View Full Version : Fingerprints of God

12-05-2014, 10:22 AM
Parenting by Design

Fingerprints of God

Ps. 119:64: The earth is full of Your lovingkindness, O Lord (NAS).

Your family may hear about the terrible condition the world is in, and how it has never been more depraved or Godless. Some people anticipate a steady decline in morals and behavior until the Lord comes back and makes everything right again.

But sometimes we get so focused on the negative aspects of this world, we overlook the positive. There are echoes of His majesty all around us. You can see the fingerprints of God in mountains and oceans, in sunrises and sunsets, and even in the kind acts of strangers towards each other.

Busy schedules often rob us of simple pleasures. Take time to help your kids see God in His creation and appreciate the beauty of His craftsmanship. It might even be refreshing for you!

The earth is full of God’s work; let’s recognize it together.