View Full Version : Prayers for Living
12-24-2014, 05:39 PM
The following were received from Al-Anon, yet some are taken from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.
I am sure that no matter what fellowship you call home, you will be able to utilize them in your own life.
Step One:
Today, I ask for help with my "ism"
Denial has kept me from seeing how powerless I am and how my life is unmanageable.
I need to learn and remember that I have an incurable illness and that acceptance is the only way to deal with it.
Step Two:
I pray for an open mind so I may come to believe ins a Power greater than myself.
I pray for humility and the continued opportunity to increase my faith.
I don't want to be crazy anymore.
Step Three:
God, I offer myself to Thee
To build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt
Relieve me of the bondage of self
That I may better do Thy will
Take away my difficulties,
That victory over them my bear witness
To those I would help of Thy Power,
Thy Love and Thy Way of Life.
May I do Thy will always!
Step Four:
Dear God,
It is I who have made my life a mess.
I have done it, but I cannot undo it.
My mistakes are mine, and I will begin a searching and fearless moral inventory.
I will write down my wrongs, but Ill also include that which is good.
I pray for the strength to complete this task.
Step Six:
Dear God,
I am ready for Your help in removing from me the defects of character which I now realize are an obstacle to my recovry.
Help me to continue being honest with myself and guide me toward spiritual and mental health.
Step Seven:
My Creator,
I am now willing that you should have all of me, good and bad.
I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character which stands in the way of my usefullness to you and my fellows.
Grant me strength, as I go out from here to do your bidding. Amen.
Step Eight:
Higher Power,
I ask Your help in making my list of all those I have harmed.
I will take responsibility for my mistakes, and be forgiving to others as You are forgiving to me.
Grant me the willingness to begin my restitutions. This I pray.
Step Nine:
Higher Power,
I pray for the right attitude to make my amends, being ever mindful not to harm others in the process.
I ask for Your guidance in making indirect amends. Most important, I will continue to make amends by staying abstinent, helping others, and growing in spiritual progress.
Step Ten:
I pray I may continue:
To grow in understanding and effectiveness;
To take daily spot check inventories of myself;
To correct mistakes when I make them'
To take responsibility for my actions;
To be ever aware of my negative and self-defeating attitudes and behaviors;
To keep my willfulness in check;
To always remember I need Your help;
To keep love and tolerance of others as my code;
And to continue in daily prayer how I can best serve You, my Higher Power.
Step Eleven:
I pray to keep my connection with You open and clear from the confusion of daily life.
Through my prayers and meditation, I ask especially for freedom from self-will, rationalization, and wishful thinking.
I pray for the guidance of correct thought and positive action.
Your will, Higher Power, not mine, be done.
Step Twelve:
Dear God,
My spiritual aakening continues to unfold.
The help I have received, I shall pass on and give to others, both in and out of the Fellowship.
For this opportunity, I am grateful.
I pray most humbly to continue walking day by day ont he road of spiritual progress.
I pray for the inner strength and wisdom to practice the principles of this way of life in all I do and say.
I need You, my friends, and Program every hour of every day.
This is a better way of life.
I will to will your will, not mine be done. Amen!
Prayer can be a thought. Be careful of what you ask for.
03-31-2015, 12:07 AM
From page 214 and 215 in "As We Understood"
Dear God
I am powerless and my life is unmanageable without your help and guidance. I come to you today because I believe that You can restore and renew me to meet my needs today. Since I cannot manage my life or affairs, I have decided to give them to You. I put my life, my will, my thoughts, my desires and ambitions in Your hands.
I give You all of me: the good and the bad, the character defects and shortcomings, my selfishness, resentments and problems. I now that You will work them out in accordance with Your plan. Such as I am, take and use me in Your service. Guide and direct my ways and show me what to do for You.
I cannot control or change my friends or loved ones, so I release them into Your care for Your loving hands to do with as You will. Just keep me loving and free from judging them. If they need changing, God, You'll have to do it; I can't. Just make me willing and ready to be of service to You, to have my shortcomings removed, and to do my best.
Help me to see how I have harmed others and make me willing to make amends to them all. Keep me ever mindful of thoughts and actions that harm myself and others, and which separate me from Your light, love and spirit. And when I commit these errors, make me aware of them and help me to admit each one promptly.
I am seeking to know You better, to love You more. I am seeking the knowledge of Your will for me and the power to carry it out.
11-07-2015, 07:42 PM
Prayer for the Day
I pray for the realization that God has everything I need. I pray that I may know that His power is always available.
Have gotten back into doing a meditation that I used several years ago. I use it for centering myself and for self-awareness and balancing my chakras.
The pain has been so bad and over powering lately and I realized I needed to surrender it to my Higher Power because the pain was ruling my life. No matter what direction my life takes, when I practice the Step One, Two, Three Waltz, I am empowered to do what I need to do for myself. I can't, God, can, and just for today, I choose to let Him.
11-07-2015, 07:59 PM
A.S.A.P. Always say a prayer.
Check out this one!
11-12-2015, 11:15 AM
Many times I've lain awake
A prayer on every breath I take
For eyes to see what I must see
For ears to hear what I must hear
For words to say what needs to be said
So they will come and have no fear
Embracing the light, Shadows disappear.
StarChild61 12/27/05
Posted on my group The Angel of Health 7Zwz3qrAsqJXKL9IR26
11-12-2015, 01:33 PM
To a life filled with promise and the courage to fight
The enemy, ADDICTION, should it come back into sight
Arm yourself well
With the weapon of prayer
Honesty, acceptance, and a willingness to share
Value sobriety, above all, be true
Be true to God, to the program
But most of all to you!
12-19-2015, 08:01 PM
Hanging On and Letting Go
Lord, there are times when we need to hang on,
There are times
when we are tired and discouraged,
and when the way before us seems so long;
when we feel helpless and alone,
and the way before us seems so confusing;
when we feel unequal to our tests and tasks,
and the way before us seems so difficult.
At such times,
be to us a source of strength,
comfort and hope
and enable us to hang on with tenacity
and toughness.
But, Lord, there are also times when we need to let go.
There are times
when we have chosen the wrong way,
and we are lost;
when old feelings, old attitudes, old behaviors,
old beliefs no longer serve us, no longer help us
when the way before us simply runs out,
and there is nothing for us to do
but to surrender.
At such times, Lord,
be our source of courage
and fill us with such a trust in you
that we may let go with tenderness and trust,
and in letting go, open our hearts that we might
receive your deepest mercies.
Lord, grant us the wisdom to know the difference
in the times --
to know when to hang on,
to persist, to persevere
and when to let go.
In so knowing, and in so acting,
give us your peace.
12-19-2015, 08:02 PM
When the clouds seem their darkest
And the daylight won’t come;
When you’re up to your ears and drowning
And can’t find a straw to hang on.
When your load gets too heavy, or your shoes get too tight;
When you’re faced with life’s battles and have no will to fight;
Remember: Let go and let God.
Remember: He is the way.
You just trust in God’s mercy every night and every day;
Remember: All thru the darkness
Remember: All thru the storm
There’s a Light there to guide you.
And the Good Lord to lean on.
- - Pamilla deLeon
01-25-2016, 09:20 PM
May you ever walk with the Spirit. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
04-22-2016, 07:02 AM
Prayer for the Day
I pray that I may feel that God is not too far away to depend on for help. I pray that I may feel confident of His readiness to give me the power that I need.
AA Thought for Today from Hazeldon
Was just sharing on this topic earlier today. How that power is granted to us when we surrender and ask for help. When I am willing to let go, I am empowered to do what I need to do for myself.
I love this quote. The power is there. I just have to remember and trust that it is there. It is up to me to develop the faith and believe that my Higher Power knows what is best for me and is there to lead and direct.
I had lost a lot of faith as a result of my life prior to recovery. It was something I had to redefine. When I came into recovery, I thought I knew who God was only to find that I didn't have a loving concept, only a fearful one.
This was posted on another site in 2009. So glad a prayer is good any time.
12-17-2016, 08:05 PM
My favourite Prayer
Today, Creator of the Universe, we ask that you open our heart and open our eyes so we can enjoy all of your creations and live in eternal love with you. Help us to see you in everything we perceive with our eyes,with our ears, with our heart, with all our senses. Let us perceive with eyes of love so that we find you wherever we go and see you in everything you create. Let us see you in every cell of our body, in every emotion of our mind, in every dream, in every flower, in every person we meet. You cannot hide from us because you are everywhere, and we are one with you. Let us be aware of this truth. Let us be aware of our power to create a dream of heaven where everything is possible.Help us to use our imagination to guide the dream of our life, the magic of our creation, so we can live without fear, without anger,without jealousy, without envy. Give us a light to follow, and let today be the day that our search for love and happiness is over. Today let something extraordinary happen that will change our life forever:Let everything we do and say be an expression of the beauty in our heart, always based on love. Help us to be the way you are, to love the way you love, to share the way you share, to create a masterpiece of beauty and love, the same way that all of your creations are masterpieces of beauty and love. Beginning today and gradually overtime, help us to increase the power of our love so that we may create a masterpiece of art - our own life. Today, Creator, we give you all of our gratitude and love because you have given us Life. Amen.
Received with thanks from my friend Jennifer.
10-08-2017, 11:52 PM
Grant Me Today
Grant me today . . . Courage
to change . . . and grow
Belief . . . that I am deserving
Strength . . . to do what is right
Hope . . . fill my heart and spirit
Love . . . for my recovering self
Patience . . . with myself and others
I put one foot in front of the other
As I heal and reclaim my own life
by: Abby Willowroot © 2008
12-14-2017, 08:19 AM
Who are we, God our Father,
amidst all of your creation?
Yet you so loved the world
that you sent Jesus, your Son,
to live fully as one of us.
I rejoice that he is beside me now.
An Inspirational Prayer
Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then. Put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually: "The Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in Him and I am helped. He is not only with me but in me, and I in Him."
12-17-2017, 10:33 PM
Our prayer today is simply those words
of Tiny Tim. So let us pray for all whom
we love and all who share our lives:
“God bless us everyone.”
12-18-2017, 11:20 AM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
in good times
may I live in such a way
that I will be strengthened
for the difficult times
that all of us face in our lives.
Lead me now
to make positive choices
to value friendship and loyalty,
and develop attitudes and values,
treasuring all that is lasting
and important.
Throughout difficult times
may I build on
the positive choices of my past,
looking outward
in the service of others
and avoiding self-pity.
May I grow in the faith
that, whatever my circumstances,
I need have no regrets
but may entrust
my past to your mercy,
my present to your love,
and my future to your Providence.
May I know, too,
that my faith in you
is only a shadow
of your faith in me
and your love for me.
12-19-2017, 01:47 PM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
you created light
and all that we can see.
Show us how to grow
in a sense of wonder
that we may “really see”
and appreciate
all the beauty that is around us.
Lead us to discover
how inter-connected
are so many things in life
and how inter-woven
with your presence.
May the coming into our world
of Jesus, your Son,
- who lived fully as a human being -
remind us that we are all called
to be at-one with you.
Show us how to transform
all that might be ordinary
in our daily lives
and, through your Spirit,
become more fully alive,
to your greater glory. Amen.
12-21-2017, 12:25 PM
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
as we prepare to celebrate
the gift of yourself
to our world,
we think too of our loved ones,
remembering that you said
that there is “more joy in giving
than in receiving.” Acts 2035
We ask you to bless us
and those we love.
12-21-2017, 12:27 PM
Let us pray:
“Give us, O God, the vision
which can see your love in the world
in spite of human failure.
Give us the faith, the trust,
and the goodness
in spite of our ignorance
and weakness.
Give us the knowledge
that we may continue to pray
with understanding hearts,
and show us
what each one of us can do
to set forth
the coming of the day
of universal peace.
12-22-2017, 01:14 PM
Let us pray:
God our loving Father,
our governments
spend money in our name
to subsidise farmers to “set aside”
good agricultural land
so that less food is produced.
Some potatoes and other good crops
are sprayed with dyes
to make them unfit
for human consumption,
and it is policy
to destroy good harvests
of fruit and vegetables
Yet our brothers and sisters
go hungry and die
across the world.
Lead us to grow
in valuing the dignity
of all people,
as well as in respect
for the fruit of the earth
and the work of human hands.
Inspire us to be of influence
in our own part of the world
so that injustices -wherever they exist may
be challenged,
and all people learn to grow together
as caring and responsible
brothers and sisters.
12-22-2017, 01:14 PM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
may the simplicity of the birth
of Jesus, your Son,
remind us
that we can readily discover him
in the ordinariness of our daily lives.
12-24-2017, 09:46 AM
1 Let us pray:
In silence, Lord,
I place myself amongst all those
in many parts of the world
and in various circumstances
who are praying for peace
on this day,
as I, too, pray for peace
12-25-2017, 11:50 PM
Let us pray, using some words of Robert
Louis Stevenson:
“O God, our loving Father,
help us rightly to remember
the birth of Jesus,
that we may share in
the song of the angels,
the gladness of the shepherds,
and the worship of the wise men…
May Christmas morning
make us happy to be your children,
and Christmas evening
bring us to our beds
with grateful thoughts,
forgiving and forgiven,
for Jesus’ sake. Amen.”
12-26-2017, 12:04 PM
Let us pray:
Jesus, God-with-us,
what gift shall we bring to you?
The angels bring their song,
the heavens bring their star,
the shepherds bring their wonder,
the animals give their manger,
the wise men bring their gifts,
and we human beings
bring the Virgin-Mother.
We bring our whole selves to you
who have so fully and generously
given yourself to us.
12-27-2017, 07:55 PM
Let us pray:
God, Father of us all,
you who call me by name: Is 431
you are my hiding-place,
my shelter, Ps 327
amidst life’s difficulties.
Remind me
that there is no pit, no hole, so deep
that your love
is not deeper still.
Lead me to give thanks
in all my circumstances, 1 Thess 518
and show me
how to transform
whatever suffering or difficulties
I may experience,
into something that will benefit others
and will set me free.
I make this prayer,
knowing that you
lavish your love on us 1 Jn 31
and you set
the down-trodden free. Is 611
; Lk 418
12-28-2017, 02:42 PM
Let us pray:
we remember before you
those who have been abused
in the womb, in childhood,
and in later life.
We bring before you
our brothers and sisters
throughout the world
who are victims
of injustice, prejudice
and persecution.
Lead us, Father,
and lead all people of good will
to do whatever we can
to help turn the hearts
of those who think themselves
better than others,
and who perpetrate evil.
Deliver us, Lord,
from all that is evil. Amen.
12-29-2017, 10:57 PM
Let us pray:
Lord, inspire us
to be credible witnesses of your love,
and good shepherds
towards those
you have entrusted to our care.
12-30-2017, 12:34 PM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
we pray for all families,
that members may feel encouraged
to live fully,
and may discover
the sanctity of human love
and the value of family life.
If times are troubled
through separation
or difficulties in relationships,
may people learn to be generous.
May we all learn
how to break the cycle
of whatever may be negative,
growing in understanding
and appreciation
and in love and respect. Amen.
01-01-2018, 09:51 AM
Because you are with me, Lord,
I can wait in patience and in hope
for the new life you bring.
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
at this time
we can look back to the old year,
and forward to the new.
We give thanks
for the blessings of the past year,
and we place into your hands
the mistakes we have made.
As you are “the Light of the world”,
take away the darkness in our lives.
As you are “the Way”,
lead us in the year ahead.
As you are “the gate of the sheepfold”,
protect us from danger.
We entrust the past to your mercy, Lord,
the present to your love,
and the future to your providence.
01-02-2018, 03:38 PM
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, light of the world,
open our eyes
to notice the magnificence
of creation.
Open our eyes
that we may always
value and appreciate
all who are part of our lives.
Open our eyes
that we may be quick to notice
when people are going through
Open our eyes
so that we may share your vision
and “really see”. Amen.
01-03-2018, 11:02 PM
Let us pray:
If the word “compassion”, Lord,
means “to suffer with”,
lead us to be ready
to stand beside those who suffer.
01-04-2018, 11:30 AM
Let us pray:
there is so much that I don’t know,
and I ask you to inspire me
with a thirst for knowledge.
I pray, too,
for wisdom and understanding
that I may use my knowledge well.
I give thanks
for many people I have never met
whose knowledge
and understanding
have been passed on to me.
I ask that I may benefit
from their work and experience
and may contribute, in turn,
to the well-being of others. Amen
01-08-2018, 10:14 AM
January 5
Let us pray:
Lord, I give thanks
for the “gold” in my life:
for the people who are precious to me,
for the happy memories I treasure,
and for all that has been good
over the years.
May all that has been “gold” for me,
remind me always to appreciate
all who are part of my life.
Inspire me, Lord,
to live in such a way
that I help to bring out the best
in others.
01-08-2018, 10:55 AM
January 6
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
you call me to live
every aspect of my life
in your presence,
and so I come before you as I am.
With the myrrh
that the wise men carried
I bring, too,
the pain and sorrow and suffering
that I have experienced.
I lay them before you
because they are all part of who I am.
I ask that good may come
from whatever negative things
happen to me,
knowing that nothing
can ever separate me from your love.
01-08-2018, 10:57 AM
January 7
Let us pray:
Lord, as I offer you
all that is ordinary
and everyday in my life,
I ask you
to give me the power of your Spirit
that I may transform each day
by living with a positive attitude,
looking for the best
in people and situations.
Inspire me to live in your presence
every day
so that I may share your outlook
and do the ordinary things of life
in an extraordinary way.
May this, Lord, my prayer today,
rise before you
like the burning of incense.
There is a saying:
“Wise men followed Jesus.
People who are wise still do.”
01-08-2018, 10:58 AM
January 8
Let us pray:
Lord God,
may all of your creation
- from the vastness
of mighty planets and stars
to the lowliness
of the smallest living creature
I can see
- remind me
to live in wonder and appreciation
of all that is around me. Amen.
01-09-2018, 11:51 PM
Let us pray:
Lord, give us each day
the wisdom to recognise
which things are important,
and which things are not.
Show us how best
to use the time and talents
you have given us.
Help us to use all opportunities wisely
that we may give in service to others
the good gifts we have received
from you. Amen.
01-10-2018, 07:47 PM
Let us pray:
Commemorative stamps, Lord,
call to mind famous people,
sport and inventions,
and nature, art and history.
As I value what these images represent,
lead me particularly, Lord,
to value every individual person
- made as we all are
in your image and likeness.
Inspire me to show appreciation
to all who are a part of my life.
May I use well
all the opportunities that come my way
to make my part of the world
a better place. Amen.
01-11-2018, 10:02 PM
Let us pray
for all who will be making journeys today:
We pray, Lord,
- for those who are going to a new job
and for those who are going to work
for the last time today;
- for the emergency services
who will travel at high speed
on land, water or in the air,
to bring help to others;
- for those starting a new life
as they move house;
- for those travelling
to or from prison;
- for people
who will go into hospital today;
- for young people on their way
to school, college and university;
- for those who are lost
on the journey of life;
- for those who will die today
and make their final journey.
On all these people
we ask your blessing, Lord. Amen.
01-12-2018, 08:58 AM
Let us pray:
We pray, Lord, for all
who will need strength and courage
in the day ahead:
- for those who face danger;
- for those who risk themselves
for others;
- for those who must make
an important decision today;
- for people who are seriously ill;
- for those facing persecution
or torture.
We ask you, Lord,
to give them
the power of your Spirit.
01-13-2018, 02:12 PM
Let us pray:
Lord our God,
may the playing
and the watching of sport
remind me
of the qualities I need for living:
developing skills and talents,
appreciating the different skills
that others have,
learning to co-operate with others,
being positive,
having respect for others,
being determined and committed,
having a clear goal at which to aim.
Inspire me to work hard
at developing these qualities
in daily life
so that each of us - working together -
may help to build up your Kingdom.
01-14-2018, 03:45 PM
1 Albert Schweitzer was born on this day
in 1865. He became a world-famous organist
and author, and sacrificed a comfortable
life in France and Germany to
be a missionary doctor. In Africa he set
up a hospital and leper-colony for the
very poor.
2 He encouraged others to share his “reverence
for life”, growing in compassion
for life in all its forms. He wrote:
“By having reverence for life, we enter
into a spiritual relationship with the
He helped lead others to see that, with
love and compassion and respect for all
life, people would find a greater meaning
in their lives. In 1952 Doctor Albert
Schweitzer was awarded the Nobel Peace
3 We can use a short prayer of his today -
a prayer of offering. It’s the kind of prayer
some people memorise and use from
time to time:
4 “Here, Lord, is my life.
I place it on the altar today.
Use my life as you will."
01-15-2018, 09:18 AM
Let us pray:
Father, may our human family
not become separated from you
by building barriers of race or colour,
of religion or class.
Inspire us to recognise
that we are all made
in your image and likeness,
so that we may grow in appreciation
of all people,
and encourage each other
to grow in pride in who we are
and who we are called to be.
May we recognise your Son in our midst,
and live truly as brothers and sisters.
01-16-2018, 11:00 AM
For our prayer today we will use words that
are based on an ancient Chinese blessing:
May God guard us and keep us
in safety and comfort
and in health and strength,
sending us nothing but good.
May God send down
so many blessings
that the day is not long enough
for them all.
01-17-2018, 12:11 PM
Let us pray:
I ask you
to help me to be generous
when I think
of the attitude and actions of others.
Forgiving someone
isn’t an easy option,
and I know that forgiveness
isn’t somehow pretending
that something wrong
hasn’t happened.
For what I have done wrong,
forgive me Father,
to the extent
that I am generous in forgiving -
or hoping to forgive -
those who have done wrong to me.
01-18-2018, 06:40 PM
1 Today sees the start of the Week of Prayer
for Christian Unity.
2 Pope John XXIII (the twenty-third) was
Pope in the early 1960s and he did a lot
for world peace at the time of the Cuban
Missile Crisis that almost became World
War III. He is also well-known for being
very keen to bring closer together Christians
of different churches. He said:
“In essential things - unity;
in unimportant things - freedom;
in all things - charity.”
3 The end of Church Unity Week on the
25th is the anniversary (in 1959) of the
announcement by Pope John that he
would call together all the Catholic bishops
across the world to look at bringing
the Church up-to-date, “to let in some air
and blow away the dust”. That meeting
would be called “The Second Vatican
4 Pope John wrote a prayer which we will
make our own today:
“Renew in our own days
your miracles
like a second Pentecost.
Grant that the Church,
re-united in prayer,
may extend the kingdom of Jesus
- a kingdom of truth and justice,
of love and peace.
01-19-2018, 09:49 AM
Let’s pray for our school community
that, students and teachers together,
we may learn to recognise the face of
God in others today.
teach us to recognise your face
in the people
you put into our lives today.
01-20-2018, 01:20 PM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
with the gifts you have given to us
we have responsibilities and duties.
Inspire us to take the initiative
in treating others
as we would like them to treat us.
01-21-2018, 09:51 AM
Let us pray:
inspire me to live in such a way
that I always give of my best
and be welcoming and generous
towards others. Amen.
“If only I’d known, I’d have given my best.”
01-22-2018, 12:25 PM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
you call each of us by name,
and you treasure each of us
as though no-one else exists.
Inspire us
to respect and value
each person
who comes into our lives this day.
01-23-2018, 02:46 PM
Let us pray:
Lord, whilst I pray
for peace and goodwill in our world,
I ask you to help me
to change my own attitude
for the better,
so that peace and goodwill
may start with the way I behave
towards those who have hurt me.
Inspire me to be as generous to others
as I would like them to be with me.
01-24-2018, 07:47 AM
The regular prayer is not applicable.
You Never Gave Up On Me
I often said you didn’t exist
Because my eyes wouldn’t see
I may have given up on you lord
But you never gave up on me
When troubles happened in my life
I would hang my head and cry
You let these happen to me
And at times I wondered why
I was quick to say if there was a God
He wouldn’t let these happen to me
I may have given up on you lord
But you never gave up on me
At many times during my life
When the troubles were hard to bear
I forgot the teachings of my youth
And said you were not there
I’ve heard your word again dear Lord
And my eyes they finally see
I thank you every day of my life
That you never gave up on me
- - by William A. Predeau
01-24-2018, 07:48 AM
A Candle
Sit down and light a candle
Watch the flame, a story it will tell
Bringing back the secrets
Of memories you know so well
The flame will waver up and down
Reaching high and drifting low
Its movement will vary slowly
As the air begins gently to flow
When the flame moves upward
It depicts the highs in our life
Then flickering low once again
Tells of occasional strife
A lighted candle brings back memories
Of yesterday's peace and joy we felt
Priceless memories live once again
As we watch the candle melt
Light a candle and watch it burn
And reminisce as old memories return
Give thanks to God in heaven above
For all sweet memories of love
- - Glenna M. Baugh
I didn't know which one to post, so I posted both.
01-25-2018, 11:12 AM
Let us pray, using some words of blessing
that Paul wrote to the Christians in Corinth:
May the life of the Lord Jesus,
and the love of God the Father,
and the companionship of the Holy Spirit
be with us all. Amen.
01-26-2018, 07:30 AM
1 Yesterday was the Feast of the Conversion
of Saint Paul. We’re going to listen
to some words that Paul wrote to the
Christians living in Rome, and we’ll use
his words to reflect and pray today:
2 Do not let your love be a sham,
but be sincere
in choosing good rather than evil.
Have warm affection for one another
as Christian brothers and sisters.
3 Be committed and enthusiastic
as you work for the Lord,
being happy and cheerful
as you place your trust in him.
Live in God’s presence
and keep on praying.
When difficulties arise, be patient.
Set out to welcome others
and be generous with those in need.
Don’t curse others; bless them,
even when they
have not been good to you.
Do all you can to live in peace
with everyone.
Support and encourage others
by rejoicing with those who are happy,
and sharing the sadness
of those who are in sorrow.
Never look down on another person,
but always be positive
in your attitude to others.
Be as concerned
for those who can do nothing for you
in return
as for those who are very close to you.
Break the cycle of evil
- conquer it with goodness.
(Romans 129-18,21)
01-27-2018, 10:48 AM
Let us pray:
Lord, we ask you to inspire us
to encourage others
by what we say and do today.
01-28-2018, 06:32 PM
1 On this day in 1986 the United States’
Space Shuttle “Challenger” roared into
the sky from Cape Canaveral in Florida.
The world’s TV cameras were focused on
the rocket as it carried five men and two
women. One of the women, Christa
McAuliffe (a high school teacher), had
won a contest to be the first “ordinary
person” in space.
2 Millions of people watched live on television
as, suddenly, a minute after blastoff,
“Challenger” exploded
3 In a speech to the people of the United
States, President Ronald Reagan quoted
a few lines from a poem written by a 19-
year old British Second World War pilot,
John Magee, who was killed in an air-collision
in 1941 just three months after writing
the poem. John Magee captures something
of the spirit and adventure of flying,
and talks of having put out his hand and
touched the face of God. We’ll use his
poem to reflect and pray today:
4 Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies
on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed,
and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred
You have not dreamed of
- wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there
I’ve chased the shouting wind along,
and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights
with easy grace,
Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.
01-29-2018, 12:44 PM
Let us pray:
God and Father of all people,
never let me look down on others
or make anyone feel inferior.
Show me how to remove any prejudices
so that
I may appreciate individuals more
for who they are.
Inspire me to live in such a way
that I may discover you
in the people I will meet today.
Gandhi said:
“If you don’t find God
in the very next person you meet,
it is a waste of time
looking for him further.”
01-30-2018, 05:17 PM
Let us pray:
this day and forever,
may I have the courage
never to be afraid of anyone.
May I have the generosity
to bear ill-feeling toward no-one.
Lead me to live in such a way
as to treat others
in the same way
as I would like to be treated.
Inspire me
never to be violent
in thought, word or action,
and lead me
to conquer evil with goodness.
“I shall not fear anyone.
I shall not bear ill-feelings toward anyone.”
01-31-2018, 01:12 PM
John Bosco said:
“Young people should not only be loved
but they must know
that they are loved.”
Let us pray:
Lord, show me how to live today
with genuine concern for others.
In expressing my care,
may I show people
that they are valued,
loved and appreciated
for who they are.
02-01-2018, 08:48 AM
As art is a journey of discovery, Lord,
so may I grow more aware this day
of your life-giving presence.
And so we pray:
Lord, we come before you as we are.
We ask you to take away from us
all that makes us less than human.
Strengthen us
with the power of your Spirit
that our attitude and outlook
may develop,
and our “way of looking”
may become more like yours
Help us to remain positive -
encouraging and appreciating
one another,
looking upon people
in the same way that you do.
02-02-2018, 01:32 PM
A candle may be lit.
1. Today is 40 days after Christmas Day.
The feast is called “Candlemas” or “The
Presentation of the Lord”.
2 It was 40 days after the birth of Jesus
that his parents presented him to God
the Father in the Temple in Jerusalem.
At his Presentation in the Temple, Jesus
was recognised for who he was by two
people - Simeon and Anna. They were
elderly and had spent their lives growing
closer to God. Now they meet him
face to face and recognise him in their
3 Simeon prays: “Now, Master, you can let
your servant die in peace because my eyes
have seen your salvation which you have
prepared for all nations to see. He will be
a light to enlighten all people.”
4. Because Simeon referred to Jesus as the
one who brings light to all nations, candles
are lit this day, and the feastday is
often called “Candlemas”.
5 The response to our prayers will be:
May your light be reflected in us.
May your light be reflected in us.
6 Lord Jesus, 40 days after your birth
you were taken to the Temple
and presented by your parents
to God our Father.
Make us aware that we are the Temple
of your Holy Spirit who lives in us.
May your light be reflected in us
7 Simeon’s eyesight grew dim,
but he recognised who you were.
Open our eyes
that we may always recognise you
in our midst.
May your light be reflected in us
8 Simeon prophesied
that Mary would be pierced
to the heart.
As Mary stayed with Jesus
in his suffering,
we pray that we may help
those who are part of our lives.
May your light be reflected in us.
9 You said
that you are the light of the world.
May your light be reflected in us.
02-03-2018, 08:02 PM
Let’s pray for the gift
of being able to see what is needed:
Lord, there are times
when we are so concerned
about ourselves
that we don’t think of others.
We ask for the gift of your Spirit
that we may grow in awareness
of others:
- noticing when someone is unhappy,
- sensing when there’s something
wrong for somebody,
- seeing when someone feels cut off
or isolated,
- knowing when to say the right word,
- expressing thanks and compliments,
- being thoughtful when someone is ill,
- giving words of encouragement,
- helping someone to feel welcome,
- realising when someone needs the
opportunity to talk.
May we grow in sensitivity
towards others. Amen
02-03-2018, 08:04 PM
February 4
“Lord God,
give me such love
for you and for others
that it will blot out
all hatred and bitterness.”
02-04-2018, 08:56 AM
February 5
Let us pray in the words of Saint Ignatius:
Teach us, good Lord,
to give and not to count the cost;
to fight and not to heed the wounds;
to toil and not to seek for rest;
to labour and to ask for no reward,
save that of knowing
that we do your will.
02-05-2018, 10:27 PM
As it is traditional to have a moment’s
silence at football matches whenever
there has been a disaster, let us pray in
silence for a moment - for ourselves and
for those we know who have suffered
tragedies in their lives. We pray for those
who are hurt and wounded because of
the splitting up of their family, a death,
difficulties with someone, failure, betrayal,
the loss of friends, or a serious
illness. Let us pray in silence, then, for
all who suffer in their lives…
( pause …)
02-06-2018, 10:18 PM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
teach us to distinguish clearly
between right and wrong,
that we may grow in character
and develop a true sense of values
through following Jesus,
your Son and our Brother.
We pray, too, for all
who are in positions of leadership
in our country
that they may be inspired
by the values of the gospel.
We pray that they may live
as people of integrity and honesty,
growing in a sense
of duty and responsibility,
always being aware of the needy,
and ready to be of service to others.
“I die the King’s good servant,
but God’s first.”
02-08-2018, 08:28 AM
Let us pray:
Lord, we ask you to open our eyes
that we may value and appreciate
all people,
recognising what we have in common
rather than focusing
on what our differences might be.
Inspire us to distinguish
between what is important
and what is not,
and open our minds and hearts
that we may always be people
of good will
who bring life and joy to others.
02-09-2018, 03:47 PM
Let’s pray that each of us makes good
use of our talents, and that we set out to
work well with others:
Lord, you have enriched our lives
in many ways,
and we remember with thanksgiving
all who have loved, cared for,
and supported us over the years.
Show us how best
to use the time and talents
you have given each of us,
and lead us to grow in appreciation
of the contribution that others make.
May your Spirit empower us
to work well with others
and bring out the best
in those with whom we share our lives.
02-10-2018, 08:58 AM
Let us pray:
Lord, lover of life,
you know the depths
of my innermost self,
and you understand me.
You protect me on every side,
shielding me from all harm.
When you put me together carefully
in my mother’s womb,
you knew all about me.
I thank you for the wonder of myself
and I stand in awe
at all that you have made.
Guide me in your ways.
(from Psalm 138/9)
02-11-2018, 07:44 PM
Let us pray:
Father, we pray that we may live
cheerfully and patiently and positively
both in sickness and in health.
We bring before you all who are sick
and all who care for them…
Bring healing of one kind or another
to those we know
who are ill, afraid or worried.
We think of those who suffer
from constant sickness or weakness
and those who never get well.
Father, be with them all, and be with us.
02-11-2018, 07:46 PM
February 12
Let us pray:
God our Father, open our eyes
that we may sense the wonder and awe
in the splendour of all your creation -
from the stars
that are large and far away,
to people and the tiniest creatures
near us each day.
Help us to become more aware
of how every living thing is special
and to be treated well.
Lead us to respect and value every person
as unique and important,
made in your image and likeness.
We ask this prayer through Jesus,
who became a human being
because you love our world so much.
02-13-2018, 09:18 AM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
the Bible reminds us
that your love for each of us is great
and that you are faithful for ever,
never letting us down
or forgetting your promises to us.
Inspire us to value friendship and loyalty,
that we may be faithful
to those who love and trust us.
We pray that we may live in such a way
that we may make others feel
welcome and secure.
Show us how
to look upon other people
in the same generous way
that you look upon each of us.
Extend our horizons
that we may understand better
those who are far from us.
02-14-2018, 08:35 AM
Let us pray:
Father, we read in the Bible
that the best way to describe you
is to use the word “Love”.
Your love for mankind is so great
that you sent Jesus, your Son,
to live as one of us.
We pray that we may appreciate
and value one another.
God of love,
lead us to grow in love. Amen
02-15-2018, 02:44 AM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
there are many difficulties
and challenges in life,
and we see or experience
more of them
each day we live.
Give us the power of your Holy Spirit
that we may have courage and
and may live in such a way
that we encourage one another.
Enable us to transform
whatever is negative,
and remain positive in attitude
throughout our lives.
Lighten our darkness
and keep us safe. Amen.
02-16-2018, 07:54 AM
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
as you touched
the eyes of the blind man,
touch us
so that our eyes may be opened
so that we can “really see”
the many wonderful things around us
and in our own lives.
02-17-2018, 08:59 AM
Let us pray:
Inspire us, Lord,
to take the gospel more seriously,
that we may be credible witnesses
of your love. Amen.
02-18-2018, 12:59 PM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
give us the power of your Spirit
that we may see and love in others
what you see and love in them.
We want to see the positive in people
and bring out the best in each other.
It’s easy to say that,
but not always easy to live it out,
and so we ask you
to help and inspire us
to live as you would like us to live
this day.
02-19-2018, 11:42 AM
Let us pray to be appreciative
of all who influence our lives,
including many whom we will never
God our Father, I thank you today
for those people
whom I will never know
who make my life better
for what they offer
- those far away, and those very near.
More and more
may I come to appreciate and respect
everyone who is a part of my life.
02-20-2018, 03:42 AM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
we pray that we may grow
in such a way
as to be welcoming to other people,
and generous in every way
to those people we don’t agree with.
Lead us to appreciate others
in the same way
that we would like to be appreciated.
Never let us look down on others,
or consider anyone
to be less than ourselves.
Show us how to be open-minded
and able to learn from each other
so that, together,
we may grow as the people
you invite us to be.
Voltaire’s words were:
“I do not agree with what you say,
but I would be prepared to die
to defend your right to say it.”
02-21-2018, 10:09 AM
Let us pray:
Dear God,
I am powerless and my life is unmanageable without
your help and guidance. I come to you today because
I believe that You can restore and anew me to meet my
needs today.
Since I cannot manage my life and affairs,
I have decided to give them to You.
I put my life, my will, my thoughts,
my desires and ambitions in Your hands.
I give You all of me: the good and the bad,
the character defects and shortcomings,
my selfishness, resentments and problems.
I know that You will work them out in accordance
with Your plan.
Such as I am, take and use me in Your service.
Guide and direct my ways and show me what to
do for You. I cannot control or change my friends
or loved ones, so I release them into Your care
for Your loving hands to do with as You will.
Just keep me loving and free from judging them.
If they need changing, God You'll have to do it; I can't.
Just make me willing and ready to be of service to You,
to have my shortcomings removed, and to do my best.
Help me to see how I have harmed others and make me
willing to make amends to them all. Keep me ever mindful
of thoughts and actions that harm myself and others,
and which separate me from Your light, love and spirit.
And when I commit these errors, make me aware of them
and help me to admit each one promptly.
I am seeking to know You better, to love You more.
I am seeking the knowledge of Your will for me and the
power to carry it out. Lord, teach me patience, and
remind me that it is hard work, but well worth the labor.
Guide me in all I do to remember that waiting is the
answer to some of my prayers, and that when I need
You, You will be there to help me.
Amen ~ Amen
02-22-2018, 09:18 PM
In the Bible we find this passage from
Saint Paul about filling our minds with
good things.
“I want you to be happy,
always happy in the Lord.
I repeat, what I want is your happiness.
Let your tolerance be evident to everyone:
the Lord is very near.
There is no need to worry:
but if there is anything you need,
pray for it,
asking God for it
with prayer and thanksgiving,
and that peace of God,
which is so much greater
than we can understand,
will guard your hearts and your thoughts
in Christ Jesus.
Finally, fill your minds
with everything that is true,
everything that is noble,
everything that is good and pure,
everything that we love and honour,
and everything
that can be thought virtuous
or worthy of praise…
Then the God of peace will be with you.”
Let’s pause for a moment in silent prayer,
asking that our minds be filled with all that
is good…
The scripture is Philippians 44-9: Jerusalem
02-23-2018, 10:45 AM
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
you called Zacchaeus by his name
and enabled him to grow.
I ask you to enter my life
in a new way this day
that I may grow
in stature and wisdom and grace
as the person you call me to be.
Inspire me to follow you more closely
and help me to live in such a way
that I encourage others
and bring life to them.
No one is small in your eyes;
let no one be small in mine.
02-24-2018, 08:11 AM
We’ll use as our prayer some words written
by the father-in-law of Mohammad:
I thank you, Lord,
for knowing me
better than I know myself.
I thank you for letting me know myself
better than others know me.
Make me, I ask you then,
better than they suppose I am,
and forgive me
for what they do not know.
02-25-2018, 06:49 AM
Let us pray, using some words from one of
the psalms in the Bible:
I thank you, Lord,
for the wonder of myself,
and for the wonders of all your creation.
(Psalm 139)
This prayer is so short that it can be
memorised and simply repeated at odd
moments during the day, and no-one
else would ever know that you were praying.
Some people find it’s helpful to do
this with a very short prayer, simply repeating
it slowly a few times throughout
the day. It is a way that many people use
to grow in the awareness that God is with
them. They realise that, if they really live
in God’s presence, they can only be positive
and joyful and loving.
Some examples of short phrases to memorise
and use as occasional prayers:
I thank you
for your faithfulness and love.
You stretch out your hand
and save me.
(Psalm 137/138)
Jesus, remember me
when you come into your kingdom.
(Luke 2342)
Lord, you know that I love you.
(John 17)
The things, good Lord, that we pray for,
give us your grace to work for.
(St Thomas More)
Let us remember
that we are in the presence of God.
And let us adore him.
02-26-2018, 09:02 PM
Let us pray:
Lord, be the foundation
on which I build my life.
May my door be wide enough
that I may be welcoming,
inviting others to grow.
May my door be narrow enough
to keep out what is not good.
May I build no walls
that keep anyone out,
but build your Kingdom
together with all whom you give me
as my brothers and sisters -
valuing all who are a part of my life.
May I live in such a way
that those “who trespass against” me
- who hurt me -
may know my forgiveness and generosity
- as I know yours.
Surround me with your love
and shield me from all harm.
"Let us pray:
Lord, be the foundation
on which I build my life.
May my door be wide enough
that I may be welcoming,
inviting others to grow.
May my door be narrow enough
to keep out what is not good.
May I build no walls
that keep anyone out,
but build your Kingdom
together with all whom you give me
as my brothers and sisters -
valuing all who are a part of my life.
May I live in such a way
that those “who trespass against” me
- who hurt me -
may know my forgiveness and generosity
- as I know yours.
Surround me with your love
and shield me from all harm.
"If you seek his monument,
look around you.”
02-27-2018, 06:10 PM
Let’s pray for peace in parts of our world
where there is war and violence and
bloodshed. We pray in the words of what
is called “The Universal Prayer for Peace”
- a prayer that is used in many countries
and in many different languages:
O God,
lead us from death to life,
from falsehood to truth.
Lead us from despair to hope,
from fear to trust.
Lead us from hate to love,
from war to peace.
Let peace fill our hearts,
our world, our universe. Amen.
(‘The Universal Prayer of Peace’)
02-28-2018, 05:25 AM
1 The words “Do not be afraid” appear 366
times throughout the whole of the Bible
- as though it is a daily message for each
day of a leap year. “Do not be afraid” is a
very basic message of the Bible.
2 The angel tells Mary not to be afraid
when she is asked to be the mother of
Jesus. Joseph is told not to be afraid, but
to take Mary as his wife, and the shepherds
in the fields were told not to be
3 Jesus calls Simon Peter to follow him,
telling him not to be afraid. When Jesus
walks on the water towards his disciples
in their boat, he sees what they are like
and says: “Have courage, don’t be afraid;
it’s me!”
4 Jesus says: “No one is forgotten in God’s
sight. There’s no need to be afraid, because
you are precious. Don’t worry about the
future.” When Jesus rises from the dead,
he says to his friends: “Don’t be afraid…I
leave you my peace.”
5 Let’s pause for a moment in silence, remembering
that God calls each of us by
name and tells each of us not to be afraid.
Let’s pause for a moment and each simply
repeat those words in silence a few
times - “Do not be afraid” - starting with
our own name.
03-01-2018, 03:20 AM
It is not only amidst our joys and hopes
but also in our grief and anguish, Lord,
that you are with us.
Sustain us today in your love
Let us pray:
Lord of life,
we give you thanks
for the beauty of creation,
and we rejoice
when we see signs of new life.
May we be Spring to others
and never Winter.
03-02-2018, 12:24 PM
The passage written at the original source isn't applicable. This is my choice.
This is the prayer when I am filled with resentment:
"This person who offended me, is a sick person. God save me from being angry. I need to avoid retaliation or argument. I wouldn't treat a sick people this way. If I do, I will destroy my chances of being helpful to them. God help me show them the same tolerance, pity, and patience that I would cheerfully grant a sick friend. I cannot be helpful to all people, but at least, God show me how to take a kindly and tolerant view of this person and all else that I feel angry with or hurt. How can I be helpful to this person? Your will be done. Show me my part in this problem and show me if I need to make amends. I know fear and pride are an underlying problem in this situation. Fear somehow touches about every aspect of my relationships. It is an evil and corroding thread. It has set in motion trains of circumstances which brought me misfortune I felt I didn't deserve. But, somehow this fear started with me and my reactions. I know I always want to run the show but now You are my director. I am in the world to play the role You assigned me. Just to the extent that I do as I think You would have me, and humbly rely on You, You will enable me to match calamity with serenity.
Demonstrate, through me what You can do. I ask You to remove my resentment fear and direct my attention to what You would have me be."
- unknown
03-02-2018, 11:15 PM
Bringing this prayer forward as I need it in today.
The Other Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity to stop beating myself for not doing things perfectly, the courage to forgive myself because I'm working on doing better, and the wisdom to know that You love me just the way I am.
03-03-2018, 11:01 AM
Let us pray:
Lord, you have watched me grow
in my mother’s womb,
and I know that you love
all that you have made.
Help me to transform
my difficulties and disabilities
into opportunities for growth.
Shine the light of your Spirit on me
that I may grow
as the person you are calling me to be.
Inspire me
to develop the talents
you have given me
for the benefit and the service
of those people
you have placed in my life.
May each of us
become a blessing for others.
03-04-2018, 01:42 PM
Let us pray:
into your hands I place my successes.
Into your hands
I also place my failures,
and I pray that, through your Spirit,
I may face the challenges of life
with courage and determination.
Help me to think anew
and see things more broadly
than in terms of “success”
and “failure”.
Lead me always to trust
and place myself confidently
in your hands.
03-05-2018, 08:53 AM
Let us pray in the words of Saint Ignatius:
Teach us, good Lord,
to give and not to count the cost;
to fight and not to heed the wounds;
to toil and not to seek for rest;
to labour and to ask for no reward,
save that of knowing
that we do your will.
03-06-2018, 11:40 AM
Let us pray that people be inspired to
appreciate all that is good and beneficial
around them. Let us pray that good
decisions be reached concerning the environment
- decisions that look to our
heritage as well as to our needs.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
Let us pray for those who are concerned
about their health and their future. We
pray for people in physical pain, for those
who make little progress, and for those
who will never get better.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
Let us pray for all who are sad, and for
all who have had bitter experiences in
their lives. Let us pray that we may be
protected from all that may harm us.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer
03-07-2018, 12:04 PM
Let us pray:
Praise the Lord, all you nations.
Speak to him, all people of the earth,
because his love is great
and he is always faithful.
(Psalm 117)
03-08-2018, 09:00 AM
The prayer that I normally post isn't fitting, at least not to my eyes.
Let us pray:
I pray that I may recognize the goodness I see in others. May I acknowledge and affirm the source is reflected from within me. Amen.
03-09-2018, 10:53 PM
Let us pray:
Lord God,
Creator of light,
at the rising of your sun each morning
let the greatest of all lights - your love
- rise, like the sun, within my heart.
03-10-2018, 05:49 PM
Let us pray
that each of us develops
the skills and talents
we have been given,
and that we remain open and sensitive
to all that is around us.
Lord, hear us - Lord, graciously hear us.
Let us pray that we may live in such a way
that we use things and love people,
instead of using people
and loving things.
Lord, hear us - Lord, graciously hear us
We pray that we may value and treasure
all who come into our lives
- not just for what they can do,
but for who they are.
Let us pray that we live in such a way
as to express appreciation
by the way we look at people
and in what we say.
Lord, hear us - Lord, graciously hear us
03-11-2018, 11:04 AM
Today is the anniversary of the death of
Alexander Fleming - 11th March 1955.
Let’s reflect and pray:
I shall pass through this world but once.
Therefore, any good that I can do,
any kind act that I can perform
for any fellow-creature,
let me do it now.
Let me not delay or omit it,
for I shall not pass this way again.
(attributed to Stephen Grellet)
03-13-2018, 02:14 AM
Let us pause for a moment in silent
prayer, thinking of all who suffer prejudice
and persecution because of their
race, colour, religion or political views…
God our Father,
you call each of us by name
and you know
the innermost thoughts
that we keep to ourselves.
Stay with us, day by day,
in good times and in bad.
Empower us with your Spirit
that we may grow in character
and develop a true sense of values
and ideals
through following Jesus,
your Son and our Brother.
03-13-2018, 02:16 AM
Let us pray:
inspire us to act justly, love tenderly,
and walk humbly with you, our God.
Breathe upon us your Spirit of peace
that we may be
bearers of reconciliation
wherever you place us.
May there be peace in our hearts,
in our homes, in our land,
and between all people.
03-14-2018, 10:38 PM
Let us pray:
Father, preserve in us
a sense of wonder
at the marvels of life.
May all that we see around us
lead us to you. Amen.
03-15-2018, 10:06 AM
And so we pray:
May we learn
to value and appreciate one another,
bringing out the best
in those around us.
May what is not good
die within us,
and may we bring life to all we meet.
03-16-2018, 09:03 AM
Let us pray for the needy and hungry of
our world:
God our Father,
we think of the beauty of the world
which you proclaimed to be good,
but we are also conscious
of our misuse
of what you have given to us.
Our governments
spend money in our name
maintaining “butter mountains”
and “wine lakes”,
and we subsidise farmers
to “set aside” land
so that less food is produced
- even though
our brothers and sisters
die each day from hunger.
On our paper money
we print the images
of famous people,
yet often do not treasure and uphold
the dignity of all who are made
in your image and likeness.
Open our hearts
to be influenced for good,
and inspire us
to touch the hearts of others.
Enable us to change the things
that contradict your love,
and may all your people
work and grow together
as brothers and sisters.
03-17-2018, 07:08 AM
We’ll use one of St Patrick’s prayers:
Let us pray:
Christ be with me and within me.
Christ be behind me and before me.
Christ be beside me
to comfort and restore me.
Christ be below and above me
in peace and in danger.
Christ be within the hearts
of all who love me.
Christ be in the words
of friend and stranger.
03-18-2018, 03:20 AM
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
lead us to grow in your image
and become more fully human.
Lead us to respect and value
all other people
that we may work together
for justice for all
and the building of your kingdom.
03-19-2018, 07:09 PM
Let’s pray
for those with the disease of leprosy.
Let’s pray, too,
for all who are cut off from others,
for all who are isolated in life,
and for those whose commitment
costs them greatly.
Let’s pray for AIDS victims,
and for all who experience prejudice.
help us to see and love in others
what you see and love in them.
03-20-2018, 07:17 PM
Let us pray:
Lord, I pray for gifts and talents
that will help me and other people.
As I pray for these gifts
I know, too,
that I will need to work hard
at developing them
- to become more patient,
- to grow in wisdom,
- and to be faithful in friendship.
May I be as faithful to others
as you are to me.
03-21-2018, 07:56 AM
Let us pray:
you have made all people
in your own likeness,
and you love all that you have made.
Your Son was born
as a member of a Jewish family,
and was recognised
by wise men from the east.
He rejoiced in the faith
of a Roman soldier
and a Syrian woman,
and he praised Samaritans
for their attitude and good works.
He welcomed the Greeks
who searched for him,
and he was helped to carry his cross
by an African.
Father, may our human family
not become separated from you
by building barriers
of race and colour,
of class and belief.
Inspire us to recognise
that we are all made
in your image and likeness,
so that we may grow
in appreciation of all people,
and encourage each other
to grow in pride
in who we are
and who we are called to be.
May we recognise your Son in our midst,
and live truly as brothers and sisters.
03-22-2018, 02:04 AM
We don’t know who wrote this prayer, but
we make it our own today:
O Lord, remember not only
the men and women of good will,
but also those of ill will.
But do not remember
all the suffering
they have inflicted on us.
Remember instead
the good things that have come to us
thanks to this suffering -
our comradeship, our loyalty,
our humility, our courage,
our generosity,
and the greatness of heart
which have all grown out of this.
And when they come to judgement,
let all the good things
that have come out of this
be their forgiveness.
03-23-2018, 06:22 AM
Let us pray that we use our time well:
it is in this place and in this time
that you want me to grow.
You give me the time I need
to live as you want me to live.
Help me to use
my time and opportunities wisely.
Help me to value and treasure
all the people you put into my life,
and lead me to live in thankfulness.
03-24-2018, 11:08 AM
Let us pray:
Lord, we bring before you
all who are imprisoned unjustly
and all who are tortured.
We think of those people who live in fear
of injustice and repression.
We pray that the minds of those
who abuse others
may be turned
to what is good and honourable.
May those of us who live in freedom
not take our heritage for granted,
but be of good influence
in leading others
to value one another
as brothers and sisters.
03-25-2018, 10:39 AM
The regular prayer is not applicable
The Fear Prayer from the 12 Step Prayer Book:
God, thank You for helping me to be honest
Enough to see the truth about myself.
Thank you or showing me my fears,
Please help me remove them
Help me outgrow my fears,
The fears that have haunted me
And blocked me from doing Your will
Direct my attention to what you would have me be.
03-27-2018, 01:44 PM
Peace Prayer
May the people on this planet be changed.
Changed from hatred to love,
Changed from greed to giving,
Changed from selfishness to selflessness,
Changed from apathy to action,
Changed from jealousy to joy over someone's accomplishments,
Changed from intolerance to acceptance,
Changed from being destructive to being constructive,
Changed from fighting to peace,
Changed from killing to protecting life,
Changed from censorship to freedom,
Changed from ignorance to education,
Changed from fearing our differences to rejoicing our variety.
May we each take it upon ourselves to feed the hungry, cure the sick,
house the homeless, educate the illiterate, love the unloved,
compete to do the right thing instead of winning at any cost,
be heroes that teach our children to
make the world a better place instead of glorifying violence and war,
stand up and speak out against things that are wrong
instead of sitting back and waiting for someone else,
demand honesty from our governments,
demand honesty from ourselves.
May we each take responsibility for our own actions
and realize that by refusing to change ourselves,
we condone all the evils in the world.
If one person changes, they teach others by example,
who in turn change and teach more,
one person becomes as a pebble rolling down a mountain,
picking up more pebbles as it continues,
becoming an avalanche of change.
It can happen, it must happen, it will happen.
To make this prayer work, you have to change yourself.
Copyright 1997 Don Morris.
03-27-2018, 01:47 PM
Let us pray:
We know, Lord,
that there are many radio waves
travelling through this room
at the moment,
but we need a radio
to be able to tune in
to the different frequencies.
Isn’t it a bit like that with prayer, Lord,
“tuning in” to your presence with us?
4 We remember that you said
that you would be with us,
so we do know in our minds
that you are present.
But there’s a difference
between knowing that you’re present
and growing in the faith
that you are beside us
We ask for the power of your Spirit
in our lives each day,
so that we may live more fully
in your presence.
Only then will our attitude
and words and actions
better reflect yours.
03-28-2018, 11:20 AM
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
I give you my hands
- to do your work.
I give you my feet
- to go your way.
I give you my eyes
- to see as you do.
I give you my tongue
- to speak your words.
I give you my mind
- that you may think in me.
I give you my spirit
- that you may pray in me.
Above all, I give you my heart
that you may love, in me,
your Father and all mankind.
I give you my whole self
that you may grow in me,
so that it is you, Lord Jesus,
who live and work and pray in me.
Grail Prayer
03-29-2018, 09:52 AM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
your love for our world
and for each of us individually
is so great
that you sent Jesus, your Son,
to live fully as one of us.
May he lead us to live in peace
and work well with each other
to build your kingdom
in our world which you love so much.
May your Spirit unite us
and lead us to appreciate and value
all who are different from ourselves.
03-30-2018, 11:33 AM
Let us pray:
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord shine his face upon you.
May he show you his loving kindness
and bring you peace. Amen.
(Numbers 624)
03-30-2018, 11:34 AM
Let us pray:
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord shine his face upon you.
May he show you his loving kindness
and bring you peace. Amen.
(Numbers 624)
03-31-2018, 08:04 AM
Let us pray:
God our Father, open our eyes
to the beauty of your creation.
Inspire us to appreciate
all the wonders of life.
May all that we see lead us to you.
04-01-2018, 02:02 PM
Lead me this day, Lord,
not only to be of service to others
but to ensure
that I find quiet moments
for myself and for you.
Let us pray:
Slow me down, Lord!
Ease the pounding of my heart
by the quietening and calming
of my mind.
Break the tensions
of my nerves and muscles
with the soothing music
of the singing streams
that live in my memory.
Give me, amidst the confusion
of the day,
the calmness of the everlasting hills.
Steady my hurried pace
with a vision
of your eternal reach of time,
and restore and heal me
in the hours of sleep.
Teach me the art
of appreciating what is ordinary:
of slowing down
to look at and become more aware
of the beauty around me;
to take time to be with others,
to sit and enjoy music
or a good book
- to give myself time for myself.
Remind me each day
of the fable
of the hare and the tortoise,
that I may know
that the race is not always
to the swift;
that there is more to life
than increasing its speed.
Remind me each day
of the fable
of the hare and the tortoise,
that I may know
that the race is not always
to the swift;
that there is more to life
than increasing its speed.
They must know i need a long prayer for my birthday. ;)
04-02-2018, 11:59 AM
Let us pray:
Jesus, Friend and Brother,
may we know you more clearly,
love you more dearly,
and follow you more nearly,
day by day.
04-03-2018, 03:10 PM
Let us pray:
Lord, we ask
that we may have the vision
to see when something is not right
and then try to do something
about it:
- that we may notice
when someone is unhappy
or isn’t well,
and set out to encourage them;
- that we may notice
when someone feels left out,
and then do what we can
to help them feel part of things;
- that we may notice
when something needs to be done,
and then get on with it.
Lord, we ask that we may notice
all that is around us,
and live in a positive
and cheerful way.
04-04-2018, 07:36 AM
Let us pray:
into your hands I place my successes.
Into your hands
I also place my failures,
and I pray that, through your Spirit,
I may face the challenges of life
with courage and determination.
Help me to think anew
and see things more broadly
than in terms of “success”
and “failure”.
Lead me always to trust
and place myself confidently
in your hands.
04-05-2018, 04:07 PM
Let’s pray
in the words of St Francis of Assisi:
Lord, make me an instrument
of your peace:
where there is hatred,
let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning
that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying
that we are born to eternal life.
While we say this pray, let us include Lonny's family.
04-06-2018, 10:30 AM
Let us pray:
Lord, inspire me to give of my best
and make good use
of the talents you have given me.
Show me how to be positive in attitude,
appreciating and valuing others,
always being ready to encourage
and give praise.
Sometimes I draw conclusions
about people
in terms of what I think
is meant by “success” and “failure”,
but the “failure” of one person
might count as a great “success”
of someone with other talents.
Lead me never to judge people
but to accept others as they are,
knowing that it is together,
each with our differences,
that we build up your Kingdom.
04-07-2018, 11:17 AM
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
you invite each of us by name
and you call us “friends”.
Lead us to show
as much respect and care for others
as we would like them to show for us.
Help us to look for
and bring out the best
in all who share our lives this day.
04-08-2018, 03:27 PM
Let us pray:
Loving Father,
to you the dead do not die
and, in death, our life is changed
- not ended.
We believe
that all that binds us together
in love and friendship
does not end with death.
Hear our prayers for those close to us
who have died.
As you have made each of them
in your image and likeness
and have called them by name,
hold them safe in your love
in your kingdom
of light, happiness and peace.
Your Son told us
that those who mourn are “blessed”,
because only those
who love greatly can mourn.
Bless us this day
with the warmth of your love
as we mourn those we have lost.
04-09-2018, 09:00 AM
Abraham Lincoln wrote a prayer about
injustice and war and all who suffer in
war. We use Lincoln’s words today, as we
pray for those who need justice and healing
and peace in their lives:
Grant, O merciful God,
that with malice toward none,
with charity to all,
with firmness in the right
as you give us to see the right,
we may strive to finish
the work we are in:
to bind up the nation’s wounds,
to care for those
who have borne the battle
and for their widows and orphans,
to do all which may achieve and cherish
a just and lasting peace
among ourselves and with all nations.
04-10-2018, 02:27 PM
Let’s simply spend a few moments in
silence, reflecting on how wealthy we are,
compared with the majority of people
throughout the world…
Let us pray:
Lord, that we may live simply
so that others may simply live.
04-11-2018, 10:57 PM
April 11
Let us pray:
God our Father,
amidst the vastness of space
you treasure mankind
and you call each of us by name.
You so love our world
that, in the fullness of time,
you sent Jesus, your Son,
to live among us.
Inspire us each day
to live in wonder and appreciation
of all that is around us,
and may your love,
seen fully in Jesus, your Son,
surround us this day and for ever.
04-11-2018, 11:01 PM
April 12
Let us pray:
Lord, our God and King,
your greatness is seen
throughout the earth.
When I gaze at the heavens
which your fingers have formed,
and look at the moon and the stars
which you have set there,
I realise how small we are
in the majesty of your creation.
Yet you treasure us
above all that you have made,
and you give us control
over all the works of your hand
- animals both wild and tame,
birds in the air,
and the creatures of the sea.
Lord, our God and King,
your greatness is seen
throughout the earth.
(Psalm 8, paraphrased).
04-12-2018, 03:54 PM
April 13
Let us pray:
God our Father,
may all that we see and experience
lead us to grow
in wonder and respect,
that we may value and be thankful
for everything in our lives each day.
Inspire us to choose wisely
and live positively,
and make good use
of our knowledge and talents,
both for ourselves
and for the benefit of others.
04-14-2018, 10:09 PM
April 14
6 Let’s pray in silence for all who are
Let’s pray for those who care for people
who have suffered tragedies in their
Let’s pray for courage when we will face
difficult times…
Let’s pray for those who place their own
safety at risk for the good of others - for
all members of the rescue services....
04-14-2018, 10:19 PM
April 15
Let’s pause in silence for a moment for all
who suffer tragedies in their lives…
✍ Could use the prayer from 8 April.
✍ The author of the poem has not been traced.
Abide with me; The Lord’s my shepherd
Abide with Me Lyrics
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide;
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me.
Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see—
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.
I need Thy presence every passing hour;
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s pow’r?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.
I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness;
Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.
Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies;
Heav’n’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.
04-16-2018, 10:35 PM
April 16
Let us pray for the needy and hungry of
our world:
God our Father,
we think of the beauty of the world
which you proclaimed to be good,
but we are also conscious
of our misuse
of what you have given to us.
Our governments
spend money in our name
maintaining “butter mountains”
and “wine lakes”,
and we subsidise farmers
to “set aside” land
so that less food is produced
- even though
our brothers and sisters
die each day from hunger.
On our paper money
we print the images
of famous people,
yet often do not treasure and uphold
the dignity of all who are made
in your image and likeness.
Open our hearts
to be influenced for good,
and inspire us
to touch the hearts of others.
Enable us to change the things
that contradict your love,
and may all your people
work and grow together
as brothers and sisters.
04-16-2018, 10:36 PM
April 17
Let’s pause for a moment and remember
that we are in God’s presence at this time.
We’ll use one of St Patrick’s prayers:
Let us pray:
Christ be with me and within me.
Christ be behind me and before me.
Christ be beside me
to comfort and restore me.
Christ be below and above me
in peace and in danger.
Christ be within the hearts
of all who love me.
Christ be in the words
of friend and stranger
04-17-2018, 06:42 PM
April 17
Let us pray:
Lord, give me patience and tolerance
with everyone.
Lord, show me
how to be kind and generous
to everyone.
Lord, help me
to live positively and cheerfully
for everyone.
04-17-2018, 06:43 PM
April 18
Let us pray:
Lord our God,
you give different gifts to each of us
and you are pleased
when we use our gifts well.
Inspire each of us to reach our potential
and use our gifts
for the benefit of others.
Enable us by the power of your Spirit
to grow in faith
and in imagination and creativity,
living a life for others
that is worthwhile.
04-18-2018, 03:49 AM
April 19
4 Let us pray:
In the name of God, who is merciful:
All praise be to God,
who is the Lord of everything.
We serve no-one but you, our God,
and you are the only one
to whom we turn for help.
Keep us away from the path
of those who stray from you.
Guide us instead
on the way we should go
- on the path
of those whom you have blessed.
04-19-2018, 04:57 AM
April 20
Let’s pray the shortest psalm in the Bible.
It invites people - not of any single
country but the people of all nations - to
give praise to God:
Let us pray:
Praise the Lord, all you nations.
Speak to him, all people of the earth,
because his love is great
and he is always faithful.
(Psalm 117)
04-20-2018, 11:39 PM
April 21
Let us pray:
Father, that I may treat others
as I would like them to treat me.
That I may forgive others
as I would like them to forgive me.
That I may encourage
and compliment others
in the same way
that I would like them
to encourage me.
That I may see and love in others
what I would like them
to see and love in me.
These things I ask
through Christ our Lord.
04-22-2018, 02:32 PM
We read of the prophets (God’s spokesmen)
in the Old Testament. One of the
prophets was called Micah. He spoke
very simply about three qualities that are
needed to live a good life:
“To act justly,
to love tenderly,
and to walk humbly with God
(Micah 68)
We make that our prayer today:
That we may act justly,
love tenderly,
and walk humbly with you, our God.
They are easy words to remember, and
they are the kind of words that some
people learn and repeat a few times during
the day, reminding themselves that
God is with them.
04-22-2018, 02:34 PM
April 23
Let’s take these ideas and pray:
Lord, as you lend me life,
lend me a heart full of thankfulness,
that I may treasure good friends
and be appreciative
of all who are part of my life.
Inspire me each day
to live positively and cheerfully,
living in such a way
that I express thanks
and encouragement
to others,
so that, together,
we may bring out the best
in each other.
04-23-2018, 04:46 PM
April 24
6 Let us pray:
Loving Lord,
we need the power of your Spirit
in our lives
to build on what is good,
and to help change
what needs to be changed.
We pray that we may be faithful
in responding to your call to grow
as the people you have called us to be,
that we may ring out your praises
through the way we live each day.
04-24-2018, 06:21 PM
April 25
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
we remember that you said
that you would be with us,
so we do know in our minds
that you are present.
But there’s a difference
between knowing that you’re present
and growing in the faith
that you are beside us.
We ask for the power of your Spirit
in our lives each day,
so that we may live more fully
in your presence.
Only then will our attitude
and words and actions
better reflect yours. Amen.
04-26-2018, 04:40 PM
April 26
Let us pray:
God our Father,
with the gifts you have given to us
we have responsibilities and duties.
Lead us to do our best
and act responsibly.
Give us courage
when we face difficulties.
Inspire us to make our choices wisely,
always remembering
that there are consequences
to what we choose to do.
04-26-2018, 04:42 PM
April 27
Let us pray:
Bless our nation, Lord,
and let your mercy come among us.
Let justice triumph in our land
as we live and strive for freedom.
Let our people stand before you
as you come to judge us.
Stretch out your hands, O Lord,
and have compassion on us.
04-27-2018, 10:57 PM
April 28
Let us pray:
God our Father,
inspire us with a great respect
for all human life
from the time of the child
growing in the womb
to the point of death.
May that respect lead us
to grow in a sense of responsibility
for all our brothers and sisters
throughout the world,
knowing that,
where one person suffers
and is degraded,
all of humanity
is belittled and abused.
May we grow in a sense of love and care
for those less fortunate
than ourselves,
and lead us to do something
about the difficulties in our world.
* I will never forget you, my people;
Oh the word of my Lord; Do not be
04-29-2018, 04:50 AM
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
when you met Zacchaeus,
the tax collector
whom everyone hated,
you looked at him
and called him by his name.
In doing that,
you gave him back his dignity,
and he changed his life around.
He was able to see himself
in a better way,
and so he gave back to others
the money he had cheated
from them.
Lead us to show respect
for each person as an individual,
treating others in the same way
that we would like to be treated.
04-30-2018, 09:05 AM
April 30
6 Let us pray for all who suffer
from hatred and prejudice,
from abuse and ill-treatment,
and for all who are victims
of other people.
Let us pray, too,
for the people of violence,
that they may change their ways
and learn to respect others.
Let us pray for ourselves,
that when we face
what is negative or evil
we may have
the courage and generosity
to break the cycle of violence,
taking responsibility
for the direction
in which we want our lives to go.
Let us pray
that we may always do to others
as we would wish them to do to us.
05-01-2018, 01:52 AM
I come into your presence, Father,
and ask that you help me
to be as trusting and close to you
as many little children are with their parents.
May my life today reflect
that you rejoice in my company.
May I rejoice in yours.
Let us pray:
On this day, Lord,
we can celebrate
many achievements of humanity
as a whole,
but never let us forget
that each and every individual
needs to be held in respect.
We pray today for the unemployed
and for those unable to work,
and we ask you to give success
to the work of our hands. Amen.
05-03-2018, 01:03 AM
May 2
Let us pray:
God our Father, open our eyes
to see the vision
that you have for each of us,
and lead us to grow in confidence
in who we are,
and in the faith
that you call each of us by name.
Show us how to live in such a way
that we respect and accept others
for who they are,
and do not judge them
as we ourselves
do not want to be judged.
Inspire us to be generous
in praising others
and in showing appreciation
for their achievements.
05-03-2018, 01:05 AM
May 3
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
we read in the Gospels
that you brought healing
and acceptance
to many people,
In your love
stretch out your hands
and touch me
and bring healing and wholeness
in my life. Amen.
05-03-2018, 08:40 PM
May 4
Let us pray:
O God, we are conscious
that many centuries of blindness
have blinded our eyes
so that we no longer see the beauty
of your Chosen People.
Across the centuries
our Jewish brothers and sisters
have lain in the blood which we drew
or caused to be shed
by forgetting your love.
Forgive us for the curse
we falsely attached
to their name as Jews.
Forgive us
for crucifying you a second time
in their flesh.
For we knew not what we did. Amen.
05-05-2018, 05:08 PM
May 5
Let us pray:
lead us to be peace-makers,
building connections
between individuals,
focusing on what unites people
rather than on what separates us
and highlights our differences.
Lord, it’s easy to harm relationships;
give us the power of your Spirit
that we may build up and make new
the bonds between people.
05-05-2018, 05:08 PM
May 6
Let us pray:
Lord, each of us
has different talents and abilities.
We ask you to inspire us
to discover and develop
the best within us.
Lead us to be
both humble and generous
in praising others
for the good use of their talents.
05-06-2018, 07:08 PM
May 7
2 O God, give me strength
to be victorious over myself.
O guide my spirit
and raise me up
from these dark depths,
so that
I may fearlessly struggle upward
in fiery flight.
For it is you alone, Lord,
who understand me
and can inspire me. Amen.
05-07-2018, 11:37 AM
May 8
Lord, God of peace,
we thank you for the hopes,
the efforts and the achievements
which your Spirit of peace
has inspired in our days
- stirring up love where there was hate,
sympathy where there was suspicion,
care where there was indifference.
Open our minds and our hearts
even more
to the specific demands
which love for others makes upon us,
so that we may be more truly
makers of peace.
Remember, God of mercies,
those who are oppressed,
those who are suffering and dying
for the birth of a world
in which all people
will be more truly
a single human family.
May your kingdom come
for all people of every race and language
- your kingdom of justice,
of peace, of love,
and may all the earth
be filled with your glory.
We make our prayer
through Jesus Christ,
the Prince of Peace. Amen.
05-09-2018, 01:04 PM
May 9
Let us pray:
God of all nations and all people,
inspire us
to live in your presence each day.
On our journey through life
lead us to choose
the right direction,
and show us
how to respect and value others,
even if we do not agree with them.
May we find other people
as willing to help us
as we are willing to help them.
05-09-2018, 01:05 PM
May 10
Let us pray:
We know, Lord,
that throughout our lives
each of us will experience
problems and difficulties.
Give us courage and strength
at those times
and prevent us then
from looking only at ourselves.
Keep our vision wide
so that, even in times of difficulty,
we may still be of help to others.
Help us not to be bitter
towards people or situations,
but empower us
to take the initiative
and break the cycle
of hatred, bitterness,
and evil actions.
Help us to transform
the difficulties that come our way
into opportunities for
personal growth
and service of others. Amen.
05-11-2018, 12:26 PM
May 11
We’ll use as our prayer today some words
used every day by A.A. members. This
prayer is often said together at their group
meetings. Let us pray:
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
05-11-2018, 12:27 PM
May 12
Let us pray:
Lord, remind us
that, along with our rights,
each of us
has duties and responsibilities
towards others. Amen.
05-12-2018, 06:39 PM
May 13
Let us pray:
Lord, we pray
for justice and peace in our world.
We pray, too, that those
who use violence as a weapon
may be touched
by the reaction of people
who have been hurt by violence.
Influence each of us, Lord,
to bring justice and peace
to our own part of the world this day.
05-13-2018, 08:54 PM
May 14
Let us pray:
Loving Lord,
I often see on the TV news
examples of inhumanity to others
- people being tortured, abused,
injured or killed.
I need to remind myself
that the commandment “do not kill”
also refers to my attitude
and what I do each day,
because it is in smaller ways
that I can destroy people
if I ignore them
or cut them off
or do them down.
Loving Lord, inspire me
to take care
of the smaller things of life
as well as the bigger issues. Amen.
05-14-2018, 04:17 PM
May 15
Let us pray:
Loving Lord, inspire me
to bring out the best in others
and “touch hearts”
by being welcoming and generous
and always positive in attitude,
showing individuals
that they matter and are important.
May those
who are part of my life this day
treat me in the same way
as I treat them. Amen.
05-15-2018, 01:08 PM
May 16
Let’s pray in silence for a moment
for all who are going through
great difficulties…
(pause… )
Let’s pray in silence
that we may be people
who support and encourage others…
(pause … )
Let’s think in silence for a moment
of two people
to set out to encourage today
(pause … )
05-16-2018, 12:07 PM
May 17
We will use the word of a hymn
by Henry Lyte:
Abide with me,
fast falls the eventide;
the darkness deepens,
Lord, with me abide.
When other helpers fail,
and comforts flee,
help of the helpless,
O abide with me.
Swift to its close
ebbs out life’s little day;
earth’s joys grow dim,
its glories pass away;
change and decay
in all around I see;
O thou who changest not,
abide with me.
I need thy presence
every passing hour;
what but thy grace
can foil the tempter’s power?
Who like thyself
my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine,
O abide with me.
05-17-2018, 05:06 PM
May 18
Let us pray:
Lord, I ask for the gifts
of knowledge and wisdom
and understanding.
What I pray for
I intend to work at,
so that I may be someone
with an open mind,
a thirst for knowledge,
and a wisdom that makes good use
of my knowledge and experience.
I know that any gifts are useless
if I do not also have
love and concern for others,
and so I ask that you inspire me
to live in such a way
that I am caring and compassionate
and promote understanding
between people.
May others respect me, Lord,
as much as I respect them. Amen
05-18-2018, 06:22 PM
May 19
Let us pray:
Lord, most of us
will not become well-known
or be written about
because of great achievements,
but we will be known and loved
for our attitude
and the smaller ordinary things
that we do
that make our part of the world
a better place.
Inspire us, Lord, each day,
to find joy in giving
as well as in receiving,
and lead us to act justly,
love tenderly,
and walk humbly with you, our God.
05-19-2018, 08:22 PM
May 20
In the Church’s Year, May has been called
“the month of Mary”. In our prayer we
can think of the times that Jesus’ Mother
is mentioned in the Gospels as she supports
her Son. We pray:
Mary, chosen by God,
you believed the angel’s message
and became the Mother of Jesus.
You welcomed
shepherds and wise men:
Pray for us, Mary,
that Jesus may live in us.
Mary, you were beside Jesus
at the wedding feast at Cana,
and you noticed
that the servants were worried
that the wine was running out.
You told them to do
whatever Jesus would ask of them,
and then he changed
water into wine
in jars that the servants
had filled to the brim:
Mary, ask your Son
to fill us with the Holy Spirit.
Mary, your love met Jesus, your Son,
as he suffered on the cross:
Mary, in your love, support us
as we carry our crosses
in daily life.
you stayed with the friends of Jesus,
waiting for the Holy Spirit
to change their lives at Pentecost:
Mary, wait with us
and our families and friends
so that we, too,
may receive all the promises
of Jesus, your Son.
05-20-2018, 08:41 AM
May 21
Let us pray:
Lord God,
I can think of some of the chemicals
my body is made of
and the way
the different cells of my body interact,
but I know how much more
a human being really is.
I pray that I may always appreciate
the wonder
of the human body, mind and spirit.
I pray for good health,
an enquiring mind,
and a spirit that seeks all that is good,
knowing that I will only
be fully at rest and in peace
as I live in your presence. Amen.
05-21-2018, 04:56 PM
May 22
Let us pray:
We who weep come to you, Lord,
because you always
share our sorrow.
We who suffer come to you,
knowing that you cure.
We who are afraid come to you,
because you smile on us.
We share in your life
because you share ours
and so we know, God of love,
that “to love another person
is, indeed, to touch your face”.
May we live in your love forever.
Love this:
Les Misérables’ is one of the world’s most
popular musicals. The Finale includes
these words
The words of the Finale:
“To love another person
is to touch the face of God.”
05-23-2018, 01:17 PM
MAY 23
1 We bring before the Lord
those who have recently
been baptised or confirmed
- or who are about to be -
that they may be true to themselves
and may live their faith
in a genuine and credible way.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
2 We pray for our families and friends
that the power of the Holy Spirit
may be in our lives,
so that we may live fully with his gifts
of wisdom and understanding,
of knowledge and right judgement,
of courage and reverence,
and of wonder and awe
in God’s presence.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer
3 Let’s pray for those about to sit exams,
that nothing may prevent them
from doing as well as they deserve.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
4 We pray for all in the mass media
- in TV, radio, films,
newspapers, advertising
and the Internet,
that they may be guided
by good principles
and the best motives.
We pray for wisdom ourselves
that, amidst the influences
and pressures around us,
we may make good decisions
and grow in wisdom and character
each day.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
05-23-2018, 11:49 PM
May 24
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, you promised
to be with your people always,
and so we know that you are with us
in good times and bad.
Nothing that ever happens to us
can separate us from your love.
Help us always to be positive
in our attitude
that we may seek and find
the best in people and in situations,
and so draw good
out of all that happens to us.
05-24-2018, 09:12 PM
May 25
Let us pray for God’s protection, using a
prayer of St Columba,
written 1400 years ago:
Be a bright flame before me, Lord.
Be a guiding star above ame.
Be a smooth path below me.
Be a kindly shepherd behind me
- today, tonight, and forever. Amen.
05-25-2018, 05:32 PM
May 26
Let us pray:
Father, God of love,
as I come to recognise you
in the faces of those people
you have placed into my life,
I ask that I may grow
as the loving person
you call me to be. Amen.
05-27-2018, 09:49 AM
May 27
Let us pray:
God our Father,
when times are difficult,
I ask for courage and determination.
When there is hostility between people,
lead me to see the best
in people and in situations,
and give me the gift of making peace.
Remove from me
whatever contradicts your love
that I may share more fullya
the Good News of your love. Amen.
05-28-2018, 12:38 PM
May 28
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, we read in the gospel
that you spoke individually
to many people and said:
“Be cured”; Lk 513
“Get up and walk”; Lk 524
“What do you want me to do for you?”
Mt 2032
“Of course I want to cure you: be healed”;
Mt 83
“Let what you want be done for you”;
Mt 929
“Receive your sight”; Lk 1842
“Receive back your hearing”; Mk 734
“Young man, arise”; Lk 715
“Go, your son will live”; Jn 450
“Go, your faith has saved you.” Mk 1052
Knowing that you are present
in our midst,
we ask you today
to touch each one of us individually
and bring us your healing
of body, mind and spirit. Amen.
05-28-2018, 12:41 PM
May 29
Let us pray:
Lord, I ask that you inspire me
always to do my best
- not comparing myself with others,
but only with myself.
Lead me, Lord,
to discover and use
my own talents to the full.
May I live in such a way
that I help others
to experience success.
Inspire me to be generous
in praising others
for the good use of their abilities
- looking not so much
at the degree of achievement
but at the effort put in. Amen.
05-30-2018, 02:05 PM
May 30
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
you call us friends
and you call each one of us
by name.
May your Holy Spirit
be fully alive in us
that we may truly
appreciate and love ourselves,
and so more readily
value and serve others.
When we experience sorrow
or the loss of someone,
give us courage and support
that we may better encourage others
who share
the same kind of experience.
Lead us to act justly and fairly,
helping people
to see the best in one another,
so that those who have fallen out
may be reconciled and live in peace.
May we learn always
to be genuine and sincere,
avoiding arrogance
and doing others down,
treating other people
as the equals that they are.
Bless us when times are hard,
and walk with us
as the Good Shepherd
who leads and protects. Amen.
05-30-2018, 08:03 PM
May 31
Let us pray:
God our Father,
I pray that I may live in such a way
that I choose wisely each day,
and take responsibility
for the choices that I make.
Inspire me to use for good
my education
and all the challenges
that I will face,
that I may grow more fully human,
and do good to those around me.
Teach me to discern good from evil
that I may grow
in integrity of character
and develop a true sense of values
through following Jesus,
your Son and our Brother. Amen.
06-02-2018, 12:13 PM
May my horizon this day, Lord,
not be so foreshortened that I notice little.
Instead, open my eyes
that I may see afar and above
as well as in front and beneath me.
Lead me to keep my life in perspective and balance
and discover that the thread of your presence
is interwoven through the events and people of this day.
Let us pray:
Lord our God, open us up to your Spirit
living within us,
that we may live fully
each day of our lives.
Touch us,
that we may become more aware
of all that is around us,
growing in a sense
of wonder and awe,
and in appreciation
for all that we see and hear
and touch, taste and smell.
May we live in such a way
that we never take anything
for granted,
but always be appreciative
and express our thanks
to those who are part of our lives.
06-02-2018, 12:14 PM
June 2
Let us pray:
Lord, you have given skills and talents
to each of us,
and you are pleased
when we use them well.
I ask
that I may work well with others
and bring out the best in them
as well as in myself.
Lead me to live in such a way
that I show appreciation
for the achievements
of all who use their talents well.
06-02-2018, 11:30 PM
June 3
Let us pray:
Lord our God,
you have made me
in your own likeness
and you love all that you have made.
I thank you
for all that has been positive
in my life.
I ask that I may live in such a way
that I may learn
from whatever I may find
is negative or hurtful in my life.
May my disabilities and weaknesses
teach me
how to be sensitive to individuals,
that I may grow
more caring and compassionate
with others who experience difficulties.
May I grow in strength of character
through all that happens to me,
living fully each day.
06-05-2018, 09:17 AM
June 4
We’ll use as our prayer some words of
Saint Ignatius Loyola:
Teach us, good Lord,
to serve you as you deserve;
to give and not to count the cost;
to fight and not to heed the wounds;
to toil and not to seek for rest;
to labour and to ask for no reward,
save that of knowing
that we do your will. Amen.
06-05-2018, 09:19 AM
June 5
Let us pray, using words based on that
speech of Robert Kennedy:
Lord, we pray
that we may not be people
of hatred or violence or lawlessness,
but people of love and wisdom
and compassion towards one another,
having a sense of justice
towards all who suffer.
These things that we pray for
give us your grace to work for.
06-05-2018, 11:47 PM
June 6
Let us pray:
Lord our God,
inspire us to make our choices well
and understand our responsibilities
and the consequences of what we do.
Help us to make good use
of the opportunities that come to us.
Lead us to be positive in our attitude,
that we may work well with others
and live this day to the full. Amen.
06-06-2018, 11:43 AM
June 7
Let us pray:
show me how to learn from others,
how to be patient,
and how to persevere. Amen.
06-06-2018, 11:54 AM
it was important for me to feed my soul with daily affirmations.
06-08-2018, 12:55 AM
In March or April each year the Jewish
community celebrates the Feast of Passover,
calling to mind how God used Moses
to lead the people from slavery in
Egypt. 50 days later - in May or June - is
held the Jewish Feast of Pentecost (from
a Greek word for 50). It calls to mind that
God gave the 10 Commandments to
2 The 10 Commandments can be phrased
in this way:
1 Give God the first place in your life.
2 Don’t love anything more than you love
3 Show respect to everything that’s holy,
particularly God’s name.
4 You need one day of the week free for
rest and for worshipping God.
5 Respect your parents and all who care
for you.
6 Do not kill anyone.
7 Sexual love is special - keep it for the
person you’re married to.
8 Don’t take what isn’t yours.
9 Don’t do people down by spreading lies
about them.
10 Don’t be jealous of what others have.
We’ll use as a reflection today the words
of a hymn that the Jewish community
uses at the Feast of Pentecost:
If all the ocean was ink,
and if every blade of grass
was a quill with which to write;
if the earth itself was parchment,
and if every person
started to write on it,
there would not be enough ink or pens
or parchment or people
to write fully
of God’s love and greatness.
06-08-2018, 10:35 PM
June 9
Let us pray:
Lord our God,
may I learn
to treat others generously,
with respect,
and with care and understanding,
that we may all
bring out the best in one another.
06-09-2018, 11:03 PM
June 10
Let us pray:
Lord, lead me to look for the positive
in all people
and in all situations.
May I help bring light
to those in darkness,
and encouragement
to those who feel unhappy.
May I show as much care for others
as I would like them to show for me.
06-11-2018, 10:14 AM
June 11
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
we can read in the Gospel
of your attitude
towards those
whom others looked down on.
Zacchaeus, the tax-collector,
was rejected by others,
but you called him by his name
and ate in his house.
You did not condemn the woman
who was about to be stoned
for adultery,
but you called her
to change her life
The woman
who was drawing water from the well
was there in the midday heat,
cut off by others
because she was a Samaritan.
Yet she was one of the very few
whom you told directly
that you were the Messiah.
You have told us
not to be afraid or anxious,
and you said that the last will be first.
You assure us
that, as God the Father
even takes care of sparrows,
we are worth more
than hundreds of sparrows.
We think of people
being ‘put down’ or ‘bullied’
and we ask you this day, Lord,
to remind us of the respect
that each person deserves.
Lead us
to be as encouraging and positive
to others
as we would like them to be to us.
06-12-2018, 07:58 AM
June 12
Let us pray:
Help me, Lord,
to discover the talents
I have been given,
and not to let them lie unused
but to make the best use of them
both for myself and for others.
May sport help
to bring out the best in people,
teaching us the lessons
of commitment and co-operation,
of fairness and appreciation.
May sports and hobbies and interests
help me to develop my personality
that I may be renewed and re-created
in your image and likeness. Amen.
06-14-2018, 02:42 PM
June 13
3 Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, you said that
“there is more joy in giving
than in receiving”.
Inspire us to live generously,
sincerely thinking of others
before ourselves.
May others treat us
as we treat them. Amen.
06-14-2018, 02:49 PM
June 14
Regular prayer not applicable.
"If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles" (Matthew 5:41).
As followers of Christ, we are called to a life of joyful obedience. We are called to love others as we love ourselves. We are called to serve one another without complaint. We are called - not to keep an account of wrongs against us - but to forgive and "go the extra mile," even for those we consider enemies.
An Excerpt from The Second Mile
by Paula Fox
What is the Second Mile?
We often hear the phrase "going the Second Mile" in our modern conversation, but it actually has its roots in first-century Palestine.
During Bible times, the Romans had conquered much of the known world and ruled with an iron hand. By Roman law, a Roman soldier could compel a subject of one of the conquered lands to carry his backpack, or "load," for him one mile, but only one mile. The Israelites resented the oppressive rule of the Roman occupation and would obey the law by going one mile, but not one step more
originally posted by BW
06-14-2018, 02:56 PM
June 15
Let us think and pray:
Let us pray for individuals who suffer under
those who abuse power and people.
Let us pray for the defenceless who are
treated unfairly and who do not receive
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
Let us pray for all rulers, that they appreciate
that they are called to serve for the
benefit of others.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
Let us pray for our own members of parliament
and the government elected by
the nation. We pray that they may be
people of integrity who govern justly and
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
Let us pray for ourselves, that we may
clearly distinguish good from evil, growing
in integrity of character, developing
a true sense of values.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
06-16-2018, 12:39 AM
June 16
Let us pause for a moment to remember
in prayer all who are ill, and all who
take care of them, mentioning in silence
those people whom we know.
please include bluidkiti (Tammy) in our prayers.
06-16-2018, 10:31 PM
June 17
Let us pray:
Lord, we give thanks
for all who have brought
life and happiness to us.
Inspire us to give of ourselves joyfully
and always look for the positive.
06-18-2018, 11:24 AM
As I begin a new week, I lay before you my whole self, spirit, soul, and body. I ask that you would recalibrate all that I am to align with your great will for me. May I keep my thoughts in line with your thoughts, my desires in line with your desires, my words aligned with your Word, and may all I do bring you pleasure.
First, I ask that you would pour out your love into my heart through the Holy Spirit. May I have the power to experience Your love. May I bear fruit that will give you glory today. Holy Spirit, please fill me up, empowering me to do the will of God from my heart.
I want to be about your business, Lord, not my futile busy-ness. You are all about forgiveness, so give me grace to overlook offenses. Remind me that my enemy is not flesh and blood but evil spirits who seek to undermine my purpose in this world.
I refuse to be deterred! I refuse to be discouraged! I refuse to be disqualified! I refuse to be daunted!
My charge to myself this morning is right from Your mouth: “With God nothing is impossible.” I’m with you, God! And I know you are with me, for you said you would never leave me or forsake me. Thank you!
Now, let’s do this thing! Let’s have a blessed day, You and me, Holy Spirit, for nothing is impossible when I’m with You and You’re with me.
In Jesus’ Name Amen!
06-19-2018, 01:16 AM
June 19
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, you promised
that when two or three
would get together in your name
then you would be present with them.
May your Spirit
lead us to grow more aware
of your presence in our lives
today and every day. Amen.
06-20-2018, 12:23 AM
June 20
There is a poster that says: “If you were
accused of being a Christian, would there
be enough evidence to convict you?”
Let’s pause in silence for a moment.
Let us pray for all prisoners of conscience,
and also for those who torture
and kill.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
Let us pray that, when times are difficult,
others may find us to be true friends.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
Let us pray that we may live generously,
being prepared to make sacrifices for the
benefit of others.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
06-21-2018, 10:55 PM
June 21
Let us pray:
Lord God, Creator of light,
at the rising of your sun
each morning,
let the greatest of all lights
- your love -
rise, like the sun,
within my heart.
(from the Armenian Liturgy)
06-21-2018, 11:01 PM
June 22
1 Today is the feast of Saints John Fisher
and Thomas More. John Fisher was born
in Yorkshire, in 1469, and became
Bishop of Rochester in Kent. He was wellknown
as a man of learning, and had
written several books. Bishop John Fisher
was asked to study the “problem” of the
marriage of King Henry VIII (the eighth)
to Catherine of Aragon. The king wanted
to divorce her after 18 years of marriage,
in order to have a male successor to the
throne. Henry VIII wanted John Fisher
and Thomas More (and others) to tell him
that he was free to marry again. Both
John Fisher and Thomas More were executed
for opposing King Henry VIII, who
declared himself to be Head of the
Church in England
2 Sometimes when we pray for something,
we might think it’s an easy way for something
to happen, presuming that God will
do something without us having to work
at it. If I pray for “peace in our world”
then I am really also committing myself
to start making peace around me. Saint
Thomas More put this in a simple way
when he said:
“The things, good Lord, that we pray for,
give us your grace to work for.”
We’ll make those words our prayer today,
as we say:
3 “The things, good Lord,
that we pray for,
give us your grace to work for.
This is an excerpt from the page of this date in
‘Praying Each Day of the Year’,
a 3-volume book
by Nicholas Hutchinson, FSC.
06-23-2018, 06:26 PM
June 23
Let us pray:
Lord, we are conscious
of the image that people give
- whether it’s the clothes we wear,
how we look,
what we say,
or who we choose to go with.
Sometimes the image doesn’t match
who we really are.
Lead each of us to live sincerely
as we are called to be. Amen.
06-24-2018, 11:48 PM
June 24
Let us pray:
Teach us, Lord,
to do the little things
as though they were great,
because of the majesty of Christ
who does them in us
and who lives our life.
Teach us to do the greatest things
as though they were little and easy
because of his great power. Amen.
06-24-2018, 11:56 PM
June 25
Let us pray and commit ourselves that
here and amongst our families, we may
set out to be understanding, treating
everyone fairly.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer. Let us pray and commit ourselves to
value and respect people as individuals.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
Let us pray and commit ourselves to be
positive and friendly and generous towards
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
Let us pray and commit ourselves not to
become prejudiced against people of
other backgrounds, religions, or cultures
- but may treat others in the same way
that we would like them to treat us.
Lord, in your mercy - hear our prayer.
06-26-2018, 01:06 AM
June 26
Let us pray:
God our Father,
each of us can rejoice
at all that is good about ourselves.
We ask that we may be people
who encourage others,
being ready to give praise and thanks
when they are due.
We ask, too,
that you help each of us today
to work on changing for the better
just one thing
that is negative in the way we live.
06-26-2018, 02:36 PM
June 27
Let us pray:
Lord, there are many places
in our world
where some people do not respect
the background and traditions
and culture of others.
We know that prejudice
can turn to hatred
and even to murder,
and such things often start
in simple ways.
Lead us to live in such a way
that our first reaction
is to think good of people,
focussing on the positive
before we ever see the negative.
06-28-2018, 12:33 AM
June 28
Let us pray:
Lord, may peace with justice
come to our world,
but let peace and justice start
with the way
each of us lives this day. Amen.
06-29-2018, 10:40 AM
june 29
7 We’ll use as a short reading and prayer,
some words of Saint Paul, found in a letter
that he wrote to the Christians in
“For those who love God
everything works out for good,
because God has chosen us
to bear the image of Jesus, his Son.
With God on our side,
who can be against us?
Even if we face hard times
or are threatened
- God’s love is greater still,
and nothing can ever separate us
from his love.
Through all difficulties
we can never be failures or losers
because of the power of God’s love.”
(based on Romans 828-39)
06-29-2018, 11:34 PM
June 30
Let us pray:
Lord, may I become more aware
of your presence in my life.
May I discover
that you do walk with me
each day of my life,
accompanying me
in darkness as well as in light,
in sadness as well as in joy.
May your Spirit lead me
to trust and come to know
that you keep your word
and are always faithful and loving.
I place myself and my future
into your hands. Amen.
07-01-2018, 05:22 AM
As you walk beside me, Lord,
lead me to recognise you
in all those you place into my life
this day.
Let us pray:
If countries disagree, Lord,
and if negotiations break down,
“going to war”
has sometimes been seen
as a way of “saving face”.
In the same way,
there are times
when matters get out of hand
as individuals disagree strongly,
and feel they need to “save face”
In my own small part of the world
may I learn ways, Lord,
of being a peacemaker,
of helping people
to see that there are alternatives
to hostility,
and there are ways
of “saving face”
in a decent and human way,
without there being
a break-up of relationships.
Help me
to be a channel of your peace
this day. Amen.
07-01-2018, 10:33 PM
July 2
Let us pray:
God our Father,
in the Bible you tell me
to “choose life and not death”.
Inspire me
in the choices I will make today
- that I may choose
what is positive and life-giving
and good.
So help me to protect and defend myself
from influences that are not good.
Keep me on the right path
to choose values
that are lasting and beneficial.
Keep my eyes open
whenever there is injustice,
that I may be willing
to stand with those
who are treated unfairly,
and defend those who need support.
Deliver us, Lord, from all that is evil.
07-02-2018, 11:50 PM
July 3
Let’s pray for a growing sense of wonder
and appreciation for all that is around
Lord God,
may all of your creation
- from the vastness
of mighty stars and planets
to the lowliness
of the smallest living creature I can see
- remind me
to live in wonder and appreciation
of all that is around me. Amen.
William Davies was born in Newport, Gwent, on this day in 1871. He was a poet, and wrote:
“What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare?
07-03-2018, 11:57 PM
July 4
Let us pray:
God our Father,
I can think of mistakes I have made
and the attitude
that I have sometimes had.
May I not become so independent
that I think I know it all
and no longer need others,
but may I always
have true friends around me
who are willing
to point me in the right direction.
May I be ready to apologise
when things go wrong,
and be ready to learn
from my mistakes,
finding humour in my situation
and having the ability and good sense
to laugh at myself.
May I grow in wisdom each day.
07-05-2018, 03:18 AM
July 5
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
we hear you say
that, “of course”, you want to heal us
of what is not good in our lives.
Touch us today
that we may experience your healing
and the fullness of your life.
07-06-2018, 06:46 AM
July 6
Let us pray:
God our Father,
you made each of us
unique and unrepeatable.
Inspire me to live in such a way
that I respect others
and am ready to learn
from all who are part of my life
this day.
07-06-2018, 11:00 PM
July 7
Let us pray:
For all that we should have thought
and have not thought;
For all that we should have said
and have not said;
For all that we should have done,
and have not done;
we ask forgiveness, Lord.
For all that we should not have thought
but have thought;
For all that we should not have said
but have said;
For all that we should not have done,
but have done;
we ask forgiveness, Lord.
07-07-2018, 11:00 PM
July 8
Let us pray:
Lord our God,
we pray for the strength
to hold to our convictions.
We pray, too,
for the courage and determination
to stand
with those who suffer from injustice.
In all that we do, Lord,
inspire us to act justly,
love tenderly,
and walk humbly with you, our God.
07-09-2018, 01:32 AM
July 9
Let us pray:
Loving Lord,
these individuals we have heard about
were ordinary people.
They spent years
making choices each day
about small ordinary things.
Their positive and life-giving attitude
eventually led to serious decisions
about standing
with the poor and the underprivileged
and those treated unjustly.
Inspire us, Lord,
to choose wisely
in the ordinary circumstances
of our daily lives.
Having then chosen wisely
in small things,
inspire us
with courage and generosity
when we must make
more important decisions. Amen.
07-09-2018, 09:48 PM
july 10
Prayer for today not applicable
The God of love my shepherd is,
And he that doth me feed:
While he is mine, and I am his,
What can I want or need?
He leads me to the tender grass,
Where I both feed and rest;
Then to the streams that gently pass:
In both I have the best.
Surely Thy sweet and wondrous love
Shall measure all my days:
And as it never shall remove,
So neither shall my praise.
The Yearbook of Love and Wisdom: - Celia Haddon
07-11-2018, 02:04 AM
July 11
Let us pray:
God our Father,
it seems obvious to many
and people of all religions and none
are brothers and sisters
of one another.
We ask
that justice and peace may grow
in the hearts and minds
of each individual,
that we may treat others
in the same way
as we wish to be treated.
Rather than thinking over bad things
that have happened in the past,
may we grow
in the freedom, the courage
and the generosity
to place past events into your hands.
Teach us
how to break the cycle of hatred
by being generous and caring
towards those
who have done us harm,
resisting evil
and conquering it with good. Amen
07-11-2018, 02:06 AM
July 12
Let us pray:
I want to be responsible
for my own life,
and I want to make positive choices
each day.
Inspire me
to get my priorities right
and be generous
in my care and concern for others.
In busy days and casual days
remind me, too,
of my basic human need
for personal time
and quiet and space,
and lead me to respect
the personal needs
that others also have.
07-13-2018, 11:00 PM
July 13
Let us pray:
Lord, I ask that you inspire me
always to do my best
- not comparing myself with others,
but only with myself.
Lead me, Lord,
to discover and use
my own talents to the full.
May I live in such a way
that I help others
to experience success,
as well as praising them
for the good use of their abilities
- looking not so much
at the degree of achievement
but at the effort put in.
Stop me from judging people
or jumping to conclusions
about them,
but lead me
to respect and accept others
for who they are,
focussing on the positive
rather than the negative.
07-13-2018, 11:03 PM
July 14
Let us pray:
I do not want to be selfish.
I do realise how important it is
to value and appreciate myself,
and I know
that I need genuine love for myself
f I am fully to love others.
Remind me
of the importance
of keeping time and space and quiet
for myself,
and remind me to respect
the personal needs of others, too.
Lord God,
you who call me by my name,
I thank you for making me
who I am.
Inspire me to grow
as a genuine and sincere person
with a positive attitude,
right values,
and a generous spirit. Amen.
07-14-2018, 10:37 PM
July 15
Let us pray:
Lord, I need to keep an eye
on the small things in my life
as well as the bigger issues,
because my thoughts
become my attitude,
my attitude becomes my words,
my words become my actions,
and my actions form my character.
Be there, Lord,
in that instant before every thought,
that I may choose wisely
my thoughts and my attitude,
my words and my actions,
so that I grow
as the person you call me to be.
07-15-2018, 11:50 PM
July 16
Let us pray:
Lord, I ask for the gifts
of knowledge and wisdom
and understanding.
What I pray for
I intend to work at,
so that I may develop
an open mind,
a thirst for knowledge,
and a wisdom that makes good use
of my knowledge and experience.
I know that any gifts are useless
if I do not also have
love and concern for others,
and so I ask that you inspire me
to live in such a way
that I am caring and compassionate
and promote understanding
between people.
May others respect me, Lord,
as much as I respect them. Amen.
07-17-2018, 12:16 AM
July 17
Let us pray:
Loving Lord,
you tell us in the Bible
that whatever wrong we have done
you tread down our faults
to the bottom of the sea. Mic 719
We know there is no need
to keep thinking
about what we have done
in the past, Is 4318
because you pardon
the wrongs we have done,
and you delight
in showing mercy. Mic 718
You bind up all our wounds Ps 1473
and you renew us
by your love. Zeph 317
Lord, you love
all that you have made, Wis 1124
and it is your very nature
to love and forgive.
Lead us to be generous
in accepting and forgiving others
in the same way
as you accept and forgive us.
07-18-2018, 03:03 AM
July 18
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
bring your love to our lives
in a new way today
so that any fear that we might have
is driven away,
knowing that
“perfect love casts out fear”.
Then your light
will shine more brightly in us,
and others will be able to see
the good things that are done
in your name.
Help us to grow more aware
of the love and respect and dignity
that you give us
in calling us your “friends”.
We ask that your Spirit acts in us
so that we discover
and take pride
in who we really are.
Make us credible witnesses
of your love
so that others
may more readily share
in your love and your light,
you who are the light of the world.
07-19-2018, 12:56 AM
July 19
4 Let us pray:
In times of difficulty, Lord,
may we support others
with the same care and concern
as we would like to experience
07-20-2018, 10:01 PM
July 20
Let us pray:
Lord, our God and King,
your greatness is seen
throughout the earth.
When I gaze at the heavens
which your fingers have formed,
and look at the moon and the stars
which you have set there,
I realise how small we are
in the majesty of your creation.
Yet you treasure us
above all that you have made,
and you give us control
over all the works of your hand
- animals both wild and tame,
birds in the air,
and the creatures of the sea.
Lord, our God and King,
your greatness is seen
throughout the earth.
07-20-2018, 10:06 PM
July 21
Let us pray:
God our Father,
the landing on the moon
was one of the most significant events
in human history.
We give thanks
for the skills and expertise
and the courage and co-operation
which led
to that successful venture.
In giving thanks
we recall, too,
that the astronauts
showed their appreciation
and reminded us
of important values.
We pray for the power of your Spirit
in our lives
that we may live in thankfulness
and be people of vision and courage
who have compassion for one another.
07-21-2018, 09:26 PM
July 22
Let us pray:
God our Father,
we thank you
that in the vastness of your creation
there is something special
about the beauty of this earth.
Into our world
which you love so much
you sent Jesus, your Son
- your Word
who became a human being -
and he made his home among us.
Open our eyes
that we may have
a sense of wonder and awe
that leads us to treasure
all that you have made.
Show us how to value
all who are a part of our lives this day.
~“God’s Word became a human being, and he lived among us.” Jn 1:14~
07-23-2018, 12:10 AM
July 23
Let us pray:
We pray, Lord,
for all who will need
strength and courage today:
- for those who are seriously ill;
- for those
who are in desperate situations
and see no hope of anything different;
- for those who find it difficult
to face others or themselves;
- for those in pain from illness
or mistreatment or torture;
- for those who know
that others depend on them.
For all these people
we ask for the power of your Spirit
in their lives.
07-23-2018, 11:04 PM
July 24
The word “grace” is sometimes used to mean God’s
power in a person’s life.We use the words of John Newton’s
hymn as our prayer today, asking that
we may be aware of God’s amazing grace
in our daily lives:
Amazing grace! How
sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I’m found;
was blind, but now I see.
‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
and grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear
the hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come.
‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
and grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me;
his word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be
as long as life endures.
07-25-2018, 12:33 PM
July 25
Let us pray:
God our Father,
the star of Bethlehem
was a sign of faith
for the Wise Men,
and their faith led them
to discover the newly-born Jesus
in Bethlehem.
May we grow in faith
and discover Jesus
in our daily lives.
Lord, hear us
Lord, graciously hear us.
Thousands of people worked together
to enable the astronauts
to land on the moon.
May we grow in our appreciation
for all who are part of our lives.
Lord, hear us
Lord, graciously hear us.
6 The Wise Men
had a sense of vision and purpose
- and so did the astronauts.
Give us the power of your Holy Spirit
that we may share your vision
of individuals and of our world.
Lord, hear us
Lord, graciously hear us,
07-26-2018, 12:13 AM
July 26
Let us pray:
Lord, may I receive this day
as much respect and encouragement
and building up
as I give to others today.
07-26-2018, 10:19 PM
July 27
Let us pray:
I want to be responsible
for my own life,
and I want to make positive choices
each day
Inspire me to get my priorities right
and be generous
in my care and concern for others.
In busy days and casual days
remind me, too,
of my basic human need
for personal time and quiet and space,
and lead me to respect
the personal needs
that others also have.
07-27-2018, 11:08 PM
July 28
Let us pray:
There are times, Lord,
when we say we are hungry
but we really have no idea
what real hunger is,
and the desperation
that goes with it.
We even tend to waste food.
We ask you, Lord, to inspire us
to discover the real priorities in life
so that we may live simply
so that others may simply live.
07-29-2018, 12:22 AM
July 29
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
the Bible reminds us
of the dignity and equality
of all people,
and you call us to love our neighbours
as we love ourselves.
At the beginning of your ministry
you read out loud
in the synagogue of Nazareth
from the prophet, Isaiah,
“I have been sent to give liberty
to the captives.”
Today we will meet people
who are held captive in different ways
by being treated unfairly,
or abused, taken for granted,
overworked, looked down upon.
Be with us, Lord,
that we may help
to bring freedom today
by giving respect and support
and encouragement. Amen.
07-30-2018, 05:10 AM
July 30
Let us pray:
Lord God, I thank you
for your gifts to me
of skills, talents, and abilities.
May I use them
to the best of my ability
and grow as the person
you want me to be.
07-30-2018, 09:25 PM
July 31
Let us pray:
God our Father,
it was Pope John the Twenty-Third
who was speaking about the need
to bring new life to the Church.
To illustrate his point,
he walked to his window
and opened it wide,
saying that fresh air was needed
to blow away the cobwebs
and refreshen the Church.
Father, do not let us
shut ourselves off from others,
but may the windows
of our hearts and minds be open,
so that we may be made new
by your Holy Spirit
and be influenced for good.
Inspire us, too,
to let our light shine out,
knowing that Jesus said
that we are the light of the world.
07-30-2018, 09:30 PM
The Window Tax was brought in under King
William III (of Orange). Originally it was to
bring in extra money to pay for the replacement
of damaged coins. 100 years later the then
Prime Minister - Pitt the Younger - increased
this tax, and even more windows were bricked
up! Another 50 years later the hated tax was
repealed on 24th July in 1851.
✍ Mt 514-16: “You are the light of the world…
Let your light shine before others so that,
seeing your good works, they may praise
your Father in heaven.”
✍ Acts 207-12 - The young man, Eutychus, sitting
on a window-sill, drops off to sleep as Paul
preaches, falling out of the upstairs window.
Paul prays and he comes back to life.
✍ Acts 21-13
: “they heard what sounded like a
powerful wind from heaven” - the coming of
the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
✍ Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), regarding respect
for the conscience of each individual, said:
“I would not open windows into men’s souls.”
✍ The historical incident known as the
“Defenestration of Prague” - when Czechs
threw out of the window two diplomats from
the Hapsburg rulers - led to the Thirty Years
War (1618-1648).
✍ John XXIII was Pope from 1958-1963.
✍ Today is the feast of St Ignatius Loyola - see 31
V Colours of day; I watch the sunrise; The
light of Christ
08-01-2018, 01:53 AM
Lead me this day, Lord,
to live fully in the present moment
and enjoy all that is good around me.
May all that is life-giving remind me of your life and love
that surround me now.
3 Let us pray:
God our Father,
if I could trace back
through the last two thousand years,
marking out routes
from Jesus himself
and then through people
whose faith has touched others
and so reached me,
I would be astounded
by the individuals I would encounter.
I give thanks, Father,
for all those people
over two thousand years
who have inspired others
and played their part
in passing on
to generation after generation
the living heritage of their faith.
Especially I give thanks
for those who have lived their faith
through difficulties
and hardship and persecution.
I pray, Father, that I may grow
in your faith and love
through good times and bad.
08-02-2018, 01:44 PM
August 2
Let us pray:
Lord our God, open us up
to your Spirit living within us,
that we may live fully
each day of our lives.
Touch us,
that we may become more aware
of all that is around us,
growing in a sense
of wonder and awe,
and in appreciation
for all that we see and hear
and touch and taste and smell.
May we live in such a way
that we never
take anything for granted,
but always be appreciative
and express our thanks
to those who are part of our lives.
08-02-2018, 09:21 PM
August 3
6 Lord Jesus,
we can think of your people
down the ages
who have travelled over
life’s stormy sea
and, in dying,
have reached the harbour
of peace, light and happiness.
As you calmed the sea,
we ask you to be with us
and bring peace in our lives each day,
because the boat of our own lives
is small
and the ocean is very large.
As you have set our course,
we ask you to steer our lives
towards the shore of everlasting life.
Bring us, at last,
along with all who are dear to us,
to the quiet rest that we seek,
where you live and reign
with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen
08-04-2018, 06:16 AM
August 4
It was on this day in 1859, that John
Vianney died. As is the case with most
saints, the date of his death is also his
feastday, because the day of death is
considered the person’s “birth-day in
John Vianney said:
“We do not have to talk very much
in order to pray well.
We know that God is there…
Let us open our hearts to him.
Let us rejoice in his presence.
This is the best prayer.”
Let’s simply pause for a moment in silence
in God’s presence
08-04-2018, 10:13 PM
August 5
Let us pray:
Lord, I pray for all who suffer
from hatred and prejudice,
from abuse and ill-treatment,
and for all who are victims
of what others do.
I pray, too, for the people of violence,
that they may change their ways
and learn to respect others.
I pray for myself,
that when I face
what is negative or evil
I may have
the courage and generosity
to break the cycle
of violence, hatred, fear or distrust,
and make my own choices
and take responsibility
for the direction
in which I want my life to go.
I pray that I may always do to others
as I would wish them to do to me.
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