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07-09-2016, 07:22 PM
Just for today, I will practice the slogan, "Live and let live." It is so important to live my life and not put it on hold for others.


07-10-2016, 03:06 PM
Just for today, I will try not to give up my power. I will remember that I am empowered by my God to do what I need to do in today. All I need to know is that He is there and all I have to do is reach out to Him for the courage, strength, direction and what ever else I need, just for today.


07-11-2016, 07:06 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks. God answers prayer. I see His handy Work around me and within me. One day while meditating, I got a card that said, "Give thanks, it is already on it's way." I just said "Thank you, thank you, thank you," and as I got up from my prayer rug (a hand made circular one, sadly now defunk), and the phone rang and my needs were met.

When my son got the text today to say that my sister was better, I said, "I know." He said, "How do you know." I said for one thing, "God answers prayer. Secondly I did a meditation this morning when I couldn't sleep because of my pain and included my sister in my thoughts, and got a card from a Flower Therapy deck written by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves that said, "Your wishes are coming true."


07-12-2016, 08:00 AM
Just for today, I will try to find balance in my life. Not just with the things around my, I can't center myself with the world, but I need to do it within myself. I also need to find balance, because I am having problems walking and not being able to stop stumbling and falling into things. I am not sure what the problem is, I am going to call my doctor's office this morning because my appointment is two weeks away and things seem to be getting worse instead of better.


07-12-2016, 06:45 PM
Just for today, I will remember to use the Steps to a higher plane of awareness. My disease is one of perception. I pray and ask that it be healed. I need to apply the program and the spiritual principles to all areas of my dis-ease, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I will connect with my Higher Power, we can do what I can't do alone.


07-13-2016, 02:18 AM
Just for today, I will remember that I am loveable. Even though I may not always love some of my actions, thoughts, appearance, I need to remember that I am worthy of recovery. I can change and learn to love myself, and recognize that beauty comes from within and is but the surface of who I am. I can not allow a pimple to blemish the outlook I have of myself. I not only had to learn to love myself, but learn to like myself too. Love is akin to hate. Both very strong emotions, as they say, "Opposites attract." I grew up thinking I was ugly all of my life. I found out that most alcoholic/addict think bad of themselves and some of the most beautiiful people that I have met, have the lowest sense of self-esteem.


07-13-2016, 04:47 PM
Just for today, I will not take my pain and anxiety out on others. I will apply the program to my pain and all areas of my life. I have to accept it for what it is, even the unknown and just pray and ask for what I need and ask what I don't need be taken from me.

I know I need to do my part. I can't just sit around and not take action. I need to make healthy choices to aid me in my recovery.

I might not always sleep, but I can rest. When I stress, I only add more pain because most pains are due to emotions trying to make themselves heard. I can start my day again.


07-14-2016, 10:59 PM
Just for today, I will have patience and tolerance. I know I wrote this out before, I don't know if I posted it and attached it to someplace it didn't belong or if I lost it out into cyber space.

I was rushing today to make my appointment because I set my alarm for late and didn't allow myself much time to get ready and walk to the Hollistic Center three blocks away. Then when I got there and had to wait, even though I know they always run behind schedule, my patience wasn't worthy of the situation. Here I am going to a spiritual leader for help and healing and I am being impatient and interlant. Not good, no matter what way you look at it. Not condusive to healing, except for my defects of character instead of my body which is all bent out of shape, and by my reaction, my mind too.

It will take a couple of days for my body to shift and change, so I will have to be patience and not tolerate any excuses which come to mind to do what I want to do, not what I should do to get the full benefit of the session.


07-15-2016, 08:00 PM
Just for today, I will practice minding my own business. It is none of my business what other people think of me and visa versa. I think it is called not taking things personal.


07-16-2016, 08:31 PM
Just for today, I will practice acceptance. I will accept where other people come from and who they are. I was met by some attitude today, and then I smiled and thought, remember it takes one to know one, the difference is that I try not to go there in today.

I do not like condescention and holier-than-thou attitudes, and I have to remember the times I was on a pedistal and the number of times I fell off. I wasn't deserving to my mind to be there, so maybe it was my insecurities that made me act out and fall off. Today I know I am worthy of recovery and being myself is okay. Not sure that makes a lot of sense, just trying to put some of what I am feeling into words. I really felt hurt and I just had to accept the other person for where they are at. They are not in recovery and don't have a program.


07-17-2016, 03:42 AM
Just for today, I will have patience with myself. My body over did things yesterday, I will try and nurture myself and give my body a rest.


07-18-2016, 03:38 AM
Just for today, I will be accepting of where I am at instead of trying to fight things and make them happen. I do have blood work to go for today and I would like to get up to see my sister. She had a lot of visitors yesterday, so I will try to fill up the lack there of in today. My head still hurts and my body has been protesting, so I will see where things are at and not overdo things. I will accept my limitations and do what I need to do, not things I feel like I want to or should do.


07-21-2016, 10:38 AM
Just for today, I will do what I need to do for my health and well being. Lately, that has been chasing the pigeons off my balcony. I just have to hear them and I lose my serenity. I have a net, but they sit and bill and coo on the otherside of the rail, and I have had them coo and poo on me too many times. I don't want them any where around me.

Even when my feet where so swollen I could hardly walk, I was up chasing away the pigeons.

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07-22-2016, 07:46 AM
Just for today, I will respect myself and others. It has to begin with me. Respect is something that is earned, it is not always freely given. For many years, I thought that I respected my elders and people in authority, since coming into recovery, I can see where they are coming from. I always try to see if someone is walking their talk. Words mean nothing if they are not followed by action.


07-23-2016, 09:08 AM
Just for today, I will remind myself that SIN, means soul in need. When I find myself getting needy, I need to make sure that I feed my body, mind, and spirit. I need to work the Steps on all levels in order to recover. When I get needy, I get greedy and I have to be watchful of what I do to feed my feelings or let them go.

Just because I make a mistake, doesn't mean I am one. It isn't something that I need to carry with me, I need to turn it over to my Higher Power and let go and let MY God do for me what I can't do for myself.


07-24-2016, 08:26 PM
Just for today, I will allow myself to be happy. I will not allow my pain to rule my life. I will make a choice, happy over sadness. I am responsible for my own happiness. As they say, "It comes from within," and I don't have to look to people, places, and things to make me happy. I am complete and whole within myself.

I am happy that you share your journey with me. Without you, there is no me. I need you to remind me that it is a program of reflection. When I go to a meeting or to a site, I find myself reflected in the people who share their journey with me.


07-25-2016, 08:08 PM
Just for today, I will read daily readings and meditations and start my day right with my God. Had the book Daily Reflections and gave it to a sponsee. When I remember it is Tuesday and when I wake up in time to go, I go to an "As Bill Sees It" meeting. They read from that an the Big Book. I donated my copy of ABSI and a Big Book to the group a few months ago. I have bought at least five Just for Today daily readings and gave them all away too. I had the 24 Hour Dail Readings too and passed it on too. I found that a lot of long-timers like that book. One guy with over 40 years had two elastics around his to keep the pages together.

For some reason I never got into reading Daily Reflections daily, even though it is in the group of reading that the site is linked to. I am not saying it is not good, I have "In God's Care by Karen Casey and The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie," and they are what work for me.

They are all good, I just don't seem to have the time or the inclination to read them all. Perhaps this is something I should look at. I know that I always felt better when I posted Food for Thought and Just for Today readings on a daily basis. I just had to stop spreading myself so thin. I couldn't be everywhere and be all things to all people. I had to do what was right for me.


07-26-2016, 07:29 AM
Just for today, I will give thanks. We finally got our rain and a thunderstorm. I am still hurting today, so hopefully more rain is on the way. I just want to get to my doctor's appointment and back before it does! :)

I need to remember to give thanks for the everyday things in my life, things that can be taken for granted. They are all my God's Blessings and I am glad to be able to share them with you.


07-27-2016, 06:33 PM
Just for today, I will be responsible. When I feel good and get the opportunity to go, I am gone and generally over do things. I generally pay for a couple of days afterward. I have to choose what I can or cannot do, knowing how my body will react afterward. Like going up to see my sister on the bus, I always hurt afterward, but I felt it was worth it. I haven't heard from her since she went home. They have a day care and you don't want to phone when babies and little ones are sleeping. She probably rests at the same time. I was hoping she would pick up the phone and call me when she had a few moments to herself.

My service sponsor use to say, "I never call my sponsees if they don't call me." Before she passed away, I was sponsoring her and I called her if I didn't hear from her, even if it was just to leave a message so she knew I cared.

I am not only responsible for helping others, I am responsible for my own life and welfare. I need to make healthy and responsible decisions. Each day, I have to do what I call the Step 1, 2, 3 Waltz. I can't, my God can, just for today, I choose to let Him.


07-28-2016, 11:03 AM
Just for today, I will listen to my body. It does have a message for me. The problemm is I often misinterput it. Not sure that is how it is spelled, typed it just as it sounded in my head. That doesn't make it right by any means, but it is the best I got in the moment.

My thoughts are from my heart but I think my spelling is from my head. Just for today, I will learn to listen and listen to learn.


07-29-2016, 11:53 AM
Just for today, I will ask for patience and tolerance. The two go together for me. I have heard nasty things about the shingles. I can remember a dear aunt years ago having them. The medicine field has comee a long way since then, but then so have I, it was about 60 years ago.

I must always remember one day at a time. My Higher Power will see me through it.


07-30-2016, 09:13 PM
Just for today, I will have an attitude of gratitude. I will apply the program to my pain. I will transform my old thinking into something more positive.

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07-31-2016, 02:00 AM
Just for today, I will work my program by living in the moment. It is a one day at a time program, but there are many hours, minutes, and seconds in that 24 hour day.

Just for today, I will try to be the best me that I can be in today.


08-01-2016, 01:41 PM
Just for today, I will celebrate my life. I had to go through what I went through to get to where I am in today. I am where I am at as a result of decisions made.


08-02-2016, 03:09 PM
Just for today, I will do what I need to do for my health and well being. I had to come home today because I experience chest pain twice. The first time it felt like my heart was being squeezed and I think it is because I am retaining fluid as my feet and ankles are swollen.

Going to go and put the feet up after I go downstairs and check my blood pressure.


08-03-2016, 01:18 AM
Just for today, I will smile and say hello, even if he/she is a stranger. I hope to go to my Al-Anon meeting today, I haven't been able to get there for a few weeks. I have been having my meetings by talking to people on FB on two sites:- Courage to Change and Addict's Mom. It is good to share with others. It helps to get out of self. I find it helps with depression and keeps me off the pity pot.

Yesterday's post looke barren without a picture, so going to look for a rabbit. Rabbit means fear. I must always remember that fear and faith can't occupy the same space. My meditation card tonight was faith and sign from above.


08-03-2016, 02:15 PM
Just for today, I will be honest with myself. I was a little dishonest yesterday by saying I was alright and didn't need to go to the hospital. When I talked to the medical student from my doctor's office this morning, she said I should have gone and if it happens again, go!

I have an appointment with my heart specialist on the 8th. So will make a point of letting him know.

I know better, I was dressed and ready to go out the door and couldn't bring myself to go. The voice of the intern the last time I went kept running through my head. Why are you here. I said I had chest pain and pain down my arm, otherwise I wouldn't be here. I justified not going because I didn't have arm pain, just my heart doing a thump, thump, just a little too fast.

Just for today, I will be honest and not pull on the blanket of denial. If I get pain, I will go to the hospital.


08-04-2016, 05:11 PM
Just for today, I will not feed into the blame game. That was a topic at my group today and I realize I can still play that role. Like the slogan says, "Let it begin with me." It isn't about the other person and what they are doing, it is about me and how I work and live my recovery. If you take me out of blame and shame, you are left with the bla...which is nothing, or sham, which means it isn't reality. Like this little guy, I can sling all the mud I want, but it generally comes back on me.


08-05-2016, 06:47 AM
Just for today, I will ask for patience and tolerance. Friday's are not good for me. It always brings stress. There is suppose to be a thunder storm, I am hoping it doesn't start until I get home. I have to go to dietician, then to lab to get blood work done, and then I would like to go and see Rob at the hospital.


08-06-2016, 12:20 PM
Just for today, I will let go and let God. I have stress from so many sources that I can't keep track and not sure what is old news and what is new amd what is just ongoing, like my son. I will try to live and let live, after a call from my sister last night, I just can't see the reasoning. I had good new that Rob was operated on yesterday afternoon, so hopefully it was a success. All I can do is pray, turn it over to my God, and take it one day at a time.

Just like this little guy, I want it all to just go away.


08-07-2016, 04:06 PM
Just for today, I will accept people as they are. I don't accept unacceptable behaviour. Acceptance is the key to all my problems today.


08-08-2016, 10:18 PM
Just for today, I will try to stay active and not be lazy. I went down to the pharmacy to get my weekly meds (forgot last week), cooked dinner, watched Olympics (about a day behind), and tried to finish my book that is due in three days. I have been fighting sleep since I woke up from a nap at 3 p.m. I want to go to an AA meeting tomorrow with the newcomer that calls me each day. As they say, gratitude is an action word. Don't just say it, show it.


08-09-2016, 02:42 AM
Just for today, I am going to try to be generous with my time. I hope to go to a noon AA meetings and meet up with the newcomer who has been phoning me every day since we met at my group Four Directions a few weeks ago.

Hoping to get some sleep, so I will be awake and aware enough to get there. To get there by bus is a round about way, and if it isn't too hot, I will walk down from Main to Wilson.

I don't want to be selfish, but I do need to take care of myself. One week she made it to my group and I did not. Quite often the mind is willing, but the flesh is weak.


08-09-2016, 06:15 PM
Just for today, take a time out and allow yourself to defrag. Take some quiet time to process things, let go and let God, and look at where you are at and whether you want to continue on the same path.

We have a choice as to whether we pick up worries and woes, or we can turn them over to our Higher Power. I will not take on other people's stuff and I will look at and deal with my own issues, instead of running away from them.


08-10-2016, 08:06 PM
Just for today, I will truust my God and know that He has my best interest at heart. I like the song, "The eye is on the sparrow, so I know He is watching me." Nothing is too small or too big to take to our Higher Power.


08-11-2016, 04:30 PM
Just for today, I will be open minded to what others have to say. I will be humble enough to admit that I don't know it all and that I can learn from others. When I close my mind and look at things with tunnel vision, I limit my God as to how He can work in my life in today.


08-13-2016, 01:19 AM
Just for today, I will have an open mind. I heard a speaker last night who was humorous and entertaining, but I heard a few words at the end of his story about how he got 45 years without a drink. He described his journey through his disease but didn't tell us about his journey in recovery. I thought of the 5th Tradition and was disappointed. That was me, and although he had a great tale to tell, it wasn't what I go for a meeting for.

It is one of the reasons that I had to stay away from speaker meetings in early recovery. It was so easy to close someone out if you didn't like what you heard, but when I went to a discussion group, I couldn't shut everyone out.


08-13-2016, 05:41 PM
I'm starting a new day.

Just for today, I will walk in faith, letting go of fears, and trust my God to see me through this day. When I see him working in my life, always try to say "Thank You."
Faith that the unknown will turn out right. Letting go of fear of the unknown, I can't make judgments on the future based on past results.

The frog means cleansing. Letting go fo the negative to make room for the positive.


08-14-2016, 11:57 PM
Just for today, I will be God-centered instead of I centered. He knows me better than I know myself. I am sure He watches me and says, "Oh No! Didn't she learn her lesson last time. What should I do to bring her back to where she can see the truth."


08-15-2016, 12:26 PM
Just for today, I will let go of a resentment. I will pray for this person for the next two weeks. I had to pray for the willingness to let go and let God.


08-18-2016, 03:43 PM
Just for today, I will remember to practice Step One. It is a Step I need to practice every day. I can't forget where I came from and where I could go, if I don't remember my reason for being here.

If I forget, I might be like this sign, sober with no sobriety.


08-20-2016, 12:35 AM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. It seems like you can't practice your patience, unless you get things in your life to tolerate. I just made a post on A Day Can Start Any Time, and I had to click my mouse about 10 times to make a simple post. I don't like not putting on a picture. They have such a lovely tale to tell and a sentiment that I like to share with others, but they seem to lose their value when I have to fight to copy them each time I post. My friend is going to give me hers when and if she finds it. Patience is a virtue that I seem to be in short supply of lately.

I have had a long time saying, that I try not to beat myself up with in today. "I can't stupidity, especially in myself." I may do something stupid, that doesn't mean I am, although today was a real test. This morning I went to boil an egg, forgot it, went to bed and the fire alarm woke me up. The egg popped, the pan got black, but thankfully there was only smoke, no fire. My God was looking out for me.


08-21-2016, 06:37 AM
Just for today, I will try to focus and stay in today. I thought I had posted this yesterday, and posted just about everything but.

My memory isn`t so good these day. I need to stay grounded and live in today and not project into the future. Water is very grounding for me. Even if it is just to wash my hands and pray for what I need and ask that what I don`t need be taken away that stands in the way of my recovery.


08-22-2016, 09:58 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance to the best of my ability. I think I went to the doctor's office today looking for a 'fix' quick or otherwise and walked away being told there was nothing more they can do for my pain. I have lost an additional five pounds, nothing shows as being glaringly apparent as to cause and affect.

So I will try to practice patience and tolerance and remember that the key to all things is acceptance.


08-23-2016, 08:33 PM
Just for today, I will be patient with myself. I will try not to project into Thursday. I got a call from my friend asking me what I wanted on my medalion. I asked for "one day at a time." So much of my recovery has been about living in the moment, in the day. It isn't about 25 years, it is about this 24 hours.


08-24-2016, 10:24 PM
Just for today, I am still working on patience. Today was more about having patience with others. As they say, "You have to have it in order to give to another."


08-26-2016, 06:02 PM
Just for today, I will let go of my fear and walk in faith. I just realized that I didn't want this weekend to end up like last weekend with my son getting hurt.

I realized that I took the bus accident today as a bad omen as to what could happen, not saying it would, if my son acts out in his disease. I have to detach, turn him over to HIS Higher Power, and let go and let God.


08-27-2016, 04:55 AM
Just for today, I will be grateful. I will thank my God for the little things. I will remember that if I have one hand in the hand of a newcomer and the other hand in the hand of my Higher Power, I won't have any hands to pick up a drink or a drug. I will remember that the drink and drugs, no matter what form they take, they all lead to the same soul sickness, and the problem is me. I will be grateful for the changes in my life and work toward others. As they say in Al-Anon, "We aim toward perfection" we are not perfect. This is a one day at a time program.


08-28-2016, 08:58 PM
Just for today, I will continue with gratitude and be grateful that I woke up with no pain in my feet. A few aches and pains here and there, but nothing like the pain I have been experiencing lately. So, so very grateful, and I am not sure, although I don't like to think of it is due to a pill, but I have been back taking Lyrica once a day. Some days I feel like I should endure the pain rather than take the pill, even though it isn't a narcotic. With my mind, one is good, more is better, but that isn't so with this medication. I stopped it before because my doctor had me on two a day.

Looks like Garfield is having problems with letting go. Don't like posting pictures that are too large for the page, but this one spoke to me. I have so many resentments against doctors in my past, still in today, that I still have to work at them one day at a time as they come to mind.


08-29-2016, 09:51 PM
Just for today, I will have patience with myself. I will not beat myself up. I will allow for mistakes and personal issues that prevent the body from keeping up with my brain.


08-30-2016, 11:24 AM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. Housing is suppose to come in and spray my apartment today. It is in my file that they can only come from 9-1 p.m. I got a notice late on Friday saying that they were coming from 11-4:30 p.m. I phoned them and said, "You have made this error twice in a row. If you can't be here by 1 p.m., cancel and reschedule." I just can't be out at night. I have no were to go and it makes for a long day seeiing as I woke up at 7:30 a.m. If they spray at 1 p.m., I can't get in until 5 p.m. and that only allows 4 hours and I should be away for 6, because of my asthmaric tendencies, when it is humid and the night air seems to affect my breathing. Hopefully the weather will be fine and I will be too. I just have to turn my day over to my HP. I do not need a resentment. I seem to have a running one with Housing, so will have to pray for them too.


08-31-2016, 05:04 PM
Just for today, I will practice self care. It is okay to care for other, but it has to begin with me. I can't give away what I don't have.


09-02-2016, 02:56 AM
Just for today, I will forgive myself. Today was not one of sobriety, even though I was clean and sober.

I have to accept my Fibromyalgia and all the symptoms of this disease. I forgot to turn the burner off under my kettle, which was dry. Thankfully my son came in after work and found it before my kettle burnt. I was really upset with myself for not setting my alarm right and missing the appointment with the specialist. I have been waiting a long time to get in to see him. The one good thing that happened, I went to the walk in clinic and I was the first person seen. The doctor said, "There is no infection" See your specialist. On the bus to the clinic, I figured that is what he was going to say. The toe bleeds for no reason, but the peroxide and Polysporin seem to be doing there job. The one good thing I did, was reach out to my friends Barb and Theresa, and to my son.


09-02-2016, 06:19 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks for the gifts that are given each day, if we but look for them. I never go into this one store, not my style and something told me to go in and found myself two pairs of leggings for $20., I have gotten them cheaper, but these are good quality. They are so jazzy and colourful, with flowers and designs, that I just might have nightmares wearing them to bed. LOL!


09-03-2016, 01:59 AM
Just for today, I will try to have a day of rest. I have had busy days this week and the body is protesting. I wanted to go to bed but the body wouldn't allow me to rest.

I did a meditation when I came back from doing laundry. Maybe I should have just prayed and asked for forgiveness for abusing my body by going out shopping and to my chiropractors for 5 hours, only to come home and do laundry for 3 hours.

Laughing, this is how my body feels, all tied up in nots. Having problems putting one foot in front of the other. ;)


09-03-2016, 04:44 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. My son took his bike and went to work on the mountain. He always goes for drugs when he gets paid, so mother is trying to detach and not worry and stress. He started chili before he got the call to go to work, so mother has to finish. I had to go and get the ingredients, which met another trip downtown, which I didn't want to make today.

Good things do come out of not so good things. I found some clear garbage bags to put some clothes in and I found most of what I needed in the $1. store. ;)


09-04-2016, 10:43 AM
Just for today, I will focus on my recovery. I will deal with my feelings, I will allow myself to feel and turn them over to my Higher Power and ask for His Help in letting them go. I can't, my God can, just for today, I choose to let Him

Poor Eeyore is always sad and depressed. He needs to go to his Higher Power to help him with his emotions.


09-05-2016, 09:50 AM
Just for today, I will let go of any and all resentments that I have carried over into today. I will say a prayer, because I know that prayer works.


09-05-2016, 09:50 AM
Just for today, I will let go of any and all resentments that I have carried over into today. I will say a prayer, because I know that prayer works.


09-06-2016, 11:06 PM
Today I will practice patience and tolerance. As I found out today, which verified what I was told years ago in early recovery, "If you pray for patience, you get things to tolerate to practice your patience on.

I forgot why I stopped going to the Hairdresser School to get my hair cut. My haircut took 1 1/2 hours to get done. I left home at 10 after 10 and after very long day of busy, I got home at 10 to 4 p.m. Then I did two loads of my laundry and helped my son do some of his. Thankfully we got through the day without pulling any hissy fits.


09-07-2016, 02:49 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks. I have had many gifts as a result of this program. Each day is a new beginning, so I plan to have a good one. Stuff doesn't matter to me any more. It is nice, but it is more important to have my serenity and sobriety (soundness of mind).


09-08-2016, 05:27 PM
Just for today, I will be thankful for the friends in my life, past and present. I met an old friend today, it has to be at least 6 years since I saw him last. Today at my group, we had about 8 more people than we usually do. Does my heart good. I am so grateful for the little things as well as the not so little things.

It says we are to become like little children. We need to learn to crawl before we can walk.


09-09-2016, 08:25 PM
Just for today, I will ask for the healing I need to align my body, mind and spirit. I always like to do a meditation to aling my chakras. My chiropractor says that I never cease to amaze him as to how much I am in tune with my body.

Today was a good day mentally and emotionally, but the body from the waist down is still trying to play catch up. It is important to give thanks for the gift(s) in today. As the card I got several years ago, and the words of wisdom from a good friend the other day, "Give thanks it is already on the way." Don't forget to give thanks for all that you receive. I can't receive if I am not open and willing to accept what is sent my way.


09-10-2016, 02:38 PM
Just for today, I will be honest with myself. I will listen to my body and hear what it says without trying to shut it off or shove it down out of hearing range. My chiropractor said that he never knew anyone who was more in tune with her body. So I think that I will be still today, after I go to the market. ;)

It is important to find my own truth. What works for me may not work for someone else. I like the word perusal. Look at what is going on around me and look at my life and the direction I am heading or am I just marking time, and need to be more active or take more down time. I have been busy the last few weeks and this week my feet have been like balloons. I thought that walking and getting active would help, but it hasn't been the case. So it is back to the drawing board, do a meditation, and see what my God has to say to me.


09-11-2016, 09:23 PM
Just for today, I will try to be more patient with myself. Haven't felt very good today and have been a little impatient with myself. I wanted to get things done and my head ache, which seems to be borderline migraine, kept getting in the way. I laid down for a nap after taking an extra-strength Tyenol, but it wasn't any better when I got up an hour later.

I do get resentful when the body can't keep up with my, quite often over active mind.


09-12-2016, 02:49 PM
Just for today, I will get out of self and help someone else. Don't know what that will be today, but I will be open to giving to another. So far today, I talked to my sister and listened to her. She is still not well, but has been putting off going to the doctor's because she is putting her life on hold, waiting for others.


09-13-2016, 05:30 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience. My cards even told me to be patient in my meditation last night. What I need to do is be patient with myself. I don't have as much trouble with being patient with others, although there are a few people that tend to streth my limits, like my friend last night. She called me two nights in a row with the same story, and I finally had to excuse myself. So much anger, not directed at me, but looking to me for her answers.


09-16-2016, 02:57 AM
Just for today, I will accept what is in the moment, knowing it is subject to change.

Accepting where I am at in my program, in my life, and in my relationship with others. The Medicine Wheel is a circle depicting life's cycles. Everything begins in the east, and as we go through life's lessons and experiences, we have to heal the child within and we take baby steps, until we can find our way. When we get to the west, we walk our talk to the best of our ability. We learn to apply what we have learned to our life, it is one thing to know, it isn't always so easy to do. Then as the cycle moves to the north, we have learned and found our truth and we share it with others. Between the north and the east, I call the state of being. The door may have closed on the past but a new door or window hasn't opened yet and I am waiting for the Good Orderly Direction I need in order to move forward and grow in my program, ever mindful that I have to apply the program to my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well being.


09-17-2016, 04:29 AM
Just for today, I am asking for some Good Orderly Direction, to sort some papers and things that are stored. Much of it hasn't been used in the last year, yet I have a fear that the time I throw something away, I might need it. It isn't much, because I have got rid of a lot of things, especially clothes. The stuff I am referring to falls under the heading, "Junk Drawer." The only problem, there is more than one.


09-18-2016, 12:17 PM
Just for today, I will let go and let God. I lay in bed hurting this morning, the pain in my ankles woke me up. It hurt to move. I said a prayer turning my day over to my God, and the pain eased and I was able to get out of bed. The pain is there but not like it was and certainly bearable.

I will let the day unfold as it should and try not to get in my God's Way and His Plan for my life.


09-19-2016, 09:46 PM
Just for today, I will reach out to my God and ask for help. The last two days have been ones of pain and I need to accept and process it as to whether it is in reality mental, emotional, and/or physical. Today was a day of rest. I feel guilty when that happens, even though I got some dishes done, went down to the mall and got money on my laundry cards and picked up my Blister Pack with my weekly medications.

I don't like it when I can't concentrate enough to read. As a result, I watched TV when my pain wouldn't let me sleep.


09-19-2016, 09:46 PM
Just for today, I will reach out to my God and ask for help. The last two days have been ones of pain and I need to accept and process it as to whether it is in reality mental, emotional, and/or physical. Today was a day of rest. I feel guilty when that happens, even though I got some dishes done, went down to the mall and got money on my laundry cards and picked up my Blister Pack with my weekly medications.

I don't like it when I can't concentrate enough to read. As a result, I watched TV when my pain wouldn't let me sleep.


09-20-2016, 06:10 AM
Just for today, I will remember that I am not in charge. I will remember that today is one of change. Just because I have done things for 74 years or 25 years, doesn't mean that what worked in the past, serves me in today. If I have done things that long without change, there is a good chance that I have become complacent, and it is time to look at where I am at and what do I need to change in my life to see what is no longer working.


09-20-2016, 03:37 PM
Just for today, I will get out of the "I" and get with the "We." Getting out of self is so important. I must remember it isn't all about me. There are others who have issues much worse than mine. I will try not to resent that my son gave me his cold. ;) When he is sick, he is like a bear. He didn't go to work today. This is my second morning, the other one was my goodnight.


09-21-2016, 07:52 PM
Just for today, I will accept my limitations. Today I took a taxi to and from my chiropractor's appointment. I had planned to go to the library on my way home and realized that I would be stressing my body too much to go to the mall. The mall is about two blocks wide and the library is at the back of the mall near the market, which isn't open on Wednesdays. The two books are not overdue yet, but getting close. Haven't even checked to see if I had books to pick up. I will hopefully have more energy tomorrow on my way home from my group and before I go to the Hollisstic Center. I am so looking forward to going as my hip is out and I am hoping to get a treatment on my legs that will help me to release the fluid from the Edema. I was asked today about support stockings. I bought them, but don't have enough strength in my hands to pull them on. I have to find an alternative solution, and the Hollistic Center is it.


09-22-2016, 11:59 PM
Just for today, I will stay in the moment. I will turn my day over to my Higher Power and await His Guidance. I will go with the flow and takes things as they come. As they say, "I can make plans, but not plan the outcome." Have found many times that my God and I are not always on the same page. It is hard to believe I wrote this, then went to Angelwinks site and got the following picture.


09-23-2016, 05:19 PM
Just for today, I will put aside envy of those who have transportation to where they want to go when they want to get there. I made a step toward this when I renewed my Dart membership. I just have to be careful to not build up a resentment as their service is slow and I don't do waiting well. So grateful that this program is one day at a time.


09-24-2016, 02:39 PM
Just for today, I will be patient and accepting. People are where they are at and I can't change them. I am waiting for my sister to call, don't have a clue as to when she will call, so don't want to leave home until I hear from her. Just trying to stay in the moment and not take on other people's stuff.

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8oM04poklNmOkOBKenhBFVG3bve073 MzHlR7wbdjoM9XhPHHLQA

09-25-2016, 11:58 PM
Just for today, I pray for patience and tolerance. I guy came into the laundry room. He said, "Your clothers are finished if you are in #1 washer. I went over, and started to put them into a dryer. He handed me the cloths that I left behind in the dryer. I said, "Don't touch my clothes." I realized that I had raised my voice, I am generally soft spoken, but the words didn't come out that way. He said, "I was just trying to help." For me, his intent was to get my stuff out so he could get his in because he was in a hurray and not about helping me. I maybe wrong, but by the time I had the dryer started, his clothes were in and he was out the door. I didn't know the man. I had never seen him in the building before. I felt like he was intruding into my space.


09-26-2016, 03:19 PM
Just for today, I am very grateful. I am getting to see my sister who lives in Tweed, which is about a four hour drive from me. She is three years younger than me and the middle sister. I would go visit her but she has cats, so I would not be able to visit her for very long.

Grateful to be going out even though it is raining. Will take my umbrella and cane, and if I am lucky, I will get me from the door to the car and back.


09-27-2016, 05:50 PM
Just for today, I will try not to take my pain out on someone else. It isn't their stuff, even if it is, it is best to send the energy back out to the Universe instead of returning to sender. Just say a prayer for them and yourself.


09-28-2016, 01:23 AM
Just for today, I will not preach my program. I will share my experience, strength, and hope, with the hope that it will help someone else. It is attraction rather than promotion. Hopefully someone will find something with me and my recovery, that will interest them to find recovery for themselves.

If I am so full of myself, I won't have any room for any one else. I don't have to have the last word, I don't have to say, "This is how it is done." It is not right to say to someone, "That is not how it is done, you need to do this," especially if what they are doing is keeping them clean and sober, with emphasis on the clean.

I need what will get me through the day, not abusing my medical medication, myself or others. I can't crave something if I don't injest it, and yet my mind can obsess about it and take me out of the moment, be it big or small. Thank God for the tools of recovery that bring us back to where we need to be in today.


09-28-2016, 07:34 AM
Just for today, I am grateful for my recovery. As I shared with a couple of newcomers yesterday, the person that walked through the doors of AA 25 years ago is no longer. That person does not exist, thank God. Even the lady likes to come out today and I don't get angry at her and tell her to go away.


09-28-2016, 09:53 PM
Just for today, I will trust my God to see me through the next few days. My son informed me that the weatherman said that the end of our rain fall, they expect 55 mm of rain to fall. Oh my acking body! Mind you it generally hurts more before the rain start and spoils my sunshine, although today we had both. I could not go out, my feet wouldn't let me walk farther than from my kitchen to my bedroom and bathroom. I was grateful that my apartment is small. I have already taken time to do a meditation and ask for help and healing. I am not suppose to take anti-inflamatories, because of my kidneys. I took one this afternoon, hoping that one a day for a short term, will help. I got the thought after the meditation, so more will be revealed.


09-29-2016, 09:57 PM
Just for today, I will try to be more tolerant. I realize that I have been a little too judgmental about certain things. Mainly people who complain about the same thing over and over again, and do nothing about it. It may sound like I do that, but each day is a new pain, it doesn't always come in the same shape and format. It can be my heart, my diabetes, my arthritis, my spine, my neck, etc. LOL!

I was talking to Tony at the Holistic Center today about how we go through a grieving process every time there is change in our life. I realized that I had forgotten about that and need to practice what I preach. Wasn't too tolerant of myself today. I told him I felt like a real ditz, not sure of the spelling. Things were not computing and not coming out in the way I wanted to say them. That is why I had him work on my neck as I had a pinched nerve.


09-30-2016, 10:06 PM
Just for today, I will pray for patience. I was waiting for the bus and it didn't come. A woman was wearing sandals and her feet were really cold. She waited 45 min. I was there about 30 min. and it didn't come. According to the schedule it was due 5 min. after I got to the stop. We finally got on another bus, got off a stop earlier and started to walk 4 blocks for each of us. Just as we got to the street, our bus came along and if we had waited about 5 min. longer, we could have caught it. She was just so cold, so we got on the bus so she could warm up a bit and I walked a block from her home. She went one way and I another, each having a block further to walk. I knew it was due, but I was worried about her. When we got off the bus, it was me the guys offered to help and asked her if I was alright. Go figure! LOL!


10-01-2016, 01:41 PM
Just for today, I will try to practice my patience and put into affect detaching from my alcoholic. At the moment, he would try the patience of Job. It is about everyone else, not about him and wondering why he is so hard done by. God is on top of the list, it didn't rain in the summer and his hours were cut and now it is raining now and he has been missing days. He works in landscaping, and it is difficult to work if the grass doesn't grow. No hours, no money to use. He still brings up my addiction from his past and likes to play the blame game. It is hard not to take some of it on, but I can't continue to pay for my mistakes, I can only move on, and I have been trying to do that, one day at a time for 25 years.


10-02-2016, 01:15 PM
Just for today, I will be strong and do what I need to do for myself. It is raining, so I can't run away from my dishes. I did two loads of laundry last night. My strength comes from the God of my understanding. I had a late start to the day, but did get quite a lot of sleep the last couple of days. I bought some iron pills, and they seem to be slowly giving me more umph, to get things done. It was one of those God moments the way I see it. I wasn't looking for them, had no thought of them, and all of a sudden they were there in front of me staring back at me. I am hoping they will help with the fatigue. Praying and asking for help and open to receiving and all of a sudden, there it was. I don't argue with things that happen like that.


10-03-2016, 09:15 PM
Just for today, I will try to be my own best friend and give myself a hug. Starting your day at 6:30 p.m. isn't such a good thing. I will watch my favourite shows tonight and hopefully, when bedtime comes, I will be able to sleep.


10-04-2016, 04:47 AM
Just for today, I will remember hugs not drugs and give someone a hug today.


10-05-2016, 06:32 PM
Just for today, I will be open to receive the gifts my Higher Power sends to me. They come in all shapes and sizes, and when I pray and ask for help, I need to be open to receive what He feels that I need. Like the connection today of a long time Al-Anon member who came to my group, plus another woman who I hadn't seen at our group, I asked her if she was new, just in case. She wasn't, but I thought I would ask just in case. I was able to share with her before she left the group to go back to work. Those are gifts of a different colour, and always helps me. The words that I spoke to her where words that I needed for my own journey in today. We can do what I can't do alone.


10-06-2016, 07:58 PM
Just for today, I will look to be accepting of what is going on in my life. It isn't about acccepting my alcoholism or my drug of choice which is more, it is about accepting life on life's terms.

I have had a lot of pain lately, my Fibromyalgia has come out of remission and I know that a lot of the physical pain is a result of emotions that need to be processed. As they say, "I have to feel them in order to let them go." In order to do that, I need to find the acceptance first or I will stay stuck. Why hang onto things when it is so much better to let go of them. Not always easier, but definitely more condusive to serenity.


10-07-2016, 10:11 AM
Just for today, I will practice my program to the best of my ability. I will try to be the best me that I can be in today. I will say the Third and Seventh Step Prayers to helpp me get out of the way and allow my God to work through me, instead of having to work around me or inspite of me, He offers His Love and Grace.


10-08-2016, 03:34 PM
Just for today, I will be content and happy in today. I won't look for what is wrong but focus on what is right. I will look at what I have instead of looking at what I don't have. That doesn't mean that I don't want to win the lottery, although I seldom buy a ticket. I would like to win enough to move out of my apartment building, but then, wherever I go, I take me with me. Part of me doesn't want to move because I can still walk to the library and the market. I just don't feel safe any more around Hess Village and going out at night. It is something that I have been praying about, and if I am meant to be here, then that is okay. Again, acceptance is the key.


10-09-2016, 09:38 PM
Just for today, I will accept what is in the moment. It is so important for me to stay in today, especially when it comes to my health issues and my son's active addiction. I am so grateful for the program. Just for today, I don't have to use, no matter what.


10-11-2016, 01:58 AM
Just for today, I will let go of the negative attitude. I won't shut down and isolate myself from others. When I closed down, I block myself from my God as well as others.


10-11-2016, 08:45 AM
Just for today, I will pray for what I need and ask that what I don't need be taken from me. I must take the Steps I need in today and leave the rest up to my God. He knows what is best for me. He knows what's in store for me. All I know is that I would like to make it to the library and the noon AA meeting if possible. In order to do that, I need to catch some more Zzzzzzs.


10-12-2016, 07:28 AM
Just for today, I will allow my self hope. I found hope through the 12 Promises of AA. As the scriptures say, "My Hope is in the Lord." Not sure where it is said, I am just grateful I remember the words. Where there is life, there is hope. I had lost all hope, but I found that my God had plans for me. Part of those plans, was being here.


10-13-2016, 03:55 AM
Just for today, I will practice my acceptance. I have been having problems with my memory and seem to be forgetting a lot of things. I hope and pray that today is a much better day than yesterday. It wasn't so much bad, as it wasn't good. Before I leave my apartment and wait for the elevator, I say the Serenity Prayer. Accepting where I am at in the moment and having patience with myself.

Today I have this little elephant to help me to never forget. ;)

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8oM04poklNmOkOBKenhBFVG3bve073 MzHlR7wbdjoM9XhPHHLQA

10-14-2016, 09:49 PM
Just for today, I am praying and asking for patience and tolerance. I am hurting from the neck down and have a head ache. LOL! My son says it is suppose to rain. I just said to a couple of members from my group on Thursday, "I hate it when my body tells me it is going to rain three days before it gets here. It stops you from completely enjoying the sunny days. For me, any day the sun is shining is a good day. It is sometimes hard defining a day a such when you hurt from top to toe. I keep saying, the sun is shining, the sun is shining. It is sometimes hard to put some gratitude in my attitude when that happens. I just have to tolerate it, I know it will pass. I also know I haven't had enough sleep, so need to close up shop and do what I need to do for myself, just for today.


10-15-2016, 09:16 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. I did a really good job. I didn't go over and hit the guy that was mouthing off at our dinner. I told myself, you can't hit very hard so it wouldn't do any good. He was brash, crass, loud and obnoxious. Young girls were helping their grandmother serve and he said things that I didn't think were appropriate, but I am old fashioned in a lot of ways. I found him to be verbally abusive and some people can ignore it, but having lived it, I don't want to be around it and I don't think young people need to hear such things and think it is normal and the way the man they will meet, can talk that way and it is cool and acceptable. NOT!!!

I am afraid, if looks could kill he would have rolled over and died. So that is not good on my part, and certainly not tolerant. I almost left, but chose to stay.


10-16-2016, 07:27 AM
Just for today, I will try to do the do things that need doing. I won't run away from home and stay to do my laundry, and clean my kitchen. I also have a lot of reading to do to catch up before some books are overdue. Even so, I won't allow myself to hide in my books, I will be disciplined enough to get the work done that I need to do.

I will remember that Osho says that you can meditate while doing dishes.


10-17-2016, 06:03 PM
Just for today, I will stay positive. I will look at what I have, rather than what I don't have. Through my God, all things are possible, according to His Diviine Will.

http://www.whats-your-sign.com/images/xsymbolicrabbitmeaning.jpg.pagespeed.ic.cLf6TBfurx .jpg

10-18-2016, 08:21 PM
Just for today, I will remember that I have a program. I will apply it to all areas of my life. My life is not longer about drinking and drugging, it is about thinking and my emotional sobriety.

Today I was reminded to make healthy choices. As a result, I am sitting here eating the odd bite here and there of strawberries and pineapple. Mmmmm Good. I was planning on KFC because it is Toonie Tuesday, but didn't have the patience to stand in line. My impatience cost me double the price, plus more for the fruit I bought. The only spiritual thing about it really, was the fact that I shared it with my son. I was thinking of keeping it to myself. I have a program, it is spiritual in nature. I need to apply the spiritual principles to my life.


10-19-2016, 12:20 PM
Just for today, I will let go of resentments. I fell in love my city because it was green and had lots of trees. Yesterday they cut a small grove of trees across the street from me. They wanted to extend the parking area by the looks of things. Either that, or partiers from Hess Village were using them for illegal reasons. Don't know, I shall miss them. They were not shade for me, perhaps they were being used for shady people, but they spoiled my view. I will get over the "Oh, woe is me." In a couple of days, I will probably forget that they were there.


10-20-2016, 06:57 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. So far today, I haven't done too well. I had a few words with a taxi driver and told him to quit playing games and just drive the car. He took us into downtown traffic instead of skirting it. The difference I said it in what I thought was a decisive and not an aggressive manner. He may have other ideas. As a friend use to tell me, "You have such a nice way of telling someone off and they don't even know they have been told." :(

This is a program of practice, practice, practice.


10-21-2016, 12:28 PM
Just for today, I will try to be organized. Not just in my actions, but my thoughts too. I will turn my day over to my Higher Power and go with the flow and try to stay out of His Way.


10-22-2016, 02:39 PM
Just for today, I will ask for peace and serenity. Things aren't too good with my son right now and all I can do is put him in his God's Hands. I am trying to keep my nose out of his business and leave him with his choices.


10-23-2016, 10:02 AM
Just for today, I will pray for the knowing and clarity I need in today. I will turn my day over to my Higher Power instead of going on self-will. I hope he has plans for my son to do the dishes, but I don't think so. He is going out to do some yard work for friends. ;) That is okay, because it gives me back my apartment as I don't like watching the TV shows he watches, so I can do my work in peace and quiet, put on music, or watch my own shows. Thy Will, not mine be done. Yet saying that, I need to practice self-care. Sometimes it is okay to just be, I don't always have to be doing. I try to work through my pain, but some day I am not able to do that. Today is a good day the sun is shining, even though it is cold. Again, when it comes to housework, I have to pray for the willingness to be willing.


10-24-2016, 08:50 PM
Just for today, I pray for what I need for my health and well being. Not sure if I am sick and if I am, not sure what is the matter. Woke with a head ache and sore throat, both have eased but not feeling up to par. I get impatient with myself when I am feeling off. My son told me to go to bed. Bed is for sleeping and I don't want to spoil my sleep tonight, yet when night time comes, I will probably not be able to sleep. I don't want to go to bed just for the sake of going to bed. :(


10-25-2016, 11:10 PM
Just for today, I will try not judge myself too harshly. I didn't get to the noon meeting. I did get a 12 Step call, so that was good. I tried to get sleep and got two other phone calls that woke me up, so I perceived this as a message to get up and not sleep the day away and spoil my sleep tonight. I am my own worst enemy and harshest critic. Eventally, I was able to make peace when I sat down and did a meditation.


10-26-2016, 10:48 AM
Just for today, I am grateful that the sun is shining. I am grateful for those little things, they add up to big things. I am grateful for the people in my life. God is Good. Good is God.


10-27-2016, 03:03 AM
Just for today, I will accept what is. It is pouring rain and I have things to do, mainly going to my home group. I need to brave the elements and though I know I won't melt, I have problems carrying an umbrella and pushing my walker, especially if it is windy. I say that beause I can hear wind chimes blowing outside my window.

I have a friend who is sick as well and hope to go and visit her. She lives close to the express bus. Each place I have to go is only a block from the bus stop, some of them long ones, some short. I have to accept what is, and if I can't go, then accept my limitations. The ironic think is, I have had a lot of pain, and now that the rain is here, my pain has lessened. It is hard not to have a resentment. The day will unfold as it should, not as I would have it be when I turn my day over to my Higher Power.


10-28-2016, 08:42 PM
Just for today, I am still working on acceptance. I was feeling too sick to go see my sister and get my shopping done. My money will burn a hole in my pocket.


10-29-2016, 09:56 AM
Just for today, I will try to get out of the way and live according to my God's Will instead of trying to make things happen and running on Self will. My mind is running around and nothing is clear, so stopped to post and hopefully clarity will come.


10-30-2016, 01:41 PM
Just for today, I will try to get motivated and get my laundry done and quit procrastinating. I will get it done this afternoon or this evening, depending on how many people are in laundry. I do have some catching up to do. Today is pumpkin patch day.


10-31-2016, 06:37 PM
Just for today, I will remember that this is a "we" program. Had a one on one with a member of the fellowship this afternoon, after I had been at a morning meeting. I felt like it was meant to be, he hadn't been at the group and I ran into him in the mall on my way home. Someone I have known for about 24 years. He has about 12 years more time in the program than I have. We agreed on a lot of things, which is good. This sums up what we were talking about.


11-01-2016, 07:35 PM
Just for today, I will believe that my God is with me, where ever I choose to go. I have been so grateful for the people he has put in my path, especially the last few days. I have been truly blessed. I have been in a lot of pain and having problems thinking through it, but I know I am not alone. I was so glad to get to a meeting yesterday, today, and hope to make Al-Anon tomorrow. My home group is on Thursday. This is not normal for me, so I am grateful that I am getting the meetings now before the snow comes and I am isolated. You have to order Darts a week in advance, which can be an issue because I never know how I will be on any given day.


11-02-2016, 03:59 PM
Just for today I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly, keep my voice low, be courteous, criticize not one bit. I won't find fault with anything, nor try to improve or regulate anybody but myself. Just for today.

11-02-2016, 07:15 PM
Just for today, I will pray for patience and tolerance. I walked away from my appointment with the heart specialist wondering if he was on cocaine. He seemed to be so hyper. Not saying he was, but he seemed to have problems focusing and when I spoke, I wasn't sure he heard what I said. I left home at 10:15 a.m. and got home at 5 p.m. A very long day, and I had to be patient with me, because the body didn't want to keep up.


11-03-2016, 11:11 AM
Just for today I will have an attitude of gratitude. Tonight I will get my 6 year chip at the AA meeting. As I reflect on my sobriety journey, I have so much to be grateful for. Thank you to all who have been a part of it.

11-03-2016, 05:38 PM
Just for today, I will pray for people, places and things, large and small. I shared with a friend today, after he shared with me about the healing of his cat how I had sent prayer to my sponsor's cat that hadn't eaten or drank for three days. While we were talking, the cat got up and drank some water. The cat was 19 years old. Several months later it died. For me, a thought is a prayer.


11-04-2016, 11:10 PM
Just for today, I will reach out to a friend. I will remember it is a 'we' program andwhen someone comes to mind, I try to pick up the phone and call or say a prayer for them.


11-05-2016, 07:49 PM
Just for today, I will remember when and recognize where people are coming from. I will forgive them and allow them their own journey without direction from me.


11-06-2016, 11:18 AM
Just for today, I will focus on my health and recovery. My body is doing wierd things and not sure what is happening. I think the medication is affecting my kidneys. Can't win, try to get mobile by getting rid of the swelling and then I find myself walking like a drunken sailor because the diuretic causes dizzyness. So grateful this program is one day at a time.


11-08-2016, 01:39 AM
Just for today, I will practice acceptance. Went to the doctors and for all the good it did, I could have phoned in my reply. Two papers I thought I had with me, I left at home. It would have been much easier to explain what was going on if I had made sure they were where I thought they were. ;) Not feeling good still, going to be closing up shop shortly and take myself back to my bed.

http://scouteu.s3.amazonaws.com/cards/images_vt/merged/have_a_great_day_10.jpg#Tags%20by%20have%20nice%20 day%20my%20friend%20%20%20600x399

11-10-2016, 12:01 AM
Just for today, I will trust myself to do what I need to do in today. I will listen to that still small voice and trust it instead of discounting. If I doubt myself, I am doubting my God.


11-10-2016, 05:56 PM
Just for today, I will go to my Higher Power for the Good Orderly Direction that I need in today. I will not run on self-will run riot. I don't believe on lucky. I believe in my God.


11-11-2016, 05:31 AM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. I have to go to the eye doctor. I am hoping I don't have to get new glasses. If there is something wrong with the eye, I hope it can be corrected with laser surgery. Patience and tolerance with others, but mostly with myself.


11-12-2016, 01:00 PM
Just for today, I am back on acceptance. I am powerless over people, places, and things. Back to basics is a good place to go when things come up that trouble you. I think they call it Step One. Having issues with my son and have to set some boundaries. He keeps walking over them and I get tired putting them back up and trying to keep them in place.


11-13-2016, 09:23 PM
Just for today, I will let go of my resentments. I really don't like not being able to do what I use to do or what I think I should be able to do. I am a hard Task Master and tend to beat myself up. I will be kind to myself and give myself a break. I need to be my own best friend instead of my worst enemy.


11-14-2016, 06:48 AM
Just for today, I am grateful for this site. It has been a big part of my recovery, without it, I don't think I would be sober.


11-14-2016, 06:56 PM
Just for today, I will be honest with myself. Where am I in my program? Is there something that I am not doing, that would help me and relieve my pain. It isn't about the other person, it is about me and my attitude.


11-16-2016, 11:11 AM
Just for today, I am grateful for this site. It has been a big part of my recovery, without it, I don't think I would be sober.


You took the words right out of my mouth! I am grateful!!

11-17-2016, 12:28 AM
Just for today, I will try to go with the flow. I need to get out of the way and allow my God to the space He needs to meet my needs.


11-17-2016, 10:09 PM
Just for today, I am back trying to take care of myself. My blood pressure was high, which contributed to an all day headache. It isn't good when it is over 170, which makes me kind of question the medication I am on and will have me a wee talk to with the heart specialist on Monday. I made a point of making and eating a good meal. Have been running a fever, so not sure if I have the flu, a kind of infection, or something else that is disrupting my daily patterns. Just not feeling good, so trying to see what is wrong and the root cause. In today, I won't ignore things and expect them to go away.


11-18-2016, 10:54 AM
Just for today I will have a quiet half hour all by myself and relax. During this half hour sometime, I will try to get a better perspective of my life.

11-19-2016, 12:35 AM
Just for today, I will look at things with gratitude. I was glad that I was lead to go downstairs and save the young woman's wallet. Before I went to the library and after I left the library, I ran into AA members. I am grateful that I got some laundry done. Evean more grateful that it is time for bed.


11-19-2016, 06:49 PM
Just for today, I wil practice being honest with myself. Not tell myself what I want to hear, but be truthful and look at what is going on in my life and look at it with honesty and live in reality and not through the rose coloured eyes of denial.

I need to look at the true picture portrayed and not fill in the blanks with our own illusions and perception. I will pray that my perception be healed.


11-25-2016, 11:04 PM
Just for today, I will accept my senior moments and forgive myself for posting in the wrong section, although I guess a defect of character is a defect of character whether you are chipping it away or just talking and sharing it with your sponsor or another alcoholic/addict.


11-26-2016, 10:41 AM
Just for today, I will practice the slogan, "Don't procrastinate, just do it." As they say, the word procrastinate is a 5 syllable word for the word sloth. I need to do laundry!!! My problem in the moment is, not now, after I go back to bed and catch some more sleep. I have tried twice last night, maybe third time lucky.


11-27-2016, 11:01 AM
Just for today, I will practice the slogan "Easy Does It...but do it." When I finish posting, I am either going back to bed to rest before I do laundry, or I am going to go down to the laundry room and rest before I cook dinner. ;)

It iss the "do it" that I have problems with. I don't get to say 'good morning' very often. I generally sleep it away.


11-28-2016, 01:31 AM
Just for today, I will not let greed dictate my life. I will learn to give and share with therers. I may not always have money, but I firmly believe a meal for one can be made into one for two. Time and engery, along with a lone of an ear are good things to give to others.


11-29-2016, 10:26 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience. I did a meditation this morning and that was before my day started. When I was in the taxi going to the meeting, when there was a back up in traffic or we hit a red light, I thought, "Come on people, you are using my dime." When I heard myself, I thought patience and tolerance JoAnne.

Patience is a virtue, have it if you can. I heard that so many times from my Mom and my aunt while growing up. Quit goofing around and get with it, was an old way of thinking and I had to change my attitude. The world didn't revolve around me. LOL!

Thankfully, the site has been fixed and I could copy what I typed earlier today without having to think again! LOL!!!


11-30-2016, 08:08 AM
Just for today, I will turn my day over to my Higher Power and go with the flow. I have three appointments today, my chiropractor, my Al-Anon group, and my heart speciialist. It is important for me to make the meeting in between. A lot of emotions running around the last few days, so need to get myself to Al-Anon, tomorrow is my home group.

My God meets my needs, so when I get needy, I have to be mindful and not be greedy.


12-01-2016, 02:58 AM
Just for today, I will ask for what I need and be open to receive. So many times, I have found mysellf praying and praying, and forgetting to stop to listen for the answer. I can't hear the Good Orderly Direction I need, for the sound of my own voice.

My God meets my needs, they are there, I don't even have to ask for them. As my meditation put it, give thanks, it is already on it's way.


12-03-2016, 03:20 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. My computer is crashed and I don't know when it will be back up and running. I will have to be accepting and willing to wait my turn to get a computer to use at the library and the Internet Café. Both are free, so I really can't complain. I am grateful for the service. I am just not sure it will be every day because of my meetings and doctor's appointments.

I am at the library and on Internet Explorer, and it giving me a search page to find a picture. I really don't want to waste time looking for one, when I am on a time table.

12-04-2016, 03:42 PM
Just for today, I am still working on patience and tolerance. Not only with my computer, but with issues with my son.


12-06-2016, 04:43 PM
Just for today, I am trying to stay in the moment. Live each day at a time and accept what is, and not trying to project when and if I can get my computer fixed. It is what it is, and I was the one who bought into the scam.


12-07-2016, 12:48 PM
Just for today, I will try to accomplish something and say, "A day well spent." I am thinking of doing a load of laundry while my roast is cooking, it depends on how long I can stay on the computer day, and how willing my body is willing to participate.

Again, it is the willingness to be willing according to my God's Will for me in today.


12-08-2016, 03:23 PM
Just for today, I am grateful. My friend John came and fixed my computer and I am back on line. Better still, it was for free. He refused the money I offered.


12-09-2016, 09:07 PM
Just for today, I had to Easy Does It...but do it. I didn't feel like doing, but things had to be done. I did feel better today, but far from feeling up to par.

I had a strange experience at the mall today. I was heading to the mall, and this young red headed guy stopped and said to me, "Can I pray for you." Not sure if it was a scam and I was suspicious, and I said, "I can pray for myself." What I meant, that I have my God and I talk to Him all the time. Yet when you think of it, there is no harm in anyone else praying for you. I found it to be a negative, not a spiritual blessing.


12-11-2016, 11:15 AM
Just for today, I will start the day with a smile. I will spread it around and share it with others. I will give thanks at night for a blessed day.


12-12-2016, 02:53 AM
Just for today, I will accept what is in the moment. I am feeling very isolated because we have had a major snow storm, and I can't go downtown. I do have Darts booked for my group on Thursday. I am grateful that I can go to the mall downstairs without going outside. The only stores down their is a Shopper's Drug Mart and a Daisy Mart.


12-12-2016, 10:40 AM
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/1798884_820669367960193_1365249868_n.jpg?oh=c2d85b bf5374dca9ee3c4a12e471116f&oe=58B4E44E

12-12-2016, 12:18 PM
Just for today, I will trust my God, knowing that He will see me through this. I am having problems thinking through the pain, so taking myself to my bed this time, and hopefully when I wake up, my brain is working.


12-13-2016, 10:54 AM
Just for today, I will be happy. Abraham Lincoln once said that, "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Be Happy Today!!

12-13-2016, 12:54 PM
Just for today, I will go with the flow. Not sure if there is a clog somewhere, but willing to change if I come upon a blockage. I am willing o go to any length for my sobriety.


12-14-2016, 04:11 PM
Just for today, I will be honest with myself. It is so easy to just shut down and shut off, because I have been dealing with chronic pain for years.

I have been doing a time out, because the pain was so bad, I had to stop and think, "What is going on here." It generally boils down to what am I not letting go. How can I know what to change if I don't take an honest look at me and what is around me, things that I am allowing into my space that is not for my Higher Good.


12-15-2016, 04:09 AM
Just for today, I need to practice patience. Practice, practice, practice, I have darts picking me up to take me to my home group and bring me home.

I don't like being put on hold. I don't like having to wait for someone. If you say a certain time, be there. My appointment with my eye specialist for 11:10 a.m. and I will probably not be seen before 11:45 a.m., now watch him make a fibber out of me.


12-15-2016, 09:19 AM
Just for today I will be unafraid. Especially, I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me.

12-16-2016, 12:11 PM
Just for today, I will acknowledge my feelings. I won't stuff them, I will acknowledge them. I will accept them for what they are in the moment, and let go and let God.


12-17-2016, 11:17 AM
Just for today, I will let go of my anger. Anger is a danger to me. I know my son is acting out in his disease, but it is deliberate attack on me when he is defensive about his actions and tries to put the ownesses on me. Not sure if that is spelled right, it is the word that came to mind. This disease is cunning, baffling, and powerful. My son has barely touched on recovery in 5 treatment centers, but that isn't recovery, that is but a stepping stone. Many talk about the Steps, but for me that is just a glorified Step One. We don't detox in 6 weeks or months, it takes 11 months or more at least it was for me. I was one of the really sick ones.


12-18-2016, 06:46 AM
Just for today, I will pray for patience and tolerance. I have three appointments this week and I have to wait on Darts. An hours appointment becomes a three hour minimum trip there and back. I have had a hard time accepting that I need to do this. The snow and freezing rain we have been getting, makes me grateful for the service.


12-19-2016, 05:35 AM
Just for today, I will work on my patience. Today will be a challenge as I have to go downtown and the sidewalks are not cleared. Not sure if more snow is going to come down on what is already there, hope it will be cleared enough for me to get to the bus stop. There is a bus that will take me close to the library. Just because things don't go my way is no reason to get upset. I just need to go with the flow and just be and the rest will fall in to place.


12-20-2016, 08:34 PM
Just for today, I am praying for the willingness to be willing to accept things as they are in today. I re-hurt my arm last night trying to get something stored on my balcony. I have a couple of more scars and old ones that were healing, got re-opened. Then my toe was bleeding and I left blood on my kitchen floor, and then I burned myself, not badly, but enough to be noticed.

On top of that, I ended up playing Queen of my domain by spending a lot of time on my Throne. I am thinking I have some kind of infection. I am grateful that I have a doctor's appointment on the 23rd. Hoping it won't be cancelled.


12-21-2016, 07:20 PM
Just for today, I will try to forgive myself and my son. I have a major resentment going on and it is going to take a lot of praying to let it go. It qualified in part to fit the chip, preceptive/judgmental. No matter what the other person does, it is all up to me.


12-22-2016, 10:08 PM
Today was definitely patience, practicing it in all my affairs. Not just with people I know, but with the shoppers and people out and about for the holiday who have no manners and walk around like everyone else isn't there, no excuse me, sorry, thank you, kiss my a$$, etc.

I have no patience with people like that. It isn't just about the alcoholic, unless the whole world is comprised of alcoholics and addicts.


12-23-2016, 08:30 AM
Just for today, I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out. If anybody knows of it, it will not count. It will make me feel better and will brighten up somebody's day. A win-win deal!

12-23-2016, 11:39 PM
Just for today, I will let go and let God. I did a meditation today when I got home from the doctor's office, and that is the message I got. He sent me for more blood work when I told him about the migraines I have been having. It was hard to believe that I slept for over 6 hours in one way, but when I look at all the two hour sleeps I have had in the last week, it is not surprising. It still seems to go, go, go and crash. I thought with taking Darts, it would be easier. I think it is me, not liking to be kept waiting. It seems like I am putting my life on hold waiting for others, and that is something I did all of my life, and it doesn't sit well with me in today.

I want to say, hurry up people. When I hear myself, I know it isn't all about me. Again, it is about acceptance.


12-25-2016, 12:19 AM
Just for today, it was about acceptance and setting boundaries. The plans for Christmas were changed. My son took off and had a few beers with a friend. I told him I didn't mind what he did, but he had sprayed my oven and it needed to be cleaned if he wanted a Christmas dinner.

I didn't mind that he had a few beers with his friend as long as my oven got clean. What made me sad was the fact that by the time he did it, I had run out of energy, and I never got my pies baked. Hopefully, I will be able to do them tomorrow.


12-26-2016, 11:28 PM
Just for today, I will practice my acceptance. It is what it is. As soon as I accept that, the sooner I can heal, let go, and move one day at a time. This too shall pass, and hopefully tomorrow, I can phone about getting my phone fixed, not that I felt like talking to anyone and no one woke me up. LOL! Not a very generous spiritual attitude, but thankfully this day will finish in 2 3/4 hours.

Sorry I missed yesterday.


12-27-2016, 12:54 PM
Just for today, I will go with the flow. I will turn my day over to the God of my understanding and see what He has instore for me today. I will try to remember to say thank you as the day progresses.


12-28-2016, 04:38 PM
Just for today, I will be God Conscious instead of Self-conscious. I will to will my God's will for me in today. I have already reached out and asked for help and a service person will be here tomorrow to fix my phone and I have an appointment on Friday to see my chiropractor. I know that after a visit to him, I will have less pain. I think it is a pinched nerve in my neck that is causing a lot of the headaches.

I will not block myself off from the Will of my God.


12-29-2016, 08:21 PM
Just for today, I will ask for what I need to do for myself. A big part of me in today, has just wanted to crawl into bed and do nothing. A lot has to do with the snow and rain that is happening outside at the moment. I need to go inside and connect with my HP and ask for the courage, strength, and direction that I need.


12-30-2016, 03:30 PM
Just for today, I will give thanks for a wonderful day. The sun was shining, and I had to take a taxi twice to get to where I wanted to go. Light snow was falling and everything looked like a wonderful winterland. The streets around me aren't cleared, so I had to go into the west end of the city, cross the street to get a bus back. I couldn't get off at the normal stop, but took the next one and walked up the ally by my apartment. Not one I want to take at night. There was a Coca-Cola truck parked there and thankfully for his soul, I couldn't get by without going around or finding him and asking him to move over and give me space. ;)


12-31-2016, 01:53 PM
Just for today, I will celebrate 2016, let go of any resentments, anger and other negetaive feelings and start 2017 with an open mind, and a loving heart, and a trust that one day at a time, I will stay clean and sober in the New Year.


01-01-2017, 08:58 PM
Just for today, I will work on my acceptance. When I struggle, I find that I only get more pain. I was up all night and all morning, and didn't get to sleep today until 2 p.m. and not the way I want to start 2017.

As they say it is a change in attitude. No longer thinking, pain go away I want to sleep. I need to pray and ask for what I need to change the energy that is causing me pain and accept things as they are in the moment.


01-03-2017, 12:26 AM
Just for today, I will practice self-care. I will listen to my body. I will turn off the old tapes and make new ones. I must remember that I am the one who has control of the play, erase, and/or rewind buttons.


01-03-2017, 10:28 PM
Just for today, I will pray for patience and tolerance. I still haven't heard about my phone. I am trying to allow for the fact that the offices have been closed over the holiday. I had someone call me twice today, but when I picked up the phone, there was nothing. Other times, I have tried to make calls and after talking 2 or 3 min. the phone just goes blank. Apparently they can hear me talking at the other end, but I can't hear them. Other times, I get no dial tone on my end, but a call will come through.

In the moment, I am waiting for my mixed berry (raspberry, strawberry, thimbleberry, and blueberry) pie to finish cooking. Then it has to cool for me to eat it. My son came up with a great idea last time, after it cooled enough not to melt the plastic, he set the pie on a couple of ice packs. It looks like he inherited his impatience from me.

As they say, "God grant me the Serenity....


01-04-2017, 08:56 PM
Just for today, I will keep coming back. I like to say, "I will keep coming, so I don't have to come back. As my son said to me several years ago, "Didn't you say, that when you went to a meeting, that you always felt better afterward. Why stay home and be miserable, when you know you can go to a meeting and feel better. It doesn't make sense."

Just for today, I will be senseable, I will connet with another alcoholic/addict. The power is in the rooms.


01-05-2017, 10:53 AM
Just for today, I will have a program. I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it.

01-05-2017, 08:05 PM
Thanks for sharing Dave. This reminds me of what my first boyfriend in AA said to me. He said, "I had a program, there were just times I chose not to use it. This was after his first 1 year anniversry after being in AA off and on for many years. He died from leukemia. He died sober.

01-05-2017, 08:07 PM
Just for today, I will remember to take my QTIP (Quit Taking It Persona) with me. As the saying goes, "What other people think of me is none of my business, and visa versa.


01-06-2017, 09:44 AM
Just for today, I will have a quiet time all by myself with no distractions and relax. I will try to get a better perspective on my life. I will read a devotion. I will meditate. I will pray to my Higher Power.

01-06-2017, 06:49 PM
Just for today, I will forgive myself. I will allow myself to be human and not beat myself up for errors and omissions, and give thanks for the things that I have done.


01-08-2017, 12:54 AM
Just for today, I will practice self-care. For many years, I was the caretaker, but didn't take care of myself. I took a day off today and just sat back and relaxed. Now I am wondering if I should, I looked at the weather station report and we are to have participation for the next 7 days. Not sure what it will all amount to, but maybe I should have gone while the going was good. :)


01-09-2017, 06:40 PM
Just for today, I will be grateful. It is always a blessing to go downtown and see someone you know. Just the kind of connection I need for a daily spiritual fix, to know I am not alone and when I see someone who I use to see in the rooms and they are back out there using, I am grateful for my program and the gift of sobriety.


01-10-2017, 11:03 AM
10 reasons why we need at least 8 hugs a day

by Marcus Julian Felicetti

Hugging therapy is definitely a powerful way of healing. Research shows that hugging (and also laughter) is extremely effective at healing sickness, disease, loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress.

Research shows a proper deep hug, where the hearts are pressing together, can benefit you in these ways:

1. The nurturing touch of a hug builds trust and a sense of safety. This helps with open and honest communication.

2. Hugs can instantly boost oxytocin levels, which heal feelings of loneliness, isolation, and anger.

3. Holding a hug for an extended time lifts one's serotonin levels, elevating mood and creating happiness.

4. Hugs strengthen the immune system. The gentle pressure on the sternum and the emotional charge this creates activates the Solar Plexus Chakra. This stimulates the thymus gland, which regulates and balances the body's production of white blood cells, which keep you healthy and disease free.

5. Hugging boosts self-esteem. From the time we're born our family's touch shows us that we're loved and special. The associations of self-worth and tactile sensations from our early years are still imbedded in our nervous system as adults. The cuddles we received from our Mom and Dad while growing up remain imprinted at a cellular level, and hugs remind us at a somatic level of that. Hugs, therefore, connect us to our ability to self love.

6. Hugging relaxes muscles. Hugs release tension in the body. Hugs can take away pain; they soothe aches by increasing circulation into the soft tissues.

7. Hugs balance out the nervous system. The galvanic skin response of someone receiving and giving a hug shows a change in skin conductance. The effect in moisture and electricity in the skin suggests a more balanced state in the nervous system - parasympathetic.

8. Hugs teach us how to give and receive. There is equal value in receiving and being receptive to warmth, as to giving and sharing. Hugs educate us how love flows both ways.

9. Hugs are so much like meditation and laughter. They teach us to let go and be present in the moment. They encourage us to flow with the energy of life. Hugs get you out of your circular thinking patterns and connect you with your heart and your feelings and your breath.

10. The energy exchange between the people hugging is an investment in the relationship. It encourages empathy and understanding. And, it's synergistic, which means the whole is more than the sum of its parts: 1 1 = 3 or more! This synergy is more likely to result in win-win outcomes.

01-10-2017, 11:08 AM
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13164449_1366033936757064_2518217588794780679_n.jp g?oh=6e28d511cdaab3f8bde6f37957fde485&oe=58E35928

01-10-2017, 09:10 PM
Just for today, I will be open to giving and receiving hugs. They not only heal me but help others. I always ask, "Do you do hugs?" I give the person the option, because some people feel it is invading their space, especially if you don't ask permission.


01-11-2017, 10:53 AM
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15578633_10206690595617293_9058886016108643192_n.j pg?oh=7dff556dc30187a2dded4028a365ca6a&oe=591C8DB9

01-11-2017, 09:35 PM
Just for today, I will be accepting of where I am at in my program. If it needs changing, I acceept that, and take the necessary steps I need to make the changes I need. If I am in a good place, I will accept where I am at and try not to sabatoge myself, like I use to do in the past. I couldn't stand failure and I couldn't stand success.


01-12-2017, 02:38 PM
Just for today, I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle all my problems at once.

01-13-2017, 01:03 AM
Just for today, I will pick up the tools of recovery to deal with my resentment. Darts cancelled my fare, instead of cancelling my guest. I waited and waited and finally took the bus and was 10 min. late for my group.

I was told the meeting started when you get there and end when you leave. It was a good thing there was a newcomer there for her first meeting and I took her on the bus with me when I went home, because she lived around the corner from me. One of the group members collected pamphlettes and a Living Sober book, with a meeting list, and we both put our phone numbers on the meeting list.


01-13-2017, 09:26 AM
Just for today, I will call someone when I need help or just need to talk. When life hits you hard, I will reach for a phone instead of reaching for a bottle. There are no good answers in a bottle, just gloom, despair, agony, and excessive misery.

01-14-2017, 11:15 PM
Just for today, I will listen to my body. My medications have been messing up my nervous system and I have to sit down and talk to my pharmacist and my family doctor.

I will reach out and ask for help. I will no longer ignore everything and think it will go away or God will heal it for me. I need His Good Orderly Direction and take it to the people who can help me. He puts the right people in my path.


01-16-2017, 09:52 PM
Just for today, I am trying to be accepting of what is in the moment, so I can take the steps to make changes which will help me to feel better. I don't like being so crippled up.


01-17-2017, 09:29 AM
Just for today I will read in the Big Book with an open mind and heart.

01-17-2017, 08:23 PM
Just for today, I will remember that meditation can be any time. Before I came on line, the message I got was "Go with like-minded friends." Sounded like a good plan although tonight's postings are going to be few.


01-18-2017, 10:18 AM
http://rlv.zcache.com/serenity_prayer_just_for_today_poster-re1e6f4e21a64444e93d3f9fceb6c4ce2_2jce_8byvr_324.j pg

01-18-2017, 11:29 PM
Just for today, I will remember the Serenity Prayer. I very much needed strength and courage today. I also had to ask for the words I needed to say, the way it needed to be said.


01-19-2017, 10:19 AM
Just for today, I will forgive myself. Then I can be totally free of guilt feelings or remorse.

01-19-2017, 04:04 PM
Just for today, I will remember that recovery has to begin with me. I have to heal and I can't give away what I don't have. I need to fill myself up, and only give away the over flow. How can I forgive others if i can't forgive myself? How can I truly love someone, if I can't love myself?

Sometimes I have to set boundaries and protect my personal space.


01-20-2017, 10:57 AM

01-20-2017, 12:30 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. I am going to see my sister today by Darts and I am not sure how the visit will go. I haven't seen her for quite some time and I missed seeing her over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday. My family have wheels but I don't, but I am making the effort to connect with her. I am hoping it is a van not one of their buses. There buses are like tin cans.


01-21-2017, 02:03 AM
Just for today, I will be accepting of what is in the moment, knowing it is subject to change. I will try not to make things happen and will go with the flow and live each moment as it comes. More importantly, I will choose to be happy and make the best of my day.


01-22-2017, 07:05 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance of myself. I have slept most of the day away, gosh only knows what tonight will bring, so just have to turn it over. I have a doctor's appointment at 11:40 a.m., so hopefully I get enough sleep to get me there. I do have Darts scheduled, so will need to practice with them as well. I have never done waiting well.


01-23-2017, 10:26 AM
Just for today, I will be humble. Humility is not thinking of yourself more, but in thinking more of yourself less often. I will watch the ego.

01-24-2017, 12:27 AM
Just for today, I will continue to practice patience and tolerance. I will listen to my body and pay attention to what is happening with it. I wrote a list for the doctor and I got one out of the four things I listed actualized and the rest seemed to be fluffed off and not looked at because it was lunch time and there was no time to get my needs met. I was not happy. My appointment was for 11:40 a.m. and I saw the doctor at 12:40 p.m. and when I walked out of the building, Darts was waiting for me. So grateful I got home early.


01-24-2017, 05:03 PM
Just for today, I will try to be accepting of the fact that another site is down and I am left with empty boxes. I guess I should give up and surrender and stop posting them. I love pictures as you can tell, they have a story to tell.


01-25-2017, 07:07 PM
Just for today, I am still working on acceptance. I know I have an irregular heart beat, but it is crazy. I started with a BP of 149 and it went up to 165. It is suppose to go down and not up the longer you sit.

I want to do laundry, but wondering if it is safe to do so. Tomorrow is my home group don't want to miss that. So wondering if I should stay cautious, and leave the laundry to another day. It has waited this long, what does it matter if it waits two or more days. :)


01-26-2017, 09:20 AM
Just for today, I will be full of love...love of God of my understanding, love of self, and love for our fellow mankind.

01-26-2017, 10:02 PM
Just for today, I will trust the process. We are where we are at in today as a result of decisions made. I can choose again and make healthier choices and trust my God to show me the way.


01-27-2017, 09:35 AM
Just for today, I will strengthen my mind. I will study. I will learn something useful. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought, and concentration.

01-27-2017, 10:16 PM
Just for today, I will meditate and connect with my God. When I put crystals in my hand, I feel close to Him. They are a part of His Creation. When I meditate, I am better able to let go of the excess baggage that I may pick up during the day and connect to others with healing and loving thoughts.


01-28-2017, 07:33 PM
Just for today, I will accept people as they are; and not project onto them how I think they should act or do according to the rules of JoAnne. Just because I have a program and choose to work it to the best of my ability, I can not put expectations on others, especially if they don't have a program.


01-29-2017, 10:26 PM
Just for today, I will try to focus. The last two nights I have been falling asleep at my computer. I feel it is important to post every day, but with my blood pressure going high/low, haven't always had the energy I needed to do what I wanted. It is so important to turn each day over to my Higher Power and follow His direction for my life. I find He seems to have more faith in me than I have in myself.


01-30-2017, 10:12 AM
Just for today, I will share my experience, strength, and hope as much as possible and as creatively as possible. I will help another in his/her recovery, extend my hand and listen.

01-31-2017, 01:18 PM
Just for today, I will let things unfold as they should be, not always as I would have them be. I am trying to be patient with the pharmacy, I asked that I get my blister pack by 1 p.m. so I can take my noon medications. My stomach is telling me it is hungry, but it can't be with all the food I grazed on this morning. When the time is right, it will happen. If need be, I can always go down and get my noon medications, and leave the rest until she is able to get it done.


02-01-2017, 12:47 PM
Just for today, I will pray for patience and tolerance. Nearly every time I go to see my doctor, I see an intern first. I feel like things get lost in translation. You can tell more about a person if you are looking at them. i.e. like my ACbruises from losing my balance.


02-02-2017, 08:37 PM
Just for today, I will accept me for where I am at and I will accept others for who they are and where they are at in their recovery. I will be glad to get to the neurologist and hopefully he can fix the tremon disorder in my left hand, it is getting worse and making it difficult to type. I can type, but keep making mistakes, and that isn't acceptable to me in today. It is okay if I make them and catch them, but not okay to miss them and post them so others can see. It is me having problems with Ms. Perfectionism who is a part of my dis-ease, not a recovery tool.


02-03-2017, 11:01 AM
Just for today, I will practice patience, again! I have to wait until the 13th to see the doctor. I also have more blood work to do, when I can find a morning to do it in. Yesterday was my AA meeting and today is the foot clinic. I am anxiously awaiting to go there, I woke up at ungodly hour, the clock said,"7:42 a.m." and my alarm was set for 9 a.m. I didn't go to sleep until after 4 a.m. It looks like today will be another nap time, I am really hurting today.


02-04-2017, 10:47 AM
Just for today, I will try to remember that this is a one day at a time program. It doesn't matter that I have been sober for 25 years, all I have is today. I just have more years of experience, trying to live the program one day at a time. There are days, I still don't get it right. I suffer from long and short memory loss, and some days it takes a lot of acceptance, honesty, and surrender. God I can't, you can, and just for today, I choose to let you.

Love this guy, it shows how I feel most days. I am so grateful for the program that allows me to be right side up.


02-05-2017, 06:39 PM
Just for today, I don't have a clue, I think I could take the whole list of 'defects' after, taking a header into my bathtub. I feel stupid, which is dumb in and of itself. I am sore, but I accept that I need TLC, even though my son said that "You just have to tough it out Mom." I wanted to hit him, so I think there is some anger there too. The longer I sat, the worse I felt, and I am still shaking, I am having problems without making a lot of typing errors. It is so strange, I just have no patience with myself when I make typing errors. It is something I did all my life, and don't like making what I call silly errors. So just turning everything over to my God, asking for His help. I should have asked my son for help instead of trying to pick up my deodorant which was behind the toilet.

I am starting to nod off, so it looks like I need to go to bed whether I want to or not.

I think I hid the back of my head, but I am not sure, I know the rest of my body is hurting, so I figured if I came online, I would feel better for being here.

This feels like the chaos going on with my body. It is good that I can go within and find peace.


02-06-2017, 03:34 PM
Just for today, I will remember where I came from. I do not want to go back there. For me to use is to die. I must remember that one drug can take me back to another on. The drugs are but a symptom of my disease, the problems is me.


02-08-2017, 10:56 AM
Just for today, I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me.

02-09-2017, 10:27 PM
Just for today, I will be accepting of what is in the moment. I am trying to post, but the more I do, the more pain I get in my feet, which seems dumb to me. My feet swell, the circulation is bad and tonight my feet feel like they are bleeding. I am not very accepting of the pain, it is time for some changes.

I am still having problems with my balance, and my fall into the bath tub was a good indicator that I need to have a sit down talk with my doctor. I called today and said, "I want to talk to my doctor about my medication, I don't want to talk to an intern."


02-10-2017, 07:04 PM
Just for today, I will try not to react, especially to other people's actions. The taxi driver today was rude and slamming doors, and his body language was even nastier than what came out of his mouth. I even gave him an extra dollar, because he was not please that my fare was a short ride. It was his stuff, and by giving him the extra money, I was taking it on. It is his job. I can't remember if I said the words or not, but I thought, "By helping me, perhaps you will get a better fare later."


02-12-2017, 12:33 AM
Just for today, I will allow myself some TLC. At the moment, my music is trying to put me to sleep. Again, I had to pray for the willingness to be willing to come online as my feet have been bothering me the last few days. They always swell, which adds to the pain if I sit too long; yet I know to get out of self, help someone else, so I hope my words today helps someone on their journey.


02-13-2017, 04:15 PM
Just for today, I will try not to worry and fret and stay in the moment, and let the day unfold as it should and trust my Higher Power to see me through.

My doctor is never on time. My appointment isn't until 5:10 p.m. and I keep asking myself, why did I book this appointment so late. I am his last patient of the day. I want to see him, not an intern, as I want to discuss my medication, my loss of balance, and my headaches with him. I think these are all related, so I don't want a go between person, trying to convey my needs to him.

I also have booked darts for 7:15 p.m. for pick up at home to go to an AA meeting that starts at 8 p.m. I have pick up for 9:30 p.m. A long time friend is speaking and another good friend is going to be there. I haven't been to the group for about 15 years. I will put my day into the hands of my Higher Power and trust instead of worry.


02-14-2017, 09:25 AM
Just for today, I will have a quiet time all by myself and relax.

02-15-2017, 12:57 AM
Just for today, I will practice the program in ALL of my affairs. This is a living program.


02-15-2017, 10:39 AM
Just for today, I will practice rigorous honesty. It is one of the keys to sobriety. You need to be honest with yourself, others, and your Higher Power.

02-15-2017, 05:40 PM
Just for today, I have to try not to be greedy and eat too many cookies. I also had to practice patience, waiting for four pans of cookies to bake. My oven doesn't seem to cook things according to directions, so had to have some tolerance too. The Serenity Prayer works in my life, so grateful for it.

This tells me to maintain balance in my life. Have a cookie, but don't eat all that you bake, although I sometimes feel like I have to get my share before my son eats them all.


02-16-2017, 12:29 PM
Just for today, I will help others to make life easier. I just saw a worker here carrying a garbage can to the dumpster outside. it is a ways from the building. I offered him my two wheeled cart so he won't have to carry it so far. It is easier to push it on a cart than to carry it. I asked him if it was a good idea and he smiled, said yes, and thanked me.

02-16-2017, 04:22 PM
Just for today, I will try to find some acceptance of where I am in today. I had another fall, and I think it is the neuropathy, osteo, and pseudo gout that is causing the problem not my medication. My feet and legs are numb to my knees, my ankles hurt and my feet hurt to bend. I don't think my feet are always flat on the floor. My son has been giving me heck for a while, he keeps saying, "Use your cane Mother so you don't fall." So, again it is Step One. It was the topic for discussion at my group today as we had a newcomer. As one fellow share, "I have to do Step One every day." I thought, "Duh, you know that, my life is unmanageable when managed by me. If I have to control it, it is already out of control. Acceptance is the key to all my problems in today.


02-17-2017, 12:07 PM
Just for today I will remind myself that I stay sober for me, not someone else (like my son), otherwise it won't work. So one day at a time For myself, I choose to be sober and not pick up that drink.

02-18-2017, 12:31 AM
Just for today, I will forgive myself. I spent most of my day in bed. For me that isn't living. I just woke up after a four hour nap. I only was up for six hours today. My heart was acting funny and I couldn't seem to stay awake. I tried to do meditation, and I realize now, that I should have done more. I allowed my pain and my dis-ease to rule my life, and that isn''t an option, if I want to be living sober in today.

This looks like they are playing that old game I played as a child, "London Bridge is falling down." I feel like my world is falling down, when I can't get up and do what I need to do each day.


02-19-2017, 11:13 PM
Just for today, I will practice patience, patience, patience. Didn't like having to cancel my visit to my sister, but when I phoned her, I found out that she hadn't been feeling well for a couple of days.

I woke up earlier, but found I just had to go back to bed. I lose patience with myself. I don't need anyone around to lose my patience. My worst enemy can be me.


02-22-2017, 10:18 AM
Just for today, I will take care of myself. I am half sick and I'm doctoring myself with over-the-counter medicine. I may have to go to the doctor. I may be getting bronchitis again.

02-22-2017, 10:43 PM
Just for today, I will try to follow doctor`s orders. I have to go to see him every week, except for one week where I go to the nerve specialist.

No cutting corners, no ifs, ands, and buts, it is do it! No easing off in any way shape or form. I can talk myself into anything and out of everything.


02-23-2017, 07:46 PM
Just for today, I will continue to practice patience and tolerance. I am grateful for the program, I sure needed it today. I still have to call Darts, so will need it when I speak to them.

I have to book to see the heart specialist for the month of March and possibly for April as well. It took such a long time for them to go through when I booked them for my weekly group meetings. One day at a time, things work out in spite of me.


02-24-2017, 10:40 AM
Just for today, I will be happy even though I am feeling pretty crappy with my bronchitis and ear infection.

02-25-2017, 12:38 AM
Just for today, I will remember that for every finger I point out, I have three coming back at me. I have a problem with noise and it is even worse, if it is a raised voice and it is directed at me. There was a time when I would get defensive and make noisy back, but I try not to do that in today.

Patience and tolerance were in short supply today.


02-26-2017, 01:03 AM
Just for today, I will take life as it comes. When I turn my day over to my Higher Power things just seem to fall in place. All I have to do is get out of my own way and leave the debating society behind. I found myself should I, shouldn't I take a taxi to the hospital to see my sister. I decided on the bus. The bus came in 2 minutes, the bus I had to transfer to, was sitting at the other bus stop, and it didn't drive away until after I was in the bus. I asked the driver if she saw me coming. She said, "No, I was too interest in my food." Ironically, when I got to the hospital, my sister was just being served her dinner. I had forgone mine, just ate some fruit and didn't eat until I got home. I think there was a message in there somewhere.


02-27-2017, 10:39 PM
Just for today, I will turn my will and my life over to the Care of the God of my understanding. It is surprising how things turn out. Good people are put in my path, specials on things I didn't know I needed, and days where I am so full of the spirit, I feel like I could bust. Some days are so filled up, I get tired and have to take a nap. Who would have ever thought that there would be days where there there were just not enough hours in it.


02-28-2017, 05:17 AM
Just for today, I will try not to procrastinate any longer and get my laundry done. I have too many clothes. How can we go to our closets and say, "I have nothing to wear?" That is not practicing self-honesty. There are clothes there, just not what I want to wear in the moment. There is that voice inside that tells me that I want and need 'more' and the addict in me, go out shopping to see what speaks to them in the moment. When I start thinking more, is when I need to procrastinate and tell myself, I won't listen to that voice in today.


03-01-2017, 07:25 PM
Just for today, I will focus on what needs to be done and try to stay in the moment. I can read my book while doing laundry, just as easily as I can watching TV. I bought some water, so I can take it down with me. I put an extra $5. on my card, so that shows promise. I will see what happens after I eat dinner. After I have eaten, I have been having pain, so will see how food sits with me today. I have been doing meditation and asking for healing.


03-02-2017, 09:28 AM
Just for today I will go to an AA meeting. I will listen and learn. I will share my experience, strength, and hope as much as possible to help others.