View Full Version : Judging Others

08-29-2013, 03:46 AM
Thursday, August 29, 2013

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

When you meet a man, you judge him by his clothes; when you leave, you judge him by his heart.
—Russian Proverb

The woman on the park bench was gnarled and dirty. Her hair was an uncombed mess, her clothes torn and old. She clutched a paper bag to her side, which seemed to contain her belongings. She sat in the sun, humming to herself. Occasionally she threw a bit of popcorn to ducks who waited at her feet. A little boy and his mother sat by the lake, not wanting to share the bench with this wild-eyed old woman. But when the old woman beckoned to the little boy to share her popcorn with him, he ran to the bench and let out squeals of laughter as they fed the hungry ducks.

Our world is full of variety and surprises. Would we have it any other way? When we shun someone because of the way they look, we cut ourselves off from part of life. But when we are ready for anything - accepting and trusting - we are a wonder to everyone.

How shall I judge people today?

Was just thinking about this when I was waiting for the bus and watching the people go by. How quick we can come to conclusions about people, yet if we haven`t walked in their shoes, who are we do judge. A better job left up to their God and it is none of my business.

Even when it comes to judge myself, I use to be a very hard task-master and beat myself up royally. No one abused me more than me. Because of that, I always felt less than, because I never felt like I measured up.

What makes us think we know what is right for another, especially when we look back on our own life, what makes us a leading authority. :) A good example is the fact that it took me two husbands to get two years of marriage.

I know for most of my life, my thought was, I am a leading authority on everything. One of those attitude adjustments that I need to change in order to recover.

I was told not to pray for specifics for another, by doing so, I am playing God with that persons life. I need to pray that they get what they need in the way they need it, not my will, but their Higher Powers Way.
