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02-28-2015, 08:55 AM
March 1
Wrap your love
Let each thing that happens plant a seed within your spirit. Then nurture that seed so it bears positive, valuable fruit.
Instead of letting a certain occurrence stir up judgment, let it stir up love. Wrap your love around whatever happens, and make it into something good.
From joy, from pain, from pleasure, from disappointment, you can move in a positive direction. It’s a choice you can make each day that will surely improve each tomorrow.
There is much in life to love, and your love has a character all its own. Use each moment, each incident, each circumstance as an opportunity to express that love in your unique way.
Wrap your love around life, no matter what life may offer. Wrap your love around life, and you’ll make life better in countless ways.
Your love can lift the world higher. Wrap your love around it all, and see how good it can get.
— Ralph Marston
03-02-2015, 10:05 AM
March 2
You are ready for action
You can sit around waiting for inspiration to strike, or you can get busy and let inspiration find you already in action. You can wait until you are ready, or you can simply declare that you are ready and get yourself started.
Being ready for action is really nothing more than a state of mind. And you can change the state of your mind as quickly as you wish, anytime you wish.
So the fact is, you are ready, right now, here in this place, with everything just as it is. You are ready to make things happen, so remind yourself of that and get going.
The satisfaction of solving a difficult problem, or creating something new and valuable, is right there in your foreseeable future. And here you are, ready and eager to go.
This is going to be a truly outstanding day because you are ready to make it so. The future looks bright because you are ready to do whatever it takes to make that future shine.
Yes, you are ready for action, as ready as anyone can possibly be. Take a deep breath, flood your awareness with the possibilities, and go make amazing things happen, now.
— Ralph Marston
03-03-2015, 09:05 AM
March 3
Life is good and life is yours
Life is good and life is yours. Life is beautiful and you are here to see it, to be it and to define it.
Life is filled with challenges and with opportunities to grow strong by moving through those challenges. Life is filled with abundance and with countless ways to express that abundance.
Life gives you chances to enjoy rich, meaningful connections with others who are living their lives. Life is a canvas upon which you can paint joyous moments and share the unique beauty that flows from your spirit.
This is one precious day in your priceless life. Give to it, and to all who inhabit it, the love, the respect, the attention and effort they all deserve.
Give to yourself the experience of living fully, with love and joy and purpose. Give to the world a shining example of a rich and meaningful life well lived.
Right now, life is good and life is yours. Take that goodness and make a whole lot more.
— Ralph Marston
03-04-2015, 08:32 AM
March 4
Why you must
Instead of coming up with reasons why you cannot, come up with reasons why you must. Focus on your purpose, not on your doubts.
Make sure that purpose is authentic, and truly means something to you. If you merely follow someone else’s dream, you won’t like where you end up, even if you somehow manage to get there.
There’s a reason why you care about the things you care about. It’s because you are the person who can give life and meaning and substance to those things.
Admit who you are and what you love. Admit your passions, your interests, your preferences and your desires.
Embrace and celebrate your uniqueness. Feel the driving strength of your most genuine purpose, and let it give energy to everything you do.
Remember always why you must do what you must do. Remember, and find the inspiration to make it happen.
— Ralph Marston
03-05-2015, 11:08 AM
March 5
Continuous inspiration
Inspiration is best served on a continuous basis. It’s great to be inspired once, and a whole lot better to stay inspired all the time.
Instead of looking for something that will inspire you in a big, impressive way, set yourself up to be inspired in every small moment. Instead of waiting for the big things to inspire and motivate you, choose to let everything inspire and motivate you.
See inspiration not as something you get, but as something you create. Give yourself a good reason to be positive, to be effective, to be active and involved, and you will be.
Decide that you will be continuously inspired, constantly motivated, and always on the lookout for ways to lift up all of life. Decide to live on the bright, positive, hopeful side of life and enjoy the power it gives you to do great and beneficial things.
Choose to be inspired by the victories and the defeats, the setbacks as well as the successes. Find a little positive particle in every person, every situation and every event, and commit yourself to making that positivity grow.
Life provides you with ample opportunities to be continuously inspired. Seize those opportunities, decide to be inspired again and again, and use that energy to always make this world a better place.
— Ralph Marston
03-06-2015, 07:37 AM
March 6
Flow of energy
Get the energy flowing in your life and point that energy in a positive direction. Get into action, get involved, become aware, and then give your love and your passion to what you see.
Take the raw material of this not-yet-completed day and transform it into something good. Instead of passing judgment on what has already come your way, figure out how to make it all work for the best.
There’s no value in getting overly worked up about what might or might not happen. Focus your effort and attention on making the best of what does happen.
It’s great to have high expectations. Yet the good things in life do not always arrive in the way you expect.
The building blocks of a rich and meaningful life are arriving on a daily basis, in all sorts of unexpected ways. Your job is to get yourself into the flow of energy, to harness that energy, and to point it in the direction of your dreams and desires.
Be involved, be accepting, and be purposeful. Focus the energy in all that happens, focus the abundance in all that is, and make it work.
— Ralph Marston
03-07-2015, 08:53 AM
March 7
Your great ideas
You have had, and continue to have, some great ideas in your life. Yet too many of those ideas have never become anything more than ideas.
The ideas that spring into your head are uniquely valuable because they come from your experience of living. Pay a little more attention to them, and consider putting more of them into practice.
When you have an idea for making life better, there’s a very good reason you’ve had that idea. It is telling you something, so listen, learn, and act on what you hear.
You have a highly qualified consultant who knows everything about you, and who is constantly giving you advice. That consultant is you and the advice often comes in the form of ideas.
If you’re wondering what to do next, look at some of those ideas. Choose one, and put effort into following through on it.
Listen to the advice of the person who knows you best, namely you. You have some great ideas, so give them the attention they deserve, and do something great with them.
— Ralph Marston
03-07-2015, 09:00 AM
March 8
Perspective of peace
Nothing can intrude on the peace that is within you. Yet even the smallest thing can cover it up and hide it from your awareness.
Still, it is always there and you can always come back to it. Let go of whatever is blocking that peace, and it is yours to experience again.
Don’t let the outer disturbances cover up the peace that is within you. Instead, choose to view those outer events from a confident, peaceful perspective.
When you live from a perspective of peace, you live with great power and effectiveness. When nothing can trouble you, everything is of great value to you.
It is your nature to be at peace and to live with the peaceful power of authentic purpose. Make the decision to connect with that purpose, with that peace, and you will.
The peace you seek is already there. Stop heaping meaningless drama on top of it, and allow that peace to flow freely throughout your awareness.
— Ralph Marston
03-09-2015, 09:17 AM
March 9
Get stuff done
It feels good to get stuff done. So get yourself feeling great by making plenty of things happen.
Your energy is drained and your spirit is sapped when there are too many tasks hanging over your head. Get out from under all that by putting forth the effort to get those tasks completed.
Give yourself the gift of positive, meaningful activity. Give yourself the power and the satisfaction of some good, solid momentum.
If you’re feeling down, a quick way to feel better is to get up and get busy. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all that has to be done, the only way out is to start to work on it.
In an instant you can go from fruitless and futile to energetic and effective. You deserve the great feeling that comes from making good things happen.
Get beyond thinking about it, planning, hoping and wishing. Get going right now and get some great stuff done.
— Ralph Marston
03-10-2015, 08:41 AM
March 10
Opportunity everywhere
There are a lot of people who just do not care, and that is an opportunity. It is an opportunity for you to distinguish yourself by caring and by seeking to make a positive difference in life.
There are people who are not willing to take the time to learn, to work, and to get things done. Again, it is an opportunity for you to take the time, to make the effort and to make good things happen.
There are people who bend the truth, and worse. You can stand out from the crowd by being absolutely faithful to the truth.
In what is good, in what is bad, in whatever may be, there is opportunity. There is the opportunity for you to live with positive purpose and integrity.
In a world that can often seem ridiculous and downright insane, there is an abundance of smart, positive opportunity. In fact, the crazier things get, the more opportunity there is to be sensible, supportive, loving, caring and productive.
Instead of bemoaning how bad things are, see the opportunity to make things much, much better. See the opportunity everywhere, and get to work on it.
— Ralph Marston
03-11-2015, 09:29 AM
March 11
Free yourself to go right ahead
Free yourself from your worries about what others might think or say about you. Free yourself from the limitations that your doubts have imposed upon you.
Free yourself from the misguided assumption that effort is something to be avoided. Free yourself from those comfortable, yet negative habits that waste so much of your precious time.
There is so much good you can do right here and now. Free yourself to experience the joy of creating that goodness as you live each moment.
There are countless great possibilities open to you today. Free yourself to go right ahead, to explore and fulfill the best of those possibilities.
Free yourself from the need to be troubled by the troubles. Allow yourself to accept what is, and then allow and encourage yourself to make the very best of it.
Free yourself from whatever may have held you back before. This is your time to live, and to do so with all the spirit and energy of which you’re so beautifully capable.
— Ralph Marston
03-12-2015, 10:04 AM
March 12
Set an intention
Set yourself an intention for this day, and experience how right it feels to follow that intention. Follow it with passion, with a sense of purpose, and with a real zest for the mission.
Find delight in the satisfaction of investing the time, going through the trouble, and making something valuable happen. Bring your great potential to life and see firsthand how empowering that feels.
Remind yourself how amazing it is that you can envision whatever you choose, and can then lock in that vision with a specific plan. And realize what’s even more powerful is that you can put your plan into action.
You don’t have to just sit there and live with whatever comes. You can decide what you want to achieve on this day and you can work to make it so.
When the troubles and complications come, as they will, you can choose to see them for what they truly are. What they truly are, are opportunities to create even more value and to make even more of a positive difference.
Here you are on this day that’s overflowing with possibilities. Set an intention, choose a direction, see the treasure that’s well within your reach, and go for it.
— Ralph Marston
03-13-2015, 09:30 AM
March 13
Treasure it all
Without the difficult times, you could not fully appreciate the good times. Without the good times, the difficult times would be infinitely more difficult.
Life changes, and that’s what makes it life. Life changes, and in the changes live every possibility.
Do not boast too loudly about your good fortune or despair too long about the disappointments. Things will change, and with that change will come new opportunities and new challenges.
Instead of fighting and judging, worrying and fretting, make the choice to marvel at the richness of it all. Enjoy, learn from, and be inspired by what’s here while it’s here, then be ready to move quickly forward as life continues its ceaseless transformation.
Care deeply and profoundly, but don’t let yourself take things too seriously. Walk that fine, marvelous line between unshakable responsibility and joyous serendipity.
In the ups, in the downs, in the detours and straightaways, there is much to treasure. So breathe in the richness, and treasure it all.
— Ralph Marston
03-14-2015, 08:38 AM
March 14
Believe in yourself
You deserve to be more confident than you are. Your self doubts are not nearly so well-founded as you think.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Let go of those persistent doubts, and let confidence take their place.
Whether you’ve ever even realized it, you are an achiever. Though occasionally life can make you feel helpless, you are actually someone who is very good at finding ways to get things done.
It’s not arrogant or presumptuous to believe in yourself. Indeed, it is an acknowledgment of reality and the starting point for making all of life better.
The fact is, you are skilled and resourceful, capable and experienced. When you want to be, you can be passionate, inspired, persistent and highly effective.
No one benefits when you hold yourself back. So go ahead, believe in yourself, give yourself the confidence you deserve, and do those great and wonderful things that are yours to do.
— Ralph Marston
03-14-2015, 08:39 AM
March 15
Imagine the best
The life you live is lived first in your imagination. Every step you take is imagined before it is actually taken.
The powerful thing is, you can imagine absolutely anything. So remember to use that power wisely.
There are consequences to whatever you imagine. Make those consequences good ones by filling your imagination with positive, loving and life-affirming visions.
There is no restriction on what you can imagine. So choose to imagine the very best for your life, your world, and all the other people in it.
Your imagination drives your actions in ways you never even realize. The seeds you plant in your imagination will spring to life in the day-to-day reality of your experience.
Just imagine how good and wonderful and fulfilled your life can be. Imagine, and you are well on your way to making it happen.
— Ralph Marston
03-16-2015, 09:04 AM
March 16
Action will
Regrets will do you no good, but action will. Wishing, wondering and speculating will not bring much value into your world, but action will.
Are you going to just think about it, getting angry, resentful and dejected about it, or are you going to do something about it? Now would be the perfect opportunity to do something about it.
Staying frustrated won’t make you feel any better, but action will. Work to resolve those frustrations, and to create a new situation that puts those frustrations behind you.
Action is difficult, complicated and inconvenient. And action is worth all the trouble, because action will make a difference.
Action will bring you experience and achievement, and provide options you never had before. Action will transform problems into opportunities, and dreams into reality.
What action can you take today that will make for a more positive tomorrow? Take your pick, and get started now.
— Ralph Marston
03-17-2015, 09:45 AM
March 17
Positive about negative results
When you get negative results after a lot of hard work, that can certainly be disappointing. But there’s nothing to be gained by letting those negative results give you a negative attitude.
Choose your attitude based not on what has already happened, but on what you intend to make happen now. Though you may have had a negative experience, there’s no reason to continue on that downward path.
When you’ve fallen short of the goal, that’s no time to lose confidence in your ability. After all, you’re more highly experienced than ever, and you’ve just developed a very clear understanding of what doesn’t work.
Decide to make good and positive use of that newfound wisdom. Go ahead and get started applying your increased level of experience in a useful and productive way.
Step away from that worthless self pity and stride confidently toward a higher degree of empowerment. Your hard work has earned you the right to be more confident than ever before.
When you get a negative result, do yourself a favor and be positive about it. Work cheerfully through all the setbacks, and soon your achievements will outshine them all.
— Ralph Marston
03-18-2015, 08:15 AM
March 18
Long term influence
Do you realize how much of a difference you have made in life, and continue to make? Very likely, the answer is a resounding no.
You cannot possibly know all the consequences and ramifications of your actions in the lives of other people. Each thing you do takes on a life of its own and can affect people far removed in time and distance from the original action.
You cannot control all the consequences that eventually flow from what you do. That makes it critically important that you put as much love, authenticity and positive intention into whatever you do, while you still have influence over it.
Each moment, you are sending energy out into life. That energy gets multiplied and repeated for a very long time.
The world in which you live is filled with the still-present energy from the long-forgotten actions of everyone who has ever traveled through it. And on this very day, you can do your part to increase the amount of positive energy that settles upon the days to come.
Act as if whatever you do will influence your own life and the lives of others for a long time to come. Fill your actions with goodness, and you literally make your whole world a better place in ways you will never even know but will nonetheless benefit from.
— Ralph Marston
03-19-2015, 10:33 AM
March 19
The real, important stuff
If you have to be someone you don’t want to be in order to attain success, is that really success? If you must compromise your values to get what you want, is that really what you want?
What people, ideas, values, passions, interests, places and experiences can you give your unconditional love to? Remind yourself often to focus your awareness, your efforts and your energy on those things.
Life in each moment is a precious opportunity. Give the real, important stuff the attention it deserves.
If you’re getting too stressed out, or frustrated, or cynical, perhaps it’s because you’re too focused on things that fill you with negativity. Step back, think of what truly matters, and put yourself in a more positive mental environment.
You cannot make your life full by putting more and more empty, meaningless things into it. Instead, choose quality, choose substance, and choose to do the things that excite and fulfill the authentic you.
Right now is your sole opportunity to live this day. Live it true to who you are, true to what you believe, and true to all you love.
— Ralph Marston
03-20-2015, 09:23 AM
March 20
Shimmering sea of abundance
In this moment, there is nothing to worry about. All is as it is, and worry will not change it in the slightest.
In this moment, hope is bright, alive, filling every corner of existence. Now, you can let go of what troubles you and allow the best of what inspires you.
Now, there is no outside influence that can prevent you from giving your best to life. Go ahead and live, love, create, feel, explore, and be fully present in the shimmering sea of abundance and possibility that is now.
There is beauty, here in front of you, that has never been before and will never be again. Enjoy its unique gift, just because you can.
You are more powerful than you have ever realized. Use that power for good, and feel it grow.
All is possible, so choose what is right. And live it with a passion that delights the whole world.
— Ralph Marston
03-21-2015, 09:42 AM
March 21
Feel by choice
If you would like to feel good about today, go ahead. You can choose to feel whatever you want to feel.
It may seem that your feelings are dictated by the situation, but that does not necessarily have to be the case. You can decide to transform the situation so it aligns with your chosen feelings and expectations.
Feelings are a powerful part of your life, and you can take control of that power. You can base your feelings more on inside intentions than on outside influences.
You don’t have to arrange the world in a particular way just to create a desired feeling. Instead, go ahead, allow the feeling, and then let the positive power of that feeling flow into your world.
Feel by choice, not by chance. Choose your feelings based not on what has happened, but based on what you wish to do with all that’s now available to you.
You are empowered to make life great, so feel that power. Feel the positive possibilities of now, and experience yourself bringing them to life.
— Ralph Marston
03-21-2015, 09:45 AM
March 22
Powerful acceptance
Life is as it is in this moment, and it’s powerful to be able to accept that. Yet just because you accept what is, here and now, doesn’t mean you must be resigned to letting it stay that way.
Yes, you can accept even those things you don’t agree with or approve of. It is your acceptance of reality that positions you to change and to improve upon that reality.
Accept the moment, and find great value in it. Accept the situation, whatever it may be, and enable yourself to move positively forward from it.
It can be tempting to simply avoid or deny the truth. Eventually, though, you must accept and deal with the truth, and the sooner you choose to do so, the better.
Visualization can be a powerful tool, yet merely pretending that something is true does not make it so. Visualize the way you desire for life to be, and accept that you must work to make it so.
Accept and embrace the reality of what is. Then take it and make it the best it can be.
— Ralph Marston
03-23-2015, 08:58 AM
March 23
Reality of your possibilities
Live the reality of your own best possibilities. Make use of your resources and efforts, your attention and passion, to bring those possibilities to life.
Take the energy from your desires, regrets, your frustrations and dreams, and put that energy into positive action. Make focused, meaningful use of the opportunity in each moment.
The possibilities are awesome, but don’t merely stand in awe of them. Become a living expression of those possibilities.
Now is your chance to make a difference. And that’s something you know, at the deepest level, you want to do.
If you don’t do all you can with this day, the time will come when you’ll desperately wish you had. So go ahead and grab the opportunity while it’s here.
Your best possibilities are well within reach. Touch them, work for them, live them, and transform them into reality.
— Ralph Marston
03-24-2015, 08:10 AM
March 24
Outdated assumptions
Every assumption you have is based on what you’ve experienced in the past. The world has changed since you formed your assumptions, and perhaps it is time for some of those assumptions to change, too.
Assumptions save you the time and trouble of thinking through every decision and impression. Yet there are times when it would be much better to think than to assume.
Many assumptions are so deeply ingrained that you don’t even realize you have them. Stand back, put some effort into examining your assumptions, and you’ll likely find some opportunities for improvement you never even knew you had.
If there’s something that frustrates you, there’s a good possibility that a change in your assumptions could ease that frustration. If you feel stuck, or ineffective, or unsure of what direction to go, it could be an outdated assumption that’s responsible.
Each time the sun rises, life presents you with a fresh, new day. Let it serve as a reminder of the value that can come from a fresh, new perspective.
Some assumptions can serve you well, and yet there are, right now, many assumptions holding you back. Be willing to be honest with yourself, to discard the assumptions that no longer work, and to see life in a new, empowering way.
— Ralph Marston
03-25-2015, 10:23 AM
March 25
Just right
You’re not too old, too young, too rich, too poor, too big or too small, too outgoing or too shy, too ambitious or too lazy. You’re you, and you are just right.
You’ve learned from what you’ve done and from the consequences you’ve experienced, and now you’re ready to move forward with that accumulation of wisdom. Instead of judging what and where you’ve been, put your focus on visualizing what you can now do.
Don’t get caught up in deciding whether you have too much or too little. Simply decide what the best next step is, and take it.
If you’re constantly comparing yourself with others, you’re missing the point. You are who you are, and there’s enormous value in that, and it’s time to give your own special gifts to life.
Find great delight in fellowship with others, but don’t feel like you have to imitate them. The best thing you have to offer is you, so let go of the pretenses and worries and just have fun being yourself.
You are perfectly positioned to have a positive and unique impact on the world. So instead of fretting about being too much of this or that, just accept the way you are at this moment in time and do something wonderful with it all.
— Ralph Marston
03-26-2015, 08:58 AM
March 26
Commitment is not a burden when you are committed to what really matters. Strenuous, complicated effort is not a burden when it furthers the interest of what’s important to you.
In fact, commitment, and all the things necessary to support that commitment, can be immensely empowering. Commitment gives you something to live for, and the value of that is immeasurable.
Commitment is not something to be taken lightly. Yet it is not something to be avoided, either.
Commit yourself to what you care about. Commit yourself to those you love.
Commit yourself, and you have a good, undeniable reason to get up in the morning, every morning. Commit yourself, and you have a solid platform from which to make real, meaningful progress in life.
Be sure of whom or what you’re committing to, and then be relentless in supporting that commitment. Make the commitment, and make real richness in this world.
— Ralph Marston
03-27-2015, 10:28 AM
March 27
Be of good cheer
Be of good cheer today, no matter what life hands you. Be of good cheer, because it’s a whole lot more effective than the alternative.
The situation may be challenging, but you don’t have to let it ruin your enjoyment of the moment. Life may have given you disappointment, but you don’t have to perpetuate that disappointment.
The best thing you can do when things go wrong is to think and speak and act as if things will get better. And when you do, more likely than not, things will get better.
A negative situation is not made better by a negative attitude. What will actually do some good is to turn the situation on its head by being positive about it.
Be of good cheer, and see what a difference it can make. Be of good cheer, and add something positive to every place you go.
Be of good cheer, not because you don’t know any better, but because you do. Be of good cheer, and be the difference that turns things around in a positive way.
— Ralph Marston
03-28-2015, 08:19 AM
March 28
Happy with what you have
The only way you’ll ever be happy is to be happy with what you have. You can be happy this very instant if you’ll simply be happy with what you have.
Being happy with what you have doesn’t prevent you from creating more. In fact, it puts you in a powerful position to add new value to your world and your life.
When you’re happy with what you have, you’re deeply in touch with life’s abundance. Within that abundance is every good possibility.
Be happy, and thankful, for the way life is. It will open your eyes to the best possibilities for the way life can be.
There is great value in whatever you already have. The way to see that value, and to make full use of it, is to be happy with what you have.
Life’s richness is yours the moment you allow it. Be happy with what you have, and nothing can stop you from having it all.
— Ralph Marston
03-28-2015, 08:20 AM
March 29
Relax into the effort
Make the effort, with passion and persistence, but don’t make it into a struggle. Take action, but don’t add your own tension or conflict to it.
To be highly effective at what you’re doing, be at peace with what you’re doing. To be confident in your actions, genuinely enjoy those actions.
It may seem to be a contradiction to take action and to relax at the same time. In fact, it is a powerful combination.
When you’re not fighting against your own efforts, you can devote all your positive energy to bringing about spectacular results. When you find enjoyment in working through the challenges, you’ll transform those challenges into great value.
If you’re busy being uptight, you’re not getting anything done. Instead, be good with what you’re doing, and you’ll be very good at whatever you’re doing.
Accept, enjoy and relax into the effort. Find delight and fulfillment in peacefully being your authentic best.
— Ralph Marston
03-30-2015, 09:49 AM
March 30
No free ride
Don’t expect a free ride. Do the work to create a great ride.
Don’t wish for a life free of effort. Embrace your ability to put forth effort, and arrange your life so that all your efforts are highly fulfilling.
As enticing as it might seem, you will not find any real joy in running away from your responsibilities. Choose instead to celebrate those responsibilities, and to experience the value that comes from honoring and supporting them.
Your life is a grand opportunity, and this day is a crucial part of that opportunity. Just like any valuable opportunity, it is highly demanding.
So stand tall, and feel the joy of knowing that you are meeting those demands. Work with vigor, with enthusiasm, and with the confidence of seeing firsthand that you’re making a difference.
Your life is a difficult and rewarding job. Commit all you have to doing the job, and taste the sweet rewards that flow forth into each day.
— Ralph Marston
03-31-2015, 09:26 AM
March 31
It’s great to learn from what you experience. Yet it’s important to remember that your experience, as varied and extensive as it may be, does not represent everything there is.
As valuable as your experience is, be careful not to extrapolate it too far. A little knowledge about something is great, as long as you remind yourself you don’t know everything about the subject.
Just because someone hurt you once, does not mean that everyone will hurt you. Just because you’re experienced at walking through your neighborhood, doesn’t mean you’re prepared to walk across the continent.
See your experience as a starting point, not as a complete and finished product. Be eager to admit what you don’t know and cannot yet do, and then build on your experience to steadily add more skills and wisdom.
A little bit of experience puts you in position to gain even more experience, so take advantage of that opportunity. Do the work to extend your experience rather than assuming you can instantly extrapolate it.
Your experience is valuable. Add greatly to that value with a little humility.
— Ralph Marston
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