11-01-2014, 02:50 PM GTTu7_SrCzYNgxBV4a-
In busy days of noise and action
- and especially when my journey seems long
and my energy is spent -
lead me to be still, Lord,
and discover anew
that you are with me.
Let us pray:
When I think of the greatness
of God’s plan,
I fall on my knees
before God the Father.
From his great wealth
may he give us power through his Spirit
that we may grow strong within.
Through faith, may we discover
that Christ has made his home
within each of us.
Then, with our roots and foundations
firmly built on God’s love,
may we, with all of his saints,
grasp just how wide and long
and high and deep
is Christ’s love.
Yes, may we come to experience
for ourselves
the love of Christ
so that we may be filled completely
with God himself.
This prayer we ask of God
who can accomplish far more
than we could ever ask for or imagine.
11-02-2014, 11:13 AM Kx5vJ6V4hJ-gcwllzAP7g
Let us pray:
We give back to you, Father,
those whom you first gave to us.
You did not lose them
in giving them to us
and so we do not lose them
in their return to you.
Your Son has taught us
that life is eternal
and love cannot die.
So death is only an horizon
- the limits of our sight.
Open our eyes
and lift us up,
so that we may see more clearly.
Draw us closer to you
so that we may know
that we are nearer to our loved ones
who are with you.
And while you prepare a place for us
as you have promised,
prepare us also for that happy place,
that where you are, we may be also,
with those we have loved, for ever.
11-03-2014, 03:57 PM nes7Pe6k4c3nyAkXKqi
Let us pray:
God our Father,
we live in a nation
of many natural resources.
We pray for wisdom
that we may use them well
whilst also caring for our environment.
We pray, too,
that the many human resources
of all nations
may develop
as people respect and value
the dignity and rights
and responsibilities
of each individual.
11-04-2014, 05:03 PM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
extend our horizons,
widen our vision,
and remind us
how inter-connected we are
as your sons and daughters.
Breathe your Spirit into us
that we may live more truly
as brothers and sisters
who care for one another. Amen.
11-05-2014, 11:03 PM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
open our eyes
to whatever may not be just and right
in our own surroundings
and in our society
Enable us to be of good influence
and work in a non-violent way
to promote understanding
and better relationships
that will lead to justice and peace.
11-06-2014, 06:15 PM
Let us pray for the wise use
of the talents of our people
and of the wealth
of the natural resources
of our nation.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
May we love ever more.
May we motivate ourselves to committed love in Action.
May we motivate ourselves to live the life we wish to see in the world.
May we be the transformation we wish to see in the world.
From the inside out . . .
From the roots branching upwards . . .
From the heart
to thought
to word
to action.
Through life's trials and hardships
we can arise beautiful and free.
for luna - julia butterfly hill - 11/26/2000
11-07-2014, 12:03 PM
We pray today for the gift of knowing
how best to “be with” someone,
remaining faithful through good
times and bad.
Albert Camus said:
“Don’t walk in front of me - I may not follow.
Don’t walk behind me - I may not lead.
Just walk beside me - and be my friend.” yvM6KlxfAZf2AD8IRRQhg
11-08-2014, 10:46 AM hM2yDXDGha6FiJsg79H
Let us pray:
God our Father,
may no-one’s negative actions
ever overpower my determination
to choose to live in a positive way.
I know that to forgive someone
can be far from being an easy option,
and I know that forgiveness
isn’t somehow pretending
that something wrong
hasn’t happened.
For what I have done wrong, Father,
forgive me
to the extent that I am generous
in forgiving - or hoping to forgive -
those who have done wrong to me.
Empower me
to break the cycle
of any hatred, resentment
or bitterness,
always resisting evil
and conquering it with goodness.
Amen. Wq-lOtldKGCx1ij091Q1w
11-09-2014, 06:20 AM
Let us pray:
if I ever “build walls”,
cutting people off
or isolating myself
from the needs of others,
alert me to what I am doing.
Open my eyes
to see what unites people
rather than what divides us.
Show me
how to be inclusive
and build bridges between people
instead of being exclusive
and putting up walls that divide.
11-10-2014, 08:23 PM 8RTuZ8vj6dJK28vGvyr
Let us pray:
God our Father,
you are very pleased
when you see people living fully,
developing their talents,
living a balanced life,
and being of service to others.
We ask you to inspire us
to live as you would have us live
and walk in your presence.
11-11-2014, 11:17 PM
“Lead Kindly Light” was sung, and we make
that our prayer today:
Lead, kindly light,
amid th’encircling gloom:
lead thou me on.
The night is dark,
and I am far from home,
lead thou me on.
Keep thou my feet;
I do not ask to see
the distant scene;
one step enough for me.
I was not ever thus, nor prayed that thou
shouldst lead me on.
I loved to choose and see my path;
but now
lead thou me on.
I loved the garish day,
and, ‘spite of fears,
pride ruled my will;
remember not past years.
So long thy power hath blest me,
sure it still
will lead me on
o’er moor and fen,
o’er crag and torrent, till
the night is gone,
and with the morn
those angel faces smile
which I have loved long since
and lost awhile.
Some countries mark Remembrance Day on the 11th of November itself,
and others on the nearest Sunday.
Sang at the tomb of the unknown soldier. ytdn4pbc1XIAr2FR9wMAw
God of compassion,
we pray for military personnel,
offered for the sake of others,
and separated from family and loved ones.
Care for them; meet their needs.
Grant them courage, compassion, strength,
and all they need for the living of these days.
Sustain them through their every trial.
Remind them of the humanity they share
even with those who are called "the enemy;"
through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.
11-12-2014, 06:21 PM
Let us pray:
Your glory, God our Father,
is seen in people
who are fully alive.
Inspire us to live fully
and discover your kingdom
within us.
11-13-2014, 04:27 AM Giy-LVgObBLeFKO0HB6
Let us pray:
I leave my own past
to your mercy, Lord.
I entrust the present
to your love,
and the future
to your providence. Amen. rvAlbnn1kPyOnQSfM8x
11-14-2014, 11:37 AM eGsxBEMSUCiax5oeMmvpg
Let us pray in silence:
“Father, forgive.” dL5jYaIynPYeAbNtiqG
11-15-2014, 01:09 PM
Let us pray:
We place ourselves into your hands,
God our Father,
knowing that whatever difficulties
we face,
we can never be losers
because nothing can ever separate us
from your love.
May we live in your peace.
Amen. 55jM_3Lf_zKUum3YvZ-
11-16-2014, 04:59 AM iL2CeGVgEK9Ty9w34lNzQ
Let us pray:
there is so much that I don’t know,
and I ask you to inspire me
with a thirst for knowledge.
I pray, too, for wisdom
that I may use my knowledge well.
I give thanks
for many people I have never met
whose knowledge and understanding
have been passed on to me.
I ask that I may benefit
from their work and experience
and may contribute, in turn,
to the well-being of others. Amen. UJTGebmuCt-BnYkvwqM
11-18-2014, 12:38 AM
Let us pray:
Loving Lord,
you tell us in the Bible
that whatever wrong we have done
you tread down our faults
to the bottom of the sea. Mic 719
We know there is no need
to keep thinking
about what we have done
in the past, Is 4318
because you pardon
the wrongs we have done,
and you delight
in showing mercy. Mic 718
You bind up all our wounds Ps 1473
and you renew us by your love. Zeph 317
4 Lord, you love
all that you have made, Wis 1124
and it is your very nature
to love and forgive.
Lead us to be generous
in accepting and forgiving others
in the same way
as you accept and forgive us.
Amen. SESWgtnRS6f8LL34ipzLQ
11-18-2014, 10:35 AM Qub5bJQw2mZy6l1_N9g
Let us pray:
God our Father,
in good times
may I live in such a way
that I will be strengthened
for the difficult times
that all of us face in our lives.
Lead me now
to make positive choices
to value friendship and loyalty,
and develop attitudes and values,
treasuring all that is lasting
and important.
Throughout difficult times
may I build on
the positive choices of my past,
looking outward
in the service of others
and avoiding self-pity.
May I grow in the faith
that, whatever my circumstances,
I need have no regrets
but may entrust
my past to your mercy,
my present to your love,
and my future to your Providence.
May I know, too,
that my faith in you
is only a shadow
of your faith in me
and your love for me.
Amen. dlH9V_ohdLu1ZjR720Q
11-19-2014, 07:56 PM
Let us pray:
Happy are those, Lord
who long in their hearts
to walk the roads
that lead to Jerusalem,
the City of Peace. Ps 84
Now that I stand in Jerusalem,
I pray:
“Peace be upon everyone.” Ps 1222,8
I know that in your presence, Lord,
justice and peace Ps 8514
will come about. Amen.
11-20-2014, 09:24 AM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
open our eyes
to the wonder
of all your creation
- from the beauty
of all that is close to us,
to the fascination
of far-away places
on our own planet and far beyond.
Heighten our awareness,
deepen our understanding,
and extend our horizons
that we may have respect
for all that is around us
and discover your kingdom
deep within us. Amen.
11-21-2014, 10:25 PM 9xLz21i1DFE5r44liOC
One of the early Christian writers was called Eusebius,
and he died about the year 340A.D. He wrote these words
which we will make our prayer today:
May I be no-one’s enemy,
and God’s friend.
May I never quarrel
with those nearest me
but, if I do,
may I be reconciled quickly.
May I never plot evil against others,
and if anyone plots evil against me
may I escape unharmed
and without the need
to hurt anyone else.
May I love and seek and achieve
only what is good.
May I desire happiness for all,
and may I envy no-one.
May I never find pleasure
at the misfortune of someone
who has done wrong to me
May I gain no victory
that harms either me
or my opponent.
May I reconcile friends
who become angry with one another.
May I, insofar as I can,
give all necessary help
to those who are in need,
and never fail a friend in trouble.
May I respect myself
and always keep in control of myself,
being gentle in attitude
and never letting circumstances
make me angry with others.
May I never discuss the wicked
or what they have done wrong,
but know good people
and follow in their footsteps.
Amen. VstHlYeMA2dU9Zpo67f
11-22-2014, 05:04 PM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
until the time
of the printing press,
people copied the Gospel,
writing it by hand.
Slowly the Gospel took shape
- both on the page
and deep within themselves.
I ask that the Gospel
- the Good News of your love -
may be written in me
not with ink
but with the Spirit of God. 2 Cor 33
Only then
will I grow as a credible witness
of the wealth of your love.
Day by day,
as the pages of my own life turn over,
remind me
that you write my name
on the palm of your hand. Is 4916
I ask this prayer
through Jesus,
who is your Word,
living amongst us. Amen.
11-23-2014, 06:47 PM
Let us pray:
Lord, in my better times
it is easy for me
to ask in prayer
that I may never allow
the negative actions of others
to dictate
that I should act in a negative way.
In the difficult times
that I may face in the future,
I ask that I may be true
to my inner convictions
and still look for the best in others,
remaining generous towards them.
Remind me, too,
that, as time moves on,
people can change
and their attitude can change
for the better.
11-25-2014, 01:04 AM
Let’s think of those who look back
and wish they had an extra day or
more time:
- those who have too little time
for what they are expected to do;
- those who have lost a sense of balance
and proportion in their lives;
- those who feel
that they have made a mess
of everything
and would like to be able
to start again.
We pray, too,
for those who might wish for less time:
- those who are worried
about what might happen;
- those who are in despair;
- those who suffer hours
of pain and illness;
- those who are in prison
or are being tortured;
- those who wish to die.
On all these people, Lord,
we ask your blessing.
11-25-2014, 10:39 AM
Let us think of these words as we pray:
Lord, you are like a shepherd to me,
and so I have all that I need.
You give me rest
in meadows of green grass,
and you lead me to flowing water
where I gain new life and strength.
You guide me
along the way that is best for me.
Even when I walk in darkness
and everything around
seems like death,
you are there, walking with me,
and the promise
of your love and faithfulness
helps to conquer my fear.
In the sight of those who do me down,
you invite me
to sit at table with you.
There you offer me
even more than I need,
and you remind me
that I am significant and special.
You call me to goodness and kindness
every day of my life,
and your house will be my home
my whole life long.
(Psalm 23)
11-26-2014, 09:06 PM
This Thanksgiving and Everyday
This Thanksgiving and everyday
I’m inviting The Lord to my humble little table
For always showering me… from up above
With His endless guidance, blessings and love
There I’ll thank Him for the air
That I can sweetly breathe
The view upon the shimmering ocean shore
For the little children that sit down with Us
Who We now smile upon, love and adore
I’m Thankful for the food
The harvest He prepares
Always providing for our every need
Showing that He cares
I’m thankful for the ones I love
Who love me... right back
For the moon that shines upon my face
Filling my heart... with His comforting embrace
I’m Thankful for the legs…
That take me here and there
For the heart of giving
To always show I care
I’m thankful for the hands
That gives a comforting touch
For the voice to always say,
“I love you, very much”
I’m thankful for the sheltering roof
Above this tables fair
For the warm and comforting bed
Where I kneel to say my daily prayers
I’m thankful for the friend
He has graciously sent my way
The one I found in you
Oh, What a bless filled day!
I’m Thankful for the Son
Who has taught my heart so much
Through His endless guidance
And always loving touch
I’m thankful to God…
For making me who I am
For forgiving me when I should err
Making me whole once again
Invite Them to your dinner table
Fill your plates with gratefulness
Bow your heads in gracious praise
Lifting your voices to the Heavens
This Thanksgiving and everyday
By Brenda Conley
11-27-2014, 07:38 PM
“I place myself into your hands, Father,”
were the words of Jesus as he lay dying
on the cross.
‘Dying is trusting in the Catcher! Caring
for the dying is saying: “Don’t be afraid!
Remember that you are a beloved son or
daughter of God. He will be there when you
make your long jump… Don’t try to catch
him, he will grab you… Just stretch out
your arms and hands, and trust… trust…
Let us pray:
Help me to grow in trust, Father,
so that I can more readily
place myself into your hands,
confident that all shall be well.
If thought more appropriate on the particular
occasion, the words “both now and at the time
of our death” could be omitted. An alternative
Let us pray:
Help us to grow in trust, Father,
and place ourselves
into your hands,
both now
and at the time of our death.
11-28-2014, 08:40 PM
Let us pray and give thanks:
Let’s pause
to remember and give thanks
for what has been good in our lives:
- for people who have given us
love and care,
friendship and support…
Let’s pause
to remember and give thanks
- for our health and talents,
and for the opportunities
that come to us…
Let’s pause
to remember and give thanks
- for the beauty that we can see
and for the inspiration we receive…
Let’s pause
to remember and give thanks
- for the happy memories we treasure
and for all that has been good
over the years…
Let us pause and give thanks for each blessing
that comes our way,
no matter how big or small
no matter what form it takes. mj
11-29-2014, 10:32 AM
Let us pray:
Inspire me, Lord,
to be of good influence
on people I will meet today.
11-30-2014, 07:57 AM
Let us pray:
you were given
five loaves and two fish.
I give you
all that I have
and all that I am,
ready to be transformed.
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