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11-01-2014, 10:07 AM
Be Like Little Children
When little children stumble and fall, they may cry for a bit, but then they stand up and carry on. In the same way, we too have to be persistent like little children. Get over your embarrassment and self consciousness. Pick yourself up and carry on.
11-02-2014, 09:54 AM
Pessimist to Optimist
If you have the habit of seeing things from a pessimistic viewpoint, then all you need to do is broaden your scope for a moment and step outside of your negative perspective. View the situation from a different light. See the opportunity in every difficulty, not the difficulty in every opportunity. Focus on the possibilities and not the impossibilities. Be more optimistic and you’ll be healthier and less stressed than when you were a pessimist.
11-03-2014, 07:08 AM
Flow Forward
There is always a way forward.
Like a river, no matter what obstacles come your way, just flow. Sometimes you have to go with the flow, at other times you have to find or create a new way, so that you can move forward.
Just keep flowing forward and enjoy new landscapes and experiences.
11-04-2014, 08:07 AM
Get a Rise Out of You
When someone is so obviously trying to get a rise out of you.... most of the time we're thick skinned enough to laugh it off. But when we're feeling a little stretched, a bit worn out, most of us tend to react.
The best thing to do when someone's trying to get a rise out of you is to rise above your reaction. Try not to expend energy by engaging in someone else's negativity. Instead, slowly count 1, 2, and 3, and conserve energy. If you can't laugh it off, stay cool and respond positively.
11-05-2014, 10:17 AM
Learn and Teach
Learning is the reward for respecting life and teaching is the fruit of experiencing life.
So take the opportunity to learn and put your learning into action. Share the lessons learned and teach by example.
11-06-2014, 08:30 AM
Feel So Tired
When we’re feeling tired, it can be easy to dwell on how tired we are. But dwelling on tiredness just makes us feel more tired. Instead ask yourself, ‘Why am I so tired?’
‘Am I getting enough sleep?’ ‘Am I putting too much pressure on myself, trying to do too much?’
Accept how tired you feel, then start to take the pressure off yourself. Before you know it, you'll feel your energy coming back. Don't forget to get some more sleep, if you need it.
11-07-2014, 10:19 AM
Filtered View of the World
We see what we want to see, not what's actually there. It's as if we view the world through a filter. Recognize the filter through which you view the world.
If it's negative or it's not working for you, think about changing the filter. Make it positive, or remove all filters and view the world as it is.
11-08-2014, 08:27 AM
Creative Writing
Put yourself in a creative space and make time to write. Write poetry, fiction, anything. You don’t have to write for anyone, just write for yourself. Don’t let the rules of language become a barrier. Evoke a moment in time, a person, an event, an impression, a feeling, an insight. Give voice to the deep and meaningful part of yourself. Be creative, be honest, be brave and write.
11-09-2014, 08:52 AM
Strengthen Your Willpower
Willpower is what keeps you on track. Willpower is what stops you from giving in to temptations. So, strengthen your willpower, not by removing the temptations but by facing them and choosing not to give in! The next time you find yourself lacking in willpower, refocus on your aim and why you want to achieve it. Remind yourself: I am in control of my choices. I am in charge of my behavior. I am the master of my life.
11-10-2014, 08:29 AM
Time Wasters
How much time have you wasted today? How, why and where?
Time is most valuable, so avoid wasting valuable time. How? Identify your time wasters and start to remove or minimize them. Then you’ll make the most and best of the time available.
11-11-2014, 08:30 AM
Feel Good About Yourself
Most of us seem to acknowledge that there is goodness in everyone, but it’s not always as easy to acknowledge the goodness in ourselves.
The good is there, it's been there all along, but sometimes it’s simply out of sight. So acknowledge the goodness within yourself and bring it back in sight.
Focus on it and little by little, the goodness will slowly filter through to your thoughts and feelings. And then you’ll begin to feel good about yourself.
11-12-2014, 09:38 AM
What's Your Theme Song?
Just as movies and television shows have theme tunes, wouldn't it be amazing if we had a personal theme tune! Something that maybe gets played when you wake up or when you enter a room, or simply in the background of your experiences.
If you don't already have a theme tune for your life, then today, you get to pick one. Select a tune that motivates, inspires or resonates with you.
So what’s your theme tune and why?
11-13-2014, 09:13 AM
Walking Radiators
Did you know that we’re all walking radiators?
Whatever is going on inside us – thoughts, attitudes, intentions and feelings, radiate out. Although subtle, they broadcast loud and clear into the environment.
What are you radiating and broadcasting right now?
11-14-2014, 08:38 AM
Gossip, A Good Idea?
'Did you hear about...?' Even though we know gossiping really isn't a good idea, who hasn't repeated a story. But did you hear about the research that says that gossiping can be good for you - as long as it's positive.
If gossiping is almost a second nature to you, go ahead and get gossiping - just make it positive.
Say something positive behind someone's back. Affirm someone's successes and strengths, and spread positive stories.
11-15-2014, 10:27 AM
Stop Being Controlling
To end most of the struggles in life, stop trying to control everything around you. When you decide and accept that you no longer need to control everything, you’re able to be at peace and flow with life.
11-16-2014, 07:30 AM
Attention, No Tension
To be tension free, pay attention. Pay attention to the little things in front of you, as well as thinking and planning ahead. If you neglect or postpone all the small things today, they’ll create tension for you tomorrow. So, today pick two small tasks from your to-do list and see them through to completion. Pay attention to the details and do the tasks well.
11-17-2014, 08:58 AM
Think You Can't
There are many things in life we think we can't do. And we're right, we really can't. But there are so many things we probably could do, if we just gave it a go.
This week, do something you think you can't do. Just give it a go. Something that's slightly, but not overwhelmingly, challenging.
If you can't do it, then you’ll discover that you can't do it. But if you can, then you'll expand your capacity and confidence.
11-18-2014, 08:44 AM
Wrap Up Warm
Its cold outside, it’s time to put our coats on and wrap up warm. Not just to protect yourself from a freezing breeze but to also maintain your health.
How about putting on a layer of healthy thoughts and wrapping up warm, with positive feelings. Not just to protect your inner peace and happiness, but to also maintain your well being.
11-19-2014, 09:42 AM
The Ethic of Non-Violence
Not only does the philosophy of non-violence teach us not to hurt anyone physically or verbally, but it also teaches us not to harm anyone's self-respect, not even through our thoughts.
Such an ethic requires great awareness and sensitivity. The easiest way to do this is, by having self-respect, and then we can be respectful and non-violent with others.
11-20-2014, 10:00 AM
Dividing Your Attention
Do you have the habit of dividing your attention between multiple things at once? Are you trying to save time? Divided attention reduces focus, increases tension, and it actually takes more time to get things done.
Here's the antidote: Focused attention. Focus your attention on one thing at a time. Give the conversation, the person, the meal, the task... your full attention. This increases focus, reduces tension, and it will take less time to get things done.
11-21-2014, 09:53 AM
Going or Growing Through Life?
Sometimes, do you feel like you're simply going through the routine of life.... when nothing seems exciting? Go through life feeling like this, and you'll most likely end up experiencing fatigue and boredom.
However, if you were to just turn your perspective around, you'll find that the other side of the coin is much more pleasant. Grow through life, and you'll most likely find learning and excitement even in the routine.
What's it going to be - are you going or growing through life?
11-22-2014, 09:05 AM
Sharpen Your Memory
Even though we may not remember everything, we can still boost our ability to remember things more easily. How? Make lists and keep life organized rather than trying to keep everything in your head. Be more aware of what’s going on around you, as often we sabotage the memory process by not paying close attention. Also pay attention to your lifestyle, eat right, sleep well, exercise, meditate. Doing a crossword or sudoku puzzle can also sharpen your memory.
11-23-2014, 09:11 AM
Carefree Care
Are you carefree? Even when there are many responsibilities and things to do? Carefree doesn’t mean you don’t care; you do care. You do things with care and you’re careful. Yet at the same time you enjoy life and do not feel burdened or drained, no matter what’s going on.
11-24-2014, 09:32 AM
Endless Train of Thoughts
Does your mind often feel like a busy station?
The next time it feels like there’s an endless train of thoughts, try this: Get off the train of thoughts. Just as you can sit on the platform and watch the trains come and go, in the same way, watch your thoughts come and go.
Just sit and watch, and you'll most probably find that all the trains have departed from your mind.
11-25-2014, 09:57 AM
To Pay or Play
Why do you go to work - for the pay or to play? For most of us, there’s a lot more at play than pay. Pay doesn't necessarily create engagement; it tends to take the L out of PLAY.
Put the L back in PAY. Remember why you go to work in the first place. Reaffirm your choice to go to work. Reengage your energy and expertise, and make work into a game. Play the game well and the pay will just be a bonus!
11-26-2014, 02:48 AM
Tame Your Emotions
Do you know your inner emotional monster? It comes in various shapes and forms. Sometimes as anger, sometimes jealousy, sometimes guilt, sometimes blame.
Now, they are not to be feared but they are to be recognized. Otherwise the emotions overwhelm and overtake, distort our reasoning and response-ability.
The first step is to recognize. Second is to calm down and tame your emotions. The third step is to transform your inner monster into a little helper, by letting it help you find the real reasons behind the emotions.
11-27-2014, 09:57 AM
It's OK to Ask for Help
Do you feel comfortable asking for help? Many of us feel uncomfortable, perhaps because we expect too much from ourselves, because we want to do it all, or because we see it as a weakness.
Today, remind your ego that it's OK to ask for help.
Get comfortable with yourself and ask for help when you need it.
11-28-2014, 10:25 AM
Listen and Develop
Listen. We listen all the time... but are we really listening?
Listen to the words and develop a love for language, words and their meanings. Listen to the tone of voice and you'll understand others better.
Listen with an open mind and develop new insights and knowledge. Listen with your heart and you'll develop meaningful connections.
Listen with your being and you'll be inspired and enriched.
11-29-2014, 09:08 AM
Intention in Interactions
Bring positive intentions to every interaction! Set an intention and choose how you would like to relate to the other person. “I intend to be helpful.” “I intend to treat the other person with dignity and respect.” Keep up your good intentions by matching your actions to your intentions.
11-30-2014, 10:07 AM
Let Go
So much of what holds us back is our inability to ‘let go’. Letting go is simply making a decision to no longer allow something from the past to influence your life in the present moment. So let go!
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