View Full Version : Stop and chat with God

10-24-2014, 12:16 PM
Sisters in Christ Worldwide

Hurry up, hustle, got to go now, need to have it done today! Does your day seem to be full of phrases like these? Exactly when are we expected to have time for prayer, meditation, praise and gratitude? It sounds like a week full of Mondays, and still we struggle to balance our lives with work, family, friends, commitments and possibly even a “me” time. After all of that, what do we offer the Lord?

In our society, we have lost the “rest on Sunday” thinking. As a child, we went to church, had Sunday dinner and then spent the remainder of the day resting and having family time. Not a Norman Rockwell family, but none the less, we treasured our time together and without tasks to be done on Sunday. I find it hard to find a family now who does not have someone working at their job, or at the very least catching up on all the chores that didn’t get done during the week. All in an attempt to keep the family running smoothly. After checking some statistics, I find that over 60% of jobs in this era work some sort of week-end, day or night. The Lord rested on Sunday…not a bad idea. However; probably not a realistic one in this day and age.

Sometimes I feel like a hamster on a wheel, running and running, and only stopping when I am exhausted and have to sleep. When we’re in this mode, we forget to look around and see the beauty, to stop and listen to God’s world, and to hug our children as they so quickly strive to “get on our wheel”. At a recent workshop, I was challenged to commit to a schedule each day that included a time for devotion, a time for prayer, time for me, and time with my family. It didn’t have to be a huge block of time for any, but it did have to be 100% focused on each goal. I thought it would be a piece of cake, until about the 3rd day when the phone was ringing, the laundry was still in the dryer and I was behind at work. I continued to pursue the challenge and finally after about a week, I found myself getting back on track everyplace. Family, work, commitments and even in my own personal life…I had time. I was baffled how I could do more in a day while still adding the goals I had set. Then I realized that God needs us to stay centered on His voice, and by doing so, everything else seemed to fall into place. I found myself praying as I drove – actually more of a conversation, than a prayer. Then finding intentional quiet times to offer my thoughts to the Lord. I easily offered thanks and gratitude, including all those around me. They seemed to be more relaxed too. It really was amazing.

Now when I feel the wheel start to spin….I take a deep breath, and intentionally stop and chat with God. Within minutes, I feel better and can continue, generally accomplishing my task with much less stress. What a wonderful gift it is to have the Lord to help you carry your burdens. Get off that wheel, and join your Father in a stroll. I think you’ll like it.

Submitted by Claudia Little

“What can be lighter than a burden which takes our burdens away, and a yoke which bears up the bearer himself.” St Bernard

Good Morning Lord, we ask you this day for patience and wisdom. For with these 2 things we may find the time to spend with the ones who are dear to us and with you Father as you guide us on our life journey. Please help us to slow down, admire and give thanks for the important things in our lives. Be with those who are in a greater need today. Let them feel your arms about them and hear your voice in their hearts and minds. Amen.