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03-12-2015, 12:08 PM
Focusing on God

Genesis 37:5-11

“Man is born for trouble” (Job 5:7). There is absolutely no way to avoid or escape this universal condition of mankind. As we continue to look at the life of Joseph, we catch a glimpse of the anchor that held him steady while, one after another, the waves of affliction rolled over him.

When Joseph was a teenager, he was given two dreams about God’s plans for his future. They revealed that he would one day be in a place of authority and honor, and his family would bow down to him. Especially since Scripture had not yet been written in those days, it was not uncommon for the Lord to speak to men through their dreams.

Previously, God had spoken to Jacob in a dream and given him a promise (Gen. 28:10-16). Now his son was hearing from the Lord in the same way. Joseph followed his father’s example of faith and believed the message.

God knew that Joseph was going to need a promise to get him through the difficulty that would soon follow. The Lord’s word to him was his anchor. Throughout all the trials, Joseph kept on believing that God would fulfill His promise. Instead of dwelling on the circumstances, Joseph chose to focus on the Lord’s faithfulness.

When the Lord speaks to our hearts through Scripture, we can hold onto what He says, allowing it to be an anchor for our souls. He will keep His promises to us, just as He did for Joseph. When we focus on God and His Word, our fears will dwindle, our sense of need will diminish, and our doubts will be cleared away.


03-12-2015, 12:29 PM
This is a great post, as I go through a terrible divorce from a 28 year marriage. There is grave mental illness involved, and I am not sure that I will ever heal from the evil things that have been done and said. The financial woes may put me on the street. I became terribly isolated and have nobody to talk to, as they will not believe the terrors, considering the public persona he maintains. I pray to God to hang on one more day! God be my anchor and my strength when I feel like giving up entirely!

03-12-2015, 01:52 PM
Hang in there, Icount. remember..."With God all things are possible."

He will take care of you! Affirm and stand on HIS promises.

I will be praying for you

Thanks for letting us know so we can support you in prayer.

03-13-2015, 01:25 AM
Thank you for sharing. There is help out there, reach out and ask for it. You don't have to go through it alone. It took me two husbands to get ten years of marriage. When I came into recovery, I was one step off the street living in the YWCA, with eight garbage bags of 'stuff,' a tri-light an a small table to show for 49 years of living. In today, I have a one bedroom apartment full of stuff, but the most important thing in today, is that I have myself. Sometimes God takes away with one hand, only to give with another. Other times, He takes away because it wasn't good for us in the first place and He has better plans for us, we just have to be and wait on Him.

God Bless.