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11-27-2014, 10:35 AM
A New Day eDevotional

Cast Your Entire Weight on Him

John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

A missionary was trying to translate the New Testament in a local dialect in Africa. When he came to John 3:16, he became stuck on the word “believeth”. There was no equivalent in the native tongue. After several weeks of waiting, praying and working, he still could not think of a way to accurately translate that word in a way the people of the village could understand. Then one day as he sat on the porch of his house pondering this word, a local boy came running down the dirt path to the missionary’s house. The boy came up onto the porch and flopped down into a chair and said breathlessly, “It is good to cast my entire weight upon this chair!” Instantly, the missionary knew that he had this translation. For that is what faith in Jesus is all about! It is about our casting the entirety of our lives upon Him and trusting His grace to support us. Today, prior to beginning your trek to work, or your appointed schedule, before you started your car, did you have a mechanic or an engineer fully explain to you how it works? Do you understand the various electrical components or the science of how an internal combustion engine works? Probably not. You did what I did—you inserted the key in the ignition and trusted the automobile manufacturer. I have never been to a plant that makes automobiles, but I do not need to, I only need to trust the professionals who specialize in making them.

Listen friend, we will trust automobile and airplane manufacturers, physicians, pharmaceutical companies, furniture makers, engineers, and countless other professionals, but we too often have a problem trusting God. To believe on Him is simply to trust Him.

Like the boy in our story today, cast all of your weight upon Him. Trust Him, for not only your salvation, but for every need you may have, and He will, without fail, bring to fruition the needs you may have, for this and each new day.