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12-06-2014, 10:49 AM
God is my ever-present source of hope.

God is with me through the stormy times in life. God is like the sun that shines even on a rainy day—it is merely hidden behind the clouds. In troubled times, my thoughts may turn cloudy with doubt and fear. If I feel separated from God, my hope may begin to fade.

At such times, I turn within. I rest in quiet prayer and meditation. I gently release any sense of separation. I affirm that God is my ever-present source of hope. Sitting in the Silence, I hear the still, small voice within. It whispers, “God is in the rain.” This truth washes over me and cleanses me of fear.

The renewing light of God shines through me like the rays of the sun. Spiritual light radiates from within, and my hope is restored.
Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.—Psalm 33:22

Daily Word