View Full Version : I let go of resistance and I am at peace

04-04-2015, 08:56 AM
I let go of resistance and I am at peace.

When a life circumstance arises that I would rather avoid, I do not verbally or mentally resist it. Instead, like Jesus, I give it over. This is true surrender. Rather than giving in to resistant thoughts and feelings, I let them safely pass through my mind. I say, “Into Divine hands, I give this situation.” I take three deep breaths and on every exhalation, I let go of resistance.

Even before circumstances shift in the outer realm, I am resolved in my inner realm. My objections melt away and any sense of burden lifts. As I accept what is, I find great peace. In letting go, I am free. My shoulders relax and my heart expands. I meet whatever is before me with spacious acceptance and peace.
Do not delay me, since the Lord has made my journey successful; let me go that I may go to my master.–Genesis 24:56

Daily Word