View Full Version : It's cold and dark up here....

12-11-2014, 05:49 PM
I'm soozie,
I had alot of trouble finding this group as I am a novice to computers. I am new in recovery from alcohol/drugs. I live in an extremely isolated village in the arctic ( pop. 3000)There are no AA/NA groups here (most of the time) so I struggle. I feel very alone in my recovery.

On the more positive side, I make grass baskets, hunt caribou, and fly in the family plane instead of a car. The plane is NOT fancy!! It's like a second hand clunker.

I'm praying sincerely that I can find support here, or I'm in trouble.


P.S I don't know how to make pictures or whatever you call these dancing people things.

12-12-2014, 09:17 AM
:67: soozie, :17: I am glad that you have joined us. Please feel free to ask us any questions that you may have. Take a look around the board and make yourself at home. There are some of us that check in daily in the Daily Check In forums. I look forward to hearing more from you. Please keep coming and sharing with us. :42:

12-12-2014, 08:13 PM
Welcome Soozie, so glad you found us. I put those fancy pictures and squiggles on to make it warm and fun for people like you so that you keep coming back.

There is a lot of recovery material here, found in many places. Some very serious, some in prose and in cartoon form, and all from the heart.
