View Full Version : new comer

12-20-2014, 09:49 AM
Hello my name is charlie trying to learn this site and take suggestions to day.

12-20-2014, 11:04 AM
Welcome Charlie, glad you made the decision to join in and introduce yourself. There is a lot of recovery material here. I would suggest clicking on the headings, not just the last post. There are a lot of hidden treasures that aren't visible when you take your first glance.

There are the daily readings, but there are a lot of personal sharing's and a lot of information on recover from several fellowships. Personally, I qualify for most of them. I found that the substance what but a symptom of my dis-ease and the problem was me and when I learned to identify and not compare, I started to heal.





12-20-2014, 02:54 PM
Thanks learn the site is a start for but i working on looking for to the suggestion.

12-21-2014, 01:00 PM
Not sure if you mean how to operate the site or where to post or what to read.

Feel free to respond to anything that is posted here, new or old. If you are looking for the suggestions as to how to work the program and how to stay sober, the links I posted will help. Check out the ABCs of recover and the topics of the day, sorry I am not too sure as to what you are looking for, I am not much of a techie if you are looking for help as to how to work the site itself. Perhaps you can send a private message to Bluidkiti to ask for help in that area.


12-22-2014, 06:13 AM
Why do they say 90 meetings in 90 days? Why do I need to continue going to meetings?

The people in the rooms loved me back to good health. When I could not love, even like myself, they were there for me. I found myself reflected in the people around me.

Meeting taught me to be responsible. I got caught up in service. They helped me to get out of myself and realize I am not the only only one. There is always someone worse off than I am. There is someone who has walked my journey and can identify.

When I learned to identify instead of compare, I healed and got better. When I compared, I stayed sick.

A burden shared is a burden lessened. If I share it with ten people, I only have to take 1/10 of it home. My sponsor said, "Don't call them problems, call them challenges. You can stay stuck in a problem but challenges you can over come."

Isolation is part of my disease not a healthy part of recovery.

I don't get out to f2f meeting very often these days because of health issues. When I do managed to get out, my body is like a sponge and wants to just soak up all the energy. It is just not the same as internet meetings, although if it wasn't for the internet, I am not sure I would be clean and sober in today.

When I am alone with me, I have no one to give me honest feedback. There is no one to agree or disagree with me and tell me when I am off track and heading in the wrong direction. Me alone with me can be me in bad company. I can talk myself into anything and everything. I am just F.I.N.E. and there is nothing wrong with me.

They say that when you don't feel like going to a meeting, that is the time to go. When you feel like using ANYTHING, go to a meeting. When you are not feeling well, go to a meeting. Many times I have walked into a meeting with a headache, even a migraine, and have walked out and somehow I had left it behind, hoping no one else picked it up.

Meetings are a reflection of me. I was told to take note of who I was pointing a finger at because I had three coming back at me and it was now my issue not theirs.

When in doubt, go to a meeting! I was told if you can't find your Higher Power, go to a meeting.

12-29-2014, 04:03 AM
The best way to work the program is to read the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous which can be bought at any meeting. Hope this helps.

12-29-2014, 04:14 PM
It can also be found on line. There is also a lot of information on this site.
