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12-05-2014, 10:14 AM
Internal Healing Reaches Out

1 Peter 1:22: “Now you have made yourselves pure by obeying the truth. Now you can have true love for your brothers. So love each other deeply with all your heart” (NCV).

As I climbed out of the dark lonely hole of people pleasing and burnout, I was gradually released to offer genuine concern for my fellow human beings. Now less preoccupied with proving my value by doing and helping, I am usually able to love others with fewer strings attached. Others I’ve met who have weathered similar changes tend to be less controlling, and frequently willing to listen.

When we take personal responsibility for our own emotional, mental, and spiritual growth by cooperating with God as he shows us the truth about ourselves, we become new and healthy people. We may be concerned that this commitment to personal growth will cause lifelong self-preoccupation. However, we usually find that the opposite is true. No longer do we need to perform good deeds out of an overwhelming desire to heal ourselves, but because of the transforming power of God’s love within us. As we mature and develop inner strength and calm, we gain courage to reach out and touch others.

Lord, I realize that I’m not perfect,
but I do want to grow.
Purify my inner motives,
so I can touch others
out of the overflow of a changed heart.

Joan C. Webb