03-07-2015, 11:41 AM
When we practice patience, there are more possibilities for positive outcomes than when we don’t. Think about it. What good comes from being impatient? When we are impatient we show others we are not in control of our emotions, we lash out at others and provoke anger. God wants us to be patient because the possibilities with being patient of leading others to Him are far much greater. We can go to Him today and ask Him to help us handle our emotions and to be more patient.
Proverbs 25:15 “Patience can persuade a prince, and soft speech can break bones.” (NLT)
Dear Lord, we come to You to ask for forgiveness for being impatient. When someone does something we don’t agree with, we should practice patience and show love. When something doesn’t go our way, we should pray and patiently wait for Your answer. When we are standing in line, waiting on a friend or sitting in a doctor’s office, we have possibilities to show patience and opportunities to share Your word. Help us to be aware of those opportunities and be obedient to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
It is possible to change the lives of others when we practice patience.
We can persuade others to do good when we practice patience with them.
If we want a positive outcome, we need to practice patience.
It is easier to get along with others when we decide to be patient with them no matter what.
Our impatience can provoke someone else to become anger and vengeful. Let’s show patience instead.
Galatians 5:26 “Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another.” (NLT)
Focus: The possibilities of sharing God’s word are greater when we show patience to others. 95
When we practice patience, there are more possibilities for positive outcomes than when we don’t. Think about it. What good comes from being impatient? When we are impatient we show others we are not in control of our emotions, we lash out at others and provoke anger. God wants us to be patient because the possibilities with being patient of leading others to Him are far much greater. We can go to Him today and ask Him to help us handle our emotions and to be more patient.
Proverbs 25:15 “Patience can persuade a prince, and soft speech can break bones.” (NLT)
Dear Lord, we come to You to ask for forgiveness for being impatient. When someone does something we don’t agree with, we should practice patience and show love. When something doesn’t go our way, we should pray and patiently wait for Your answer. When we are standing in line, waiting on a friend or sitting in a doctor’s office, we have possibilities to show patience and opportunities to share Your word. Help us to be aware of those opportunities and be obedient to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
It is possible to change the lives of others when we practice patience.
We can persuade others to do good when we practice patience with them.
If we want a positive outcome, we need to practice patience.
It is easier to get along with others when we decide to be patient with them no matter what.
Our impatience can provoke someone else to become anger and vengeful. Let’s show patience instead.
Galatians 5:26 “Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another.” (NLT)
Focus: The possibilities of sharing God’s word are greater when we show patience to others. 95