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02-01-2015, 06:10 AM
Full of Drama
Take life as it is, full of drama and adventure. Experience the fun and the excitement, if not, it’ll turn into melodrama! So, the next time things get dramatic in your life, add the ingredient of humor and go from feeling heavy to being light. Lighten up and you’ll lighten up the situation; going from melodrama to enjoying the drama of life.
02-02-2015, 08:57 AM
Free Your Mind
Whenever your mind is full of worries & anxieties, rather than letting it all stew, you're much better off letting it all go.
Try this simple letting go exercise: Find a quiet space. Put on some relaxing music. Sit comfortably. Now imagine holding dozens of colored balloons. These balloons represent your worries & anxieties. Slowly release the balloons, one at a time. Watch your thoughts rise higher & higher, becoming smaller & smaller, a dot in the distance, until they vanish.
Find a simple way to let go & free your mind.
02-03-2015, 06:20 AM
A Positive Presence
We all carry and communicate a certain presence that influences almost everyone around us. The question is: Does my presence have a positive or a negative impact? Do people around me feel comfortable and, or empowered in my presence?
If you want to communicate a more positive presence, cultivate positive intentions and feelings and become less distracted, more present and more authentic.
02-04-2015, 08:06 AM
Making Your Commute More Enjoyable
Do you commute to work? Ever complain about it? Complaining saps energy and wrecks the mood. Why not make your commute more enjoyable.
Read something entertaining or educational, insightful or informative, fictional or funny. Listen to music or podcasts. Respond to emails or edit work related documents. Think about the day ahead or how the day went.
Do what works for you and you might just start enjoying the time that commuting offers you.
02-05-2015, 07:55 AM
Extending Your Trust
We want to trust others. We want to believe in the inherent goodness of others. But it's a challenge to extend our trust, simply because trust can be broken so easily.
Even then, we want to extend our trust because when we give trust, not only do we get it back but it also brings out the best in others.
So, extend your trust, but maybe not to everyone. Get better at choosing wisely who you trust, what you trust them with, and when to withdraw your trust.
02-06-2015, 07:52 AM
Past is Past
Most of us revisit the past. The past is important but if we keep on revisiting it, we miss out on all that the present moment has to offer.
Starting from today, remind yourself: The past is past. The past is always past and we are always in the present moment.
Let the past be the past and you'll make the most of all that the present moment has to offer. And then, if you do revisit the past, do it productively.
02-07-2015, 07:33 AM
The Waiting Game
How often do you find yourself playing the waiting game? Waiting for someone else’s decision, waiting to see someone, waiting for things to happen …. What do you do whilst waiting? Waiting unproductively is a waste of time. Acting productively increases the value of time. What will you do to NOT lose in the ‘waiting game’ again? Maybe read, make those phone calls ….
02-08-2015, 08:38 AM
Self-Limiting Beliefs
How often do you hear yourself say, “I can’t”, “I’m not able” or “I never will”? Can you identify self-limiting beliefs you have about yourself? Can you then challenge them and say: “I can”, “I’m able”, “I will”? Choose self beliefs that work for you, beliefs that give you a chance to succeed.
02-09-2015, 07:26 AM
Dive Into The Challenge
Want to go sky diving, diving with the sharks? If what you want is the freedom, the rush, the intensity that you get from doing something exciting or scary - why wait, get it right now. How?
Simply take up a challenge. Something big or small, exciting or scary. Decide if you really want to go for it. If you do, then even if you're feeling a little scared - remember, you are smart enough and strong enough to meet and greet your fears. Now, dive into the challenge.
So the question is, what are you going to dive into - this week?
02-10-2015, 08:50 AM
Your Relationship With Life
What's your relationship with life? Complicated? Healthy? Depends on how life's treating you?
A relationship is a two way street, not a one way, so don't just base your relationship on how life treats you. Think about how you treat life.
One way to better your relationship with life is to daily recollect:
a) what life gave you today.
b) what you gave to life today.
02-11-2015, 05:50 AM
Making A Request
If you need to make a request, just speak up and ask. Just phrase your request clearly, simply and concisely.
And if you don't get what you asked for, understand that a no to your request doesn't mean a no to you - because you are not the request.
02-12-2015, 08:39 AM
When Necessary Becomes Unnecessary
We have to think about our daily life, meals, tasks.... It's a necessary part of making daily life effective. But if we keep thinking about it all the time, then the necessary becomes unnecessary.
To make daily life effective, think, but think when it's necessary. When you find yourself thinking unnecessarily, say to your thoughts, “not now, later.” Or say, “I’ve already thought this through, no need to think more.” Just put a full stop to the unnecessary.
02-13-2015, 07:08 AM
The Love We Want
All we want, all that anyone wants, is love. We want it, but expect it to come or happen to us. But the love we want is actually within us, it's in our heart, in our soul.
Instead of expecting love, realize: I am love. Believe it and feel it.
Love who you are, as you are. Love others as they are. Love all that you have. Love what you do.
02-14-2015, 08:15 AM
Fall in Love with Yourself
You’re the most important person in your life, so, fall in love with yourself! How? By appreciating the best in you – your qualities, your inner beauty. If you don’t love you how do you expect others to love you? And when you love yourself, you’re able to love others unconditionally.
02-15-2015, 08:56 AM
Walk your Talk
When there’s a gap between what you say and what you do, both your integrity and people’s trust in you seeps away. Make effort to close the gap between your words and actions. Walk your talk. Don’t make promises you can’t deliver. Do what you say you’re going to do.
02-16-2015, 07:47 AM
I'm Busy
When people ask you how you are, do you tend to reply, "I'm busy!"?
The thing is, we're all busy but saying how busy we are, doesn’t feel good or look good. How about if we stop making busy our default reply.
This week, find a better reply than “I'm busy!"
02-17-2015, 10:00 AM
Be a Mirror
Mirrors reflect back exactly what is put in front of them. Their still presence helps us present our best to the world.
Maybe we can be a mirror for others when we become clear in our thoughts, transparent in our feelings and still in our presence. And when we experience the best in ourselves, maybe we can mirror back the best in others.
Can you be a mirror for others?
02-18-2015, 08:39 AM
Determination with Patience
Determination is the key to success. Determination won't let anything get in the way. When things get rough, tough or even boring, determination is persistent and keeps you moving forward until you get there.
But did you know that determination can’t make it without patience?
Patience teaches us not to push, especially when we don't see immediate results. Patience won't quit because it understands that all things have their time. And it won't get restless, because patience is not in a hurry.
02-19-2015, 07:44 AM
Mentor, not Tormentor
Are you your own tormentor? Do you always put yourself down? Are you super demanding and critical towards yourself? Is your self talk filled with fears and doubts?
How you are towards yourself, has an impact on your self worth, attitude and achievements.
The next time you find yourself being your own tormentor, get rid of 'tor.' Instead be your own mentor and encourage yourself to change, improve and grow.
02-20-2015, 07:26 AM
Most Important First
So many things to get done today - but how many things will come your way to interrupt and disrupt your focus?
Here's one way to get some things done: tackle your most important tasks first.
If not first, then as early in the day as possible. Complete 2 or 3 tasks and it'll energize you to tackle other tasks. And if you're someone who is more focused later in the day, tackle the most challenging tasks then.
What will you focus on first, today?
02-21-2015, 07:45 AM
Enthused by Others Achievements
Do you track your success by others’ achievements? Instead of thinking, you are less than anyone else, or that anyone else is less than you, be proud of what they’ve achieved. Get enthused by others’ success and learn all you can from how they got there. Not that you have to climb Everest, invent the internet or replicate what they’ve done. Claim their inner resourcefulness, determination, courage, creativity or whatever else as your own. Feel empowered by their achievements and let that propel you forward to your own success.
02-22-2015, 07:35 AM
Cook for You
If you’re cooking for one, do you have trouble motivating yourself to eat well? Don’t neglect yourself. Nurture yourself. Cook yourself a fast, fresh, healthy meal. If you have time, then why not, treat yourself and make it special. Set the table with your favorite settings, candles and flowers. Take pleasure in the elegance of the occasion and savor your meal.
02-23-2015, 08:38 AM
Talking About Experience
We love to talk about our experiences. What's happening in our life, what we've discovered, what we're feeling.... Have you realized how personal an experience is? Even when it's a shared experience, it's not really the same experience, because we perceive, understand and describe things differently. So, value and enjoy your own experience, as well as other peoples’ experiences.
02-24-2015, 07:16 AM
Pivot to Move Forward
Most of us have heard the term, 'pivot' - whether in business, basketball, dancing or even on 'Friends' when Ross was trying to move the sofa. A pivot is a change, a shift, we often make in our personal growth, career or relationships, whether it's to stay relevant, evolve or become something new.
To pivot effectively, it's important to:
1) Recognize whether you really need to pivot, rather than persevere or simply make
a small adjustment.
2) Keep one foot grounded in what you've learned. Then leverage that learning to
move forward with the other foot.
02-25-2015, 07:58 AM
What Makes You Feel Rich?
It’s not just money that makes you feel rich. Just notice what’s around you, what you already have in your life and discover how rich you are!
If you want to feel rich everyday, not just when good fortune strikes, then start your day with gratitude. You may want to do this when you wake up in the morning or as you drink your morning tea or coffee.
What makes you feel rich?
02-26-2015, 08:42 AM
Responding to People's Ideas
When other people present their ideas to you, how do you respond? Reject them? Too busy to listen?
With the belief that others have something meaningful to contribute, try being more receptive. You don't have to commit to their ideas or be swayed by them, simply take the time to listen. If you don’t have time now, make the time later.
Respond more positively and creatively encourage others. Not only will you learn new things but it will also reflect positively on you.
02-27-2015, 10:58 AM
Walk into March
Feeling tensed? Walk off your tension, if appropriate of course! Walk and you'll feel less tensed, more positive.
Why wait till you're tensed. Why not, take regular walks and improve your general health and well being. Walk 15-30 minutes, three times a week. Go for a slow stroll or a brisk walk. Walk around the neighborhood or through green spaces. Make it a lunchtime walk or part of your journey to or from work.
Come on, take a walk and march into March!
02-28-2015, 08:21 AM
Downsize Your Problems
Problems come and go. Keep thinking about a problem again and again, and you make it bigger and more challenging than it really is! So instead of magnifying, downsize your problems. Think: The situation will pass. I am bigger than whatever is happening. I can handle it. Make the problem smaller and you’ll find solutions easily.
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