View Full Version : Chipping Away at Defects of Character
03-02-2017, 07:04 PM
Just for today, I will keep my thoughts and opinions to myself. There are a couple of people in my life that I would like to give some good orderly direction, and it isn't my job. I will leave them in their God's Hands and focus on my own stuff. As they say, "It takes one to know one, so what I see in others is a reflection from within me."
03-03-2017, 10:34 AM
Just for today, I will be patient. I am getting tired of being sick and constantly blowing my nose and occasionally coughing. I've been under the weather for 2 weeks.
03-04-2017, 12:56 AM
Just for today, I will take a time out and not let busy get in the way of the healing energies that are sent through prayer according to my God's Will. I will look at what decisions I made to bring me to where I am at, is it just the honey buns I ate or is their something else I have to change?
03-04-2017, 05:27 AM
Just for today, I hope to get some sleep, go downtown and/or do my laundry. I need to do both, but not sure I will have the energy to do both. A lot will depend on the weather as to whether I go out the door.
03-05-2017, 05:33 AM
Just for today, I will stay in the moment. I won't let my excitement rob me of sleep, so I will be wide awake to meet my internet friend at Tim Horton's for lunch.
We have been sharing for several years and look forward to seeing her in person.
03-06-2017, 09:53 PM
Just for today, I have to be accepting what is in the moment, knowing it is subject to change. This too shall pass, be it the good or not so good, life goes on. I need to let go of the little things as well as the big things.
03-09-2017, 01:10 AM
Just for today, I will work on my acceptance. I have a lot of doctor's appointment this month. Hope to find some answers. Just trying to stay in the moment, and accept what is, knowing it is subject to change. It is what it is, and all I can do is just try to live in today to the best of my ability. I really need to lower my expectations.
03-09-2017, 10:54 AM
Just for today, I will be willing to go to any length to stay and be sober.
03-10-2017, 01:45 AM
Just for today, I will remember that I can't get involved in controversy if I practice the slogan, "Live, and let live." I don't have to be a happening, looking for a place to land.
03-11-2017, 11:30 PM
Just for today, I will face my issues. I will no longer try to stuff them, turn a blind eye to them, and I will acknowledge them and recognize them for what they are.
03-13-2017, 03:42 PM
Just for today, I will be forgiving. Starting with forgiving myself. I am not perfect and I can't get down on myself when I make a mistake or screw up.
03-14-2017, 10:39 AM
Just for today I will be unafraid. Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me.
03-14-2017, 03:13 PM
Just for today, I will ask for help. That doesn't mean it will be given to me from the Source I expect from, by my Higher Power has never failed me yet. I not only need to be willing to give, I need to be willing to receive. Today I brought my angel cards out for my meditation.
03-16-2017, 06:25 PM
Just for today, I will be patient. Not only with others, but with myself too. I will stop beating myself up for running over my big toe with my computer chair. I shared about it as a JoAnne thing at my group today. The topics were acceptance, sense of humor, and patience. All things I needed to start my day, and when I remember, it is one day at a time, I can get through things much more easily. I have short time memory loss too. I forgot about those three topics this afternoon, when Darts stood me up and it cost me $6. to come home by taxi.
03-17-2017, 03:21 PM
Just for today, I will help others who need my help. I will be willing to go out of my way to help someone in need. I have found that when I do this, I am blessing the person and I am also blessing myself. A win-win situation. Isn't that great?!
03-18-2017, 12:41 AM
Just for today, I will be grateful. When everything falls into place and you go with the flow, things unfold as they should. Little things like having exactly the right change, getting all the green lights, thinking of someone and you get a call from them, and the list goes on and on.
03-18-2017, 01:47 PM
Just for today, I will have a goal and aim toward it. I will have purpose and take pride in my accomplishments. Through my God, all things are possible. His Will, not mine be done.
03-19-2017, 10:37 PM
Just for today, I will accept my limitations. I will lover my expectations and be more accepting of what is in today.
03-20-2017, 12:25 PM
Just for today, I will take time out of my day to pray to God, my Higher Power and meditate. A relationship with God (Higher Power) is the most important relationship I can have. I will embrace it today and every day!
03-21-2017, 09:42 AM
Just for today, I will choose life by choosing recovery. I will also take care of myself.
03-24-2017, 01:02 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience. I am waiting for my friend to come to look at my computer. He postponed his visit to 1 p.m.
03-25-2017, 10:16 AM
Just for today, I will practice gratitude. I am grateful that the rain is finally here. My body has been telling me that it has been coming. After it gets here, the pain lessens to a certain extent, although it can hurt in a different way, and then I have to practice more patience and tolerance. As they say, put some gratitude into my attitude and not take my pain out on others or myself.
03-27-2017, 04:23 AM
Just for today, I will be accepting of what is. I don't have to like it, sure don't feel like I lost a day. I don't like sleeping a day away, but just couldn't walk yesterday. I kept saying, "I'm going to do..., but didn't."
03-27-2017, 04:12 PM
Just for today, I will hand it over to God (my Higher Power) I'll give my worries, problems, wants and needs. I know that I can't do it all by myself. I will Let Go and Let God.
03-28-2017, 11:50 PM
Just for today, I will not beat myself for the things I forget and for falling short of my expectations of myself. Many times we have thoughts, but we don't always follow through with them. That is when a defect of character becomes a shortcoming.
Tried to do some housework today, didn't get much done, but I did try.
03-29-2017, 09:38 AM
Just for today, I will have a sense of humor. I am going to let the little kid in me out and learn to laugh for the gut.
03-29-2017, 03:32 PM
Just for today, I will remember that meeting makers make it. It was so good to get to my Al-Anon group today. I haven't been there for several weeks. I am grateful that my AA meeting is more. Additional food for the soul, can't get too much of it.
03-30-2017, 11:12 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience on all the things in my life that I need to tolerate. If you pray for patience, you get lots of things to practice on. Don't remember praying, but maybe my God thought I need some more practice on tolerance.
03-31-2017, 04:13 PM
Just for today, I will take time to think. I will take time to read. I will take time to play. I will work with my hands. I will count my blessings!
03-31-2017, 08:30 PM
Just for today, I will let go of my anger. I was so angry at the Dart's guy the other day who said he couldn't find me if he didn't know what building to go to. Today when I went, the number 565, which I gave them was right over the door to where I have my appointment. They also had the suite number, but I always make sure that I at the door at the right time. I had a few choice words for him. I couldn't believe it. They had dropped me off and picked me up twice and all of a sudden they had a problem. I need to say a prayer for him, because he is a regular staff, so I will get him again.
04-01-2017, 11:55 AM
Just for today, I have made up my mind to enjoy the day no matter what happens. At the moment, I am hurting, but I am not going to let that stop my day. I have my heating pad on my back to limber it up so I can get mobile today.
04-03-2017, 12:12 AM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. I don't like housework, but did get busy in my kitchen today. Have to be patient and tolerant of myself. I tried to do three things at once - read my book, watch curling, and do dishes too.
04-03-2017, 10:58 AM
Just for today, I will stay sober for me, not someone else (like my son and daughter) -- otherwise it doesn't work.
04-04-2017, 09:31 AM
Just for today, I will try to get more sleep. I need to go to bed earlier so I can get more sleep. Getting more sleep will help improve my physical health.
04-04-2017, 05:33 PM
Just for today, I will accept what is in today. If I don't I stay stuck, and there is no way I want to stay where I am at in today and where I was yesterday. A lot of paralyzingly pain, and not able to think or work through it. The one good thing about it was that I did get sleep. I had 2 hours sleep the two days before. Catch up can be a good thing. The only thing worse than me was my computer. It was so slow and it takes a lot of patience to use it.
04-06-2017, 12:07 PM
Just for today, I will let the little kid in me out -- learn how to laugh from the gut. They say, "Laughter is the Best Medicine". I believe this is true. Having a good sense of humor and being able to laugh are important to good mental health.
04-07-2017, 06:49 AM
Just for today, I will apply the program to my life. It is a living program and applicable to all areas of my life, be it mental, emotional, spiritual, and/or physical.
I have to have a sense of humor and laugh at myself at times. I know, and often need to heed my own words. So easy to help others and ignore your own issues.
04-08-2017, 09:33 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks for the healing and help I got at the Holistic Center today. It has been difficult to walk lately, and I feel so much better. I know I will need another treatment at least before it gets any better.
04-09-2017, 10:27 PM
Just for today, I will lower my expectations and raise my level of acceptance. It is what it is and I am powerless over people, places, and things.
04-10-2017, 10:18 PM
Just for today, I will give myself a hug. I am lovable and deserving of love. When I meet people, especially new ones, I always say, "Do you do hugs?" I don't want to invade there space. Sometimes they have trouble reaching out a hand to connect with you. I was told, "You are only half a hand shake you know.
04-12-2017, 12:25 AM
Just for today, I ask for help in letting go of resentments. Had a resentment against my son for waking me up this morning when I had only slept for 2 hours. I have been awak all day, and every time I laid down, I couldn't seem to stay down.
It was ironic, seeing as I was up, I decided to follow through on my plans and went to a noon meeting and then grocery shopping. At the meeting they read Freedom from Bondage and talks about Step Three. The reading in the Big Book was Step 3 and the beginning of Step 4. Needless to say, it was what I needed to hear. Just for today, I will practice the principles of the program on all of my affairs.
04-13-2017, 12:54 AM
Just for today, I will have acceptance of what is in the moment. I will practice my program and give thanks that it is there for me at this time. I have to accept my son's disease as well as my own. I also need to remember that I qualify for both sides of the street.
04-14-2017, 12:16 PM
Just for today, I will live in the moment. I will check my attitude at the door and remember that it takes one to know one.
04-15-2017, 10:32 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks for the healing power that was made available to me today. A friend of mine said, "You are always helping others, I am taking you to a place to get healing for you. It was a good experience. I don't know that I would go again as it was against some of my personal beliefs, but that is okay. They prayed to a God of all religions, I pray to a God who is all powerful and gives, no matter what religion you are.
04-16-2017, 02:45 PM
Just for today, I will be open minded and be willing to receive all the lessons and gifts that have been sent my way. I didn't agree with all that was said yesterday, but I was very aware of the energy in the room, just not sure all of it was positive.
As they say, "Take what you need and leave the rest." I like to think of it as leave some for the other guy, he may need it more than you do. Three people there had the same issues as I did. All gifts gratefully received.
04-18-2017, 12:58 AM
Just for today, I am willing to be willing to do what I need to do for myself. I went to my chiropractor's appointment, caught the bus to go to see my sister in the hospital, and when she fell asleep when I was there, I left and came home to my own bed. I fell asleep in my chair last night and didn't feel rested. I credited the healing energies I received yesterday for a good sleep. I woke and felt like a new me. Before I went to bed I went to the pharmacy to take my blood pressure. I was 129/77/75, much better than 147/56/60 of the previous reading.
04-18-2017, 09:50 PM
Just for today, I will think happy thoughts. I will have hope for my sister and wish her all the best. She is not open minded. I told her that people where asking for her. She countered that her pastor had been to see her. Maybe it is my thinking, but I got the impression that if the prayers don't come from church they don't count. So many come from church, but that doesn't mean church prayers are the only ones that are powerful.
I believe a thought is a prayer. We need to give out good thoughts, because what we put out, we get back.
04-19-2017, 10:54 AM
Just for today, I will pray for others. I will pray for others: the alcoholic that still suffers, physical and mental health, well being, strength, wisdom, courage, willingness, acceptance.
04-19-2017, 05:56 PM
Just for today, I will try to love myself. Sometimes we need love from others, especially when we can't find it within ourselves. Today I can't seem to think through the pain.
04-20-2017, 08:43 PM
Just for today I will try. The failure is in the not trying, so I know that I have to do the foot work and put the effort into things if I wants things to happen.
Failure is in the not trying. Trying and not meeting our expectations or that of others, is not a failure. We need to lower our expectations and not take on other people's stuff.
04-21-2017, 09:35 PM
Just for today, I will let my day unfold and except my God's Blessings in today. It isn't every day that I get 7 plus hours of sleep. It is so important to be grateful. It may not seem much to some people, but for me they are golden.
04-22-2017, 10:35 PM
Just for today, I will nurture and take care of myself. The sun was shining and yet, my whole body has ached from top to toe. It even hurt to type. No pain pills to take, so did meditation earlier, will do more when I finish posting.
04-25-2017, 10:32 AM
04-25-2017, 11:20 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance, mainly with myself. I can't do what I want to do when I want to do it and it is ticking me off, to put it mildly.
It is practice what you preach. You know what to do, why haven't you done it? When all else fails? Pray!!!
04-25-2017, 11:21 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance, mainly with myself. I can't do what I want to do when I want to do it and it is ticking me off, to put it mildly.
It is practice what you preach. You know what to do, why haven't you done it? When all else fails? Pray!!!
04-26-2017, 09:46 PM
Just for today, I will try for acceptance. If I don't find acceptance, I go into the grrrr stage which leads to anger and a lot more work I have to do on my in today. I must remember that I don't have to like it to accept it, but I do need to find some measure of acceptance in order to move on.
04-27-2017, 09:01 AM
Just for today, I will apply my program to all areas of my life. I must remember that I have a thinking problem not a drinking problem. I haven't had a dirnk for 25 years. But if I let my thinking get out of whack, it can lead me to a drink before I know it.
04-29-2017, 12:25 AM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. I will do the same thing tomorrow. I can't believe that the doctor would give me a prescription for a tablet that is pure codeine. They said that the other medication was addictive. I never abused it, only by not taking it when I was suppose to. I have enlarged kidney and codeine is not good for my body never my addiction. Codeine was one of the C words that came to mine when I went to Cocaine Anonymous. I didn't use Codaine or Crack, but had my own C words like Control, Codeine, and Coffee with caffeine.
God grant me the Serenity....
04-29-2017, 09:58 PM
Just for today, I am continuting to work on patience and tolerance with myself. I was really hurting today and it was hard to be connected because of my pain. I was out with my friend and talked to my sister and a friend on the phone and they couldn't hear me.
Very tired, just want to go back to my bed. I haven't had dinner yet. One day at a time, that is how it is. As I told my friend, I just woke up, so I am starting a new day.
04-30-2017, 06:18 PM
Just for today, I will make a special effort to be there for friends. I must remember that isolation blocks the spirit and I become sick.
05-01-2017, 10:48 AM
05-02-2017, 01:35 AM
Just for today, I will accept my pain, recognize that the weather has a lot to do with it. As they say, "...and the wisdom to know the difference."I am having problems concentrating to type correctly and think through my pain.
05-02-2017, 10:21 AM ZZ-mqIFXV9saVAbeOnhOw
05-03-2017, 12:38 AM
Just for today, I will share wiith another. I will not isolate my soul, I will not block myself off from the Spiritual Lightl
05-03-2017, 09:19 AM
just for today:
05-03-2017, 10:05 AM
Just for today, I will work on my patience and tolerance. My doctor has gone on holiday. I will have to wait a week to have a wee talk with him. By then, I may have the right words and able to say them in a less than confrontational manner.
05-06-2017, 12:30 AM
Just for today, I will have patience and tolerance with myself. I have had major pain as a result of the rain that doesn't want to quit.
Feel badly that I havne't been able to post.
05-08-2017, 06:32 PM
Just for today, I am still working on my acceptance. Trying to change my attitude. Am I trying to accept my pain or accept my doctor's suggested medication which is a drug I was formerly addicted to and to my knowledge, I am allergic to it. I do have an enlarged kidney too, so codeine is not good for it. Just trying to stay in today.
05-10-2017, 08:16 PM
Just for today, I will accept what is happening with my body. I will ask for the willingness to get up early in the morning and pray for the willingness to do what ever it takes for my health and well being. Acceptance is the key. I sure don't like it. I don't do mornings well.
05-11-2017, 02:05 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. After being in the hospital for 8 hours in two days, I had to practice on myself. Someone was looking after me, a lot of people must have been praying, because I got into ER right away, got taken righht in for examinations and testing. Didn't have to wait today, even got a joy ride on an express wheel chair. The staff were good, no complaints. I took my book to read if I was kept waiting, and I didn't even open it once.
05-12-2017, 09:35 AM
I will live in the present.
05-12-2017, 10:22 PM
Just for today, I will not get stuck not knowing what to do. I will ask my God for help to lead and guide me through this difficult time. I will as for His Good Orderly Direction as to what I need to change in my life to bring about my recovery. I will try to work through my pain and get to the other side.
05-14-2017, 05:17 AM
Just for today, I will work on my acceptance. I confirmed this with my friend last night when she called. Not only my body isn't working up to par, but my mind as well, and that hasn't been easty to accept. I am glad my doctor is referring me to a new heart specialist. Hopefully, she can listen to me and affirm what I feel is going on with my body, mind, and spirit.
05-16-2017, 04:39 AM
Just for today, I will pray and ask for what I need to change the energy around me. Transform any negativity into something positive and for your Higher Good.
05-17-2017, 05:16 PM
Just for today, I will work on my attitude. I will be loving and caring of others.
05-18-2017, 10:02 PM
Just for today, I will practice acceptance. I will pray and ask for what I need and trust the process.
05-19-2017, 11:02 PM
Just for today, I will enjoy life around me. I will soak up the sun and all of the Creator's Blessings.
05-21-2017, 01:14 AM
Just for today, I will continue to work on my acceptance of what is in today. It is hard to believe, I slept most of the day away and eating my dinner as I type this.
My nap turned into a big sleep. I didn't think my body knew how to do sleep let alone sleepp the day away.
05-23-2017, 06:54 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks for the healing I have received.
05-25-2017, 12:30 AM
Just for today, I will give love and kindness to other, always remembering it has to begin with me.
05-26-2017, 01:24 AM
Just for today, I will try and be patient. My computer has been slow and have had to boot a couple of times. I hope I found the solution. I am late for my chip for today, but the thought and the need were there earlier. Seeing as I had to restart my day, not sure if I am still in Thursday or into Friday.
05-28-2017, 03:01 AM
Just for today I will give thanks to all those who have been praying for me. I am feeling much better, and your prayers seemed to have worked. I will try to be grateful and will pass it on and pray for others who are in need.
05-29-2017, 09:26 PM
Just for today, I will not take my pain out on others.
05-30-2017, 10:10 PM
Just for today, I will do what I need for my Highest Good. I went today and bought a special mouth wash that is double the price of regular price, Omega 3 tablets and Ombra ointment. It is important for me to look at the little things and not ignore my general health and well being and shrug it off as unimportant.
05-31-2017, 05:08 AM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. I have to stay in my apartment until the landlord comes and inspects. I am hoping they come before my Al-Anon meeting at noon. I want my apartment painted and hoping they will do it or cover the cost of the paint and let my son do it.
06-01-2017, 10:01 PM
Just for today, I will ask for patience and tolerance. I just sat tonight and put 3 visits this month, 4 visits next month, and 1 visit for August to see doctor or go to hospital for tests, and on top of that, I have to remember to call Darts a week a head of time to book for a ride. God grant me patience. They say He doesn't give your more than you can handle. It has been my experience that my God has more faith in me some day than I have in Him. :(
06-03-2017, 12:58 AM
Just for today, looking for some acceptance. My friend saw my son the other day and she was shocked at his appearance. He always loses weight working in the outdoors, in the sun. Generally not this early, and he had already lost weight prior to going back to landscaping.
He has me worried, but I have to let go and let God. He will not go to a doctor and I have to accept that. I have told him he needs to get things check out, but I think fear built up in his own mind keeps him from going.
06-03-2017, 07:49 PM
Just for today, I will live in the moment. I will not project into the future and tell myself, what if? My son is ill and he won't go to the doctor and I am worried about him. Not sure if I need to do an intervention. He has been to treatment before and he chooses not to go there. It is let go and let God. I just have to accept the fact that he may choose to carry the message, "to use is to die."
06-05-2017, 12:18 AM
Just for today, I had to ask for patience and tolerance. Cooking is a chore when you don't feel well and your legs are swollen and you don't want to stand on them. I toughed it out and did up some dishes and cooked roast beef, french fries, and tossed a garden salad.
It is amazing what a little patience can do, dinner turned out quite yummy!
06-05-2017, 09:39 PM
Just for today, I will accept what is in today, even though I don't like it. It was a day with little sleep. I am hoping to be able to go to bed and sleep the night away! :D
Not much sun here, hope it is shining where you are.
06-06-2017, 09:05 PM
Just for today, I am back accepting my Fibromyalgia. It has rained all day, and I think most of last night too. A lot of sirens today, so I always try to say a prayer for those who are in jeopardy. Squeeze me gently.
06-07-2017, 04:07 AM
Just for today, I will have to have a wee talk with my God and pray for the willingness to be willing on several things like eating, sleeping, and resentments.
I know I am powerless over people, places and things, and I know that only me can change me, but it seems like my got up and go, got up and went.
06-09-2017, 12:09 AM
Just for today, I will let go of the anxiety. I am wondering if that is what has been causing my pain. I did a meditation before I started posting. I think a lot of it is stressing about my son. He won't go to the doctor to get his health checked out. I can't, my God can, just for today, I will let Him.
06-09-2017, 11:19 PM
Just for today, I was very much in need of patience. I even looked around while waiting for Dart Transportation and saw a large black ant. According to Jamie Sams' the ant means patience.
06-10-2017, 11:23 AM
Just for today, I will try to stay calm, go with the flow and see what my day brings. My friend's name keeps popping up, so I will see if she wants to run away with me today.
06-11-2017, 04:00 AM
Just for today, I will stop procrastinating and do some laundry. Some times I have to say "Enough is enough." Yesterday I just had to go to bed and get off my feet, so my schedule looks worse than ever. It isn't very promising from my point of view, so I think I will turn my thinking, not my laundry, over to my HP.
06-12-2017, 04:48 AM
Just for today, I will try to come from a place of love. I have some people who I have to interact with in today, and I will need patience and tolerance, without myself and others.
06-13-2017, 02:50 PM
Just for Today, I will be patient with myself. My tremon disorder is acting out and I am making a lot of typing errors. I am getting double letters or I press a key and it doesn't print. I have to blame it on the disorder as I am a good typist who did 75 wpm when I finished school. A lot of people type faster, but that is alright. Not sure I still do 75, probably 65 and a lot less with the errors. My pride is taking a beating, because as many as I correct, I probably miss some. Like just now, I typed a word and I couldn't recognize it. :( Too fast is not always good. Not doing though is worse, so I will persevere, especially since I miss spelled that word. Thank God for spell check, yet even they don't get them all. They suck at grammar just as much as I do. LOL! Then it could be my computer....!
06-14-2017, 02:59 AM
Just for today, I will try to get to my Al-Anon meeting. I missed an AA meeting because of a headache that developed into a migraine. It is the first time one has put me to bed in a long time. I still have a headache. My head feels like it is on fire and clamped in between two hands that are squeezing it.
I will do more meditation before I take myself to my bed. A little disappointed as two of my postings have not yet put up their post for today. I left Google Chrome because they were slow and my patience was wearing thing. Came to use Avast and the speed is much faster, even if the reading are not up yet. Today I will try to keep my patience by turning things over to my God.
06-16-2017, 04:28 AM
Just for today, I will ask for my memory bank be fixed. Not often I miss a post here, and I forgot one for Elder's Meditation. I am going to ask for clarity of thought and the Good Orderly Direction I need to say the right words and not forget any posts that I normally do daily.
I love these two, I make a point to copy them every time they appear.
06-16-2017, 09:33 AM
06-17-2017, 02:07 AM
Just for today, I will be willing to be willing to change my diet. It isn't about the honey buns. It isn't about the ice cream. It is about me and my eating them, knowing what is going to happen, and doing it any way. I pray that the obsessive/compulsive feelings I have be changed. I ask for what I need to be willing to be willing to stop eating them. Ironically, I realized tonight, I am not sure I like them any more. I am an addict, and my drug of choice is more.
The substance is but a symptom of my disease, the problem is me.
06-18-2017, 11:17 AM
Just for today, I am just going to sit back and do as little as possible, read my book, cook my chicken, and hopefully the day will flow and I will find some peace. Not sure how much I can block out my son's space movie playing in the back ground, but will try to absorb it and all that is around me, into one beat in tune with my God.
06-19-2017, 08:40 PM
Just for today, I will try to have patience with my computer and with myself. Some funny kind of arrow has been floating around and not sure why. Trying to be patient with me practicing patience. Being grateful to Angelwinks for giving me the cards I need each day.
06-20-2017, 08:52 PM
Just for today, I will go with the flow. I planned to go to the noon Tuesday meeting, I even woke up in time. Going into the shower, my left leg hurt, after I came out, the right leg started acting up. I got dressed, went to the pharmacy to hand in my docette for next week's medication and it hurt to walk. I had check the weather and it called for rain and thunder storms, so I went back home. I planned to post, started up my computer, and the next thing I knew, I was in my bed and slept for 3 hours. This was after sleeping at least 9 hours last night. Tonight it is raining and have yet to hear any thunder, but my body wants to go back to bed. I will let it go back to bed after I finish posting for today. Posting so far has meant a lot of editing, but we will get through it, a moment at a time.
06-21-2017, 07:04 PM
Just for today, I will forgive myself. I walked out of the house at 11 a.m. and forgot to take my morning medication, and I ate brunch and should have had my lunch medications. I get a docette so I know what I have missed. It is not good that I missed my heart and blood pressure medication and go traipsing across town on the bus to Walmart. Did some walking, but had to call our shopping off and head home as I was getting a head ache. For most of my life, one of my motto's has been, "I can't stand stupidity, especially in myself." Well I did do a dumb thing, and I know my God forgives me, I just have to quit beating up on myself.
06-22-2017, 05:09 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks to my God for being with me today. When I went to the hospital this morning, I was given six pages to read and put my initials and the date on each page. As I read on it warned me of what could happen if I took the test, I wasn't nervous before, but it got kind of scary as I read along. Then I told myself, this is fear and realized I had done the test before in 2011. When the started the procedure, I told them to do their darnedest. My word, better than damedest, don't you think. That is good for a girl who swore like a trooper when she came into recovery.
The procedure did give me a head ache. They put dye which was radio active into my blood stream. They gave me caffeine by intervenes to take it away. They did give me a wee cup of cranberry juice. Felt like asking for 'more' when I finished, but didn't. I wanted to connect with Darts.
They were kind enough to put in for a porter before I was finished; so one would be there when I was ready to go home. You had to travel from the back to the front of the hospital and I would have got lost for sure. They put me in the emerald green wheelchair with a wire frame, not something you want to sit on long, I assure you. My pick up time was for 11:30 am; but I had it in my mind, I needed to be there for 11:15 am. I was there about 8 minutes after 11 and Darts showed up at 11:15 am exactly.
It had started raining while I was in and out of their cylinder and on the way home it poured so hard, the windshield could hardly do it's job.
So I have so much to be grateful. They were very good to me. I knew my God was with me because the fear left, faith appeared. I was given the message to be on time for Darts. Can't do much better than that, except for the sleep I had when I got home.
06-23-2017, 02:25 AM
Just for today, I will put more gratitude into my attitude. I have had good days, so I shouldn't grumble about some rough nights. Perhaps if I had gone to bed earlier when I got off my computer instead of picking up my book, I wouldn't have swollen feet and pain.
Not sure if the head ache is from the dye this morning or some energy that I am picking up. Either way, I will ask for the healing and hopefully it will go.
06-24-2017, 02:09 PM
Just for Today, I will practice patience and tolerance. So far not doing to good at it, I bought my son a pack of smokes because his cigarette guy wasn't available yesterday. He is like a bear and it is not good to be around him when he doesn't have one, let alone try to do something with him. I did it for my own peace of mind and serenity. I remember what it was like when I smoked.
Someone this morning said, "It is a beautiful morning." I said, "Yes it is. Any day the sun shines, it is a beautiful day.
06-25-2017, 05:56 PM
Just for today, I will not beat myself up. As they say, if you slept, you must have needed it. I closed show here about 1:40 pm and went straight to my bed. I thought I looked at the clock at 3:05 pm but when I rolled myself out of bed, it said 4:31 pm. I have dishes to do and dinner to prepare and here it is almost 5 pm.. Can't believe I slept that long as I went to bed this morning at 4:30 am and woke up at 12:30 pm. I have been a real sleepy head as my aunt use to say. I guess my body is trying to catch up on all the nights I didn't sleep.
06-26-2017, 08:49 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. I have a son who is in active addiction and it is difficult to detach from him and not open my mouth to give him some good orderly direction. I have to remember I am not his HP, who he doesn't believe in anyway.
06-28-2017, 12:04 AM
Just for today, I will put aside my ego. I will be open to the teaching of the program and not think that I know it all. This is a one day at a time program, it is a journey, not a destination.
06-28-2017, 08:59 PM
Just for today, I will take a time out and have a spiritual retreat. I will get in touch with my Creator and be open to His beautiful creations. That includes my brothers and sisters in this program and friend we have outside of the program. This is a "We" program, without you, there is no me.
06-29-2017, 09:07 PM
Just for today, I will pray and ask for patience, even though I know that I will get thinks to tolerate to practice on. Practice makes perfect they say. I don't know, I have been practicing for 25 years and I still don't always get it right. So glad this program is one day at a time.
06-30-2017, 06:16 PM
Just for today, I am trying to accept what is in the moment. I went for an adjustment at my chiropractor's and he was happy with the results. Me, I have a sore neck. Mind you it was sore before I saw him, so can't blame him, just hoping that the pain will pass. It doesn't stop me from typing and that is good. I have been having a lot of errors lately.
07-01-2017, 07:38 PM
Just for today, I will enjoy what is left of my day, and probably most of the night. Didn't have all that much pain, but for some reason, I didn't want to go to bed. I caught up on some Beat Bobby Flay programs I had recorded and a Tanked show too. I didn't have time during the day, probably because I was sleeping. I woke up a couple of times, hurt to move, so just snuggled back and went back to sleep. It looks like we have had rain all day, but it has stopped now and the sun shining.
07-02-2017, 02:39 AM
Just for today, I will be more productive. I will try to get the laundry done that has been calling me from behind my back, while I sit at the computer. I don't sleep at night and then sleep the day away. I don't like doing this, especially if it is sunny. If it is raining, like yesterday, I roll over and go back to sleep.
07-03-2017, 10:29 PM
Just for today, I don't like the image looking back at me in the mirror. I look like I have had more sleep, which I have. The thing that bothers me is that it looks like my face is now swollen. The fluid is all through my body, so not sure what is happening. I am going to call the doctor's office in the morning, if I can get some sleep between now and 9 a.m. when they open. Must remember to love myself and try to do what I need to do. I have prayed and asked for what I need to change.
07-05-2017, 02:57 AM
Just for today, I will hope that today will be a better day. I have places to go and things to do, so hopefully my body will oblige me.
07-06-2017, 08:07 PM
Just for today, I am working on my acceptance. I accept my disease, but today I had to work on my dis-ease. All these doctors appointments are driving me crazy, especially when I can't spell or pronounce their name.
07-07-2017, 09:37 AM
Just for today, I will be happy. I will have a program and will use it in all areas of my life.
07-08-2017, 01:08 AM
Just for today, I will give thanks. I feel very blessed. My prayers have been answered. I am now off the medication that I felt was giving me the head aches. More will be revealed next week, two medications stopped, two new medications to replace them. Another medication is half the amount of previous prescription. I have no valves blocked, but I do have a weak heart, which I think was caused by the old medication.
07-08-2017, 06:58 AM
Just for today, I will continue to show my gratitude while I go three days of cleansing from my old medication to make room for one that is quite new on the market and people have given it two thumbs up, which is a good sign for me. As the saying goes, that keeps popping up in front of me says, "No pain, no gain." I want to say, "Enough already." Again I have to remember, I have to accept what is in the moment, knowing it is subject to change.
07-10-2017, 05:02 AM
Just for today, I will trust the process. My son informed me that I always worry and that I was alright and there was nothing wrong with me. He doesn't see my body as I do, and he discounts my pain, because he knows I have it every day, whether I tell him or not. He says, "You always have it mom." It is the new aches and pains that had me stressed today until I realized what I was doing. I start the new medication for my heart on Tuesday. In the mean time, I am detoxing my body from the old, so I can start the new. How can I forget, that is how it works.
07-13-2017, 12:43 AM
Just for today, I will show my gratitude by sharing my story with others. Gratitude is an action word, it is better shown than just spoken.
07-14-2017, 12:25 AM
Just for today, I will take the advice I so freely give to others. Take care of yourself, do what is good for you and your recovery in today.
Yesterday was a very big day, didn't have much sleep last night so came home from my meeting and went to my bed. My son woke me up at 9 pm. or there about, not too sure. :(
07-14-2017, 02:00 AM
Just for today, I will make plans, but I won't plan the outcome. My goal is to go to the library. I have 6 books to go back and seven to pick up. I am watching tennis, and have much more to watch. Have nothing else planned for the weekend, it is a good thing. They call for heat and storms.
07-15-2017, 07:54 AM
Just for today, I will listen to my body. In order to get my grocery shopping done, I need to take myself back to my bed. With a head ache and a slight fever, I think I qualify. In today, I have to check my motive and intent. Am I hiding from the world, am I sick, do I need the rest, or am I just hiding from life in general? This is something I did for years, not something I do much of in today. There are not enough hours in a day and don't like to spend it in my bed.
07-16-2017, 10:21 PM
Just for today, I will try to get motivated and do what I need to do, Part of that is posting and not letting the day go by.
07-17-2017, 09:30 AM
07-19-2017, 11:03 AM
07-20-2017, 10:39 PM
Just for today, I will practice my patience and learn to tolerate the things in my life. I have to remember it isn't about the other person, it is all about me and my attitude.
07-22-2017, 12:15 AM
Just for today, I must work on my acceptance. My Fibromyalgia had come out of remission and making itself known. I have to accept that I typed this out and somehow, I closed all my windows that I had open, and my server too and have to do this twice.
07-22-2017, 09:58 PM
Just for today, I will pray for the good orderly direction I need for my relationships with my immediate family, my recovery family, and my internet family. I pray that I be given the words I need and be give the wisdom to know the difference and not interfere when it is in their best interest to find the way for themselves.
07-23-2017, 05:36 PM
Just for today, I will put my company manner's on as my son's says. Being with family and in-laws, can be trying, if you don't have the right attitude.
I don't know if it was ego or pride that made me feel good to dress up and feel good within myself. If I didn't pay attention to my aching feet, I had a good time. My shoes were the first thing off when I got home. What do they say, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Unfortunately, when I look in the mirror, I don't see a lot of beauty, even after all these years. So grateful it is a program of practice, practice, practice.
Like this, they say we are suppose to become our own best friend.
07-24-2017, 09:29 AM
Just for today I will:
07-25-2017, 01:43 AM
Just for today, I will try to be patient. I don't know when I will get a call from Home Care to talk to me about whether I qualify for a subsidy to get a chair or scooter. If all goes through it can be 6-8 weeks before I get the chair. I have waited this long, I can wait a little longer.
07-27-2017, 12:07 AM
Just for today, I will not take my pain out on other people. My sister said, "If you want I'll have a pity party for you." I said, "I don't want a pity party. I just want you to pray that I will be able to get out of bed in the morning. I want to be able to go to my home group, whether I fell today or not.
07-27-2017, 09:59 AM
07-27-2017, 08:39 PM
Just for today, I will work my program to the best of my ability. I will try to remember that it is a day at a time and this too shall pass. Some things do not turn out the way we 'expect' them to be, and we have to accept our limitations.
07-28-2017, 11:30 PM
Just for today, I will forgive, that which was done to me, knowing the person was acting out in his disease. I was very angry, and don't you know it, when you go to a meeting, you hear what you need to do. A normal thing for an addict is to act out inn his disease. End of story, why should I think any less. He is not responsible for his disease, but he is responsible for his actions in his disease.
At least that is what I think it said, which ever way I look at it, I need to be caring and loving, and forgive the person, even though the actions were unacceptable.
07-29-2017, 06:25 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance, of myself and others. I want to go back to bed and I really need to sit and read my book. Sometimes we just have to do things even though we don't want to. I enjoy reading, not sure why I can't get through this book by my favorite author, Lee Child.
07-30-2017, 11:16 PM
Just for today, I will accept what is in the moment, knowing it is subject to change. I was spoiled for a short period of time and my feet were not swollen. The last couple of days have been bad and I have to cut my computer time down, because my feet are swollen before I sit at the computer. The feet must go up, which for some reason, is hard for me.
07-31-2017, 09:16 PM
Just for today, I will try to follow my God's Will for my life. I will not refute His Word or ignore His Good Orderly Direction in today.
08-01-2017, 07:22 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks. Each day is a blessing if I just accept it for what it is. Not always easy to do, but better than butting our heads against the wall.
08-02-2017, 09:52 PM
Just for today, I will remember that I am a Child of God. i am loved and I am worthy of recovery.
08-03-2017, 10:24 AM
08-03-2017, 11:31 PM
Just for today, I will try to have some discipline in my life. Yeah right, not sure my body knows what the word means. I have to go to bed and get some sleep because I have some moving around to do tomorrow and my NA home group at night. It is me that I have to say "NO!" to, and get out of my own way.
08-04-2017, 10:27 AM jpg
08-05-2017, 12:30 AM
What does it say Dave? I can't read it.
08-05-2017, 12:32 AM
Just for today, I will practice the principles in all my affairs. It isn't about drinking and drugging in today, it is about living a new way of life to the best of my ability.
08-05-2017, 11:34 AM
Just for today, I will focus and try to concentrate on what I need to do. It is so easy for my mind to go wandering and then the body gives in and follows.
08-06-2017, 05:12 AM
Just for today, I will aim towards my goal, which is laundry. It has not gotten up to two loads. Procrastination seems to be the name of the game. I laid down about 4 pm yesterday and didn't get up until 12:12 pm and I had to make myself some dinner. Dinner was late, so medications were late, both diabetic and heart pills.
08-07-2017, 11:36 PM
Just for today, I will rethink my life. There has to be something wrong if I slept 11 hours. Today was a holiday, so hopefully my doctor will phone and put me on an antibiotic. Not sure if I have a sinus or a urine infection or both.
08-08-2017, 02:29 PM
Just for today, I will try to get my life on track. Here it is after 1 p.m. and I have yet to find sleep. I was hurting too much to lie down. Tomorrow I go to see my chiropractor.
08-09-2017, 11:19 PM
Just for today, I will patience and tolerance. Not happy with my doctor today and came home to a message that he refused to renew my prescriptions. When I was last in his office, he asked what I needed. I said, "I don't know, I forgot to ask the pharmacy." He said, "Don't worry, I take care of it." Today the pharmacy said that he won't renew by fax. It is one of the medications he was suppose to renew. Now it looks like I have to go in hopefully before my next appointment which is September, to renew the script. Hopefully I can make it Friday when I go for blood work. I think I have a small resentment, so will say a little prayer.
08-10-2017, 04:19 PM
Just for today, I will keep an open mind. An elderly gentleman at our group likes to chair and he puts down the same topic every week. Some say the same thing all the time, while other of us try to say it in a different way. I had to open my mind to new things because I had to change everything, according my sponsor, 180 deg. turn from where I was at. I was one of the really sick ones.
08-11-2017, 10:43 PM
Just for today, I will deal with my anger. I expressed it, allowed myself to feel it without doing bodily harm to myself or someone else. When I looked at the situation, I realized that I had taken for granted that my word would be enough, but it wasn't. I should know, the person is an addict and they do what they do, lie, cheat, steal, and are totally into self. It is about loving the person, even if you don't like their actions.
08-12-2017, 10:33 PM
Just for today, I will care for my friend on and off line. Without you, there is no me. This is a we program and I can't do it alone.
08-13-2017, 12:57 PM
Just for today, I will try to practice some patience and tolerance. I need to do some housework and I don't do it well. I do not like doing it so I can't procrastinate and let it pile up, then I have the dreaded more,
08-14-2017, 01:34 AM
Just for today, I will be more helpful to others and not act out in my old way by being self-indulgent. It is okay to take care of yourself, but that doesn't mean you can always spoil yourself rotten. Yesterday I slept the night and the day away. My son keeps telling me good, you needed it. For me it is important to live my day, not sleep it away.
08-15-2017, 11:20 PM
Just for today, I will trust the process. The more I trust my Higher Power, the more I trust myself, therefore better to trust others.
08-17-2017, 10:04 PM
Just for today, I will be honest with myself. I do need to take precautions and take it easy. My blood pressure was where it was suppose to be today thank goodness.
08-19-2017, 12:10 AM
Just for today, I will look in the mirror and see myself as I truly am. Tonight at my group, I went to look in the mirror to see how my hair was, and there was no mirror. I had to laugh, you know how you look, does your outside feel like your inside does, and tonight the answer was yes. The truth was it could be improved on. I was telling friends in the kitchen about my ego and vanity and they laughed. One young man said, "Your hair is cool"
08-19-2017, 08:00 PM
Just for today, I will try to apply patience and tolerance. Don't like not being able to do what I want to do, when I want to do it. Patience is a daily thing, I have been ask for it for the last 25 years, it is better, but can still be proved upon.
The deer says to be gentle with yourself.
08-20-2017, 12:19 PM
Just for today, I will apply the spiritual principles of the program.
The 12 Steps are applicable to all areas of my life.
The Steps of Recovery
1. I Can't
2. He Can
3. I'll Let Him
4. Clean House
5. Trust God
6. Surrender
7. Attitude Change
8. Prepare To End Isolation
9. Amending Actions
10. Basis for a Daily Living
11. Peace of Mind
12. Joy of Living Through Action
Tradition One - Unity
Tradition Two - Right Relation to HP
Tradition Three - Willingness
Tradition Four - Live & Let Live
Tradition Five - First Things First
Tradition Six - Keep It Simple
Tradition Seven - Self-Support
Tradition Eight - Altruism
Tradition Nine - Service, Responsiveness & Responsibility
Tradition Ten - Harmony
Tradition Eleven - Personal Humility
Tradition Twelve - Tolerance
08-21-2017, 09:42 PM
Just for today, I will focus on others. I will continue to get involved in service. With service, blessing come back in spades.
08-23-2017, 12:31 AM
Just for today, I will practice self-honesty. How can I be truly honest with others, if I can't be honest with myself. I have to remember that recovery begins with me. You have to have it in order to give it away.
08-23-2017, 01:40 AM
Just for today, I choose to be clean and sober. It was a good feeling to pick up a black key tag yesterday. I have to remember that I didn't get to 26 years on my own, I had the help of my God and the people in the Fellowships of AA, CA, NA, OA, ACoA, Al-Anon and Nar-Anon. My words are not original. They are things that I heard at meetings or read in the literature of different fellowships. We can do, what I can't do alone.
08-25-2017, 04:47 AM
Just for today, I will give thanks. Gratitude is an action word. My day was busy yesterday, first a trip to my group, from there to my neurologist, and then to the library and the pharmacist. I came home and ate three slices of mushroom and sausage pizza and went to my bed at 6:30 pm, and didn't wake up until 12:45 am. I insisted my son get it ready for me as my balance was off because of my busy. I will not take my aggression out on others. I am so grateful for this program. I owe my son an ameend.
08-25-2017, 04:26 PM
Just for today, I will get a good night of sleep. They say don't get too tired. On Wednesday night this week I worked at waxing floors at the church until midnight and got to bed that night at 12:45 am and then got up at 5:00 am for work. It was definitely not enough sleep.
08-26-2017, 11:20 PM
Just or today, I will try to get my sleep patterns back in order. I didn't feel good and had chest pain, so laid down and had a big sleep. I need to get up tomorrow to see my sister if I can and go to the hospital on Monday for 9 a.m. for a follow up to find out why my balance is off. I am sure tired of walking into walls and falling down.
08-28-2017, 08:35 PM
Just for today, I will try not to be so forgetful. I can't believe I forgot to post a lighthouse yesterday. Today was a day I would like to forget. Ended up in the wrong place because I heard a message wrong.
08-30-2017, 11:22 PM
Just for today, I will work on my acceptance. Yesterday I felt old. I realized I had a good reason to feel that way, so I might as well accept it. I have gone kicking and screaming for years, time to lean back and rest in my old age. I need to accept the fact that I am now no longer disabled, I am just an old age citizen. ;)
08-30-2017, 11:28 PM
09-01-2017, 12:05 AM
Just for today, I will remain grateful. I went to the Hamilton's Women's Discussion group to help celebrate the groups 28 year anniversary. They were there for me when I entered the doors, and they loved me back to good health. My journey led me away from there, but have always been treated as an honorary member when I go back. How can I not be grateful, after celebrating at my home group earlier today. I see my life and I see this picture and think, "How big is God?"
09-01-2017, 11:56 PM
Just for today, I will remember Rule #62. I won't take myself so seriously. I must remember to laugh at myself instead of beating myself up.
09-02-2017, 11:21 PM
Just for today, I will remember to take my Higher Power with me. It makes a difference if I say a little prayer when I wake up and invite Him into my day. The world just seems a little brighter.
09-04-2017, 12:26 AM
Just for today, I will strengthen my program by going back to basics. If something is missing in my life or I feel an internal void, I need to go back to what I did when I came into recovery. Just for today, I choose not to use, no matter what life hands me from day to day. We can do what I can't do alone.
09-04-2017, 11:01 PM
Just for today, I will take care of myself and not let the old tapes get in the way. So glad a day can start any time. It can end too when I choose.
09-06-2017, 12:02 AM
Just for today, I will get out of self and help another.
09-07-2017, 12:41 AM
Just for today, I will be accepting of what is in the moment. I was told in the hospital that my kidneys were bad, but I don't think it registered as to how bad. When I went to my heart specialist today, she said, "Why didn't they keep you in the hospital?" They don't do that very often here, so I am glad they didn't. I have been complaining of the pain and my doctor and interns ignored it as another fibromyalgia ache and pain. You just never know with fibro.
09-07-2017, 01:12 AM
Just for today, I will remember to be grateful for this program. I don't have to pick up in times of stress and I can take things one day at a time.
09-09-2017, 12:01 AM
Just for today, I will be conscious of my patterns and habits that are not conducive to recovery. Even old tapes from early recovery have to be revamped and often deleted. I will be open to change, be it my attitude or my actions.
09-10-2017, 12:44 AM
Just for today, I will practice my faith by letting go and letting God. He is so much more qualified to handle things than I am. I will do the footwork and trust that He will follow up in His own time, to do what is best for me and those I love and care for.
09-10-2017, 02:20 AM
Just for today, I will practice patience. I want it, and I want it yesterday. Mostly the answers, but the healing and change to my body. This high to low blood pressure is a puzzle to me and I am hoping to get answers on Monday when I go to the hospital.
This is appropriate, as the rabbit depicts fear in Jamie Sams Animal Medicine book. There is a little bit of fear there. I have found myself bursting out in song, singing some of the old time religious songs. Some that were new to me a long time ago like "The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference." as well as "The Old Rugged Cross."
09-12-2017, 01:01 AM
Just for today, I will try to be assertive instead of submissive when it comes to my medication. I have mentioned my pain to the doctor, and it went untreated. Now I have to deal with kidneys that are not working up to par. I complained of the pain in my leg, and it is getting worse. I have had a head ache for days, so when I see my doctor on Friday, I will have a few words to say to him. It isn't just him, but he is responsible for the interns he has on his staff, and he referred me to the heart specialist that caused damage to weaken my heart. Hopefully with prayer and healing, things will right themselves.
09-13-2017, 11:06 PM
Just for today, I will live my life God-centered instead of self-centered. I will change my behaviors, patterns, and habits and not act out in my disease. I will turn my life over to the care of my God and leave it there and not take it back.
09-15-2017, 12:26 AM
Just for today, I will let go of ego. No more of the great I am and recognizing that what I am is a Child of God and of His Making.
09-16-2017, 01:53 AM
Just for today, I will work on my patience and tolerance. It isn't too bad with others, but as I told my doctor today, "I don't care that I am getting older, I still have expectations on myself and don't like it when I don't measure up. I am back expecting more of myself. That is my disease talking.
09-17-2017, 01:20 AM
Just for today, I will try to find some time to be happy. You don't have much time for happiness when you sleep the day away.
Not looking for a kiss, but a hug will do.
09-19-2017, 01:24 AM
Just for today, I will try to love and accept myself. This getting old is for the birds. These swollen feet are slowing me down.
09-21-2017, 09:32 PM
Just for today, I will show my gratitude. So grateful recovery is one day at a time.
09-23-2017, 12:13 AM
Just for today, I will stay in the moment and take things as they come, instead of trying to make things happen. When I stay in the moment, I don't always have to be caught up in busy. It is alright to just be.
09-23-2017, 11:52 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. At Unity Day the big kids were making more noise than the children. Fibromyalgia makes me sensitive to noise and there were a couple of times, I found myself going into the grrrrrr state and had to remind myself that I am old, and let the young people have their fun. It was a day of fun, food, and frolic.
09-24-2017, 11:28 PM
Just for today, I will work on my acceptance. I crashed after my busy day yesterday and slept 10 hours. A late start to my day, when I finish here, I am going to make some chocolate chip muffins. That is not the best of things to eat at this time of the night, but I forgot about them, that is why they are in my cupboard.
09-25-2017, 08:32 PM
Just for today, I will let go and ask my God to heal my judgmental mind. A guy who was acting the smart a$$, touched my walker and said, "This is my walker." Didn't know him, he was showing off to other young people. I didn't even see him enough that I would know him if I bumped into him. I was please that my mouth didn't open and speak. The problem I didn't speak, but my thoughts were not good. I was thinking of what I should have said instead of being grateful that I didn't say. I forgot to pray and ask for help with my thoughts, actions, and words until after the fact. :(
09-26-2017, 11:35 PM
Just for today, I will connect with others. When ever I am needy, my God supplies and fulfills my need. A good friend and spiritual advisor called me tonight.
09-28-2017, 01:00 AM
Just for today, I will continue to share with others. I will take part in my meetings and show people that I do care. I need to decide if I am going to stay with my AA group and just do NA.
09-29-2017, 01:14 AM
Just for today, I will work on my acceptance of what is in the moment, knowing it is subject to change. I am willing to be willing to change according to my God's Will. Brought out the cards and did a big meditation last night and again today before I had my nap.
09-29-2017, 01:15 AM
Just for today, I will accept that I am going through transition. Someone said to me today, "Change is good. It is what life is all about." So is my computer it says 11:59 p.m. and my clock say 12:15 a.m.
09-30-2017, 12:44 AM
Just for today, I will focus on my recovery and do what I need to do for myself. My son is talking about doing more painting in my apartment. My first thought is run away from home, but my second thought was, "You could always do laundry." I think I will phone and see if I can find a partner in crime and go from there.
10-01-2017, 01:01 AM
Just for today, I will ask my God for help with my procrastinating. A long time issue of mine, that is difficult when it comes to doing laundry. I have too many clothes.
10-07-2017, 01:28 AM
Just for today, I will practice the principles of the program. I will have love and compassion for myself, so I may pass it on to others.
10-08-2017, 01:32 AM
Just for today, I will try not to give into gluttony when I eat Thanksgiving dinner today.
10-09-2017, 01:12 AM
Just for today, I will try to listen to learn, and learn to listen. My concentration isn't what it use to be, so have to make a real effort to sit and keep my mind quiet and open at the same time.
10-11-2017, 08:46 AM
Just for today, I will focus on what I need to do, not on what I want to do. Sometimes, things pile up and I get behind, because I have my nose in a book. Other times my books pile up, because I am running around to doctors or going down to the mall.
10-12-2017, 09:44 PM
Just for today, I will ask for what I need. I have a doctor's appointment and I have to make a list so I won't forget.
10-14-2017, 12:22 AM
Just for today, I will practice my acceptance. I had the thought to right down all my symptoms and questions I had for my doctor, and I forgot. I am grateful I was given the thought, wish I had followed it up with action as I forgot to talk to my doctor about my swollen feet. Oh well, something for next month.
10-14-2017, 10:04 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. Not only with my son, but with myself.
10-15-2017, 08:55 AM
Just for today, I will try to concentrate and focus on what is important in my life. I will live each moment as it comes and not wish my day away.
10-16-2017, 08:40 PM
Just for today, I will give myself a break. I won't be such a hard task master. I did a lot today, so I need to be gentle with myself. When I get feeling good and start doing, I tend to over do.
10-17-2017, 11:58 PM
Just for today, I will connect with others. This is a "We" program. That is how the program works, one alcoholic/addict sharing with another alcoholic/addict. Alcohol is a drug. Just for today, I will let go and let my God, so I can have soundness of mind and maintain my serenity.
10-18-2017, 11:50 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks for the goodness in my life. Today worked like a charm, my Higher Power doing for me what I could not do for myself. As Clint Eastwood use to say, "I love it when a plan comes together." I didn't plan on going to see my chiropractor today. My body told me I needed to go and I listened. I picked up the phone and called and got an appointment for this afternoon, the taxi driver made good time and it cost me less than it normally does, and I got right in and didn't even get to sit in a chair. It was a beautiful day and I had no problems with walking for a bus. Decided to treat myself to lunch at Mr. Sub. 6" chicken teryaki sweet onion sub, $4.20 with tax. I went to the library, got an express book, picked up another one at the favorites shelf, and went into section where they place books that are ordered, and found a book there for me. The bread that I like was on sale for $1.99 instead of $3.79, and when I came out of the grocery store, my bus came in less than five minutes. I knew I was where I was suppose to be in today. Right where I was. I even finished my book in time to post.
F.R.O.G. Fully Relying On God.
10-19-2017, 05:07 PM
Just for today, I will turn my feeling over to my Higher Power and ask for a healthy way of expressing them and letting them go. Anger is a danger. Resentments are killers. When I take me out of blame and shame, there isn't much left.
10-20-2017, 11:38 PM
Just for today, I will show my love and support of others. I will share my experience, strength, and hope so that others may know there is a better way of life. Recovery has been very good to me. It is only right that I pass it on to others.
10-21-2017, 11:48 PM
Just for today, I will appreciate the beauty of creation. Everything was made before God created man. It is my belief that they were put on this earth to sustain us mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
10-22-2017, 11:51 PM
Just for today, I will be grateful. Just heard tonight that a friend is having a gratitude meeting on Tuesday. He is celebrating 4 years.
10-23-2017, 11:00 PM
Just for today, I will affirm myself instead of doing a number on myself. If mental bruises showed, I would be black and blue.
10-25-2017, 12:02 AM
Just for today, I will remember that gratitude is an action word. I won't just say it, I will show it, by sharing my recovery with others and remember to thank the people that my God has put in my path on my recovery road.
10-26-2017, 12:00 AM
Just for today, I will live in the solution instead of the problem. The problem is me, the solution is my Higher Power. I got the thought to call my friend Theresa on my way downtown. I thought I should have called her to see if she wanted to meet me. When I got home, after watching Jeopardy, I called her to say she was on my mind and to exercise my bragging rights of the fact I got the answer to Final Jeopardy and the contestants did not.
10-27-2017, 12:21 AM
Just for today, I will remember my friends in prayer. May Gods healing power touch them and make them well.
10-28-2017, 12:13 AM
Just for today, I will acknowledge the fact that I am worthy of recovery. I no longer have to role play and be what other people expect me to be, I can be myself. It is okay to be me. I no longer have to beat myself up or put myself down because I made a mistake and/or didn't meat a self-imposed expectation.
10-28-2017, 08:40 PM
Just for today, I will practice rigorous honesty. I am lazy. I keep procrastinating. No matter what I do, dishes do not disappear and clothes won't wash themselves. I am hungry and I need to eat. I need to quit humming and hawing and make up my mind as to what I am going to do.
10-29-2017, 11:22 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks for the people in my life. My son cooked me dinner while I slept after a long night in pain. I made a point of thanking him, I am often guilty of taking him for granted.
10-31-2017, 12:49 AM
Just for today, I will do what I need to do for myself. I will take a time to meditate and connect with the God of my understand.
10-31-2017, 11:39 PM
Just for today, I will reach out and ask for help. There are services available for seniors and all I have to do is reach out to get what I need. It is important to not discount myself. Healthy choices make for healthy living.
11-01-2017, 02:29 AM
Just for today, I will be unafraid. I will reach out to others, people who are not using and have found a new way of life. As it says in the NA Basic Text, "So as long as I follow that way, I have nothing to fear."
11-02-2017, 10:37 AM
Just for today, I will not underrate myself. I will endorse myself and give thanks to my God for His Care.
11-03-2017, 07:12 PM
Just for today, I will work on my attitude. The technician who took my blood and I agreed the guy in the waiting room had a major attitude problem. She called him to register and he said, `Just a minute.` I didn`t tell her that it takes one to know one. He carried a message to me.
11-04-2017, 10:58 PM
Just for today, I will stay in the moment. I will not project into the future. I will take life one day at a time.
11-05-2017, 11:42 AM
Just for today, I will plant the seed of recovery. I will make the effort to get to my NA meeting tonight. There are several young men with two years of recovery. It is good to be near them and their gratitude and joy of being in recovery.
11-08-2017, 12:18 AM
Just for today, I will pray for the willingness, to be will to do my God's Will. Today's NA Just for Today reading really spoke to me. When I put my day into His Care, good things happen. I ran into a guy yesterday and today that I hadn't seen for ten years. He asked me if the meeting was still going on Friday nights. Hope to see him there.
I was going to take a taxi with my friend to the mall and decided to walk instead of wait for her, and this guy called my name just as I was leaving my building. Today I walked out of the bank and he was standing at the outdoor cafe at the mall and he called to me again. I was where I was suppose to be.
11-08-2017, 01:29 AM
Just for today, I will pray and ask for some patience and some acceptance. My tremon disorder has been bad lately. I know one reason is that I forgot my noon medication and didn't take my dinner medication, because i planned to eat when I got home. I didn't realize that I hadn't taken my noon medication when I had a bagel for lunch at 11 a.m. and another one at 5:45 p.m. Patience with myself and acceptance of what is in the moment. I can be my own worst enemy.
11-10-2017, 12:55 AM
Just for today, I will accept things as they are, knowing they are subject to change. At least,, I hope they are to change.
11-10-2017, 01:23 AM
Just for today, I will not beat myself up. I will love myself in today.
11-11-2017, 05:09 PM
Just for today, I will turn my day over to my Higher Power and ask that He give me what I need to do what I need to do in today. If I don't make my chili today, I will have to throw the hamburger out. I have books to read and I want to do that and not cook. :(
11-12-2017, 07:52 PM
Just for today, I am willing to listen to learn and learn to listen. Watching back to back shows of Chopped, looking for something to tempt my appetite. I have trouble with food these days.
11-14-2017, 11:50 PM
Just for today, I will accept what is, even if I don't like it. Have had a lot of tears lately, I look at it as a positive sign, that I am healing from the inside out.
11-15-2017, 07:08 AM
Just for today, I will reach out and connect with others. I will do the do things I need to do for my recovery.
11-15-2017, 02:37 PM
Just for today, I will show kindness to everyone I meet throughout the day. Something as simple as a smile, a hello, push a button on the elevator for someone.
11-17-2017, 12:56 AM
Just for today, I will give thanks for my God who always seems to know what I need. That connection with other addicts and when I can't get out and about, someone will phone me. I am hoping to make it across the street to my group tomorrow. I have had offers of an escort if I need it.
11-22-2017, 12:20 AM
Just for today, I will reach out and connect with someone. I gave a newcomer my phone number tonight. I hope she calls me.
11-22-2017, 02:44 AM
Just for today, I will be watchful of my disease. It tries to lure me in, and the addict in me is just waiting to pounce if I am not watchful. Especially when it comes to food and computers. I have to turn them over to my God, one day at a time.
According to Jamie Sams, the Dolphin means manna. The food that fed the people of Israel in the desert. Dolphin is the keeper of the sacred breath of life and teaches us how to release our emotions.
11-23-2017, 06:11 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks. Thanks to the internet, I can celebrate with my American friends. Gratitude is a year round thing. Each day of sobriety is a gift and a reason to be thankful.
11-24-2017, 10:45 PM
Just for today, I will love and accept others for who they are, not as I would have them be. We all come from different directions to get to this recovery road. I can not judge others, I haven't walked in their shoes. We are not bad people trying to get good. We are sick people with the dis-ease of addiction, and we are trying to get well, one day at a time.
11-25-2017, 07:45 PM
Just for today, I will not procrastinate. I will remember that the word is a 5 syllable word for sloth. I not only have to take care of the physical, but my mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. That means reaching out to others and getting out of Self.
11-26-2017, 11:28 PM
Just for today, I will turn my worries and frets over to my Higher Power. Never did get my laundry done. Hoping to get some good sound sleep so I feel rested when I wake up.
11-27-2017, 11:38 PM
Just for today, I will do the do things I need to do for my recovery. I phoned and made appointments, canceled appointments and booked new one to replace the one I forgot to book with Darts. I had to phone them twice, because I forgot to book ahead for my family doctor appointment next week. The first time I had to wait for 7 callers ahead of me and the second time, I had to wait for 5 callers. I put my phone on speaker and listened to their elevator music. It is too loud for one ear, best listened to with two.
11-28-2017, 07:10 AM
Just for today, I will organize my day so I can get everything done and make it to my meeting tonight. Don't want to tire myself by over extending myself. Tuesday's meeting is important to me. It was a big part of my early recovery. The Sunday meeting is important too, as it was the group I use to belong to before it moved. Like the name of both meetings, New Beginnings and Courage to Change. My NA home group is called The Journey Begins.
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