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12-05-2014, 10:25 AM
Jesus Was Born To Give You Power To Know God's Presence

Come to His Manger. Kneel down beside Him.

He always sees the needs of His children.
He always keeps you in His heart.
He uses His hands to heal you.
He answers your prayers.
He is always with you.
He always seeks to bring His power into the lives of all those around you.
He exists to do only what is good in your life.
When storms batter the walls of your life, He stands with you against those storms.
When the darkness of the evil one comes to destroy what is good in your life, He will be standing firm with you showing you His love.
When His servants on earth are attacked, He hears your prayers and pleas for their protection.
When there is hunger and thirst among His sheep, as one of His flock He brings you food and water.
When doubt assails the hearts of the humble, your gentleness in His name will be a reminder to others about how much He loves all of His people on earth.
As you kneel beside Him in His manger, know above all things He loves you.

Christmas Affirmation To Live In God's Presence

During the Christmas season or in any season, I shall kneel down beside Christ's manger. I shall recall how Christ came into the world so I could live in His presence every moment.

A Christmas Prayer For Strength And Wisdom

Precious Lord Jesus,
You who were wrapped in swaddling cloths and placed in a manger…
I have many burdens on my heart and many needs unfilled.
This Christmas season, I have requests I cannot fill.
My heart is heavy with worry and sadness.
Recalling your birth, even though I face trials, tribulations, and temptations, with you I am secure.
Lead me always in your ways.
Do not let me forget your strength and your wisdom.
To you I give all praise, honor, and glory.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
Born in the lowest of circumstances,
Who died on the cross between thieves,
To you I surrender my all.