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02-02-2015, 01:35 PM
I am renewed in the light of God.

Spring buds are preparing to blossom and fill the landscape with beautiful colors. My mind, body, and soul are also ready for new vitality and radiance. The light of God warms me, and I am renewed.

Just as each blossom opens to the light of day, I open myself to the light of God. As I lean into that light, I am invigorated, healed, and renewed. I experience new strength, new vision, and a new sense of purpose. I am divinely guided toward my good. With a renewed quickening, I celebrate the presence of God’s light in the world.

I look forward to spring with joy and enthusiasm. As Spirit renews me, I radiate my light to everyone around me. I live in gratitude for the blessings of God for us all.
The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.—Isaiah 60:19

Daily Word