View Full Version : Joy

02-17-2015, 03:02 PM
I play and return to joy, my natural state of being.

When I watch a toddler bounce to music or hear children squeal with delight, I remember human beings are meant to feel and express joy. I may sometimes wonder where my joy has gone; when did life become so serious? Then I have a good laugh, take myself and my life a little less seriously, and joy bubbles up again.

Joy is never lost; sometimes I just lose sight of it. I make a playdate to bring joy into the forefront of my life. I may call a friend with a good sense of humor or spend the afternoon at a park playing with children or pets. I may plan a joyful surprise for someone else, or simply do what I love. In times of play, I feel lighter and brighter. I am returned to my natural state of joy.
You make the gateways of the morning and the evening shout for joy.—Psalm 65:8

Daily Word

02-18-2015, 03:06 PM
Emotions are in the moment. So often they are fleeting and we need to enjoy them when they come. The slogan says, "This too shall pass. That means the joy as well as the sadness.

As they say, "Embrace them and enjoy them for what they are and give thanks."

What brings you joy?