11-10-2014, 10:40 AM
But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn't obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. (NLT) Matthew 7:26
The Bible has a lot to say on how we should live our lives. If we know how we are supposed to live and disregard that knowledge it is foolish. As we build our lives, we should strive to build it on a solid foundation that will last forever, the Kingdom of God. What are you building your house on?
Daily Bible Devotion
The Bible has a lot to say on how we should live our lives. If we know how we are supposed to live and disregard that knowledge it is foolish. As we build our lives, we should strive to build it on a solid foundation that will last forever, the Kingdom of God. What are you building your house on?
Daily Bible Devotion