02-12-2015, 04:01 AM
"The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem."
-- Theodore Rubin
My sponsor always said, "Don't call them problems, call them challenges. Challenges we can over come. Problems we can stay stuck in.
There have been many over the years. There have been others that I have just had to accept that they are there and deal with them in the moment.
As the Al-Anon slogan says, "Let it begin with me." AA says get over it, get out of self and help someone else.
I have found that there is always someone worse off than me, especially when I find myself on a pity pot. When I look at my life, remember to have some gratitude, look at where I came from, look at how far I have come, I realize I never had it so good.
When you live one day at a time, the challenges are surmountable, goals are attainable, and expectations are lowered, and acceptance makes the day go by quickly with peace and serenity.
-- Theodore Rubin
My sponsor always said, "Don't call them problems, call them challenges. Challenges we can over come. Problems we can stay stuck in.
There have been many over the years. There have been others that I have just had to accept that they are there and deal with them in the moment.
As the Al-Anon slogan says, "Let it begin with me." AA says get over it, get out of self and help someone else.
I have found that there is always someone worse off than me, especially when I find myself on a pity pot. When I look at my life, remember to have some gratitude, look at where I came from, look at how far I have come, I realize I never had it so good.
When you live one day at a time, the challenges are surmountable, goals are attainable, and expectations are lowered, and acceptance makes the day go by quickly with peace and serenity.