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03-01-2015, 08:12 AM
Emotional Detox
Detox emotionally. How? Identify the toxic emotion that you want to get rid of: jealousy, guilt, anger, sadness… And accept what you are feeling. Then release your emotions by writing it all down, deep breathing, or going for a walk or run. Or just let it go from your heart. Flush out all the toxins and you will enhance your vitality and positive emotions.
03-02-2015, 09:04 AM
New Season, New Look!
Just as you bring out the appropriate clothing for the season, or buy something new to update your wardrobe, in the same way, how about creating some newness in your life, this season?
Instigate a new habit, renew a forgotten goal, or update an attitude to bring out the best in you.
What’s your new look, this season?
03-03-2015, 08:05 AM
The Weight of Waiting
We don’t like to wait, do we? Not only is it boring but it also feels like a waste of time. And the weight of all the things that need doing but can't be done because we're waiting, just weighs us down.
Don't become weighty because you're waiting. Take the weight off and make the most of your waiting time. People watch, read, make those phone calls, listen to music or a podcast, think, or simply experience a virtue called patience.
03-04-2015, 07:27 AM
Power Spot
Ever visited a power spot? A place where there's a reflective and tranquil atmosphere, where you can meditate and be introspective, gain deeper insights and realizations. Maybe there's a place you go to in the countryside, in the mountains, or somewhere closer to home.
Power spots are more than a holiday destination. They're places where you feel empowered. Where do you go to re-energise your power?
03-05-2015, 09:58 AM
What You Do, Matters
Everything you do matters. You may not think it, but it does. Everything you do sets an example for others to do the same.
Now don't get stressed about watching your back, but people do watch everything you do. So be mindful about what you do, even when you think that there’s no one around.
03-06-2015, 07:17 AM
Feeling Stuck?
There are times when you feel stuck and life feels sticky. And it feels like you're moving through treacle!
If you resist the ‘stickiness,’ it just keeps you more stuck. Instead, release your resistance. Then your mind is free to work out 1) where you are stuck and 2) what you can do to get unstuck.
Getting unstuck can be slow and sticky. So, just relax and when you feel ready, take a step forward. Now keep moving until you get out of the treacle!
03-07-2015, 07:52 AM
Words Count
Words can hurt or comfort. Words can encourage or discourage. Isn’t it great to hear words that are free from aggression, words that leave you with renewed vitality? Today, as you utter words, choose your words carefully and make your words count.
03-08-2015, 08:53 AM
Like an Orchestra
Working and living with others is like being part of an orchestra! The musicians in the orchestra know their instrument well. They know that they don’t all play at the same time or for equal amounts of time. In the same way, we too have to recognize and value our own and each others’ strengths and contribution. And when we harmonize together, that’s when we create great music.
03-09-2015, 08:18 AM
Take the Space
Between an interaction and your reaction, there is a space. A space in which to assimilate what's happened, compose your thoughts and determine the best response.
Take that space to respond rather than react. As a result, you’re more likely to make things better for yourself and others.
03-10-2015, 07:44 AM
Just Like an Afternoon Tea
Everyone, everywhere has their own special traditions. In England we can easily conjure up the image of a traditional afternoon tea, the table all set up with a teapot, sandwiches, cakes and scones. It’s an image of care, dignity and elegance. It’s quite different from grabbing a mug of tea on the run and scoffing down a biscuit.
Let the same care and elegance that goes into an afternoon tea, go into all the little, everyday tasks. From cleaning up after yourself, to letting someone pass in front of you, to taking out the bin. And enjoy the feeling of dignity that comes from making things a little more special.
03-11-2015, 08:38 AM
Down, Up
Every now and then, we all get a little down. Give yourself a little time to stay down, but don’t stay down too long. As soon as you can, pick yourself up.
Exercise. Watch something funny. Get out of the house. Listen to some happy music, actually even sad songs can make us feel better. Talk things through with someone. If you enjoy it, bake something.
Just do something to get yourself back up.
03-12-2015, 09:04 AM
Deliver or Over-deliver Promises?
We all know the importance of delivering on our promises. When we deliver what’s promised, not only are we seen as someone who’s reliable but also someone who’s good at estimating timelines.
But sometimes in our enthusiasm, we over-deliver. When we over-deliver, it’s going to impact everything else, and not always in a good way.
To deliver or over-deliver on our promises, what do you think?
03-13-2015, 09:05 AM
The Mind Garden
Our mind is like a garden, and what we plant grows. What’s growing in your garden? If it’s negative thoughts, weed them out. If it’s limiting beliefs and attitudes, prune them away.
Plant positive seed thoughts and cultivate your mind. Before you know it, the garden will be blooming.
03-14-2015, 07:46 AM
Who Do You Think You Are?
So who are you? Or what are you? What defines you? Are you what people call you, your name? Are you what you do, your job title? Qualifications and capabilities? Are you your belief system? Your cultural background? Or are you more than this? Go beyond the labels and take time each day to reconnect with who you think you are.
03-15-2015, 08:51 AM
Controlling the Uncontrollable
Try to control the uncontrollable, and you end up feeling more frustrated and stressed. Realize: There are aspects that you can control, and there will always be aspects that you can’t control. Let go of what you can’t control. And focus on what you can control. Then you’ll reduce your stress and increase your response skills.
03-16-2015, 07:46 AM
Mind the Radio
Noisy thoughts? Want a bit of quiet?
Think of your mind as a radio. All the thoughts overlapping one another are like white noise. Now, you can fine tune the dial to hear the thoughts more clearly, or you can select the sounds you want to hear, listen to the sound of the waves, the birds, the rain….
Don’t forget, you always have the option of letting the thoughts play in the background and not listen. If you can, turn off the thoughts and enjoy a bit of quiet.
03-17-2015, 08:51 AM
Give what you want
What we want most from others is approval and appreciation, and when it’s not forthcoming, it can feel like we’re at a loss. Why lose out? Change your starting position and give what you want.
Give yourself the approval and the appreciation that you want. Then give others the approval and the appreciation that you want from them. Who knows, you might get what you give. If you don’t, you’re OK because you’re busy giving.
03-18-2015, 07:12 AM
The Power of Suppose
When trying to make seemingly impossible things happen, we sometimes think, 'I can't', 'I'll never be able to do this,' 'It’ll never happen.' Put a glass ceiling of self-limiting thinking in the way, and things remain impossible.
The next time you're thinking self-limiting thoughts, try the power of 'suppose.' 'Suppose, I can….' 'Suppose, I'm able to….' 'Suppose, it does happen….'
Use the power of 'suppose', just as when you were a kid and you daydreamed. Remove the glass ceiling and seemingly impossible things remain possible.
03-19-2015, 08:55 AM
Bridge or a Barrier?
Are you building bridges or creating barriers? Not literally, but in terms of the relationships between people. Do you choose to build better connections between people, maybe even strengthening existing ones?
Especially look at the impressions you create about others to others. Are you building a bridge or a barrier?
03-20-2015, 08:06 AM
Things You Own
Do you use everything you own? Haven’t got round to using some things because you don't know where you've put things?
Find things easily and make better use of what you own by:
1. De-cluttering your space. Throw out anything that's not functional. Recycle or
donate things you no longer use.
2. Organizing your stuff. Keep what you use regularly, accessible. Put everything
else in its place.
03-21-2015, 08:23 AM
Like the Diamond
Diamonds are a symbol of endurance; they’re born under intense heat and extreme pressure. Just like the diamond, we too become resilient and radiant thanks to life’s pressures.
03-22-2015, 08:32 AM
Too Many Words
In meetings or in conversations, in emails or other written communications, we often use 100 words when 10 would suffice. Too many words can dilute the message and result in confusion and non-productivity. There is a time and place for using many words, but at other times, try getting your point across with fewer words. Make your communication concise, clear and to the point.
03-23-2015, 08:44 AM
Complaining about People
Ever noticed how often you complain about other people, and how it drains your energy? So this week:
1. Track how much energy goes into complaining about others.
2. Rather than complaining to everyone, talk through your feelings with the right person.
3. Ask yourself, "What can I do to benefit the person I’m complaining about?"
Stop complaining altogether and conserve your energy. If you feel that’s not possible, try complaining less, maybe once a day or once in a while!
03-24-2015, 07:09 AM
Respire to Inspire
Did you know that in Latin, respire means to breathe again, and inspire means to breathe into?
Next time you lose your inspiration, all you need to do is add a bit of Latin into your breathing, and respire to inspire. Breathe inspiration into yourself, into the moment, into what’s next.
03-25-2015, 09:03 AM
Right to Be Right
Who doesn't enjoy being right? But if we didn’t need to be right in every discussion, we might just see things differently and learn from other perspectives. We might also understand that 'right' is a matter of perspective.
If you can’t give up your right to be right, then be right and yet at the same time be open to other people’s perspectives.
03-26-2015, 07:52 AM
Feel Comfortable in Your Skin
We look in the mirror every day, but the question is do you like what you see? Skin’s not perfect enough, teeth not white enough, hair not glossy enough…. Now go and look in the mirror, and say to yourself, ‘I am enough.’
Let go of how you used to look, how you should look like and what you would like to change. Get more and more comfortable in your skin, and really feel that you are enough.
03-27-2015, 08:19 AM
Priorities in Harmony
Are your priorities in harmony with the priorities of others, at home and at work? What's urgent and important for one person is not for another. We all have different priorities.
For less frustration and more harmony:
- communicate your priorities to others, at home and at work
- respect the other person’s priorities
- know when to adjust your priorities, and when not to.
03-28-2015, 07:18 AM
Be an Alchemist
Like an alchemist, transform something worthless into something precious. The key to alchemy is in your perception. Look for the limitless possibilities that surround you. See the innate value of everything and turn lead into gold. Focus on the pure gold within each one. You may have to overlook the visible lead to seek the hidden gold!
03-29-2015, 07:36 AM
Ready for Surprises
Do you let surprises disrupt your day? Because not all surprises come gift wrapped. Be ready to be surprised by everything. When something makes you jump, just stay up, stay happy. Embrace the surprise gracefully and make the surprise work for you.
03-30-2015, 09:18 AM
Over.... Everything!
Do you over do everything? Over think, over speak, over shop, over schedule?
Live in an ‘over way’ and you'll just over complicate things and get overwhelmed.
How about, getting better at doing your best (not over, not under)!
03-31-2015, 08:38 AM
Anger, Focus and Creativity
When you're angry, can you focus and be creative? Research suggests that anger may not create extra focus but it may have an immediate enhancing effect on our creativity.
But I know, when I'm angry, I'm focused on one thing only, the source of my anger, not on what needs to be done. Does that happen to you?
Next time you're angry, carry out your own research and discover what anger does to your focus and creativity.
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