View Full Version : Do you have an important decision to make?

03-10-2015, 01:12 PM
The instructions of the LORD are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. (NLT) - Psalm 19:7

Do you have an important decision to make that impacts your future? God has a perfect plan for your future, one that is in your best interest. Invite God to be part of your decision through prayer. Then look to the Word of God for guidance and principles to follow. He will guide your thoughts and show you wise truths to aid you in the decision. Finally, seek the advice of wise, respectable counsel from other believers.

Daily Bible Devotion

03-13-2015, 01:46 AM
Was told that it was important to get feed back. To consider my options and to do a list of pros and cons. It was important to not only look at the now but what the result of my decision would bring to life and the repercussion of my decisions to myself and others.

I always liked the question, "What would Jesus do?" Could I take Him with me? It doesn't matter if you say Jesus, Higher Power, Lord, Creator, and/or Buddha. Can you be comfortable walking with your God and not feel guilt, shame, fear, etc.

Does your faith need upholstering, bargaining, conditions, and crutches? If you do this God, I will never pick up a drink/drug ever again. When I decided to quit, I wanted to be a clean clear channel to carry the message of recovery. I could only do it one day at a time, with the help of my God and faith in the 12 Step Programs because I saw them working for others, and I came to believe they would work for me.

I learned to identify instead of compare. We have a common bond, just for today, I choose to stay clean and sober. Through the Love and Grace and the Fellowship of the Spirit, I don't have to pick up today. I choose to stay clean.