View Full Version : We Drank To Get The Results We Now Get From Not Drinking

08-24-2013, 01:15 PM
We drank: to know a new freedom and a new happiness.
By not drinking: we know a new .freedom and a new happiness.
We drank: so as not to regret the past and to shut the door on it.
By not drinking: we do not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.
We drank: to comprehend the word serenity and to know peace.
By not drinking: we comprehend the word serenity and we know peace.
We drank: to feel that no matter how far down the scale we have gone, we
could see how our experience could benefit others.
By not drinking: we knew that no matter how far down the scale we have
gone, we see how our experience can benefit others.
We drank: so the feeling of uselessness and self-pity would disappear.
By not drinking: the feeling of uselessness and self-pity slip away.
We drank: to lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our
By not drinking: we lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in
our fellows.
We drank: to lose the feeling of self-seeking.
By not drinking: we lose the feeling of self-seeking.
We drank: to change our whole attitude and outlook upon life.
By not drinking: our whole attitude and outlook upon life changes.
We drank: to lose the fear of people and of economic insecurity.
By not drinking: we lose the fear of people and of economic
We drank: to figure our how to handle situations which used to baffle us.
By not drinking: we intuitively know how to handle situations which used to
baffle us.
We drank: because we could not do things for ourselves that we wanted to
By not drinking: we realize that God is doing for us what we can not do for
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08-24-2013, 07:21 PM
This is one of the reasons, I was in denial about being an alcoholic. I did like being the center of attention, but denied it, and didn't contribute it to alcoholism. I had a motto, do it with style and grace. I was terrified of acting and being like my dad or my husband of the time. If I thought I was going to lose it, I would go to the bathroom, put my finger down my throat, if necessary, upchuck, so I good drink more. The insanity of this disease, that kept me in denial.

I didn't like most drink, especially hated beer, so I can't be an alcoholic. And yet when I thought of it, I remembered saying to my husband, "You are just going to leave that?" I figured it was bought and paid for, so I drank the two inches left in the bottle. It was the principle of the thing.

I didn't have black outs although I later realized I did have them when abusing my prescription drugs. They were dried up alcohol for me. The same insanity happened when I realized that I had an eating disorder. It ALL leads to the same soul sickness.

When I had my first 8 social drinks, it just brought me up to a level where I was happy, joyous and free. People told me that 8 wasn't social drinking. I never had the concept of one or two. If you are going to have a drink, So Shall I! As my disease progressed, I needed more to bring me up to where I wanted to be. My drug of choice became more, because it took over my life, especially my thoughts, and I lived to have that more.

When I stole the 1-2" of wine in a communion goblet at the age of 10, I remembered that feeling, and search for it all of my life. It got so, that if I found it, I couldn't stop there, I had to have that more.

Thanks for letting me share.
