View Full Version : How did you come up with your username?

08-24-2013, 01:28 PM
This is a question that has been asked several time over the years. With so many new people i am curious about everyone. So How did you come up with your username? I will start it off.

When i was a teenager i had a dear friend. She was a joy for me to be around. In the midst of my own addiction, she still cared about me alot and saw me in a way no one else did. She just saw me as a teddy bear. She called me janbear. I always loved that. It may feel good inside. We lost touch unfortunately when she went to college but i never forgot her or what she called me. I went years without hearing that. When i started online years ago, it just came to me, I wanted to be called janbear again. Hence that is how i came up with my own username.

Now, its your turn. How did you come up with your username?

08-24-2013, 01:45 PM
When I first came to an AA online chat in November, 1997, I was trying to think of a nic. I was hurting real bad having just made a big mess of my life drinking so I was very blue and I love cats so at first I was blukiti. Then a week later after having gone to that AA chat for everyday and gone to my first meeting, I wasn't blue anymore so I changed it to bluidkiti - blue eyed kiti. I have blue eyes and love cats especially siamese. I took the "id" part of my nic from my hubby's online user name.

08-24-2013, 06:38 PM
Love the topic Janbear. Thanks for sharing ladies.

Mine isn't born of spiritual origin. I worked for Mr. Surplus Stores, and I was in charge of the warehouse and the office when the boss was away. The boss brought his son in to work in the warehouse, and he proceeded to tell me what to do and how to do it. Needless to say, that didn't go down well. Especially when his staff came to me for help, when he wasn't there, and expressed a desire to have me back on the job, which really fed the ego.

One day I was doing payroll, and had a migraine. I was sitting in the bosses office with the lights dim, and they had music playing in the warehouse. I asked the younger brother, to ask his brother to turn down the music. I could hear his reply, "Tell her Majesty, that when I finish here, I will do it." I was annoyed, and yet I found it funny. The boss had make key tags to wear at work. It asked us to put our rank, and I wished that I had thought of "Her Majesty" when they were being made. ;)

I used the name to remind myself of how I can be when I get into Self. It reminds me that Step 7, says to be humble, open to learning, and remembering that I am not the power. When I surrender my day to my Higher Power, I am empowered to do what I need to do in today, to stay clean and sober.

It also reminds me that in today, I am a somebody, no longer a nobody, which I believed for many years.


08-26-2013, 12:35 PM
Thank you both for sharing. Hopefully more will share.

08-26-2013, 02:05 PM
I had a friend that told me once that she could never think of a user name or password, so she would just put in something in her surroundings, such as LookingOuttheWindow. When I came to these forums, I wanted to use a new name, so I just thought of LookingOut. It makes me think of looking out for myself and looking out on my new life of not drinking. It is looking out in a positive way.