalize and justify my thoughts and actions. It is important to be myself and not question my day when I turn it over to my Higher Power. If I am doubting myself, I am doubting my God.
03-08-2016, 04:04 AM
Just for today, I will affirm that I am worthy of recovery. Respect must be earned, it is something that I have to give myself, if I want others to respect me. Let it begin with me.
03-08-2016, 05:22 PM
Just for today, I will work on my acceptance. In the moment, my son has his phone shut off and I can't get hold of him. I got a call from one of his friends and they couldn't contact me either so phoned me to leave a message.
When I shared with a woman after the meeting, I said, "Acceptance is the key." I need to practice what I preach. LOL!
03-10-2016, 03:27 AM
Just for today, I will take life as it comes. I will not turn away, I will not wrap myself up in the blanket of denial. I will accept things as they are, not as I would have them be.
03-10-2016, 03:28 AM
Just for today, I am trying to practice patience and tolerance. I want to go to the Holistic Center because I had pain in my hip for the last two days along with headaches. I am hoping the rain stops when it is time for me to go there and to the mall. I know I won't melt, but the dampness can be a real killer.
03-14-2016, 02:55 AM
Just for today, I will make a point of getting exercise. I haven't been out all weekend and it promises rain for the next three days. Even if I just go around the block on my floor or go downstairs to the mall. It is important to exercise my mind too, so will try to read something or watch something inspirational and stimulating.
03-16-2016, 03:59 PM
Just for today, I will accept where I am at. I stopped taking the pill the doctor ordered but I got shaking so bad and feeling bad as well, I tried taking the pill last night. I slept for 9 hours and then went back to bed again and got woke up by the phone. That is good, but normal for me. I felt numb all day. It is suppose to heal the nerve damage in my body. Numbing it doesn't seem to be the solution, especially when my head feels numb too. I am going to phone the doctor tomorrow, because the rain is suppose to stop and see if I can get in to see him to discuss it. I am very fearful of the long list of the symptoms you may get from taking it. The last time I tried I had nausea and headaches, but I have been having the headaches most of the time anyway.
It is still my morning and I want to go back to bed.
03-17-2016, 03:40 AM
Just for today, I will know a new freedom and a new happiness. That is the first Promise, and all I wanted from recovery. I got that and so much more. The Promises gave me hope. If I lose hope in today, all I have to do is go back to the 12 Promises and know that this too shall pass. UqaVY6rq963dWzWqZppqA
03-17-2016, 08:21 PM
Just for today, I will lower my expectations. I nurtured and cooked my chili and it doesn't taste as good as I thought it should after all my loving care. Hopefully, the saying is true! It always tastes better the next day.
03-19-2016, 04:46 PM
Just for today, I will have patience and tolerance. For me, I can't have one without the other. I e-mailed my friend John about my computer and he replied that he would try to make time this weekend. It keeps freezing on me and I have to fight it every time I try to post, so if you don't hear from me, you know he hasn't been here and/or I gave up trying to post before it is fixed.
03-20-2016, 11:06 PM
Just for today, when my body says "more" I will turn a deaf ear. Today I wanted more sleep, wanted more food, but most of all more cranberry bran muffins. As they say, "Play the tape to the end, look at the whole picture." If I do that, I will know that I won't have to play Queen of the House tomorrow and sit all day on my throne.
03-21-2016, 01:22 PM
Just for today, I will try to organize my time to get the things done that I need to do. I will not procrastinate, and I will ask myself, "First things first! What is a Priority here." I will not run away from home. I will not run to my bed. I will say, "How important is it?" Then I will go to my bed and then to the library. :)
03-22-2016, 09:36 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks. My heart is bursting with gratitude for a very good day spent with a special friend. Someone who is not in the program, who is open to Al-Anon discussion. We talked for two hours last night and spent 5 hours together today.
03-23-2016, 12:40 PM
Just for today, I will acknowledge things as they are, not as I would have them be. As you know, one of my favourite sayings is, "God, I wish you would give me a little hint so we both will know." Not too sure what today will bring. I try to live in today. My sister called last night to see if my son and I wanted to go there for Easter dinner on Sunday. She hasn't been well so hesitate to go, but then she is cooking for 7, so I guess 2 more won't hurt. Her husband is a big help. His mother might be there too. I am hoping the weather will be clear by then and it will be safe to travel. My son and I both agreed that it would be good to go out and have a good meal that we don't have to cook. My sister is a good cook and baker. She makes a lot of homemade bread.
03-24-2016, 11:50 AM
Just for today, I will practice surrender to win. It is freezing rain, a lot of rain with snow and wind. I can't go out it is just too nasty. I have been trying to stay out of my bed and finish posting, but tired and going to give in as my eyes are slits trying to concentrate. I have a curling game on that I taped to help me stay awake.
As they surrender to my Higher Power, and He/She in turn will empower me to do what ever I need to do for myself in day. My meditation card said, "Self Reliant." This reminds me that I need to do the do things and leave the rest up to my Higher Power. As I liked to say, "Why should I expect God to babysit me and be there for my every whim?" I need to do my part. I also need to be open to what He/She sends me and surrender to His Will for me in today.
03-26-2016, 09:06 PM
Just for today, I will turn everything over to my Higher Power and give thanks for His many blessings.
One of my favourite hymns that came to mind.
03-27-2016, 01:18 PM
Just for today, I will remember the reason for the season. I try to remember to be grateful for the gifts my God gave to me as a result of this celebration.
03-28-2016, 04:41 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. My Notebook or my server is slow and causing me problems and making it difficult to post. I have had to shut down a link and reopen it 3 times to do the posting I did today. I often type faster than the site prints my words and I have to wait for my server to catch up. Something wrong with that!!! KFTQI6mueY030WOhTqq
03-29-2016, 09:27 PM
Just for today, I will accept what is. As soon as I find acceptance, things move forward and I don't stay stuck. I can't grow or move through issues until I can find that acceptance as it is in the moment, knowing it is subject to change.
03-30-2016, 09:18 PM
Just for today, I will focus on my own recovery. I will apply the slogan, "Let It Begin With Me," and live my own life and allow others to live theirs. For so many years, I lived my life through other people. That old BS saying, "I am happy if you are happy," doesn't cut it any more. I can't use people, places, and things. I am powerless and all I can change is me.
04-02-2016, 06:25 PM
Just for today, I will try to accept the fact that it is snowing so much that when I look out my window, it is a white out. Not exactly spring weather, but as the saying goes, this too shall pass.
I keep reminding myself that when I met my first husband on the 24th of May weekend it was snowing. As my son says, "But Mom, you are old." That was 55 years ago and weather has changed over the years, so accept it. Just for today, I will accept what my God sends and go with the flow. There may be a reason, but I don't have to know!:(
04-03-2016, 09:24 AM
Just for today, I will continue to work on my acceptance. My son is in active addiction and I have to remember that his words are coming from an addict and it is the drugs that do his talking.
Acceptance is the key to all of my problems in today. As it says in the Big Book, I need to raise the level of my acceptance and lower my expectations.
04-04-2016, 11:03 PM
Just for today, I will be unafraid. I will turn that fear into faith. I will put myself into my God's Care and ask for the strength and courage to see through each day as it comes. I will not allow my fear to spoil my day and prevent me from living each day to it's fullest. When I a$$ume and jump to conclusions, I am not exercising the powers of faith and not trusting my God. I can't, He can, just for today, I choose to let Him.
God Bless!!! Don't know which way to turn, take it to the Lord. (Taken from an old post, easier to copy and paste from past posts then go to another site.)
04-05-2016, 12:13 PM
Just for today, I will not procrastinate, I will just do it! If I ask for the Good Orderly Direction I need in today, I know it will be there. If I head in the general direction, I know that I will end up where I am suppose to be. I did put money on my laundry card on my way back from the pharmacy, so that was a step in the right direction.
I heard that my friend who is part of the meeting today was taken to the hospital; so I am going to go to the meeting to see how he is and if he is still in the hospital, I will find out which one he is in.
04-07-2016, 06:01 PM
Just for today, I will allow myself to grieve the passing of my friend. I am not sure if that is the issue or whether I have the flu, could be both. Again, it all comes down to acceptance of what is in the moment. Don't fight it, accept it, and then you can move forward instead of being stuck in the situation. Recovery is a process. Just because I have been in recovery for several 24 hours, doesn't mean that life stops happening. It is one day at a time.
04-09-2016, 08:46 AM
Just for today, I will pray for the willingness to be willing to do what I need to do for myself. Haven't had a lot of motivation lately and I need to get outdoors instead of looking at four walls.
04-09-2016, 08:25 PM
Just for today, I will put some gratitude in my attitude. I was grateful to see 4 people I knew even though I was only out for an hour.
04-09-2016, 09:52 PM
Like the Spiritual Experience on page 569 of my soft cover third edition of the Big Book.
In order to achieve spiritual experiences and awareness, you need to change your attitude in order to aid recovery.
I personally have embraced change over the years, I never wanted to just stay sober, I didn't want to go back to where I came from and act out in my disease by going back into old patterns, behaviors, and habits.
04-11-2016, 01:26 AM
Just for today, I chose life. When I came into recovery, I wanted to stop the world and get off. I had no purpose for living, and didn't think I could include myself on the list. The 5th Tradition of AA is what gave me purpose and a reason for being, even though I no longer found that I had to question and justify my existence. When I shut down or live in the negative, I block the positive and the Grace of God from coming into my life. Life on life's terms. I often questioned, why me? So many others seemed to be so much more worthy and needy. I was told "Why not you?"
04-17-2016, 05:44 AM
Whoops! It looks like I got mixed up and forgot and put "Just for today" on this post. Just shows where my head has been at. What comes to mind, "Be sure your sins will find you out!" ;)
It is difficult, when doctor and medical people want you to be there on time, but when you get there, it is their time which doesn't run on our time clock.
I think it is normal. If you are 15 min. late for an appointment, you have to rebook. If you are early, you still have to wait 1/2 to an hour after your appointment, if you are lucky. This is just in my doctor's office, never mind specialists, lab and x-ray, although our x-ray people are pretty good.
I have had to go without food for a lot of test over the years. It would be easier if I could stop eating at midnight and go to sleep, but it seldom works that way and I have to deal with the feelings until such a time I sleep, if I sleep at all. Again, it does boil down to acceptance. If I am in the defiant stage, I only add to the misery and my feelings grow out of proportion and can be overwhelming. Many times I wish I could pick up a cigarette, but for me to pick up a cigarette is to die. I would die faster than if I picked up a pill or a drink, and they aren't options either in today. I can't abuse any substance, especially pills. I am on different kinds of medication for my heart, diabetes, arthritis, etc. I had to pray and ask my God to help me deal with the thoughts and feelings I had when I took them. If I found myself taking a pill and waiting for the fix, then I shouldn't be taking it. Again it is the mental aspect, and if I am thinking that the pill is the solution, I know that somewhere along the way, I left my God out of the equation.
04-19-2016, 12:12 AM
Just for today, I will be grateful. I am grateful that this day shall soon pass and a new day will begin. I have a tentative date to meet up with a friend tomorrow, if my body will co-operate. It is one day at a time, what will be will be.
04-19-2016, 02:41 PM
Just for today, I will surrender. I will try not to figure it out on my own, I will let go and let God. I was questioning why I couldn't sleep. Did a meditation with my angel cards. About 15 minutes later, I got the thought to call the pharmacy to see if my son could pick up my refill and return my blister pack for me and when I phoned, I found out that they had a script for an antibiotic. Here I was thinking I should be able to fix things and make things better, when all I had to do was surrender and the Good Orderly Direction was there to show me what I needed to do for myself, in today.
04-21-2016, 01:20 AM
Just for today, I will continue to take care of myself and give my body, mind and spirit what they need. I must always remember that my disease is four-fold and I need food on all levels in order to recover.
04-21-2016, 08:36 AM
Just for today, I will practice acceptance. It is what it is, subject to change according to what is in the moment. In order to move forward, I must come to a place of acceptance or things can't change. The faster I am able to accept, the quicker things can change for my Higher Good.
04-23-2016, 06:28 AM
Just for today, I will do the do things I need for my health and well being. Went yesterday at noon and my pulse was 109 and my blood pressure was 145/60. I went down to check it at 5 p.m. and it read 188/100/83. Not a good sign, so will go and check it when the pharmacy opens at 10 a.m. I have had chest pains and pains in my arm, but the last time I went to the hospital, the doctor more or less said, "Why are you here, why are you wasting our time." It has been raining here, so it could be the Fibromyalgia. Who knows, more will be revealed?
I will work my program to the best of my ability today.
04-24-2016, 06:15 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. How other people work their program is none of my business.
04-25-2016, 09:03 PM
Just for today, I will practice my acceptance again. If my prescription isn't into the pharmacy by noon tomorrow, I will get on the phone and call my doctor's office. My specialist said, "We don't want you having a stroke." I said, "I don't want me having a stroke either."
04-29-2016, 05:40 PM
Just for today, I will ask for forgiveness. My computer has been sick and I have been busy with test, appointmens and grocery shopping. I needed forgive myself and ask for forgiveness for not being able to be here for everyone. MzHlR7wbdjoM9XhPHHLQA
04-30-2016, 09:01 AM
Just for today, I will be open to transformation and change. When I put a block on negative energies, I also block the positive energies from coming in. I need to be open in order to receive and allow myself to be vulnerable.
05-02-2016, 01:36 PM
Just for today, I will pray and ask for the right words and actions to take and not allow my feelings and my actions project onto another. I will let go of my anger and resentment, and come from a recovery place instead of acting out in my dis-ease.
05-03-2016, 12:08 PM
Just for today, I will have a new freedom and a new happiness. This is my only day without an appointment today. I have been debating whether to stay at home and rest or take myself to a meeting. I haven't had much sleep, so do I take care of the body or the soul.
I am free to make a decision, so I guess I will end up doing what brings me happiness and joy. I will see if my bed calls me before it is time to leave to go to the meeting. ;)
When I did my morning meditation today, I got the Eagle twice. The Eagle means Spirit in Jamie Sams' Medicine Book on animals.
05-04-2016, 08:29 PM
Just for today, I will accept what is, rather than what I would have it be in today. I was busy, busy, busy today and really hurting tonight, so need to get off my computer and if need be, go to my bed. I am having chest pains, and that is not good.
I was sharing with a friend today. People look at me and don't see anything wrong and as they say, "They judge a book by it's cover." The outside may look good, but the inside has it's own agenda. I get bus drivers who are disrespectful to me because I have a walker. I get the impression that they think I am using it for a free ride. As if, it took me a year to get my pride and ego out of the way, and accept the fact that I needed it.
05-05-2016, 12:18 PM
Just for today, I will stand in my truth, until such a time as my God shows me a different path. I am so grateful for the people who have been put in my path over the years, who have shown me how to work my program and how NOT to work my program.
Today I am looking forward to going to my group, leaving in 15 min.
05-06-2016, 05:17 PM
Just for today, I pray for the willingness to be willing to do what I need for my health and well being. I have had three really heavy duty days and I am a hurting unit tonight. I am glad I have leftover rice to cook up. When I finish posting, I have to drain my cottage roll and put fresh water on it. By par-boiling it, it removes a lot of the salt, which I am not suppose to have. It has so much more flavour than regular ham. I am praying that I am not too fatigued to lift the pot and drain it. It will be a challenge. Thankfully, I have 3 tapings of the ATP tennis tournament from Madrid to watch tonight.
Too tired to take the time to post pictures. :(
05-07-2016, 05:35 PM
Just for today, I will be accepting of what is. I am a walking, hurting unit after my busy week. I made the decision that got me to where I am in today, so I need to be accepting and in today, take action to change my attitude.
05-09-2016, 08:30 PM
Just for today, I will be forgiving. Not just the people in my life who don't do as I think they should do, but to myself. I need to forgive my body for not keeping up to my thoughts. Forgive my emotional self, and allow myself to feel instead of stuffing them. As one of my favourite quotes days, "Just because you have a feeling, doesn't mean you have to act on it. I tend to think of it more as "acting out" and slipping back into old patterns and behaviours.
05-11-2016, 12:12 AM
Just for today, I will have gratitude and give thanks for a great day. Good things accomplished. Contact with friends. I called my friend Barb who lives two apartments away from me and apoliogized for banging my door twice. She often suffers from migraines. I had my hands full of laundry and the window was open and the door slammed shut. I felt bad. Thankfully she didn't hear it and she was having a good day.
05-11-2016, 05:59 PM
Just for today, I will build on the relationship that I have with myself and with my God. When my God is with me, how can I not come from a place of love, for myself and others. It has to begin with me.
When I doubt myself, I am doubting my God.
05-12-2016, 10:55 AM
Just for today, I will remember that some bunny loves me. I will love myself and make healthy choice and practice self care. I won't discount what is going on in my life. I will validate who I am and know that it is okay to be me.
05-13-2016, 01:56 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks for the gift of creation. Coming home from the doctors, I made a point of touching spruce and jasper trees and looking at the flowers, violets, panseys, tulips, daffodils, and so much more. The most prevalent wad dandelions. For me they are special. My son was two when he brought me a bouquet of them with many broken stems. I also love their sunshine yellow flowers.
05-14-2016, 07:30 PM
Just for today, I will push through the pain and do what I need to do. I will take my time and remember "Easy Does It...but do it!" I am a hurting unit today, but it was good to get out in the sunshine, walk around and not sit in my four walls on the pity pot. The sunshine is healing and it is important not to isolate my soul.
05-15-2016, 02:40 PM
Just for today, I will love not hate that the rain turned into snow. It is hard to believe, I looked out the window an hour ago and everything was clear outside even though it was windy. I know we need rain, especially in the western provinces, but snow is a bit much. Just for today, I will say, "This is for the Higher Good of all, and it isn't all about me."
This looks like my first puppy and he was called Rusty.
05-16-2016, 04:41 PM
Just for today, I will practice self-care. My hands and fingers are numb, and I am aching all over as a result of my trip to the mall. I needed to take a book back that was due, so had to be responsible. I came on line fighting the fact that I felt like lying down, didn't want to spoil my sleep tonight, but have come to the conclusion, that it is best I take a time out and rest, and then I will hopefully feel more like posting later.
05-18-2016, 01:16 AM
Just for today, I will forgive myself for not coming on line earlier and not posting. Last night I was running a fever and haven't been feeling up to par. I only had my TV on for about 2 hours all day, to watch The Voice result show and Jeopardy.
I know I always feel better as a result of being here, but the body just couldn't get up and rise to the occasion.
05-18-2016, 07:21 PM
Just for today, I will choose sobriety. I will enjoy the moment, even if it is just doing dishes, cooking dinner, and taking a walk to the Pharmacy. I put garbage down the chute and heard my friend Barb talking at the elevator and went to say hello. She saw the dark bruise on my arm and asked what happened to me. I said I fell into a wall, not sure really what it was, I have been losing my balance a lot lately. She saw my son come in the building and asked him if he had seen my arm and did he cause it. He said she tries to be funny, but it wasn't, especially when people are around.
I have three medications that say "May cause dizziness." So I guess I am just a ditz!
05-22-2016, 11:30 AM
Just for today, I will trust in my Higher Power to see me through each day. He meets my needs, yet I must remember to pick them up. They are there, I just have to be open to receive.
05-24-2016, 09:50 PM
Just for today, I will enjoy the bountiful gifts of nature. I will make a conscious effort to connect and apprecate the Creators many blessings. These are beautiful and it is nice to fill up your space with good things, but like to seem them in their natural state.
05-24-2016, 10:00 PM
Just for today, I will accept what is. I have been in a lot of pain today. As they say, "We are where me are as a result of decisions made." I made the decision to wear a pair of black flats instead of my orthonics. No support, like walking on the sidewalk with cardboard soles Ouch.
05-25-2016, 06:10 PM
Just for today, I will go with the flow and accept what is, knowing it is subject to change. Things will change, it is up to me to do my part. Sometimes my part is just to recognize what is and just allow my God to work His Will with my life.
Today I am having problems typing without makiing errors. This is something I have problems with, but I know it is my tremon disorder, plus the fact that I think I have some kind of virus as I have been playing Queen of the House for most of the day, sitting on my Throne.
05-27-2016, 12:37 AM
Just for today, I am still working on acceptance. I missed my AA meeting today and my Al-Anon meeting yesterday. I am meeting up with a friend 11 hours from now to do brunch and go shopping for my sister's birthday present. I am hoping my body will be able to keep up. I am hoping to get more sleep and rest before then. If I don't sleep before 8 a.m., I will have to call and cancel the trip with Darts. What ever will be will be. If I am meant to go, it will happen. I will just have to give my body and my mind a little talking to.
05-27-2016, 09:56 PM
Just for today, I will put some gratitude in my attitude. Grateful for good fun and frolic with a good friend, which lead to a very good day.
They say, "If you have gratitude, show it." Don't just talk about it. I certainly can't take it for granted. It is truly a gracious gift.
05-28-2016, 03:25 PM
Just for today, I will trust the process. Things will unfold as they should, not always as I would have them be. It was nice to run into my friend downtown. I came home, decided to go and get the special on bottled water $1.88 for 24 and bought two and bathroom tissue was $3.99 for 12 rolls. I ended up spending over $100. because I bought a fan and some vitamins. I went back down to the pharmacy and she was there and we came home together.
When in doubt, look around and see what is happening with your life. It is a good day for me when I connect with others and I go with the flow, instead of running away from home and trying to make things happen. When I do, I don't make that spiritual connection with others.
05-29-2016, 08:10 PM
Just for today, I will be myself. I will not role play and be something I am not to impress others. What you see is what you get. It was a great day in recovery when the insides matched the outside.
05-30-2016, 08:59 PM
Just for today, I am glad that it will be over in 4 hours and 1 minutes. It has been a hurting day.
05-31-2016, 08:54 PM
Just for today, I am grateful for the people in my life. Today I had brunch with a friend who insisted on paying and a visit from a long time friend when I got home.
Grateful for both these ladies, have known them for over 20 years. One I knew 50 years ago and then she went one way and I went another, so very grateful that we reconnected.
I am so grateful for the people my God put in my life, be it for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. My favourite piece of prose.
06-01-2016, 08:29 PM
Just for today, I am lowering my expectations and not being hard on myself for not doing what I know I `should`do. I am just not up to meeting them mentally and physically, so I am going to treat myself with some TLC, and just do the best I can in the moment.
I have a foot doctor`s appointment tomorrow and I am hoping to make it to my AA meeting. It doesn`t give me a lot of time and the specialist isn`t always on time and I don`t get in right away. If need be, I will take a taxi to the meeting as I have missed the last two weeks, because of doctor`s appointments and pain.
06-02-2016, 10:07 AM
Just for today, I will give thanks. The sun has come out, so it just has to be a wonderful day. I do regret not going back to bed when I woke up, here it is an hour and a half, and I want to go back to sleep.
It is suppose to be hot today. That is good, my body loves the heat! I will be grateful for what is in the moment, knowing it is subject to change.
06-03-2016, 04:09 PM
Just for today, I will practice the principles in ALL my affairs. It isn't about drinking and drugging in today, it is about my emotional sobriety and not substituting other things for my drug of choice. Just for today, I choose to be clean and sober. Sobriety means 'soundness of mind.' Learn to identify, not compare.
06-04-2016, 07:03 PM
Just for today, I will not run from life's problems. I will give thanks and put gratitude in my attitude. I will try to learn life's lesson as I travel through this world. I am listening to the song River Road. So glad I don't have to go there in today.
Crystal Gayle
River Road Lyrics
Here I go once again
With my suitcase in my hand
And I'm running away down River Road
And I swear, once again, that I'm never coming home
Yes, I'm chasing my dreams down River Road
Mama said, listen child
You're too old to run wild
You're to big to be fishin' with the boys these days
So I grabbed some clothes and I ran
Stole five dollars from a sugar can
A twelve year old jail breaker runnin' away
Here I go once again
With my suitcase in my hand
And I'm running away down River Road
And I swear, once again, that I'm never coming home
I'm chasing my dreams down River Road
Well, I married a pretty good man
And he tries to understand
But he knows I've got leavin' on my mind these days
When I get that urge to roam
I'm just like a kid again
The same old jail breaker runnin' away
Here I go once again
With my suitcase in my hand
And I'm running away down River Road
And I swear, once again, that I'm never coming home
I'm chasing my dreams down River Road.
06-05-2016, 11:37 AM
Just for today, I will remember the slogans and apply them to my life. For today, the one that comes to mind is "Easy does it!....but do it!"
06-08-2016, 12:31 AM
Just for today, I will pray for the health and welfare of friends and family. I can't always be there for them, but I can take time to pray.
06-08-2016, 04:27 AM
Just for today, I will set a goal. I will lower my expectations and make the goal attainable and pray and ask for help to do my God's Will for me in today. My goal is to make it to my Al-Anon meeting. At the moment, it is pouring rain. I can't push a walker and carry an umbrella at the same time. The weather channel says sunshine, so I will try to walk in faith.
06-08-2016, 06:38 PM
Just for today, I will let go of my anger. This Step isn't a one time deal for me, it is on going. I work Step 10 daily, but to my way of thinking, often what happens in today has a root and trigger that is linked to a past issue.
When I am aware that something is wrong, I do a meditation and ask for the knowing that I need to change and let go of what is causing my pain. So often emotions make themselves known physically. I can't, my God can, and it is up to me to turn things over into His Care. I don't want to go around acting out my anger by having hissy fits.
06-09-2016, 08:11 AM
Just for today, I will follow the Good Orderly Direction for my life. Each day I start with the Serenity Prayer and put my day in the hands of my Higher Power. I follow it up with the Third and Seventh Step prayer, so I can get out of the way and allow my HP to speak through me instead of around me or as my ex-sponsee use to say, "Is God hitting you over the head with a spiritual cast iron frying pan?"
06-10-2016, 12:55 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. I can't get into an old e-mail address. Someone sent important information there and I just can't remember the password and when I try for tech support, according to them, I am not in existance. Will try again.
Patience is a virtue, have it if you can. I heard that for years, guess I am lacking in today.
06-11-2016, 10:51 AM
Just for today, we are back on acceptance. I am hoping to go down to the mall to meet my friend and hope I won't have the problems I had yesterday. I am also operating on 2 hours sleep, so will see how it goes. I have some grocery shopping to do and I am meeting a friend for coffee.
06-12-2016, 10:36 AM
Just for today, I will turn my day over to my Higher Power and allow Him to diirect my path. He seems to come up with much better ideas than I do. It is a good day when we are on the same page, instead of me wandering around with a closed mind and a narrow outlook, trying to find what is not there or trying to make something out of nothing.
06-15-2016, 09:02 PM
Whoops, have been posting under the wrong post. It is all defects, but this one is about today.
Just for today, I will accept my day and not beat myself up with should have and could haves. I will allow myself a day off. I only get out of a day what I put into it. I didn't put much into my day, so don't have any expectations for the remaining 24 hours.
06-16-2016, 07:45 PM
Just for today, I am trying to let go of the anger I felt when I got a prank phone call. I felt sad too that so many people are being taken in by these jokers and telling people that they are the government calling. I have since learned that two other friends have received the same call. I have the phone # and thinking of calling Ma Bell because they are disrespecting her service and/or the police, although I am not sure they will do anything. I am feeling responsible and feel like I should do something.
06-17-2016, 11:41 PM
It finally got hot today. My son came in after work and said he felt like he was suffering from heat stroke. He is a landscaper and there is no getting away from the sun. I didn't realize I missed posting yesterday.
Guess it should have been, just for today, I won't forget to post. I will go on line and share with others.
06-17-2016, 11:44 PM
Just for today, I will forgive myself for things undone and things unsaid. This is a one day at a time program, and each day is a new beginning.
06-18-2016, 09:38 PM
Just for today, I will not take on 'stuff' that is not mine. I will allow the freedom of recovery give me the peace and serenity I need for today. Just for today, I choose to let go and let God. I ask that my clarity of thought and perception be healed so I will be aware of what I can change and what I can't change.
06-19-2016, 10:40 PM
Just for today, I will trust the process. As long as I am connected to my Higher Power, things will turn out as they should be, not always as I would have them be.
After talking to my friend for about 90 minutes, I read her the Serenity Prayer for quitting smoking from NicA, Nicotine Anonymous. She found a lot of comfort in it. She just got out of the hospital and was in ICU a couple of times this month.
When we finished talking, I read her today's reading from Courage to Change and the reading from In God's Care by Karen Casey. They both referenced what we had been talking about.
06-20-2016, 07:57 PM
Just for today, I will appreciate what I have. I may suffer from chronic pain and fatigue, but I am so much more fortunate that a lot of others. Seeing my sister in the hospital, I thought, "How boring this must be." She can't talk because of the tube down her throat feeding her and the oxygen. Her toe is infected, although it has healed a lot. He skin was dry and flaky and her hands, feet, and legs were swollen. My feet may swell, but I am not in the hospital.
As they say, "Put some gratitude in your attitude." (
06-22-2016, 12:45 AM
Just for today, I will do what I need to do. My God meets my needs, so the energy is there for the taking. The good orderly direction is there and though I sometimes look at it and ask, "My will or God's." I was grateful that I followed up with my thought of going to see my sister as she didn't have a good day. I was grateful to see that her leg was better and that she was attended to. It kept coming to mind and I couldn't give it rest until I saw for myself that she was okay. When I turn my day over to my God's, I have to think of it as His Will, unless proved otherwise. I know that I can get in my own way and discount something and want to do it myself, so just in case, I say the Serenity Prayer and stop and have a wee talk to my God to see that we are on the same page.
06-22-2016, 05:07 PM
Just for today, I will not put high expectations on myself or others. I need to remind that everyone isn't always able to meet them, certainly not to level others put on us or visa versa. We can be our how hard taskmaster. I think expectations are dooming ourselves and a catalist for resentment.
06-23-2016, 07:46 PM
Just for today, I will ask for my personal healing, be it my sense of humour, my attitude, my lack of motivation, etc. Through my God, all things are possible. I don't need to continue acting out in my dis-ease. I no longer have to participate in hissy fits and pity parties. I can ask my Higher Power to help me be a better me in today.
06-24-2016, 08:37 PM
Just for today, I will remember that the Serenity Prayer is a tool that works in recovery when I apply it. As they say, "It works when you work it." It works if I work for it, works better for me. I have to make the effort.
06-26-2016, 12:25 AM
Just for today, I will try to take care of myself to the best of my ability. That means taking a break and getting myself something to eat. I missed dinner, and I know that isn't good, so need to put some food in my body. I feel a headache coming on, so that is a good sign. Pain, pain, go away. That is what I said this morning before going to sleep. I woke up without my ankles being swollen.
06-26-2016, 03:22 AM
Just for today, I am willing to do what ever it takes. If I can't find that willingness, I will pray for the willingness to be willing. pg?oh=61b370e90a7753fc8107456bbfaec157&oe=57EB197E
06-26-2016, 06:50 PM
Just for today, I will love the skin I'm in. It may have had some wear and tear over the years, but it is still my skin. For so many years I hated how I looked, always too tall it seemed. I was once told that I couldn't be an Orr, my maiden name, because I wasn't a blond. That really hurt and it stuck with me. I took it on, and yet they were words spoken by someone who I didn't even know, but he knew my dad's two brothers and their family. Be careful of the words you speak, they can make deep scars that take a long time to heal. So grateful for this program and it's healing process.
06-27-2016, 06:03 PM
Just for today, will remember the word doesn't center around me. I don't have to have the last word. I don't have to be the first one to pick up the phone. I can't let my ego and pride get in the way of my recovery. I must remember where I came from. I have to remember when!!!
06-28-2016, 04:28 AM
Just for today, I will try not to be stubborn and dig my heels in. I need to be open, flexible, and leave the old selfish, self-centeredness behind.
It is so important to live in today and in the moment. As they say, in the moment has nor room for ego, defiance, resentment, anger, and all those other negative emotions. When I block out the negative, I also prevent the positive energies to flow.
Just for today I will go with the flow. I won't go in my own direction and isolate my soul.
06-28-2016, 09:26 PM
Just for today, I will not be judgmental. I will allow others their space and remember that I need to love the person as a child of God, I don't have to like or love their actions. It is not up to me to judge their motive and intent. I will try not to play 'god' with someone else's life or with my own.
Signs of abuse:
06-29-2016, 08:26 PM
Just for today, I will let go of my anger. A lot of it is from stuff that is none of my business. It certainly isn't something I should take on. I just need to deal with my own feelings concerning te situation. Anger is a danger. It take away my Serenity and threatens my Sobriety (soundness of mind).
06-30-2016, 09:06 PM
Just for today, enough already! Have been in major pain for two days. I am beginning to think a lot of it is emotional pain making itself known physically. When I went to see my sister today, she looked worse. Continued prayers would be appreciated.
Closing up shop and going to bed to see if I can find some of the sleep I lost the last couple of nights.
07-01-2016, 12:52 PM
Just for today, it is about self care so I can make it out to a meeting with a newcomer tonight. I don't want to do anything that will cause my feet to swell or ache, which is ironic, because I think they have a mind of their own. It means I can't do nothing, but I can't do too much either, like I did yesterday. It wasn't of my choosing, but that was the problem, I was working on self will, I wanted to go see my sister, but my body was telling me no all afternoon. I did other things then went to the hospital and ended up not doing the thing that I should have done, which was give blood seeing as the lab is closed today because of the holiday and now I have to wait until Monday.
07-02-2016, 11:40 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks for those who have prayed for my sister. I put some gratitude in my attitude today and went up to see her. I stayed with her while my brother-in-law took my niece home. She has been there with her mother every day she has been in ICU. She has time off work and has spent it with her mom at the hospital.
I am grateful that although I slept late, I did wake up with no pain. There were signs all the way, buses arriving and me not having to wait and specials on some things in the grocery store on things I needed.
07-04-2016, 11:26 PM
Just for today, I will follow my heart and come from a place of Love. You can't go far wrong if you choose love, especially if your intentions and motives are right and not for self, but for the good of the whole. I don't just come here for my recovery, I come to share with others to give it away, with the hope that it will help others.
07-05-2016, 04:35 PM
Just for today, I will try to organize my thoughts and my actions. It is important for me because if I don't, I forget! I get a though and discount it and forget that it is often from my God if I have asked Him to be a part of my day. If I forget, and I don't feed my spirit, I lose that defense against my addiction and I can slip back into old patterns and behaviour. It is easy to get complacent and forget there is always room for growth. What I did last week, isn't going to keep me sober in today, let alone what I did a year agao. I have learned the tools, but I still have to remember to pick them up. It helps if they are in order.
07-06-2016, 06:39 AM
Just for today, I will work on my willingness to be willing. I have had laundry to do and have been procrastinating about it. Yesterday I had thoughts, but couldn't follow up because the water had been shut off in the building. It is suppose to rain and storm, so it looks like I might not be able to go to my meeting, so it looks like I need to be willing to do my laundry and procrastinate no more. As they say, procrastination is a 5 syllable (that doesn't look right, but my spell check isn't working) word for sloth.
07-07-2016, 02:05 AM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. There is a car alarm going off in the parking lot opposite my building. It is 1 a.m. and not condusive to serenity.
My thought is, "Knock it off already," but who knows where the owner is, probably in a bar in Hess Village.
I have the same problem with sirens. I know that it is because every time I hear one, I wonder if my son is involved.
Thank you, it was just turned off.
07-09-2016, 12:31 AM
Just for today, I will pray for the willingness to be willing to be open for healing for my sister and myself. When I went for my treatment at the Holistic Center, I asked that she be given what she needed and what I needed to align my body as it is "quite bent out of shape," physically and mentally.
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